The A-Tech Newsletter | January 2014 | Vol. 3 | Iss. 8

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The A-Tech Newsletter | January 2014 | Vol. 3 | Iss. 8

Table of Contents

Table of Contents & Editor’s Note


Current and Upcoming Events


Magical Forest


Ice Skating Social


Key Club Inductions 2013-2014


Article-Writing Tips


Become a Board Officer!


Events Calendar


Contact Information


Bulletin Editor Daniel Lang

Happy New Year, A-Tech! Another month has passed already? Wow, Winter Break just wasn’t long enough! Key Club certainly got a lot done, though: Magical Forest and an Ice Skating Social! We now have a Service Event Archive on our website ( service) with comprehensive event recaps, featuring both articles and visuals from our biggest events, too! You should check that out, since it’s being updated now and again. Onward to the newsletter! This month, our heaviest focus is on Induction, Recognition, and Election. Now’s the time to start pursuing your leadership potential, because a month from now, our new board will have been chosen. Applications are available from our advisor and should also be online. And lastly, thank goodness those semester exams are over! Meetings will resume, Thursdays, as usual; so see you there! (And enjoy your day off tomorrow, in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day!)

“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is what are you doing for others?” – Martin Luther King Jr.

Current and Upcoming Events >Science Tours

02/08 -A-Tech Act like an Ambassador, and lead 7am5pm

people around the school! There’s also a tour Friday, though sign-ups are now closed.

>Key Club Elections

-A-Tech Lecture Hall


02/13 Run for an office, and vote for who 2pm4pm

you think would best serve the available positions! Applications due the Thursday before, on February 6th.

>The Color Run

-Downtown Las Vegas

02/22 Paint color onto participants in this TBA


unique charity run in the downtown area! Celebrating “healthiness, happiness, and individuality!”

Member of the Month December 2013: Mark Paragas

The Magical Forest

“On Friday December 27th, ten lucky A-Tech students arrived at Magical Forest in Opportunity Village to hope to volunteer for approximately five hours. Sadly however, only a few got in. The early ones were lucky, but those who came on the dot had to go home as Magical Forest had an overstock of volunteers that night. Once we arrived at the volunteer center, we signed in at laptops and put on a smock, waiting to be assigned a position. There were many different types of positions, ranging from selling things at a booth, to stopping people from flying off slides; the latter was not fun, I can say from experience. Those who spent their afternoon on a stool selling things had a leisurely night, but rather a boring one. I was assigned to a slide where we had to stop people from flying off the edge and helping them off the water tubes. After we were assigned to our outpost, we had the chance to meet with our group members. There were many different groups. In my group, there were two Sierra Vista seniors and someone else whom we never got the name of. Although some may say that this experience was not in fact the most exciting or fun, we did get to meet a lot of new people. For the most part, I feel like this experience, although definitely not the most exciting, was one to keep for the scrapbooks. For those who went, we racked up an easy four hours and thirty minutes. Hopefully next time, more people will get to go and everyone will get to have a better experience.� -

Stanley Yip (9th grade)

Ice Skating Social

Fun While Ice Skating! “On December 28, 2013, I had the opportunity of attending one of A-tech Key Club’s most talked-about social events: ice skating! The event was organized by our club’s Vice President, Hung Le. The event was made for mainly A-Tech kids, but kids from other schools were also welcome to attend. When I first went to the Las Vegas Ice Center, I was surprised because a lot of people were there, and I mean a lot! There was a line stretching from the register all the way to the entrance of the building! Once I paid for my ticket and got my skates on (after triple-checking to make sure they were as tight as possible), I was finally able to enter the ice rink. The first thing that hit me: the cold. I’ve been ice skating multiple times, but it always surprises me at how cold it can get. I started skating and saw a ton of my friends from not only ATech, but from other schools as well. After about an hour, my feet and ankles started to hurt. I was able to help a few friends learn the basics of ice skating, which felt pretty rewarding. After two group photos and more ice skating, it was time to leave, and I went to Five Guys to grab a bite. After that, many people left, and a small group of people and I decided to watch Anchorman 2. When the move was over, I finally got back home, and now I’m feeling the pain in my feet; but it was worth it!”


Tyler Chan (9th grade)

Key Club Inductions

“Inductions for me were a crazy and fun time. After school, I rushed down to the Lecture Hall, and seeing that no officer was there just yet, I ran down to go get some pizza from Ms. Medina’s pizza party from the Door Decorating competition. However, Stanley called me over and told me that Inductions were going to kick off soon, so I gave my food to a friend and ran down to the Lecture Hall area; but then we had to scatter elsewhere, and Jordana, Stanley, Aviel, and I retreated back to the Lecture Hall. There, we just chatted for a bit. After missing out on a pizza party and getting kicked out of the Lecture Hall Area (twice), the Inductions were underway at 2:30. At first, I didn’t know what to expect. I knew there was some mix up with my Induction records at first, and I wasn’t sure if I was going to get inducted or not. As they called out our names, Michael and I were talking about how they might misprint my name, since my name isn’t commonly spelled. But as my name got called up, I was excited (excited that I got my membership and excited to find out my name was spelled correctly). After that, we played some icebreakers in the Lecture Hall, and then migrated to the SAC to have some cookies and punch. Overall, it was an Induction to remember, and congratulations to all inductees.” -

Anutr Sivakoses (9th Grade )

CNH Recognition

Get Recognized at District Convention! “As District Convention is rapidly approaching, now is the time for members in Key Club to be recognized and awarded for their hard work and dedication. As a Key Clubber, there are many options for you to get recognized! As Halley has mentioned, there are awards such as the Sandy Nininger and the Member of the Year that you can apply for. These awards are great ways to give yourself recognition for your dedication to Key Club. As MoM Chair, I know that many of you are capable to apply for these awards! It doesn’t hurt to look into and apply for these awards, so I encourage you to do so. Not to mention, these awards can help put something on your resume that colleges can look at! It also demonstrates how you have strived to create a difference in our home, school, and community. Such awards demonstrate how you have grown as a Key Club member and how you have achieved many goals. So if you are interested, how do you apply for the Member of the Year and Sandy Nininger awards? It’s simple, really; just go to the CNH Cyberkey (, go to the Recognition tab, and click on contests. Scroll down to the bottom of the members heading, and there you can see the application [due February 20] for both of these awards. Look through the application to know what to expect in applying for an award. All in all, these awards are great opportunities for your hard work and dedication to be recognized by Key Club as a whole.”


Eric Munoz (Member of the Month Chair)

Article-Writing Tips Article-Writing Made Easy “Articles are pretty great because they offer a personal account to service events and socials, showing how an event can affect any one person. Plus, the articles just let anyone who did not go know what they missed! The purpose of this document is show you how easy it is to do an article for Key Club. Since you get extra hours for articles and visuals, submissions are a great way to get more service in. (I attached an example on the following page.) As a general rule, you will want to make sure you address the ‘who, what, where, when, why, and how’ of your article’s event. Articles are meant to be objective, though adding personal thoughts makes them much more appealing. As for length, 150-250 words is fine, since space within the newsletter is limited. For visuals, only five photos should be submitted. The best photos feature service in-action, though one group photo is nice for club-level newsletters (like mine). Logos are much-appreciated, too. When attaching images, simply page-break, then paste on its own page. (Visuals are not required to be attached, but they certainly make my life easier.) And that is all there is do it! While you should make sure to proofread all articles before submitting, I still look them for grammar and accuracy. (For more article examples, skim any of the newsletters.) Happy writing!” - Daniel Lang (Bulletin Editor)

Vice President of S

“Hey guys! Elections are with your members, teach th We all help each other out, you'll always cherish because

I hope many of you have responsibility to find differen that will allow you to build y

President Halley D

“Running for a leadersh you have on members and th

Vice Pre

“Hey gu does is plan or just have

Secretary Jessica

“If you think you have a like a Secretary does. In my ultimately the division and d leader means as you work to


“You sho ties are requi fundraisers fo

Bulletin Editor Dan

“Editors get to promote may be split next year; but ‘ building the website, making

The Next Step in Leadership

Service Allison Lenon

e coming up [on February 13], and if you become an officer, it could be your responsibility to connect hem the ways of Key Club, and keep them involved; you get to meet a lot of people on a deeper level. sharing different service opportunities around the valley. It's just overall a wonderful experience that e of the memories you made with some unforgettable Key Clubbers.

e considered running for my position— Vice President of Service. Holding this position means it is your nt community service events that suit our members' interest. My position is really a learning experience your leadership skills, because it will make you more open-minded and social.”


hip opportunity is such an amazing experience. Getting to see the impact he seeing your individual growth is the most rewarding feeling!”

esident of Membership Hung Le

uys, my name is Hung, and my position is Vice President of Membership. What VP of Membership n socials, inform everyone of the service events, and to talk to every member whether it’s about key club them connect with one another.”

a Marie Dimalanta

an unrivaled love for Key Club, the best thing you can do is immerse yourself in the job y position, I've learned to appreciate the behind-the-scenes work that makes a club, and district, work so well. As a Secretary, you really begin to understand what being a service o support the Key Club you fall even more in love with.”

er Brandon Owens

ould run for Treasurer because you get to handle money and set up fundraisers! Leadership responsibiliired, as with other positions, so Treasurers should be mindful of deadlines, and put time into finding or the club.”

niel Lang

e their Key Club through the club newsletter, website, or both! This position ‘til then, you’d be taking photos, bringing in articles, compiling the newsletter, g posters, and doing videos, like I am, now!”

January/February Events Calendar

January/February 19




MLK Day (no school) 26













General Meeting




General Meeting






General Meeting






General Meeting



Presidents’ Day (no school)




General Meeting

The 2013-2014 Board Officers >President

-Halley Darwin


>Vice Presidents

-Hung Le (membership)


-Brandon Owens



-Allison Lenon (service)

>Bulletin Editor


-Daniel Lang



-Jessica Marie Dimalanta



-Steffi Marie


>Member of the Month Chair -Eric Munoz


-Floyd Ngov


Thanks for reading! See you next month! | | 2501 VEGAS DRIVE LAS VEGAS, NV 89106 • 702-799-7870

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