Digital Design - Module 02 Semester 1, 2019 Danielle Lee (930970) Sean Guy + T13
Critical Reading: Kolerevic B. 2003. Architecture in the Digital Age
Kolerevic described three fundamental types of fabrication techniques in the reading. Outline the three techniques and discuss the potential of Computer Numeric Controlled fabrication with parametric modelling. (150 words max)
The three techniques described were substractive fabrication, additive fabrication and formative fabricatrion. In fact, Computer Numeric Controlled fabrication (CNC) is a type of subtractive fabrication which performs a sequence of coded instructions with the aid of machine that has preparatory functions. CNC milling machines can be utilised in the architecture and contsruction industry to produce construction components for instance Frank Gehry’s project for the Walt Disney Concert Hall in Los Angeles, the stone panels with doubly curved geometry from parametric modelling of the facade were CNC milled before they were positioned and fixed on steel frames. Using this type of substractive fabrication technique, formwork for off-site and on-site casting of concrete elements with doublycurved geometry and glass panels with complex curvilinear surfaces can be produced. Combined with CATIA, undulating forms of load bearing external wall panels could be constructed with the aid of CNC to produce different curve molds for concrete casting.
Surface Script - Surface and Waffle Script The two surfaces were created by first constructing a 150x150x150mm Box, then using Deconstruct Brep command, four curves were selected using the list item command. Using divide curve,10 points are equally distributed on each curve, then list item was used to select the points desired. Lines were drawn to connect the points and by lofting the lines, two surfaces were created. Then, using Surface Domain Number command, the surfaces were divided into 3x3 grid and offset grid was used to create the 3D panelling grid with different variation of heights. 3
Surface Script - 2D Panelling One surface was designed for 2D panelling and the other was designed for 3D panelling in order to create constrasting tectonic qualities.
Surface Script - 3D Panelling 5 iterations of the 3D shapes and a single 2D shape were created by using commands such as line, extrude, explode, list item, mirror, YZ plane, boundary surfaces, brep edges and brep join. The original grid, offset grid, and mesh breps are the inputs for morph 3d command, and mesh to polysurface command was used in order to bake the final polysurfaces. 5
Isometric View -NW
Iteration 3 was selected for the 2D panelling unit design to emphasise the verticality of the wings. While for the 3D panelling units, 5 iterations were created and the rib vault design with increasing heights from top to bottom is to emphasise the concentrated weight it receives at the bottom of the structure.
Since the design of the surfaces have two constrasting tectonic qualities, (one light and the other heavy), the waffle accomodates the surfaces by having one side grounded and the other side lifted. The number of fins and rings were increased to enhance the stability of the waffle structure. Similarly,additional support is also provided (refer to photography section). The waffle and surface were also designed in a way that they are continuous, so they are two curvature that wraps around each other, thus creating an interesting visual effect that makes you curious and wanting to walk around the pavillion.
In preparation for the laser cut file, the waffle structure was easily laid out using list length, and each of the waffle was reorient using the orient command from its centroid of each unit to the centroid of each rectangular cells. Next, the list length command is plugged into series and concatenate command to give each of the waffle a label from X1-X10 and so forth. A text tag 3D command was added to place the label to their specific location while the text size could be adjusted accordingly.
3D Panelling Units (9 total)
The 2D surface and 3D surface however, took a different approach. I experimented the morph2D command for the 2D surface but the outcome separated the curves and surface which isnt desirable as my aim was to etch the curves onto the surface. Hence, I went back to the initial script of 2D panelling and make them into surfaces instead of curves and plug it into mesh and morph3D so that the surfaces can be unroll sucessfully.
2D Panelling Units (9 total)
When unrolling the 3D panels, I consider the easiest way to construct each of the modules so that they can joined together easily, the ridges of a valley are consider easier to be joined together as compared to the ridges of a high pyramid so I decided to join all the neighbouring surfaces that is connected to the high point. Another aspect that I encounter by unrolling the 2D surface was that since it is a doubly curve surface, after I converted them to a mesh and they are triangulated, there are some triangles have gaps between them and couldnt be connected together perfectlly after unrolling due to the curvature of the surface. Therefore, I should minimise the tolerance by breaking them into smaller pieces for laser cut however in this case, the tolerance are too small (less then 1mm) and they can be ignored in real life. If the model were to be built as a pavillion, these tolerances have taken into consideration, and other methods have to be used to tackle this issue. Finally, all the units produced using the make2D and tabs command, then nested and clustered to minimise any wastage during laser cutting.
Waffle Fins (25 total) Waffle Ring (13 total)
Exploded Isometric View
Surface that has high exposure to light prevents shadow from forming on the surface.
An interplay of light and shadow, perforations in the panels allow light to pass through and create shadow patterns that cast within the waffle. The perforations run horisontally (in which design 3.4 was chosen rather than 3.2) to emphasise the wing of the surface as if it was hovering on top.
The tesellation of the shape inspired by the rib vault attempts to break away from the square grid, forming different perspectives when one looks at it.
Only one point that is touching the ground to create feeling of lightness and the look of being lifted up. The nature of waffle structure that bends inwards creates opportunity for shadow on the 3D panels when light casts onto the hole structure. The two curvatures of the surfaces and the waffle wraps around each other to create a continuous movement and gesture when one walks around it.
Waffle Fins that spread outwards emphasises a greater surface area in which the waffle is touching, creating a feeling that it is anchored onto the ground.
The design of a rib vault with multiples surfaces creates different shades when light casts on it.
Two points are grounded to create feelings of heaviness and rigidity.
The variation and iterations of the height of the vaults (gradually higher towards the bottom) emphasises the rigidity and load concentration of the structure, creating the look that the 3D surface is supporting the lightweight 2D panels.
{0,0,0} {105, 0, 150}
{150, 90, 150}
{75, 150, 150}
{150, 0, 150}
{0, 150, 150}
{0, 135, 150}
{0, 75, 150}
{0, 0, 60} {0, 0, 45}
{0, 0, 90} {150, 0, 135} {0, 0, 150}
{0, 45, 0} {150, 150, 90}
{105, 0, 0}
{Index Selection}
{150, 60, 0}
{150, 75, 0}
{150, 30, 0}
{75, 150, 0}
{Index Selection}
{Index Selection}
{Offset points 6mm }
{Offset points 9mm}
{Offset points 12mm}
{Offset points 15mm}
Paneling Grid & Offset Grid
{Index Selection}
Task A Matrix In terms of selecting the two surfaces, I created a logic in which the first surface have two points touching the bottom of the box, one point in the middle and one point touching the top of the box. Whereas for the second surface was the opposite, two points at the
Attractor / Control Points (X,Y,Z) Attractor / Control Curves Grid Points Offset Points
{105, 0, 0}
{150, 150, 135} {30, 150, 0}
{150, 120, 0}
{0, 0, 45}
{135, 0, 150}
{135, 150, 150}
{0, 150, 90} {0, 150, 0}
{0, 0, 90}
top, one in the middle, and one at the bottom. This it to create the two constrasting tectonic quality, and the form itself was inspired by the motion of two partnering dancers, one lifting the other, while the top surface is light and lifted, the bottom surface has strong and anchoring qualiities. Different offset points and height
{45,150, 0}
of the 3d panels with intervals of 3mm were used to create 5 iterations and then using cull pattern, the surface was formed(3.4). 5X5 grid were explored initially however since the geometry was quite complex, 3X3 would be more suitable for this rib vault design.
The concept of the laser cut model builds on the geometry of a rib vault tesellation as I am interested in the idea of breaking away from the square grid and looking at patterns in different perspectives. This model is inspired by the motion of two dancers, one in the air and one on the ground that supports the other which have different tectonic qualities. The structure could also produce different light and shadow qualities for the users experience. The canopy that is lifted up allows for an entry into the pavillion.
Visual Scripting of Parametric Model
Solid and Void Script A box is created and using deconstruct brep and surface domain number, the grid points are extracted. Then using point attraction and curve attraction, I adjusted the grid points and the centroid points correspondingly. Cellulate 3D Grid was used to generate the grid cells. Next, I used cull index and list item to randomly select the centroid
points for as the input for 5 different iterations of the voronoi cells. Then, I reorient the geometry, and scale to different sizes using distance, bounds, construct domain, remap numbers and scaleNU command. Rotate 3D command was also used to give more variation to the placement of cells.
SOLID AND VOID Вооlean Creation
SOLID AND VOID Isometric view
Voronoi cells that intersect with the top of the box allow light to penetrate into the space and lit up the interior space.
The extracted 50x50mm cube from the solid has different size and shapes of voronoi cells which create different threshold and endless possibilities of iterations.
The intersection of voronoi cells creates permeability and porosity for interconnectivity of spaces.
The accidental quality of three cells intersecting generates complexity and allows for different thresholds and circulation.
The substraction of the volume creates different volume of space and the nature of voronoi cells create rounded and fluid spaces for people to experience
The rounded corners of the voronoi cells act as an affordance for seating and leaning.
SOLID AND VOID Matrix and Possibilities
Attractor Points
Attractor / Control Points (X,Y,Z) Attractor / Control Curves
{252, 336, 151}
Grid Points {-269, 62, 0}
Randomly Selected Points {106, 239, 0}
{-560, -300, 199} {-595, -402, 199} {-63, -68, 0}
{49, 19, -57} {165, -385, 0}
{140, -50, 0}
Centroids Voronoi Cells
{Point Attraction}
{Random Attraction}
{Curve Attraction}
{Random Selection 1}
{Random Selection 2}
{Random Selection 3}
{Random Selection 4}
{130, -512, 0}
{6, 57, 133}
Task B Matrix I explored different ways of creating attractor points using Point Attraction, Curve Attraction and Random Attraction. Curve Attraction (design 1.3) was chosen because there is some compact cells which could allow more geometries to intersect with each other. Random attraction did not work well because the cells couldnt
be formed due the cells grids that intersect with each other. Next, the centroid points were flattened into a single list and using list item and random command, the centroids points were randomly selected to input the 5 different iterations of the geometry as breps. Voronoi cells were explored and weaverbird and lunchbox
{Curve Attraction}
{6, 57, 133}
was utilised to give its curvature and smooth finish. The outcome of the initial voronoi cells have very sharp edges which is not desirable to my liking eventhough working with weaverbird mesh takes a much longer time to produce, but the voids that was created has more interesting outcomes.
Photography of Model
The different sizes of voids allows for different threshold and varying functions for the users that experience the space. These voids also create interesting shadow effects when light is being cast onto it. The intersections that create different sizes of holes allow different amount of light to pass through which affect the atmposphere within the space. In terms of selecting cut outs, I rated all 12 iterations based on Porosity, Functionality, Aesthetic and Structural Stability. The final three that has the highest score was chosen.
Task 1 Panelling and Waffle making process
Preparing for laser cut 2D
Preparing for laser cut 3D
Extract isocurves command is used to obtain the lines
Finised digital model
Make2d and adjust lineweights in illustrator
Task 2 Boolean process
Make2D command to obtain curves and points
Creating variation for the grid
Creating more variations.
Model Making Process
Assembling waffle structure and super glue is used to piece them together.
Carefully remove masking tape
Organising panels according to label
Folding and Joining Panels with tabs
Placing all the panels together
Labelling the 3D panels after removing
Model Making Process
Tweezer is used to join the panels together
Making tape to reinforce
Finished 3d Panel
Assembling pieces together
Waffle supported by balsa stick
Panels are joined tgether with masking first
Model Making Process
Panels are sticthed together
The strips of panels are joined together
One flexible surface is formed
The 3d panels are stitched onto the waffle
Placement of surface onto the waffle
Finished Product
Task 1 Final Model
Task 2 Final Model