Mss campus services brochure final

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BYU Clubs & organizations L o ok i n g fo r s oc ia l a c t iv i t ie s, f r ie n d s , an d f u n? !

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Skill-building clubs: Pre-Chiropractic Club Grad Connect BYU International Student Association Pre-Pharmacy Club Environmental Science Club Web Startup Group Golden Key International Honor Society ALPFA– Association of Latino Professionals in Finance & Accounting

Student Wellness Take care of all the aspects of your life.

C a m p u s I n v o lv e m e n t Check out what you’re missing!!

2014– Aerobics & Fitness The RB offers fun ways to stay in shape during the school year. ( Check out this website for health coaching options:

Do stuff you love: 

Rebel Sword Fencing

Humor U

Classics Book Club

Women’s Services provides services and

Break Dance Club

information about women’s issues to the BYU community. Find them in 3326 WSC.

Tribe of Many Feathers Black Student Union Polynesian Club Salsa Club Ukulele Club

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Career Wellness Front cover copyright 2012

Register for a free career interest assessment, get interview tips and much more

Interested in a club that fits in your major? Look for clubs that your department endorses or join your department’s student council. Check out all the BYU clubs today!

Text "wellness" to 53535 to receive campus updates or check them out at

Multicultural Student Services 2014– 2015 Find us at or on our Facebook page: BYU Multicultural Student Services. To follow our events just access our calendar

M u lt i c u lt u r a l S t u d e n t S e rv i c e s C u lt u r a l P ro g r a m s

Service Opportunities Get your mind off the stress, let service do the rest!

Mission Statement: to create events that promote cultural education, inclusion, and student development.


Student Leadership & BYU/SA


Take a little time to do a little good!  

Black History Month

Pow Wow

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Utah Healing Arts Paint a Wish CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate) TOPS (Tutor Outreach Provo Schools) Best Buddies Spanish Interpreters Seeds of Success

Adopt a Grandparent


Service Dates


Sub for Santa

Boys & Girls Club

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Dance/Perform Usher Public Relations

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Become a Leader with BYU/SA

Blue Crew: help run campus events!

Get Elected to BYU/SA Student Council

Submit Your Ideas

Honor Week: help celebrate Honor’s Week

SAC/ BYUnity: come together with a variety of students

BYUSA Vision:

Ways to Participate: 

Students serving students: Get Involved!

The Student Service Association’s vision is to be leaders centered on Jesus Christ who contribute to the building of Zion communities...that there be no intellectually, spiritually, emotionally, or physically poor among us.

Photographer Graphic Design Advertising

To learn about our other cultural programs, check out our Facebook page: BYU Multicultural Student Services

For current service opportunities, visit

Check them out here!

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