Deception - Trend Forecasting 2017

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A mind overwhelmed by unanswered questions, relationships formed from misconceptions, and a lifestyle embedded in materialistic fantasy. Hidden and secluded from the truth, the depleting verbal interaction between the human race has evolved, creating technological impurities in which those both consciously and subconsciously have created a digitally driven utopia, a false yet fabricated world in which everyone strives for perfection.


A masquerade of misconstrued identities amalgamates to form that of similarity or resemblance, creating a level of identical uniformity, that transforms into an obscured visionary concept as reality and idealism merge. Remaining isolated within overpopulated nation, here there is no form of escape; polluted grey dismal skies, fast pace living and loss of individualism force an imaginary aspirational life, filled with wonder and curiosity. The brutality of the sprawling urban concrete environment, minimal enlightened peaceful space, and dissolving relationships comprises a subdued, discouraged, colour palette


of smoky charcoal greys, unpurified whites and saddened misty blues. The profanity of perfection, to alter, to modify, their physical selves is evermore apparent as envy overshadows any form of self-positivity, with devious, and mysterious characters able to instantly transform through trickery and illusion. Rich shades of deep red and mystic purple are combined with more subtle, soft undertones, as the persistent requirement to maintain a polished, beautiful, and flawless exterior remains prominent. Fragmented reflective surfaces, showcases the broken loss of identity, whilst harsh glistening metallics create a shielded armour hiding truth, or an outer shell to protect the faultless possession inside. It is this adopted nature of finding fault and rectification that has been revolutionised by technology which may lead to a future of uncretainty, vulnerability and distrust.


A masquerade of misconstrued identities

amalgamates to form that of similarity or resemblance, creating a level of identical uniformity, that transforms into an obscured visionary concept as reality and idealism merge.




fragmented fractured


Once forward-looking yet retro-spective, seductive but suggestive of ruin. The sculptures are suspended in the air like chandeliers, elaborate assemblages that glimmer with crystal beads, fine chains and a broken mosiac of mirrored shards. They appear beautiful yet destroyed, fragmented and somehow merged together in a disjointed formation. A dreamlike utopia that reflects the same mental escapism of that emboided by the social media. However contemplates virtual and imaginary figures living in a melancholic almost decadent helplessness, useless and inadequate.



brutality Considered as highly controversial, Brutalism, the movement that once inspired architecture, which consists of exposed raw concrete, is reappearing within the glossy pages of Vogue. Bold, hostile and confrontational the concrete blocks that formed ‘streets in the sky’ were aimed to facilitate the same social interactions as those found on an actual street, as stated in Dezeen. Despite the goal of this the legacy of these buildings has become fragmented, and lost, with odd architectural buildings still remaining in urban city dwellings, appearing isolated as they stand-alone. The dull grey exterior creates a dismal undertone, and saddened mood, which is intensified by this sense of isolation as people lock themselves away in a prison like cell. Channel 4 has recently used this environment as a backdrop for when programs are introduced, and depicts a desolate concrete environment strewn with rubbish, washing lines and satellite dishes. The dreary outlook generated through this derelict harsh landscape encourages people to form an escape, visualising a more aspirational and fulfilling life.

behind the mask The link between shield and protection, beauty and horror still remains present within fashion as designers such as Alexander McQueen and Lidija Kolovrat transform models into anonymous androids. Similarly, the social media acts as a mask for people to disguise their identity and cultivate an online persona, in which people then become unattainable. Individuals are targeted and threatened, as people feel they have a platform in which to voice their opinions, become critical and trap those endangered, as they engage in a tactical game. People disguise their hidden agendas, and TV programs including Catfish and BBC’s Panorama, showcase this. Recently, governments have sought to control masking, for Muslim women wearing the hijab, as well as for political Protestors who want to disguise their identities; however tackling ‘online masking’ has proven much more difficult to monitor. As the situation has escalated innovations in technology have been developed to catch these corrupt and devious individuals. In order to combat ‘webcam sex tourism’ Lemz designed Sweetie, ‘a 3D computer model that looks like a 10-year-old girl from the Philippines a country they identified as having many children at risk from exploitation’. Since creating a virtual person in 2013, over 10 weeks they located ‘1,000 ndividuals from 71 countries, and handed their identities and the evidence to police’. The Sweetie campaign proves that creative agencies can have significant impacts on global problems.

the ugly truth

The artwork created by Vermibus depicts influential, beautiful women that appear deformed, smudged morphed and disembodied. They gaze out to the public as they are secretly placed in urban environments, awaiting reaction. His work exposes the sadness, and ugliness of these iconic women, who are often hidden by their ‘perfect shell’. In today’s society this is something that has become more relatable, as humans strive for perfection, both through physical beauty and their lifestyle. The younger generation is more susceptible to this due being overwhelmed by ‘celebrity’ culture, and procedures involving plastic surgery becoming increasingly common, making it more desirable to alter their physical features. To encourage this further Dubai, aims to dominate the Middle East’s plastic surgery market, with plans to attract half a million medical tourists in six years generating revenues of $710 million. The demand within the ever-growing sector showcases the extent and money individuals will spend to disguise and transform themselves, simply to be considered as more beautiful and accepted by their peers.

innovators & influencers

The relationship between physical and virtual selves is becoming more integrated, as people desire to become the more impressive version of themselves, which they have cloned and modified online. The loss of individual identity is becoming more prominent; therefore seem broken and fragmented as humans, as people are no longer able to distinguish their true selves from the fake, fabricated, and make-believe versions designed. The merging of these two selves has unified helping to craft new technologies that enable people to experience and become their virtual self. Be Another Lab a collaborative invention amongst Mel Slater (event lab for neuroscience and technology) and Professor Henrik Ehrsson (group Ehrsson in Karlinska institute) have created a design that aims to enable a person to become someone else, this could differ in variations of culture, race, age and gender. The Machine to be Another combines performance art alongside neuroscience technology where individuals can alter themselves to be that person of desire. Disparities in culture, lifestyle, and wealth have meant that there is growing curiosity surrounding how other people live their daily lives. With the continual trend of people aspiring to become something greater than themselves researchers at MIT have teamed up with The Dalai Lama Center for Ethics, and Transformative Values, to launch an iPhone app called 20 Day Stranger, which connects two anonymous strangers for 20 days. The design enables individuals to experience a persons surroundings and everyday life as images and videos a sent directly to the persons phone.

Opinions of how people perceive one another is becoming even more intriguing as people aim for greater likes on Facebook and yearn for positive feedback about themselves, that enables them to feel accepted in society. However this self-obsession and constant harassment from others is stretching outside of the social media and into reality. Shoshana B. Roberts posted a street harassment video to Youtube, where she receives countless verbal remarks from male onlookers as she walks through the streets Manhattan. Am I pretty or am I ugly? Faye a 13 year old from Denver posted a video on YouTube simply asking that question in order for people to vocalise their opinions about her appearance, as she was presciently being told at school that she was ugly. As a result she received over 13,000 comments where individuals scrutinised her image. The video sparked debate over how the younger generation feels under pressure to be and look a certain way, and how the social media draws attention to this.

Celebrity culture has had a major influence within this trend, as Generation Y have been exposed to the rise in reality TV, the growth of pop music, and developments within technology, these factors have encouraged an attitude where individuals feel they have to look, act and present themselves in a certain way, both online and off. Lady Gaga, Nicki Minaj and Katy Perry have all created alter ego’s, and has been expressed through both their music and style. These altering personalities presented have fuelled this desire, where people want to become like the idols they admire. They are quirky and experimental, these personalities and fantasy utopia’s created within their music offers an imaginary escape. Appearance is becoming an obsession, and young celebrities such as Kylie Jenner (16) have already been speculated to receive cosmetic surgery to enhance her image and reform her identity. These idols that are watched closely by so many has meant that factors like this influence and in return impose change, as it reinforces the idea to be ‘alike’ The Jennifer Lawrence scandal that was revealed recently, which involved the hacking of her icloud and spread of private information has meant that she is also an influencer within this trend. Due to an individual who chooses to mask their identity online, someone has been publicly exposed and humiliated, this is a problem that the younger generation faces online through the use of social media, as individuals use it as a mouthpiece to voice personal opinions. Privacy and security is ‘no longer a social norm’ as stated by Mark Zuckerberg Ceo of Facebook.



the young adapters Generation Y / The millennials Aspiring to escape an environment encased in criticism, and the normality of their bedrooms, the young adapters strive for a more exciting and polished lifestyle. This tribe is bewildered with enchantment, immersing themselves into cartoon form as they develop a new self through an online presence, creating an adaptable alter ego. Their behaviour can change depending on those who surround them, as they display multiple personalities in order to be perceived as someone else. They are curious concerning culture and travel as they remain living at home, however are not daring enough to often experience it for themselves, as they are more conformable in urban inner city environments, where technology and virtual interaction shelters them from the everyday reality. Growing up within a generation fuelled by celebrity culture there is a constant demand for praise and approval, and as more time is spent on crafting a ‘perfect’ image it causes the breakdown of social interaction, and relationships, therefore depend on technology and the Internet to form these instead. Physical obsession generates a health conscious and image driven lifestyle, where crash dieting, thigh gaps and cosmetic procedures become the ‘norm’. This tribe wants to change physically to

appear like their flawless Instagram filters, and re-

The New Ice Age.

formed Facebook profiles. They are rarely satisfied,

Emotion is Hidden.

and aim to better themselves by working within cre-

Voices of Silence.

ative and technological sectors, in which wealth is

Disbelief in Belief.

displayed through purchases of materialistic goods.









Shimmering and elaborate, reflective of Lee Bul’s chandelier lighting, chain mail appears strong and indestructible. Draping chains, masked and unidentifiable, is perceived as threating by the viewer creating a daunting discomforting image.

Colour Palette












A mask, considered a disguise or a form of protection? Criminal and victim, opposing characters, one signifying ruthlessness, brutality, and emotionless form, the other conveying fragility, delicacy, and in search of an idyllic escape; however both in contest for a form of attention, which can be accessed through an online virtual world. Creating a protective layer through an outer shell of armour, solid, structured and hardwearing materials are used to highlight this. The colour palette encompasses deep rich plum and wine-red berry tones, which are contrasted with accents of porcelain pale creams and cooler blues, echoing a darker more sinister mood.



Three-dimensional geometric shapes form the outer layer of protective armour, strong and powerful with the purpose to shield and defend. Robust metallics, appear simple yet masculine building a rigid unbreakable exterior, that cannot be harmed. Skeletal cage framework upholds this resilient solid structure, creating a sculpted and angular finish.




Objects are encapsulated and confined within small parameters, correlating to the limitations formed by the social media, as relationships become lost due the lack communication. Everyday objects transform, proposing the merge of normality and fiction, whilst trap doors and transparent objects highlight the trickery and illusion created from mysterious behaviour online.



when cracks appear in the system



Colour Palette





421c Pantone





Referring to the idea of cosmetic surgery and genetic modification, peeling glossy latex textures in a lattice formation cling tightly to the skin, whilst the fractured crumbling textures highlight the erosion of identity as they undergo transformation. From a microscopic view cells appear delicate in a clustered congregation, fragile and easily breakable, forming mesh webs in a honeycomb arrangement. The disjointed handles created by Monica Piloni and bone inspired chair by Joris Laarman showcase how this trend is infiltrating into art and furniture. Broken identity reconstructed in a disorderly and dismantled style, combined with muscular humanised structures. The colour palette for this phase comprises of cool, clinical tones, ranging from dampened greys to hazy soft blues, with accents of cloudy whites and mystic lavender, forming a somber and moody undertone.

becoming a copy and paste society






Colour Palette












This phase identifies how people are documenting their lives through the means of Facebook, Instagram and twitter, creating online archives of memories that are instantly accessible. Developing both a sense of nostalgia and optimism as people plan for the future. These contrasting ideas collide through the idea of ‘copy and paste’ what was once someone’s memory or idea becomes another, due to the spread of information and images. The colour palette is upbeat, with the clashing of bright radiant pink, warming yellow, and optimistic brilliant blue, accents of darker prominent shades are also used to counterbalance this. Mixed media, odd merging fabrics that appear dated, and modernist simplicity are combined to highlight the partnership between old and new, creating a playful collage.

Illustrated imagery, exciting vibrant prints and quirky graphics captivate this youthful experimental stage, which is representative of the young generation today, and the exciting prospects the Internet has formed through its online utopia.

‘Pause’ the idea of looking back and archiving. ‘Play’ an identity someone has crafted where both personality and looks alter. ‘Stop’ the moment of realisation, where people are isolated and motionless.













The strive for perfection is not gender specific, and is something which is impacting not only females, but also males, as grooming products within the male beauty sector have seen rapid growth, and is forecasted to increase, becoming a key service within the beauty sector. “Almost a fifth of salon customers are now men seeking a wider range of services – from manicures to facials, according to data from more than 2,200 outlets� stated by the Independent. Male makeup is becoming increasingly common, with department stores such as Harvey Nichols and John Lewis offering a number of tanning and bronzing products that have seen a rapid increase particularly within summer months, as men become self-conscious about the pale skin tone. The high street retailer Boots has also been at the forefront offering male makeup to tutorials in order to create a natural, subtle, look.

The metallic, industrial, inspired packaging appears masculine with the matte finishes and simplistic lettering. Appearing relaxed, almost unkempt, with the use of unusual terminology and branding, that is opposing of female beauty products.



New developments within technology have enabled researchers to look into the idea of using human components as a form of anti-ageing. With new technology such 3D printing becoming more accessible, and the possibility of printing human tissue, this is something, which could possibly dominate the beauty market. ‘The vampire facial’ made famous by reality star Kim Kardashian already involves using blood platelets to create a protein rich solution that is injected into the skin, which helps to reduce wrinkles. Cosmetic procedures will have a major influence within the beauty sector, which validates an individual’s need to alter and modify their appeasrance.



Seventeen Magazine, Modiface-Powered virtual makeover app, enables the user to apply branded makeup onto an image uploaded, testing the various colours applying which is most suitable, to help aid the consumer on what products to purchase. Instyle and L’Oreal have also trialed this, allowing the user to alter their hair and makeup, which can be matched to appear the same as celebrities. The technology developed offers a new innovative way for people to interact and experience makeup in the future, creating a greater bond between the idea of individuals becoming their virtual selves.

shadow The dark brutalities of the realistic world, where people appear emotionless in statuesque form, and remain embedded in fearfulness and uncertainty. Living within urbanised societies, exposed raw concrete, confined space and decaying infrastructures appear dull, harsh and unexciting. This is reflective of the mood created where people appear solemn looking, callous and expressionless.



7591c Pantone


Shades of copper are paired with subtle hints of bronze and silver metalics, creating a burnt orange shade. Appearing raw and stripped back like the desolate concrete environment, an underlying warmth is created through the pink rusty tones. This is carried through with the almost bare-faced minimal use of foundation, just enough to create a slight sheen with lightly powered, pale peach, cheeks.


488c Pantone


Lifeless forms: soft pale greys, nude colourless lips, and heavy charcoal black eyes create a slightly darkened emotionless look. This colour palette reflects the cold reality and un-acceptance within society, that’s overshadowed with self-negativity and doubt. Individuals feel that they do not meet expectations through appearance or personality, therefore become lifeless.


4c Pantone






Ink black liquid eyeliner creates a dark dishevelled look, which is enhanced with powder whites and smoky greys, in gradient creating a haze that is uplifted with touches of shimmered metallics. This is carried through with grey-blue gradient hair, appearing sleek and bold with sharp, straight angular cuts, reinforcing the harshness of reality.


This grey-black tonal theme is followed through with the packaging, appearing dark yet simplistic, with the ability to appeal to both male and female consumers. The hidden painted images imitates the disgust people feel of themselves, covering their identity, whilst overlapping images depict the fragmented broken appearance.

The interiors are industrial looking, with stripped back walls and exposed concrete, white LED lighting is used to brighten the room, and is combined with oversized metallic rim mirrors, and white-washed furniture. The minimal striped black and white interior creates an illusory shadowed effect, bringing together this phase of ‘shadowplay’.

identity The unleashing of the alter ego as an opposing character is formed removing them from the dull dark reality into a kaleidoscopic world of colour, positivity and aspiration. This is the playful and youthful side where virtual identity has been crafted to appear interesting and exciting, allowing an individual to be someone other than their self. An overwhelming sense of freedom and creativity is uplifting forming a positive, bold, daring image.



3945c 1795c


Pantone A bright vivid colour palette comprises sun-warming yellows, striking blues, sweet peach to express an imaginary, daring and confident alter ego. Bold and adventurous the energetic eye shadow and electric eyeliner builds an exciting optimistic mood, which is developed through an online virtual self. Clashing lip colours in radiant red and pink are perfect for the spring/summer phase.


1235c Pantone


Brightly coloured hair blocking, in experimental striking cuts 7702c

475c Pantone


emphasises an upbeat, positive, mind-set, which is developed through the evolving alter ego. Coloured hair chalks will be a key product within the beauty sector, as they are able to instantly transform dull and boring into exciting and new.



551c Pantone



720c Pantone


Sun kissed glowing skin combined with popping pink blush creates a fun, cartoon doll inspired look. These multiple personalities are displayed through the creation of fictional fantasy idols, unafraid and a carefree attitude is developed, as individuals become someone other than their usual self, stepping out of the harsh emotionless reality.

Props and graphics are illustrated and quirky. Fragments are pieced together in a disorderly fashion with clashing prints, and bold tones, to create a confused look, as the idea reality and virtual worlds collide creating a colourful explosion. Taking inspiration from Quentin Jones art work, and cartoon graphics to assist when applying this phase.



Masked and unidentifiable, secretive characters are devious and conniving. Through their anonymity they appear strong and unfased, as they are hidden by their mysterious disguise. Gothic like with pale skin, rouge lips and striking black hair, they are strong and insensitive to those who surround them.


202c Pantone















Mysterious, posionus shades are highlighted with dark lipstick, and combined with metalic deep peacock blue, and lighter golden bronze eyeshadow. Pale colourless skin draws attention to these features creating a main focal point. Lightly powered dusky pink cheeks will offset this overall look.

The use of geometric structural shapes is carried out through both interiors and packaging. This style also has the ability to appeal to both male and female consumers, as the exterior appears masculine, translating strength and empowerment. The three-dimensional shaping, reflects an armour and protective layer which has been developed within this trend, that touches upon masking identities.

Chain embossed products that appear sleek and expensive in design, reflecting the materialism of the tribe. Inspiration should be taken from products including the Prabal Gurung x MAC collection, as well as Jean Paul Gaultiers exclusive champagne bottle.



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