Constructing journal 4

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Constructing Environments Week 4 Journal - Working Drawings

Daniel Kellett 635876

Information located within the title block: • • • • • • • • •

Scale Company Name Title of the Document Client Drawing Area Orientation Revision of any previous sets or current sets File Number Type of document (Structural vs. Architectural)

This information, as well as minor details within the block there for the reader or viewer of the document to gain an understanding of the space being observed as well as to understand some of the conventions being represented on the document. This floor plan is representative of the Eastern Resource Centre, located on the University of Melbourne’s Parkville Campus. This building is fairly modern, however the adjacent building is connected via a new link which is post-modern in design. The floor plan shows the working details of the space. Within the plan we observe the following: Doors Windows Walls References to other images and plans within the overall document set • Revision sections where alternations need to be made to the plan or where they have been altered. • • • •

Many of these observations also show their type, for instance, in regards to windows and doors, various symbols are donated in the areas of the doors and windows which show the type of door/window being employed into the site, i.e. Sliding door, hinge door, roller door, etc. The document also shows the dimensions of features within the site and the site itself. This is donated by the symbols and imagery represented in figure 1.

A general notes section is also located within the document and this is used to store the legend and notes regarding the document. These notes are used to provide information regarding not just the image being observed but all documents located within the set of documents. These provide additional information about the plans as well as explain the myriad of symbology that is used within the plans throughout the document set.

Within each of the documents are areas in which sections of the drawings are represented in another document further in the set to provide more detail in that particular area. They symbolised using an arrow system of sorts seen below in figure 4.

Figure 4. Section cut symbol Figure 2. Grid System In order to reference the piece and locate/identify things easily on the plan shown, a grid system is set up using numbers (running down vertically) and letters (running along horizontally). This allows for identification of objects within the space, either for immediate detail or representation in further detail within other images located on other sets. This can be seen in figure 2. above. Although the general notes provide overall information about the site, annotations are located at points on each document and provide additional information about a particular aspect of the design. These are donated by using an arrow originated from the area of details and points towards a text paragraph located near the point of interest, this can be seen in figure 3.

Within the circular section of the image is located small details pertaining to: • The section document (reference as to which document the section is located on within the entire set itself) • The section itself and what part of the site it makes up regarding the overall design plan. As previously mentioned, the plans for these structural drawings shows the various types of windows and doors located within the plan itself. The symbology for each of the doors and windows shown on the document are explained within the legend of the plan in the general nots section. Each of the doors and windows are also numbered in a clockwise direction and this helps locate certain windows or doors more easily when viewed. This can be seen in figure 5 below.

Figure 5. Windows and Doors

Floor levels are also represented on this document and these are located within the title block in a separate section, listing all the levels that exist on the site.

Figure 3. Annotations on document Figure 1 symbology

There are clouded regions located within the document and these represent areas of the document that have been revised or need to be revised from a previous issue or one that will need to be produced in the future.

0.1/0.2 - Title Block & Drawing Plans Content

The elevations make up another section of the information within the entire sec of documents for the site. On these documents are located the following:

The is no legend on an elevation, however key points on the images are shown in detail and annotations are used in order to represent this additional information. In elevations, doors and windows are represented like the following.

• Vertical dimensions of the floors according to the floor levels • Visual representation of the building which shows all structural features that would be visible upon completion • No hatching and elimination of features, which is shown in the plan drawings Dimensions for the elevations are not shown however reference measurements are made as to provide relation to other features within the document page. As previously mentioned, levels are represented according to the floors that exist within the site. These are numbered and listed in the title block within a separate section. At points within the document, notes at detailed areas are given a letter or number to list the floor that the object is on, e.g G01 (ground 1). Elevations also show grid systems and are represented as shown below in figure 6.

Figure 6. Elevation grid system

Sections of the elevations are also clouded, much like the elevations, and this represents the revisions as well, for sections that have been altered from previous sets or that require attention and alteration for future sets. Our set did not have any architectural elevations and so we used the elevations of another building, however the elevation (of the MSLE building), were taken from the Eastern face.

0.3 - Drawing Content - Elevations

The sections within this document show detailed elements of Sections that have been cut through are particular parts of the larger site. These details drawings show represented with hatching which can be seen in dimensions, small fine details between materials as well as labelling the image below. and descriptions of the section being viewed. The primary details shown are that of the materials that the object is comprised of. The dimensions, unlike the elevation, show details about the length of the actual object, rather than just a relative length according to objects in the vicinity.

If an element in a detailed drawing is repeated over a long distance, then a break line is used to compress the image as to allow for other images to fit onto one document page, this can be seen below.

Like the other drawing types, section are shown with annotations and appear like the image below in figure 7. Figure 7. Annotations - Sections

Materials are shown by using symbology within the object that is described in the legend on the document. Grout and other natural materials for example are donate by the following imagery.

In detailed drawings, complex refined details are shown that give rise to the small materials and items used to form the object, such as brackets, bolts and foundation systems.

0.4/0.5 - Drawing Content Sections & Details

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