More on the UC Budget: Catch 2030 Tuesday, January 11, 2022
Our previous post yesterday on the state budget proposal put forward by the governor touched on the UC portion. In addition to the proposed funding for 2022-23, the governor proposes a multiyear funding "compact," apparently with the approval of UC president Drake, dealing with various goals about enrollment, equity, etc. Old timers will recall that UC had a "compact" with Governor Schwarzenegger which dissolved as soon as a budget problem arose. In fact, the legislature today cannot obligate future legislatures to live up to "compacts." Caution is advised, not only because of the multiyear element, but also because the details of the goals and obligations won't be available until the May Revise. Below is the account from the LA Times of the higher ed "compact," followed by the actual language in the budget proposal: Newsom proposes big funding for UC, Cal State. But there’s a condition: Close equity gaps Teressa Watanabe, Colleen Shalby, 1-10-22
Gov. Gavin Newsom’s budget proposal released Monday makes a significant pledge to the University of California and California State University: five years of annual funding increases that would deliver long-sought financial stability. But there’s also a big caveat. The public university systems have to close achievement gaps among underserved students, a stubbornly elusive goal for years, and meet a long list of other specific targets to boost graduation rates, reduce the cost of attendance and increase California undergraduate enrollment. The budget plan also proposes funding to increase California student enrollment this fall by 9,434 students at Cal State and 7,132 at UC — including 902 seats at UCLA, UC Berkeley and UC San Diego currently allocated to international and out-of-state students. The state would provide $31 million to those three popular campuses to cover the cost of replacing nonresident students, who each pay about $30,000 in supplemental tuition, with Californians.
The multiyear agreements Newsom unveiled with UC and Cal State would provide a 5% UCLA Faculty Association Blog: First Quarter 2022