The A-Tech Newsletter | June 2013 | Vol. 3 | Iss. 1

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The A-Tech Newsletter | June 2013 | Vol. 3 | Iss. 1

Table of Contents

Letter from the Editor


Greetings from the LTG


A Note from our President


Key Leader @ Camp Lee Canyon


A-Tech’s Culture Festival


Contact Information


A Letter from the Editor, Daniel Lang

Hey A-Tech, HOW DO YOU FEEL!? As your Bulletin Editor for the 2013-2014 Key Club year, I’d like say feeling good and fine all of the time is an understatement! My goal is to provide you with the most useful and up-to-date information about all things in and beyond A-Tech’s Key Club. And that includes over summer break! This month, there are some amazing articles written by fellow Key Clubbers just like YOU, from Key Leader and A-Tech’s Culture Festival. In addition, your LTG and president both have some things to tell you. (After any service event, you’re welcome to write an article and submit it to Daniel for a service hour and a feature here.) Anyway, enjoy the newsletter!

“And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.” – Nelson Mandela

A Message from D28N’s LTG, Christopher Bui

Hello A-TECH! This is your Division 28 North Lieutenant Governor, Christopher Bui. I just want to first start off by telling you how I excited I am for this coming school year. Remember even though it is summer, you can still do service. This year I want to focus less on the awards and recognition, but actually on helping the community itself. I know A-TECH is already amazing, but we can do so much better. Let's take this year and really connect with other Key Clubbers and the community. Thank you!

A Note from our President, Halley Darwin

Hello key clubbers! Most of you know me, but if not... My name is Halley Darwin, your Key Club President! I can't wait to see what this year brings us and I can't wait to see how much we will accomplish! We completed a whopping 1,729 total hours last year!! But I think we can aim for 2,000 this time! The board and I are currently planning this year. Although it’s summertime, remember there is always time to make for service. This year is going to be amazing. Be audacious! Try something new, build friendships, & grow into a stronger leader! Key Club-your ohana.

Key Leader 2013 @ Camp Lee Canyon

“Key Leader is just one of those life events you’ll never forget. To say the least, it was incredible. Upon arriving, we

were welcomed by the facilitators and advisors (who were as chill as can be), and we almost immediately started hanging out with our fellow campers. Everyone welcomed each other without hesitation. Over the course of the weekend, we played ice-breakers and did all sorts of engaging activities that built our knowledge of the Key Leader skills: Integrity, Growth, Respect, Community, and Excellence. The memories born will be cherished, and the plethora of photos I took will be a real treat to look back through for ages to come.” - Daniel Lang (Bulletin Editor)

BE AN OFFICER NOW “Are you full of energy and spirit? Is Key Club one of your passions? Do you have ideas that could take our Club to infinity and beyond? If you answered yes to those questions, running for an officer position is the way to go! Allow yourself to shine as one of ATA's Key Club board members! Embrace our core values of Leadership, Inclusiveness, Caring, and Character Building and take that leap of faith! Becoming a bigger part of our Key Club opens doors for you that you have never imagined. You'll meet new people that will become your closest friends, create unforgettable memories on a regular basis, and help change the community -- no, THE WORLD! So the next time elections come around, take your first steps into your extraordinary Key Club journey! Good luck!” -

Allison Lenon (VP of Service)

Even More from Key Leader!

“For my second year at Key Leader, I came back as student facilitator. Key

Leader inspired me to push myself further in life. This is a place where you will never be left out. When people just meet each other, within the next hour it seems like you knew them for years. It’s amazing to see how new friendships build and we all get involved in helping one another become stronger leaders. Key Leader definitely opens you up to eventually share your personality to new friends. I thought to myself on the last day, that I didn’t push myself enough to lead like the other student facilitators. I found out on the way home, with those grams that we wrote to everyone to remind themselves how thankful we were, that I actually inspired others to be strong. I never

knew I could be able to do this. Whether or not we had similar stories in our past, those people told me how they could look up to me. I knew that I grew much more confident in myself, although I’m going at a slow pace. I told myself, ‘Small steps go a long way, because no matter what, I am still moving forward to build my leadership.’ I shouldn’t have doubted myself before reading those grams. I knew I tried best and thought it wasn’t enough, but it truly was. As long as you try your best, and give it your all, you will always be a Key Leader.” - Miyu Asami (12th grade)

A-Tech’s Culture Festival

“Volunteering at the Culture Festival was a fun and hardworking experience. While helping out, I was able to bond and socialize with my fellow Key Clubbers that were also volunteering. I was first overwhelmed when people began to pile up waiting to be served food at our table, but with good teamwork and effort, it was not a problem. I also had great learning experience at this event by learning a lot about other cultures, especially through their foods. We were able to first help serve food to people who attended this event, and after when we were finished, we were able to help ourselves to the foods that festival had to offer. There were also many live performances performed by students at our school where each of them had their own unique ways of representing their culture. Serving people at our table helped me prepare for any service jobs I might have coming in the future. Serving at this event helped me better my cooperation skills and I would be glad to do anything in the fu-

“This year’s Culture Festival was definitely a great way to have fun and relax before final exams. While it was very different from last year’s, it was still an amazing way to celebrate different cultures. For half of the event, I was helping hand out food at the table that represented Asia. The Asia table alone was packed with foods from the Philippines, China, and other Asian cultures. There were also tables that showed off Africa, Europe, America, and other nations. At the table, I had fun talking with other fellow Key Clubbers and explaining the food to the people that wanted to try them. By the time the first shift was over, the performances began. I think the highlight was when seniors, Ashley Kim, Jerrell Barrios and Patrick August showed us their fencing skills, but Darren Chan also did a great job at playing “Best Friend” on piano! This year’s Culture Festival was a lot shorter than last year, but it still represented many cultures in a unique and fun way. Overall, Culture Festival was an amazing experience to add to my freshman year and I definitely recommend everyone to go next year!” Steffi Marie (SAA)

ture similar to this event.” -

Floyd Ngov (SAA) “Culture Festival 2013 was the first Culture Festival that I had ever attended. Volunteering at Culture Fest was an incredible experience that I could not forget. I had a chance to hang out with my friends, volunteer, and learn about the various cultures in our society. It was so surprising to me that so many members of our school had created food in their own spare time, and not only that but stay to coordinate the event as well. In the beginning, I’ve thought of this event as a simple event led by the school, but it was so much more than that. Culture Festival represented that when a community works together, we can achieve anything. Clubs like Key Club, R.E.S.P.E.C.T., DECA, Jewish Student Union, etc. worked together for the success of this year’s culture festival. In the end, I had a lot of fun at Culture Festival, and it was more than what I expected it to be.” -

Johnny Yang (9th grade)

The 2013-2014 Board Officers


-Halley Darwin



-Brandon Owens


>Vice Presidents

-Hung Le (membership)


>Bulletin Editor

-Daniel Lang

702-586-4695 -Allison Lenon (service)


>Sergeants-at-Arms -Steffi Marie



-Jessica Marie Dimalanta


-Floyd Ngov


Thanks for reading! See you month! | | 2501 VEGAS DRIVE LAS VEGAS, NV 89106 • 702-799-7870

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