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Danielle Fiore AlternativeModel
From an old fairytale... Welcome! I'm an italian alternative model since 2008, available for any kind of gothic, medieval, fantasy, beauty and fashion shots. I also consider glamour, but in its most elegant form. No nude art, no met art. You can follow me on these websites too: http://www.daniellefiore.weebly.com (official site) http://daniellefiore.blogspot.com (official blog) http://www.facebook.com/daniellefiorefotomodella (Facebook fanpage) Follow me on: https://twitter.com/#!/danielle_fiore (Twitter) http://daniellefioremodel.deviantart.com/ (Deviantart) http://www.modelshoot.net/user/vigdis (Modelshoot) http://www.modelmayhem.com/vigdis86 (Modelmayhem) http://www.flickr.com/photos/danielle_model/ (Flickr)