Into the Unknown: Exploring SCP Fundation An iterview with the “Plague Doctor”
Infohazrd First Issue 1/10/2021
Into the Unknown: Exploring SCP Fundation DARIUS RAZZLE PACIENTE
What is the SCP Foundation? Imagine a world similar to ours, even call it a parallel dimension or universe, where “anomalies” live, subsist, and prevail. These anomalies are sometimes beyond human comprehension. They can be beneficial, dangerous, or characters, circumstances, materials, events, etc. of a fiction novel turned into reality.
Are SCPs and the Foundation a Real Thing? This is a world, or rather a universe, where the socalled “SCP” and SCP Foundation exists. SCP is an abbreviation for the words “Secure. Contain. Protect.” that shields mankind from “anomalies,” harmful or not, that exists in the world, in the system, or in the universe. This foundation firmly ensures that the “Normal Life” is not disturbed among the masses. It is a (very) huge organization that is globally trusted to catalog thousands of artifacts, beings, phenomena, and many more. It is a major organization with a number of laboratories, facilities, and networks capable of securing, containing, or even destroying these anomalies that are individually named as “SCP” followed by a given coded number (such as SCP-173, SCP-049). SCPs are subjectively also called “Skips.” A bit of a disclaimer that this article doesn’t necessarily cover all information about SCPs and the Foundation itself, but rather a starting milestone for anyone who wishes to dig deeper into the said universe. Origins of the Foundation Almost all of the entirety of the SCP universe was created during the age of “paranormal” /x/ forum in 4chan. 4chan is an anonymous English-based imageboard website where people, or users, can share and comment on topics that are under the sun. In short, it’s like an internet bulletin board where users can create topics, posts, forums, etc. The first-ever SCP posted in the said forum was SCP173, along with its special containment procedures in the year 2007. Other details are well-written and well-versed in SCP’s narrative history essays. Many additional special containment procedures were created shortly after; new SCPs copied SCP173’s style and were set within the same fictional universe. Paranormal /x/ is also the forum where the first Creepasta stories are born. Aside from the usual bland flash horror fiction or the one-way-of-scaring-people-by-writing-scary-stories method or posts created in the forum, the SCP universe was deemed somewhat unique because of its extensiveness and usage of terms and scientific-ness. The website for SCPs was soon launched in the year of 2008.
Whether you’re asking if the said major foundation, a globally enforced organization, is either real or not — it’s not real. And thank everything that it is definitely not real. Almost everything written in the site is purely fictitious, from the organization itself to the anomalies. Although, it does exist as a collaborative wiki and cooperative writing hub on the internet where users can create their own SCPs by adding more SCPs, contribute additional lore and stories behind already existing SCPs, and even upload photos, videos, or even recorded media (most of which are edited or fan-made) that would enhance and expand the overall storytelling and experience of a certain SCP and the universe. Think of it as other information sites like Creepypasta, where stories are published by anonymous or non-anonymous horror story writers. Or Wikipedia, where each article and material is contributed by comprehensive and well-collected research, studies, footnotes from digital media, and physical prints.
Roget’s SCP Writng Walkthrough an Essay on Creating an SCP Basic Overview of the SCP Idea The SCP Wiki is a collective fiction site centered around the SCP Universe, through SCP Objects. SCP Objects are narrative writing in the SCP format. Like any other kind of storytelling, SCP Objects need to have a beginning, middle, end, and a narrative arc of some kind. SCP Articles are first and foremost a story. Most advice that applies to other forms of creative writing apply to writing for the SCP Wiki.
Finding Inspiration Images: It is usually better to have a picture than not to, the Wikimedia Commons and SCP Visual Records sites have many images which may allow inspiration to strike. At the same time, a bad image can oftentimes sink an otherwise good article, so be wary in which you choose. Knowledge: Write what you know. You can use your own knowledge to think of something to write about. Perhaps something from horror, history, science or art can provide the spark of an idea. Themes: Think about the specific concept you want to express in your article. Try to think out the implications of that idea. Thought process: If the shark’s not there, that means what it isn’t can’t be there. So if you’re there, there’s no air. And that’s bad.
Brainstorming Bounce Ideas and concepts off people, and see what they think. Oftentimes you’ll find that other’s comments and thoughts can really get your own ideas flowing. This can be done with other community members on the forums or through IRC, but it can also be done with non-writing friends or family members. Flexibility! Don’t get married or nailed down to a certain interpretation of your concept. If someone comes up with something you think works better, don’t be afraid to run with it. Sometimes abandoning a draft to start from scratch can be scary, but you want your article to be as strong as possible and nobody is timing you. Listening to ideas from others and really try to take the advice of others into account, especially if you’re just starting out. Tuning out negative feedback is a disservice to everyone. Writing is a collaborative process, and we all want to help each other to be the best possible writers we can be.
Putting Down Words Start Writing: lay an outline, pacing from the least exciting to the most exciting portions. This is also a good point to decide on what to cut and what to consolidate. Outlines: Anything from a basic list of properties to a detailed rundown of instructions to yourself on how to write the SCP. As detailed as it needs to be for work to be done later. Traditional SCP Layout: start with a physical description of the object, or an outline of the concept if it’s not a physical object, then they go into the anomalous effects and the rest of the story. Articles need a beginning, middle and an end. A story fulfills some kind of arc, where there’s setup and payoff.
Drafting and Revising Finish It! It’s better to write out a first draft entirely after you outline, instead of tweaking and editing every sentence. Reading what you’ve written aloud is a good way of seeing if it sounds natural and flows well. If it sounds disjointed coming out of your mouth then it will sound that way to the reader. Progression from physical description, to anomalous effect, to escalating anomalous effect, or however you structure your narrative, should feel natural and cohesive. Cutting out extra unnecessary detail can help make your points more clear.
Seeking Feedback Feedback can be obtained on the forums, and also through the IRC chat. Use your own judgement and be honest with yourself as to whether or not you can think of any ways to improve it on your own before showing others. Be courteous towards anyone willing to read a draft and know that you are probably only the latest of dozens people to come to chat seeking feedback that day. Spamming drafts by repeatedly joining chat just to drop a draft link and waiting for somebody to bite is a great way to fade into background noise.
Posting Your Article Posting: When you feel ready to post your article, find the nearest empty slot. Do a final proofread to get rid of any remaining SCP-XXXX’s or other assorted typos, and be sure to add a rating module. Also be sure to announce it in the proper forum thread. Post-Posting it is essential to stay and monitor the first hour to hour and a half of your article’s life. This can make or break the article. Obvious Defects or error can be pointed out by an early commentator, giving you a chance to correct it.
No Canon Coin A 2.7 cm replica coin reminiscent of an Eagle, a US coin worth $10 at the time of minting. Visually resembling a golden coin, the coin is made of plastic, and was likely produced at some point between 2010 and 2013. A compulsive effect in those that observe it visually, causing them to believe that it is not only made of real gold but is also extraordinarily valuable has been reported.
Bloody Key Appears as a standard door key of unremarkable make. If placed on a keychain with two or more keys of a similar make, the key will gradually alter its appearance to match over the course of several weeks. Regardless of form, it may be identified by indelible bloodstains on the fob. When inserted into the locked mechanism of a door or similar barrier behind which are one or more mammalian lifeforms, the key will open the lock, and have its secondary effects.
Safe and
Gas Mask A Soviet GP-5 gas mask that still retains its original function. When placed on someone’s head approximately one second after it is fully secured on the person wearing it will vanish from view, and no longer be detectable. People have reported that they appear in a barren and inhospitable, with tall black towers filling the area returning when they take the mask off.
Checkmate Chessboard An eight-by-eight square standard chess board measuring 40 cm by 40 cm. On the board are 16 pawns, two Kings, two Queens, four Bishops, four Knights, and four rooks, totaling 16 black and 16 white pieces. All items are carved out of elephant ivory. The white pieces are moveable and can even be removed from the board with minimal force; the black pieces, however, cannot be removed from the board, or moved by any outside force.
for Sale
Interview with SCP-049 Conducted by Dr. Raymond Hamm “Plague Doctor”
What is this Pestilence you seek? What do you mean? The Scourge! The Great Dying. Come now, you know, the, uh.. (taps temple furiously) ...what is it they call it, the.. the.. ah, no matter. The Pestilence, yes. It abounds outside these walls, you know. So many have succumbed, and many more will continue to, until such time as a perfect cure can be developed. (Leans back in its chair) Fortunately, I am very close. It is my duty in life to rid the world of it, you see. The Cure To End All Cures!
When you say “The Great Dying”, are you talking about the bubonic plague? (Pauses) I don’t know what that is.
You think you cured those people? Indeed. My cure is most effective. (Pauses and glares at Dr. Hamm) Yes, well, it is not a perfect cure. But that will come with time. And further experimentation! I have spent a lifetime developing my methods, Dr. Hamm, and will spend a lifetime more, if necessary. Now, we have wasted too much time. There is work to do! I will require a laboratory of my own, one where I can continue my research unimpeded. And assistants, of course, though I can provide those on my own, in time. (Laughs) That still doesn’t answer my question. How is your cure any kind of cure at all? (Growing suddenly agitated) It is a cure! You may laugh at my efforts if you please, but do not besmirch the good name of scientific progress that has developed this great mercy. What you so shortsightedly see here is a life better than any this creature could have hoped for, stricken as it was with Pestilence. This creature is now clean, unable to spread the Pestilence and free from the terror it would have experienced otherwise.
I don’t think our organization will be willing toI see. Right, well, the entities our agents encountered at that house we found you, they were dead when you encountered them, yes? And you reanimated them? Hrmm, in a manner of speaking. You see things too simply, doctor! Expand your horizons. Life and death, sickness and health, these are amateur terms for amateur physicians. There is only one ailment that exists in the world of men, and that is the Pestilence. And nothing else! Make no mistake, they were very ill, all of them.
Nonsense. We are all men of science. Fetch your coat and show me to my quarters, doctor. (Gestures with pointed stick) Our work begins now
SCP-2521 “****|**|*”
A Quick View into the Memetics and Infohazards Division Orientation Alright everybody, welcome to the orientation for the memetics and infohazards division. Now this is a full week of training, and a long day so be sure to get some coffee or a donut, because we won’t have time to go get food until lunch. I’m Junior Researcher Zack Ekshun, and, I, ah, yes? Question? Why aren’t I having any coffee or donuts? Heh, looks like we have at least one veteran of the reality benders orientation. Well to put your mind at ease, why don’t you get me some coffee and a donut or two. Usually I take it black, but add some milk and sugar just to cover all the bases. Hey sprinkles! Nice. Now, you’re right to be suspicious. You get lied to a lot at the Foundation. Little things like ‘We only put tracking chips in D-class’, ‘This will be the first time you receive amnestics’ and the location of the site you’re currently sitting in. But today, I’m going to be completely honest with you. Which gets us to the important part, you don’t have to worry about us secretly feeding you drugs. We will be very openly feeding you lots of powerful hallucinogens. The reason we’re not bothering to hide it is because, like most infohazards, our psychedelic testing regimen works whether or not you know about it ahead of time. The reason we’re making you trip balls is that we need to make sure you can handle your shit regardless of what your brain thinks is going on.
It doesn’t matter if the walls are melting and cats with your grandmothers’ face are telling you the secret history of the world. You write your reports, conduct tests and follow the containment procedures. You document everything the grandma cats tell you and ride it out until you punch out. What’s in your head can’t hurt you unless you let it. To work with infohazards you need to notice when things don’t make sense, and this is the important part, respond accordingly. Do you suddenly have a spouse you didn’t this morning? Well, maybe you shouldn’t consummate that relationship. Were you always taking advice from the omnidimensional blood gods you’re thinking about building a shrine to? Maybe instead you should talk to your supervisor, because we sure don’t need another “prophet”. It should come as no surprise to you that there are many layers to our Division. This week will provide the basics the others get, with the real preparatory seminars transmitted through a variety of unconventional channels. We’re going to teach you to walk through fire, feel like your brain is melting out of your ears and still keep going. We will put your minds in the forge and hammer at them until they are stronger than steel. Mind affecting and weird psychic SCPs will slide off you, and information-based containment breaches will be just another day at the office.
Fans even sell posters out of SCP-2521 like this one found on Zazzle
Deviant Art a website for artists has taken to be the home for many SCP creations like SCP2521. Amamidori created this image with these creature in mind.
Making her own ‘Child’ version of SCP-2521 Libby created this cute creature.
“Uh-oh, looks like you got caught writing down a piece of textual information about SCP-2521! YOINK” Blinkence made his fanart to show a scary monster.
Interacting with SCP-2521 A Fan Favorite
Discovering SCP Foundation the summer of 2015Humantropy took to Facebook to draw an iconic SCP.
With a community all the way to tumblr people like MaL0w0 have taken to create adorable character designes of SCPs like 2521.