DL Architectural Portfolio (undergraduate)

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Architectural Portfolio

Daniel Lomax 9th October 1992 dalomax@outlook.com

07863905549 Based In Manchester

D welling Space

L ive / Work Space

A goraphobia Centre

T echnology

D welling Space, Budapest Created from two clients through a process of creating an Eating Space, Sleeping Space and Bathing Space. A conflict arises in the heart of Budapest, between a seemingly eccentric Teppanyaki Chef and an Introverted blind man who navigates via echolocation.

Eating Space The shape of the dwelling started based upon a structural study of a pine cone. The study came about as the female cone shown above is independent, requiring no other organism to reproduce, they rely solely on the wind. Which reflects how the blind client is independent in the way he uses his echolocation. It also fits the idea of eccentricity of the Teppanyaki Chef.

Eaat Sleep

Sleeping Space Daniel Kish, one of my clients who is blind, says his dreams become more vivid when he can switch off comletely, so soundproofing the room distorts his echolocation allowing him into a deeper sleep on his journey. The other sleeping space for Tsukada (Teppanyaki Chef) is a minimalist space for him to merely rest his head and be awoken by morning sun.

De-Robe and Wash hands

Ascend the Grandeur Stairs

Wash in shower on the stage

Bathe in Secluded bath

as part of his routine as a chef and japanese tradition.

to enforce his false facade of an extrovert persona

and expose himself to falsify his showmanship and maintain his self image.

to escape his public persona and settle down to his own acceptable level. An escape from his showmanship lifestyle in which he has top portray himself.

De-Robe and Wash hands

Walk through shower

Ascend the incline

Bathe and Relax

as part of jewish tradition.

to wash physically you first must wash spirtiually

with meshed floor so as to give himself a break from using his echolocation.

to escape from his eratic everyday lifestyle.

Bathing Space The space for bathing, like sleeping, was invisiged to be a journey, but from unclean through to clean and I wanted to expose this and have it be apparent and exposed using both clients natural bathing routines.

Rusts though in time to expose a clean steel facade as Budapest develops




4. 3.

1. 2.

1. Entrance 2. Kitchen Stage 3. Eating Space 4. Lounge 5. Kish’s Sleeping Space 6. Tsukada Sleeping Space 7. Stairs to Bathing Space

Joining the Spaces Created from two clients through a process of creating an Eating Space, Sleeping Space and Bathing Space. A conflict arises in the heart of Budapest, between a seemingly eccentric Teppanyaki Chef and an Introverted blind man.

Dwelling Space The space for bathing, like sleeping, was invisiged to be a journey, but from unclean through to clean and I wanted to expose this and have it be apparent and exposed using both clients natural bathing routines.

L ive / Work Space, Granada On the site previously was a run down condemmened library so I chose to rebuild the library into my live / work project and created a rare music manuscript library with accomodation for visiting students who wish to access the manuscripts as part of their study.

Final Volumetric Study

Volumetric Approach Living Space Refrigerated Manuscript Zone Public Access

Ground Fl oor

F i r s t F lo o r

Second Fl oor

R o o f P la n

Section S omethi n g something dark side

East Elevation S omethi n g something dark side

South Elevation S ome t h i ng something dark side

Public Entrance

Entrance to refrigerated manuscript zone

Quiet study room

Storage of rare books and manuscripts

Entrance to living space

Cool sunken lounge area

Master Bedroom

A goraphobia Centre, London Based in 2050 with a predicted rise in age with the growing knowledge of genetic engineering proving a life expectancy of 150 with life extending opperations and drugs, all made expensive, an uprising occurs causing a rise in the number of sufferers of agoraphobia, who are scared of the main city due to the crime relating to obtaining the life extending drugs. This agoraphobia centre takes patients through a journey in eleviating them from this tension regarding the outside world through a routine in which the living modules move around the building from a tight enclosed space to one with more freedom and views alongside their rehabilitation program.

Central Amenities Accomodation

Private Office Space Reception / Lobby


Accomodation Journey

Floor -1 Underground turning and servicing space for modules

Floor 0 Main entrance, reception, offices, restaurant, Main entrance and exit to living modules.

Floor 1 Gym Level

Floor 2 Counselling Level

Floor 3 Library book store

Floor 4 Library Reading Level

Floor 5 Park Level

Floor 6 Chapel Level

Floor 7 Maintainance atop building

Floor 8 Roof Plan

T echnology Module From a given precedent we were to conduct an in depth, technological, analytical case study. This case study was on the Maggie’s Centre, Gartnavel, Scotland.

Location was specifically selected for its semi-wooded, natural landscape, the design of the centre takes full advantage of the natural surroundings and potential of the site. Already a green area within the hospital grounds, the landscape design further enhances the current landscape, benefiting not just those visiting the Maggie’s Centre but all who come to the hospital grounds through additional planting and greening of the site.

Summer Shading, to keep the privacy inside the house, the trees on site block most direct sunlight into the building.

Wind rays over site, the foliage stops the majority of wind from making the building feel uncomfortable.

Winter shading, the trees drop their leaves allowing what little light reaches the site to penetrate into the building.

Wind pressure shown through site

South westerly prevailing wind throughout the site, of which the foliage retains a calm but gentle breeze in the centre of the trees.

Site is untouched

Ground Excavation

Basement waterproofing

In situ caltite admixture concrete basement poured

Basement level insulated

Stairs cast in

Hardcore layer added

Damp proof membrane layer added

In situ concrete raft foundation cast

Insulated void former added

1200 gauge visqueen separating membrane

In situ concrete floor cast in place

Primary structure, in situ concrete walls cast

Insulation added to outside of in situ walls

Pre cast concrete panels fixed in place

Roof cast in place and glazing added

3D detail of the balcony section, with in situ cast base, insulated void former, topped with further cast concrete, with the metalwork intertwined with the composition.

3D detail of the floor and roof junctions in the building, including heating trenches, external and internal insulation, timber cast into the roof for detailing, with the same pattern reflected ontop of the roof.

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