A.1 DESIGN FUTURING! 01 // WALT DISNEY CONCERT THEATRE! Frank Gehry, 2003! Downtown Los Angeles" Los Angeles, California, USA" ,!
Fig 1. Street view of the Walt Disney Concert Hall, designed by Frank Gehry. Retrieved from ArchDaily.
The Walt Disney Concert Hall, designed by Gehry Partners, was opened in 2003.1 " The general form of the concert hall, with its huge twisted metallic forms, was a defining feature in Gehry’s architectural language.2 In 1987, Lilian Disney donated 50 million dollars towards the construction of the hall3, and therefore a sophisticated, innovative and unique design was facilitated by this large budget. It’s complex forms were not only a design conceptacle developed by Gehry, but they were a construction and design innovation made possible by the softwares created by Gehry Technologies." The first generation of architectural software was developed in the late 1970s, which allowed consultants to draw ideas and documentation digitally, instead of manually by hand; ultimately the results were still line drawings with no engineering capacity.4"
In the 1990s, Frank Gehry established a second generation of digital design in architecture, by using computer software to enhance designs and allow for their direct fabrication and construction.5" This advancement in technology created a whole new method for design, as the ideas that designers conceptualised in their minds could be translated into a digital language, and hence constructed into real structures. A design barrier had been broken, and today we utilise the possibility of three dimensional digital modelling, and its transference into the built world that surrounds today. This movement from design inception to real life creation was a radical technological improvement, and it has furthered the boundaries that defined how and what designers can produce in the future." " "
FOOTNOTES" 1 Rennie Jones, "AD Classics: Walt Disney Concert Hall / Frank Gehry", Archdaily, 2013 <> [accessed 6 March 2017]. " 2 Jones, “AD Classics”, ArchDaily." 3 Jones, “AD Classics”, Arch Daily." 4 Lian Chang, "The Software Behind Frank Gehry’s Geometrically Complex Architecture", Priceonomics, 2015 <> [accessed 6 March 2017]." 5 Chang, “The Software Behind Frank Gehry’s Geometrically Complex Architecture”, Priceonomics."
02 // OUT OF MEMORY! Tighe Architects, 2011! Southern California Institute of Architecture" Los Angeles, California, USA"
Fig 2. Internal view of the ‘Out Of Memory” sensory exhibit, designed by Tighe Architects. Retrieved from The Architects Newsaper.
In 2011, Patrick Tighe and his firm, Tighe Architects, worked to create this installation in the Southern California Institute of Architecture. In collaboration with composer Ken Ueno, and a robot from Machineous, the exhibit was created.1 " The installation, named Out of Memory, is a sensory collision of sound, material, light, and technology to create a multi-sensory cave within the architecture school’s gallery space.2 The three dimensional installation was created using a spectrogram of Ueno’s musical composition, “translating the frequency map into points and vectors, which ultimately provided a basis for the digitally modeled 3-D surface.” 3" After an assembly of forms and plastic sheeting was arranged, layers of closed-cell foam (for structural support) and open-cell foam (for acoustic value) were sprayed onto the wall.4 " " "
“Provided by insulation manufacturer Demilec, the vegetable and soy oil-based foams created a self-supporting parabolic structure as they expanded.” 5" The ideas that were explored in this installation define and celebrate sensory stimulation through design; Tighe Architects were able to combine all of sound, light and materiality to create a technologically innovative space where students, staff and the public could spend time and absorb their surroundings." This project displays an innovation to explore the senses, and how they are experienced in space, by breaking them down to their most simple and raw properties; these kinds of ideas and their development allow for designers to receive briefs in a new headspace, and use the raw concepts and themes provided to explore new ways to create aesthetic installations."
FOOTNOTES" 1 Jennifer Krichels, "Out Of Memory: Patrick Tighe Architecture With Machineous", The Architects Newspaper, 2011 < lenticularis-roof/> [accessed 7 March 2017]." 2 Krichels, “Out Of Memory”, The Architects Newspaper." 3 Lindsey Mather, "7 Innovative Architecture Projects", Architectural Digest, 2016 <> [accessed 8 March 2017]." 4 Krichels, “Out Of Memory”, The Architects Newspaper." 5 "Tighe Architecture", Tighe Architecture, 2017 <> [accessed 7 March 2017]." " "
BIBLIOGRAPHY! Chang, Lian, "The Software Behind Frank Gehry’S Geometrically Complex Architecture", Priceonomics, 2015 <> [accessed 6 March 2017]" " Jones, Rennie, "AD Classics: Walt Disney Concert Hall / Frank Gehry", Archdaily, 2013 < 441358/ad-classics-walt-disney-concert-hall-frank-gehry> [accessed 6 March 2017]" " Krichels, Jennifer, "Out Of Memory: Patrick Tighe Architecture With Machineous", The Architects Newspaper, 2011 <> [accessed 7 March 2017]" " Mather, Lindsey, "7 Innovative Architecture Projects", Architectural Digest, 2016 <http://> [accessed 8 March 2017]" " "Tighe Architecture", Tighe Architecture, <> [accessed 7 March 2017]" "
LIST OF FIGURES! ! Figure 1:" Retrieved from [hVp://] " Figure 2:" Retrieved from [hVps://]" " "