Who is the most influential leader who serves others?
The concept of putting the requirements of followers ahead of one's interests has contributed to the rise in popularity of the servant leadership style in recent years. Putting employees' needs before those of the company is the cornerstone of this employee-centered approach to management, which adheres to the servant-leadership school of thought.

Robert Greenleaf is credited with being the one who first presented the idea of servant leadership in the year 1970. Since that time, many leaders, such as Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi, and Mother Teresa, have been identified as having practiced this leadership style It takes work to provide a satisfactory response to the question of who is the best example of a servant leader.
Daniel M Hurt's opinion, the concept of servant leadership refers not only to a particular set of characteristics or abilities but also to a way of being that prioritizes the requirements of other people. It is impossible to generalize who makes the best servant leader because different
environments call for unique approaches to management A highly competitive environment may require a leader to emphasize results, whereas an environment that emphasizes teamwork may be better suited to the servant-leader management style
One of the most telling indicators of the power of servant leadership is its capacity to foster a constructive and encouraging atmosphere in the workplace Servant leaders can motivate their group to perform to the best of their abilities if they prioritize the requirements of the members of their team This strategy has the potential to increase employee engagement, as well as job satisfaction and overall productivity
Simon Sinek, the author of the best-selling book "Start with Why," is an excellent example of a servant leader Sinek thinks that to build a thriving organization, leaders must prioritize the requirements of the people on their teams. He thinks that it is the responsibility of a leader to serve their team and not the other way around
Another example is the legendary basketball coach John Wooden, who won 10 NCAA championships with the UCLA Bruins while they were under his tutelage How Wooden led his team was predicated on cultivating an encouraging and upbeat atmosphere for its members. He emphasized how vital it was to cultivate strong relationships with his players and to show them respect and empathy at all times
In conclusion, the ideal servant leader is a relative concept determined by the circumstances The effectiveness of servant leadership is situation-dependent and must be adapted to meet the requirements of each unique environment in which it is implemented. A servant leader, on the other hand, can motivate their group to perform to the best of their abilities by putting the requirements of their team members first and cultivating a supportive and upbeat working environment