Envision Venado: A 5-Year Action Plan

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ENVISION VENADO A 5-Year Action Plan

Clara Vista is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that inspires leadership from within rural communities and empowers leaders with the tools they need to be agents of change. Through sustainable development planning, we envision a future where all communities are engaged, empowered, healthy, and resilient. Envision Venado is a 5-year action plan to achieve Venado’s self-defined goals. It summarizes two years of data collection and workshops held together with the community of Venado to outline their goals, identify their needs, and prioritize projects.







FUN | 37





We envision a world where...

Every resident in Venado has access to local healthcare services.

Envision Venado | 2


HEALTH Goal Every resident in Venado has access to local healthcare services. The community of Venado has identified access to local health services as their top priority with 100% of surveyed community members responding that these services are “necessary” or “definitely necessary”. While nearly all of those surveyed stated that they felt healthy, half suffer from chronic diseases such as diabetes, arthritis, hypertension, and/or asthma. During project identification and prioritization workshops, community members voted on which projects they perceive to be most critical to the community’s wellbeing and which projects they are personally most excited about moving forward. Community health projects (e.g., a local health clinic, maternal nutrition services, and health campaigns) ranked at the top of both categories - higher than environmental conservation and access to higher education. Currently, the closest health clinic and hospital are 25 and 50 minutes away respectively, and the wait is usually longer as public transportation is the primary means of transit. Local health services would not only improve the community’s access to medications and act as a resource for treating common injuries (e.g., from soccer, fishing, and snorkeling) and illnesses (e.g., dengue fever), but would also provide workshops and educational sessions on some of Venado’s key health issues (i.e., malnutrition, alcoholism, and drug use).

of Venado residents

suffer from some


type of illness of Venado residents

have needed a doctor when they didnt have access to one



An additional barrier to local health services is a lack of health insurance. Although Costa Rica has excellent national healthcare, most people in Venado do not qualify for benefits because they are either self- or seasonally-employed. Private insurance is often cost-prohibitive for an entire family.

By collaborating with the local municipality, Clara Vista can support Venado in the construction, maintenance, and staffing of a local health clinic as well as the provision of maternal health services. In order to access these municipal benefits, Venado must fulfill a variety of requisites starting with the establishment and registration of a municipally recognized Integrated Development Association. In the meantime, Clara Vista is working with local institutions (i.e., Red Cross, Center of Education and Nutrition, and the Ministry of Health) to provide medical trainings, workshops, services, and supplies from the Venado Community Center.

of times that

Venado residents

eat vegetables per week

# of trips to hospital per year 12

# of respondents


The average number

10 8 6 4 2 0


1-5 6-10 11-15

Envision Venado | 4

Objectives Improve Access

Facilitate Local Programs

Increase Educational Opportunities

1. Establish a local health clinic with basic services.

1. Mobilize community cleaning campaigns.

1. Train residents in first aid in collaboration with the Red Cross.

• Create an Integrated Development Association to receive municipal support. • Obtain and reserve land in Venado. • Collaborate with the municipality to construct and implement a local health clinic. 2. Host municipal maternal health services. • Partner with the National Center for Education and Nutrition (CEN). • Designate a permanent space at the community center for preventative nutrition services for infants and mothers including the distribution of healthy meals and milk. • Create a regular maternal health program and schedule. 3. Increase coverage of health insurance. • Identify and research municipal health insurance options. • Educate community on local options.

2. Implement fitness programs including Zumba classes. 3. Start a community garden to encourage a healthy diet.

2. Provide nutrition workshops in collaboration with CEN. 3. Facilitate community health campaigns. 4. Host drug and alcoholism prevention workshops.

“A local health clinic is very important for Venado. Some of the elderly live on a small pension, and the trip to the [neighboring] clinic is long and expensive.” - Ana Patricia Gomez Perez | Secretary, Venado Neighbors’ Association

Metrics • Number of health-sector partners that have engaged in the Venado Community Center • Number of maternal health workshops provided by CEN • List of local health services and their availability • Inventory of first aid materials available at the community center • Increase in number of residents that have health insurance • Number of preventative care workshops per year including cleaning campaigns, fitness programs, first aid trainings, and other health workshops.



Envision Venado | 6



We envision a world where...

Every resident in Venado that seeks employment can find a job.

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EMPLOYMENT Goal Every resident in Venado that seeks employment can find a job. Venado is a small town of approximately 100 homes with very few services and businesses. The town only has one school, two churches, one convenient store, and one bar, which severely limits local opportunities for employment. Nearly one third of the households surveyed had no means of income generation. Nearly half of those who are employed work or live outside of Venado. The most common jobs for men are in construction, at the tree nursery, or self-employed as fishermen, and the most common jobs for women are in the tourist industry, cleaning at hotels or serving at restaurants. –The primary obstacle to full time employment is that the majority of jobs available in or near Venado are temporary or project-based, providing a salary for only two-thirds of the year on average. Every surveyed community member stated that it was “difficult” or “very difficult” to find employment.

of Venado residents



Approach Clara Vista supports Venado’s economic growth by identifying local employment opportunities and collaborating with local municipal agencies and institutions to provide the residents of Venado the training they need for sustainable long-term employment. Additionally, Clara Vista is invested in providing educational opportunities for students in Venado, helping them reach their academic potential and achieve their future employment goals.

do not earn a

regular income of Venado residents live or work outside

of Venado

Most Common Jobs in Venado for men:



tree nursery

for women:


restaurants Envision Venado | 10

Objectives Improve Access

Facilitate Local Programs

Increase Educational Opportunities

1. Determine local sources of employment.

1. Explore opportunities and grants for microbusinesses and cooperatives including restaurants, bakeries, handicraft stores, and/or agribusiness.

1. Facilitate training on various job skills including manual labor, English, computers, housekeeping, etc.

• Identify companies that will contract workers in Venado (e.g., public or private construction). • Collaborate with municipal programs on salaried projects and trainings.

2. Develop touristic opportunities in Venado.

2. Host workshops that increase community motivation to work.

2. Develop community job board.

“My vision for Venado is that everyone has a job, and we aren’t dependent on anyone. It is very important for us to be able to find permanent work.” - Ana Patricia Gomez Perez | Secretary, Venado Neighbors’ Association

Metrics • An increase in employment • An increase in diversity of jobs available to Venado residents • A decrease in unemployment gaps between jobs • Number of micro-businesses initiated and maintained



Envision Venado | 12



We envision a world where...

Every resident in Venado has access to higher education.

Envision Venado | 14


EDUCATION Goal Among Venado residents who were surveyed, the highest level of education completed was 48% in elementary school, 42% in middle/high school, and 3% in university. Seven percent of those surveyed received no education at all. Although public education in Costa Rica is free, it is not required. Many students in Venado stop attending school at a young age to start working to financially support their families. Public university is also free for those who have the resources to take and pass the university admissions exam, which few in Venado are able to afford. Students in Venado have expressed an interest in enhancing local educational opportunities by requesting tutors for English classes and preparation for university admissions exams. They are also interested in developing a community resource that compiles a comprehensive list of all educational resources including scholarships, classes, and trainings offered by local institutions.

Approach Because so few Venado residents have attended university, it has not yet become part of the community and familial culture. Clara Vista will support students in achieving their academic goals and increasing their access to higher education by hosting motivational workshops for students and their families, providing affordable tutoring, and making academic resources and technical training more accessible.

Highest level of education per household 50 40

# of respondents

Every resident in Venado has access to higher education.

30 20 10 0 none

elementary/ middle



Most common reasons for not continuing education




lack of interest

Envision Venado | 16

Objectives Improve Access

Facilitate Local Programs

Increase Educational Opportunities

1. Identify local academic resources.

1. Develop programs, campaigns, and/or workshops to motivate students to pursue additional educational opportunities.

1. Host English and computer classes at the community center.

• Research educational trainings and workshops provided by local universities. • Request information from local educational institutions and organizations. • Identify scholarship opportunities. 2. Solicit classes and trainings provided by municipal organizations. 3. Hire a tutor for high school final exams and the university admissions exam. 4. Explore transportation options so adults can attend continuing education classes.

2. Host workshops for families on how to support and motivate their children in their academic pursuits. 3. Organize an incentive program at the community center for students to pass their final exams and pass the university admissions exam.

“Venado, in an ideal world, would be very modern with better facilities at the school, at the daycare, and in the community center.” - Carmen Leal Pizarro | Community Center Assistant

Metrics • The completion and availability of a document that organizes all local educational opportunities and scholarships according to information gathered from local resources • Number of motivational workshops completed • Number of students who attend university admission exam tutoring sessions • Number of students who attend English classes • Number of students who pass the admissions exam



Envision Venado | 18



We envision a world where...

Every resident in Venado has access to improved infrastructure.

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LOCAL INFRASTRUCTURE Goal Every resident in Venado has access to improved infrastructure. Reliable water systems and dependable roadways are essential for a community to be healthy and resilient. Currently, eleven households are not connected to Venado’s water system and do not have reliable access to potable water, limiting their ability to perform basic health and hygiene practices. These homes used to rely on hand-dug wells which have since dried up in Venado’s recent droughts, and several families have been forced to leave their homes and Venado due to a lack of water. Additionally, existing roadways in Venado are not paved and have become severely weathered making them difficult to navigate in a vehicle. As Venado increasingly relies on motorcycles for transit, these roads have become dangerous and at times impossible to cross, disconnecting residents and making it impossible for reliable waste collection and emergency services. Lastly, houses are unsafe. Houses are typically made from insecure slats of wood and sheets of corrugated metal. It is common for tropical storms to completely remove roofs and leave puddles of mud inside their houses. These houses are impossible to lock up, so someone (usually the mother) always has to be at home to ensure their belongings are safe. Household theft has increased over the years making families more vulnerable.

Approach Clara Vista will support the Venado Neighbor’s Association in the expansion of two water distribution systems to reach every household within Venado’s town boundaries. In collaboration with the local water committee and the municipality, Clara Vista will facilitate the installation of the new pipes and confirm that each home has reliable water access. Additionally, Clara Vista will partner with the Association to advocate for improved roadways and home security improvements at the municipality.



15% 31%

of Venado residents do not have access

to potable water

of Venado residents have water reliability issues on weekly basis

of Venado residents

don’t feel safe in their homes

of Venado residents

have been robbed

Envision Venado | 22

Objectives Improve Access

Facilitate Local Programs

Increase Educational Opportunities

1. Increase water distribution network to reach every household in Venado.

1. Collaborate with local water committee on water supply infrastructure.

1. Facilitate workshops on water conservation.

2. Advocate for improved roadways at the municipality.

2. Collaborate with municipality on low-income housing program.

3. Collaborate with Coopeguanacaste to provide electricity to every house in Venado.

“The support we have right now from Clara Vista is very important. It is what is moving our community forward.” - Juanita | Convenience Store Owner

Metrics • 100% of Venado houses have reliable access to drinking water • Local roadways are updated and maintained • 100% of Venado houses have electricity • Number of water conservation workshops • Number of low-income houses provided by the municipality



Envision Venado | 24



We envision a world where...

Venado can adapt and be resilient to the effects of climate change.

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CLIMATE CHANGE MITIGATION AND ADAPTATION Goal Venado can adapt and be resilient to the effects of climate

Costa Rica plans to


by 2021

be climate neutral

Climate change has had a severe impact on Venado and its province, Guanacaste. In recent years, both the dry season and rainy season have become more intense, causing long periods of drought followed by flooding and water damage. In 2015, Liberia (Guanacaste’s capital) recorded the driest year on record with 58% less precipitation than an average year. Hundreds of cattle in the region died due to lack of food and water, wells dried up, and agriculture ceased to a halt. Inversely, during the rainy season, the storms have become shorter but more intense, causing the rivers to flood more frequently, inundating the neighboring homes and buildings.

Costa Rica runs on

100 percent

Over the last decade, fewer families in Venado have been able to grow their own food. During seasons of drought, Venado residents must rely more heavily on purchasing food. Conversely, an especially rainy season will cause the river to flood and inundate adjacent homes, stores, and centers, causing severe damage every few years.

Approach Clara Vista will continue to partner with local environmental organizations, including Restoring Our Watershed, to host conservation programs. Watershed conservation programs will focus on reforestation, especially along rivers. Workshops on drip irrigation will give families the tools to cultivate even during drought periods and to conserve water.

renewable energy


How much Costa Rica

increased its forests

in the last decade

Envision Venado | 28

Objectives Improve Access

Facilitate Local Programs

Increase Educational Opportunities

1. Collaborate with municipality on local climate change mitigation and adaptation resources.

1. Partner with local environmental organizations to organize programs for watershed conservation.

1. Facilitate drip irrigation workshops.

2. Host reforestation campaigns.

2. Facilitate vegetable cultivation workshops.

“We are the motor. We are the ones pushing, looking, and searching for momentum for how to push the project forward.” - Juanita | Convenience Store Owner

Metrics • Number of workshops, programs, and campaigns that are hosted in Venado • Number of attendees at workshops and other events



Envision Venado | 30



We envision a world where...

Venado has the awareness and capacity to protect their local environment.

Envision Venado | 32


ENVIRONMENT Goal Venado has the awareness and capacity to protect their local environment. The community of Venado has identified inadequate waste management as their primary environmental concern, which includes the common practices of burning trash and littering. Because trash collection requires a monthly fee, most families find waste management systems to be cost prohibitive or at the very least, not a financial priority, resulting in the majority of Venado families disposing of their trash by burning it. Although the large majority of people in Venado are aware that burning trash is harmful to the environment and their health, the lack of a financially viable alternative has encouraged this practice to continue.

How households in Venado dispose of their trash 25

Burned 20

Collected Recycled


Dumped Buried


Approach Clara Vista will continue to partner with the community of Venado and local institutions to raise environmental awareness and increase education about local environmental issues, while simultaneously developing the proper systems and infrastructure to make affordable waste management systems accessible to everyone in the community.




of Venado residents see trash in the river

each week

Envision Venado | 34

Objectives Improve Access

Facilitate Local Programs

Increase Educational Opportunities

1. Develop an appropriate waste management system including separated trash receptacles, local recycling center, and coordinated trash pick-up.

1. Collaborate with local institutions on environmental campaigns and posting signage.

1. Facilitate environmental workshops.

2. Continue to participate in Bandera Azul program.

2. Facilitate trash burning prevention campaign and program. 3. Collaborate with local institutions in the development of reforestation programs and reforestation classes. 4. Organize community cleaning groups.

“I am most interested in helping the cleaning groups so that the town looks better and there is less trash! I am ready to improve the community...” - Cindy | Daycare Assistant

Metrics • Number of environmental workshops hosted in Venado • Number of people who attend environmental workshops



Envision Venado | 36



We envision a world where... Venado nurtures a sense of community by creating opportunities for togetherness and fun.

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FUN Goal

97% says they of Venado

Venado nurtures a sense of community by creating opportunities for togetherness and fun.

have a strong network

of family and friends

Venado has a rich sense of community, culture, and family. The soccer field is central to the community and acts as the town center, plaza, and community gathering space. Nothing brings Venado together like a soccer game where the community unites to cheer on their family and neighbors, while participating in some friendly competition with adjacent communities.

72% says they of Venado

Venado has expressed interest in nurturing and growing this innate sense of togetherness by increasing the number of community activities, organizing a new variety of local events, and building a large open air community recreation hall to host them that will promote this sense of community and fun.

Clara Vista is supporting Venado in the organization and scheduling of additional events that the community has suggested like dance classes, movie nights, and community meetings.

What residents like most about Venado 5


# of respondents


feel loved by their family and friends




Our progress








Envision Venado | 40

Objectives Improve Access

Facilitate Local Programs

Increase Educational Opportunities

1. Construct an open air structure (i.e., salon comunal) to host community events and large workshops.

1. Develop new sports and athletic programs (e.g., female and male soccer teams, volleyball, bike races, surfing, and zumba).

1. Introduce fun classes (e.g., dancing).

2. Create a green space around the community center with a park and a playground.

2. Appoint a Fun Coordinator or Fun Committee to organize community events (e.g., dances, movie nights, bonfires, recreation days, rodeos, etc.).

“We are doing everything possible to reach all of our future goals. My favorite thing is to watch Venado grow and progress.” - Ana Patricia Gomez Perez | Secretary, Venado Neighbors’ Association

Metrics • Number of new scheduled events at community center • Construction of open air recreation hall • Number of participants in scheduled events • Amount of money earned from scheduled events



Envision Venado | 42



We envision a world where... the Venado Community Center increases its impact and reach.

Envision Venado | 44


COMMUNITY CENTER Goal The Venado Community Center increases its impact and reach. Venado’s Community Center and DayCare were Clara Vista’s first collaborations with the community. With the support of generous donors, both the Community Center and daycare have been open since 2013 staffed with 2 local employees who serve as a resource to the community. These centers, located in the town center, act as a computer lab, after school child care, as well as a space for community gatherings and association meetings.


like to participate

in community activities

97% says they of Venado

Approach The community, in partnership with Clara Vista, is building on this momentum to increase its impact to include all community members. Together we will do this by providing additional services and amenities, including access to more computers, faster Internet, books, educational trainings, vocational workshops, and basic health services. In order to increase the reach and capacity of the community center in hosting events and trainings, the next priority is to construct an open air recreation hall that will provide sufficient space for the entire community while also protecting them from harsh weather conditions.

of Venado residents

feel comfortable in

their community Preferred Community Events: activities:



secondhand shop sale


organic farming

water conservation

potable water

Envision Venado | 46

Objectives Improve Access

Facilitate Local Programs

Increase Educational Opportunities

1. Improve community center facilities.

1. Partner with local institutions to provide basic health services.

1. Hire local instructor to provide computer classes.

• Paint exterior of community center and daycare. • Design and paint murals. • Install entryway ramps to improve accessibility for seniors. • Post signs in English and Spanish. • Purchase furniture. • Develop library. • Install a water faucet outside for cleaning mud off of shoes before entering. 2. Increase access to technological improvements. • • • •

Solicit computer donations. Purchase faster Internet. Request photocopier. Purchase TV and Cable.

3. Construct open air recreation hall.

2. Designate space for soccer game changing rooms. 3. Develop surf program as a business. 4. Create local gymnasium.

2. Organize Red Cross classes. 3. Schedule dance classes. 4. Organize various workshops.

“If we didn’t have a plaza, if we didn’t have a store or a community center, there would be no future for the community of Venado.” - Juanita | Convenience Store Owner

Metrics • Increase in number community center programs and activities • Number of community center visitors



Envision Venado | 48



We envision a world where... Venado is able to achieve and sustain their vision and goals without external intervention.

Envision Venado | 50


LOCAL CAPACITY Goal Venado is able to achieve and sustain their vision and goals without external intervention. Integral to Clara Vista’s development framework is the strengthening of Venado’s capacity to independently continue the development cycle through self motivation, organization, and management. By training local leaders and empowering the community to identify and prioritize goals, Venado can envision a better quality of life and achieve it.


of Venado

residents agree:


Clara Vista is invested in making sure that Venado has the resources necessary to independently continue the development cycle without external assistance. This requires building local leadership, training the community, and developing a network of resources with a focus on the following 5 key areas: financial sustainability, marketing and communications, resource identification and networking, sustainable development plan, and administration.

Approach As Clara Vista works through the development framework, we are building local capacity by developing sustainable organizations and associations among community leaders that advocate for the community and their goals. By training these leaders how to identify, organize, prioritize, and schedule their goals, the community will be able to continue this cycle and make it their own.

of Venado believes



of Venado residents


help organize community events

Envision Venado | 52

Objectives Improve Access

Facilitate Local Programs

Increase Educational Opportunities

1. Develop library of resources, contacts, and services for various municipal agencies and local institutions.

1. Identify and implement opportunities for microbusiness.

1. Provide workshops on community sustainable development and project management.

2. Establish an information system so local leaders can organize and manage resources from Clara Vista and local instituions.

2. Establish the requisite committees, associations, and rules of governing to receive municipal support.

2. Host trainings on general accounting, bookkeeping, budgeting, and fundraising. 3. Teach committee how to develop and implement a marketing and communications plan.

“Because of Clara Vista, a lot has progressed. Through experience, I learn from you and you learn from me.” - Chayul | Farmer

Metrics • Number of workshops provided • Number of workshop attendees



Envision Venado | 54

Help us put this plan into action. Believe in Venado and support these projects at: www.claravista.org Contact info@claravista.org for more information.

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