Growing Online Sales Using In-Person Marketing

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Growing Online Sales Using InPerson Marketing

Selling products or services online has revolutionized the business world and made it possible to generate large sales numbers with minimal overhead. While online selling is definitely a powerful tool for many businesses, it’s not always done completely online. If you can integrate a great in-person marketing strategy in combination with your online presence, the results can be amazing. Here are a few things to consider about using an inperson marketing strategy to grow online sales.

Trade Shows One of the best in-person strategies for growing online sales is the use of trade shows. Regardless of what industry you’re in, there’s a good chance that a relevant trade show is available to you. Getting a booth, setting up a professional banner to draw attention and talking to people at the show can be a great way to drive traffic to your website. You don’t always have to sell your product on the spot at a trade show. Many times, just generating a buzz and word of mouth at a trade show is all you need to accomplish to get

online sales later. If your product or service sticks in people’s minds, they’ll get online after the show and check out your website. Many companies will offer a special promotion at a trade show that visitors can use to get a discount on your website. For example, you could pass out brochures or flyers with a special promo code on them to give your trade show customers a 10% discount.

Presentations Another solid strategy for generating online business is to give presentations about your product or service. Many companies will have a representative give an in-person demonstration of their product, or give a presentation about a related topic in a public forum. Even if you must talk about some other topic at a presentation, there are typically ample opportunities to pitch your website address, mention your product’s name or the company’s name. People tend to lend extra credibility to people that they perceive to be experts on a topic. If you are a good public speaker and make people believe that you are an expert in your field, many of them will check out your website later. If your website is geared to convert, it’s just a matter of generating more traffic over time. By implementing in-person marketing strategies along with your online techniques, you can ramp up your sales and see drastic improvement. Daniel Palmier is a leading Boston CEO, Real Estate Investment Manager, and Founder of UC Funds.

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