4 minute read


The next decade of genetic selection will see us push the envelope on feed efficiency, growth and carcass quality. Our progeny testing program has proven that calves sired by our bulls average over 95% choice and higher with 30% grading prime. Our carcass weights have also averaged over 900 lbs. making them very desirable to cattle feeders and packers alike.

The basis for our success from the beginning has been performance testing, carcass testing, feed intake testing and progeny testing. Without this huge bank of data, our breeding program would just be a game of darts. “You Can’t Improve What You Don’t Measure”.


United States Of America

Colby Community College hosts a production bull test and sale annually with consignors from Kansas and surrounding states. Approximately fifty bulls are fed a silage, grain, and hay ration in the Vytelle SENSE system from the first of November through March by the beef program students and director. Feed efficiency is then reported to the consignors and published in the sale catalog for prospective buyers. The production sale has seen success reaching buyers as far as California and North Carolina over the prior years to be used for beef cow breeding stock or semen production. Thank you to all the consignors and sponsors who make the sale possible!


United States Of America


Over 20,000 bulls measured for feed intake.

Angus – Red Angus – South Devon – Simmental – Salers Charolais – Hereford – Gelbvieh

Sale Date: 1st week in April

Receiving Dates Mid September Mid October

Contact Details

Steve Williams

Office 406-322-5597

Steve 406-321-7046 bulls@midlandbulltest.com

Address: 5 Bull Dr Columbus, MT 59019 USA

Website: www.midlandbulltest.com




AAA REG# 18952013


One of America’s largest Angus herds for efficiency-tested bulls.

• Breed leading efficiency sires

• Bulls and females for sales

• Feed efficiency sired feeders available through our customers

Leo and Sam McDonnell

Columbus, MT USA

Leo: 406-780-0176

Sam: 406-321-0655


McDonnell GM Bighorn Unit

Vic and Darcy Geni

Buffallo, Wyoming

Vic: 307-217-0735

Darcy: 307-217-3437 darcymcdonnell@hotmail.com

Website: www.mcdonnellangus.com


United States Of America


AAA REG# 19250299

Here at Huston Angus Farms:

• We are testing all of our bulls and replacement heifers

• We test a few outside bulls and females

• We have bulls and females available all year round

• We are collecting our proven feed effecient bulls that we have raised and purchased

• We have semen available on 15 bulls that have an RFI EPD in the Top 15%

Bert Hutson 580-243-8812 hutsonfarms@gmail.com

Joe Sanders 405-638-1944

Address: 19471 E 1130 RD Elk City, OK 73664 USA

Our Annual Bull & Female Sale will be January 27, 2024 at the farm near Elk City, Ok

Website: www.HutsonAngusFarms.com


Olds College Technology Access Centre For Livestock Production


The Olds College Technology Access Centre for Livestock Production (TACLP) was established in 2016 as a resource for the livestock sector. Based in Central Alberta, the TACLP is an NSERC-funded centre within Olds College that specializes in applied livestock research, assists with technology development and validation, and provides primary producers with access to information and resources that will increase productivity on their operations. Since beginning operations in 2016, TACLP research and extension activities have focused on increasing production efficiencies, improving animal health and welfare, and enhancing environmental sustainability. One of the routine services offered to researchers and primary producers is residual feed intake (RFI) testing of beef cattle. Olds College has been providing this service for the industry for almost 20 years, and continues to advance cattle feed efficiency by allowing producers access to feedlot pens with Vytelle SENSE system capacity. Our centre evaluates approximately 550 animals annually and often has space for yearling bulls throughout the testing season. Please contact the TACLP to inquire about space availability or other facility information.

Contact Details

Sean Thompson

TACLP Manager

1-403-556-8314 sthompson@oldscollege.ca


4500 – 50th St

Olds, Alberta, T4H 1R6 Canada

Website: https://www.oldscollege.ca/ research/areas-of-focus/ livestock-meats/index.html




Semen is available on LBH 157K Ribstone 40W in the Canada, United States, Australia, Uruguay and Paraguay.

Andy & Margaret Schuepbach

Phone: 403-625-4693

Cell: 403-625-6316

Address: Box 2044 Claresholm, Alberta, T0L 0T0 Canada


Email: andy@lilybrookherefords.com

Dedicated Fax: 403-625-1500

Website: www.lilybrookherefords.com


United States Of America

In 2023, the Great Basin Bull Sale was created to provide producers in the western states with performance tested high efficiency bulls. Building on the legacy of Snyder Livestock’s Bulls for the 21st century bull test and sale, the Great Basin Bull Sale provides a venue for western seedstock producers of all breeds to showcase their genetics under a similar format. Bulls undergo rigorous evaluation in several categories as well as efficiency testing to provide a total animal evaluation. Gain, weaning performance, fertility (dam as well as individual), ultrasound, and feed efficiency, make up the categories for scoring. Three test groups are evaluated including early fall, late fall, and spring born bulls. A partnership was also formed with the Nevada Cattlemen’s Association to take over their range bull sale. The range bull division provides a source for age advantaged bulls to be included as well. For consignment information please contact us for information.

Great Basin Bull Sale

Email: greatbasinbullsale@gmail.com

Website: www.greatbasinbullsale.com


Charlie Hone

775-691-1838 honeranch@frontier.com

Kris Gudel

916-208-7258 krisgudel@frontier.com

Dave Holden 530-682-8594 wstwind@hotmail.com

Contact Details



Top 150 Percentile Table

Percentile bands tables provide a useful benchmarking resource for breeding values for herds participating in the Vytelle Network Genetic Evaluation. Every week, the percentile bands are updated from the most recent Vytelle Network Genetic Evaluation. Percentile bands allows beef producers to rank animals from the Top 1% of the Vytelle Network (1st percentile) down to the Bottom 1% of the Vytelle Network (99th percentile).

A simplified version of the Percentile bands table is included to the left to allow you to view this data and identify at what band your animals may currently sit and what progress may be needed to move to another band in the evaluation.

By nature of the animals selected for the Top 150 publication, all published animals are in the top 10% of the Vytelle Network for RFI EPD.

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