Randa Insight

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Table of Contents 1 Market Research 3 Product and Benefits 5 Strategy 10 Summary 13 Appendix

Why digital is changing the industry? Technology is becoming a permanent fixture in the everyday life, affecting consumers and employees behavior. As the world evolves along with technology organizations are faced with the challenge of effectively engaging their customer at every touchpoint of the customer experience lifecycle. Therefore, digital transformation isn’t an end goal; it’s a continuous journey. It’s the result of learning more about the relationship between technology and customer behavior to earn relevence among them.


How can we deliver greater value to customers through technology? Technology opens up many possibilities for a company but its main goal is to offer a better service. Differentiating your business by adding different levels of service adds value to your client relationships and helps develop the relationship you already have. The more transparent the process the more you will be able to meet your client’s expectations. Finally, mantaining continuous contact with your client will enforce your commitment to their success and will further position you in the market.


Randa Delivers As a result of the technology driven market, Randa will deliver a new service where retailers will have access to exclusive information of our current business. Here we explain why we do what we do and we enforce to our partners all the hard work that goes into every task we undertake. We become transparent of our processes and encourage our customers to join us in the journey of their products.


The Benefits Mantaining constant contact with our client encourages their buy-in to the process while also providing us with advance feedback of the issues that are currently relevant to them. The more informed and empowered customers are, the more satisfied and confident they are with their choices, which almost always leads to loyalty.


Why retailers come to us?

We’re the worlds largest men’s accessories company. We have been in the business for quite a while and we’re good at it. We offer them the latest products in the market. We care about their succes; and because of this we have created strong relationships.


How can we keep them coming?

Staying on trend with the ever changing market. Tapping into the growing digital world. Giving them more than what they ask for. Providing them with a unique experience.


What can we offer?

A team of professionals. Inspiration. Knowledge. Experiences. Success.


The result? An educated customer is a more confident consumer. Leading to more purchases. Meaning more money.



to sum it all up...


WHY? Many reasons. But mainly, because we are leaders. We’re constantly looking for innovation. We want to keep up with the ever changing market. And, finally because we want to be the example. WHO? Millenials By 2020 they will account for some 86 million employees. They are getting older but their minds are getting younger. Millenias are 2.5 times more likely to be early adopters of technology. HOW? We wil tell a story. (80% of millenials want brands to entertain them.) We will show our process. (40% want to participate in co-creation of products and brands.) We will provide easy access. (70% feel a responsibility to share feedback with companies after an experience.) WHAT? A new developed platform focused on interaction and communication. Offering our retailers the ability to peak inside our business at any time of they day.

“People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.” - Simon Sinek




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References http://www.forbes.com/sites/williamcraig/2015/04/10/dont-market-to-your-customers-educatethem-instead/3/#599b00e670e0 https://www.mercia-group.co.uk/Downloads/Add%20value%20to%20your%20clients%20relationships.pdf http://www.rickramos.com/marketing/blogger-influence-purchasing-decisions-infographic/ http://www.millennialmarketing.com/who-are-millennials/ http://www.fastcompany.com/3007916/if-your-company-targets-millenials-read-now http://randa-imagine.blogspot.com/2016/05/a-call-for-leadership.html http://randa-imagine.blogspot.com/2016/06/good-better-best-meets-analysis.html#more http://organizationalphysics.com/2013/04/01/whats-wrong-with-the-golden-circle/ http://venturebeat.com/2014/05/15/digital-disruption-is-forcing-businesses-to-change-howbusiness-is-done/ http://www.internalresults.com/engage-your-b2b-prospects-with-strong-digital-strategy http://www.forbes.com/sites/avidan/2014/11/09/11-marketing-trends-to-watch-for-in2015/#4a83471d7e83

Special thanks to: Beth Miller Michelle Michod Teava Brown Melanie Orshan Kendra Cody Eric Luft Seth Howard Chris Ingram Susan Hayes Caitlin Laria Lindsey Mischik Samantha Wong Giovanna Loyola

Thank you.

by Daniella Arcila

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