ECPA 2012: A Year in Review Peace Corps Renewable Energy Initiative -Pat Barnosky The year 2012 for ECPA was one of great energy, evolution and expansion for the Renewable Energy Initiative in Peace Corps Perú . Congratulations to all of the volunteers in Perú; because of your hard work and many past successes, we received a sharp increase in funding in 2012 from headquarters in Washington and were able to offer significantly more grants and workshops than in past years! Within the fiscal year of 2012, we approved 24 grant proposals and funded: 11 improved cook stove projects 7 solar panel projects 4 biodigestor projects 2 climate change education projects. This past year, the Peace Corps Perú Renewable Energy Initiative has gained invaluable experience in the various types of projects and workshops carried out. The volunteers involved have demonstrated their ingenuity, enthusiasm and dedication to community-based renewable energy projects in Perú. Although this is my last week in Perú, I am excited for ECPA 2013 to move forward with a few new committee members and a new ECPA leader, Sara Leavitt. Although funding will be more limited this year, I am confident that Peace Corps Perú will continue to surpass our expectations as always.
ECPA 2012 was highlighted by 4 successful workshops to train volunteers and their work partners in various renewable energy technologies and education. These workshops included: Climate Change and Renewable Energy Education, ECPAPeru
A 3 day workshop in Huaraz, Ancash, that focused on climate change and renewable energy education. A total of 21 volunteers attended and participated in the presentations and activities, led by the members of the ECPA committee, a climate change specialist from SERNANP and a professor from the University of Ancash.
The ECPA committee is now available on Facebook! Although the newsletters are only quarterly, you can now keep in touch with changes and opportunities immediately through Facebook.
Improved Cook Stoves
ECPA Peru Facebook is meant to become a forum open to Peace Corps Peru volunteers to exchange ideas regarding renewable technologies in Perú.
ECPA budgets allotted funding for 3 improved cookstove workshops that were held in Cañete, Lima; Poroto, La Libertad; and Junin. Coordinated with the NGO, ‘GIZ’, a total of 28 volunteers and 21 work partners were trained, constructing a total of 13 site appropriate Inkawasi Pichqa cookstoves for the relative communities. Overall, it has been a very successful 2012, and I would like to thank all the volunteers and committee members in bringing POWER TO THE PEOPLE!
In this Issue... Save the Date! 2012 RECAP Pages 1-4
ECPA 2012: A Year in Review Get Ready for ECPA 2013
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As we have learned this past year, our volunteers’ knowledge and experiences are our greatest resource and we would like to offer the volunteers this space to share what they have learned and exchange ideas. Happy posting!
Improved Cook Stove Manual Sierra Style
Glacier Retreat Infographics: 2012 Perú Review Climate Change Education Camp
Solar! It’s not just photovoltaics.