Daniel Tuba DSouza - MSU Vice President (Finance)

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Tabl eofCont ent s

Exper i ence


I nt r oduct i on


TheMar auder sNest


Get t i ngaJob


Br andNew CampusEvent s


Ser vi ceSuppor t / Tr anspar ancy


Cont i nui ngPr ogr ess


Suppor t i ngt hePr esi dent


Ti mel i ne


Exper i ence McMast erSt udent sUni on MSU Mar oon Aut hor ,I ndi genousSt udent sPol i cy Del egat e,OUSA Gener alAssembl y CoDi r ect or ,TEDxMcMast er U Pr omot i onsRepr esent at i ve,MSU CampusEvent s operLogi st i cs,MSU Hor i zons Leader shi pDevel Speci alEr r andsTeam,MSU CLAY Event sRepr esent at i ve,MSU CampusEvent s Vol unt eerLi st ener ,MSU PeerSuppor tLi ne TEDxMcMast er U,Del egat esCoor di nat or Leader shi pDevel oper ,MSU Hor i zons Leader shi pDevel operLogi st i cs,MSU CLAY Del egat e,MSU Hor i zons

20162017 2017 2016 2015-2016 20152016 2015 2015 20142015 20142015 20142015 2014 2014 2013

McMast erUni ver si t y McMast erRepr esent at i ve,I nt er nat i onalEconomi c For um oft heAmer i cas GuestSpeaker ,ChangeCampX McMast erUni ver si t yTourGui de Vi cePr esi dentSoci alEvent s,McMast erSci enceSoci et y Facul t yRep,Sci ence Resi denceRep,Moul t onHal l

2016 2016 20142017 20152016 20152016 2014

Ot herRel evantExp. Founder&CoDi r ect or ,Hackt heCi t y Bar t ender ,HessVi l l age

20162017 2016


I nt r oduct i on DearMember soft heAssembl y, T heSRAi sapos i t i ont hatof t endoes n’ tgetacknowl edged. I t ’ sl ongSundaymeet i ngsand ci r cul ardebat esf orl i t t l egl or y . Mos toft het i mey oudon’ tgett os eet her es ul t soft hewor k y oudo. Buti ti sbecaus eofy ou, t heSRAmember s , andal loft heoneswhocamebef or e t hatwehav eoneoft hebes ts t udentcommuni t i esi nt hecount r y . Onet hats uppor t scons ent , di v er s i t y, andi ncl us i v i t y; dr opsAl i s tar t i s t sf orwel comeweekandhomecomi ng; and pr ov i desahomef oral mos t300di f f er entcl ubsands er v i cest hatpr ov i depr ogr ammi ng/ adv ocacyt ot hous andsofs t udent sonourcampus . T hes t udentexper i encei sadi r ectr es ul tofpeopl ewhobel i ev ei nt hei ri deasandadv ocat e t omaket hem ar eal i t y . Myr ol east heVPFi nancei st omakeyouri deast hatr eal i t y.My goalwi t heachoneofmycons ul t at i onswasnott opi t chy oumypl at f or m, butt oas kabout y our sands eehow wecanwor kt oget hert oachi ev ey ourgoal s . T her ear emanyr eas onswhyIwant edt or unf ort hi spos i t i on, butal loft hem boi ldownt o gi v i ngbackt ot hecommuni t yt hats hapedme. WhenIfir s tcamei nt oMcMas t er , Iwasa del egat eatMSU Hor i zons , al eader s hi pconf er encef ori ncomi ngs t udent shel dbyt heMSU. Hor i zonsi nt r oducedmet or ol emodel swhobot hs uppor t edandencour agedmet o becomet heper s onIam t oday . Myexper i encesdi pi nt oev entpl anni ng, bus i nes s , adv ocacy, s uppor t , andpr omot i onsbutt heyal lcomebackt ot hest udentexper i ence.Forme, t hi s r ol ei sabouts pendi ngmyl as ty earatMcMas t ergi v i ngbackt ot hecommuni t yt hatnur t ur edme, butdoi ngs oi nawayt hatdi r ect l yr eachesev er ys t udentasoppos edt oaf acul t y oracohor t . Mypl at f or mi sbas edonar easofconcer nbr oughtupbyeachcandi dat eandf ocus eson t angi bl echangesi nt hr eemai ncat egor i es : 1.Af f or dabl eFood&Space2.Exper i ent i alOppor t uni t i es 3.Di ver sePr ogr ammi ngandOut r each. Whi l emyi deasmaybebol dIbel i ev e t heyar eneces s ar y, andwi t hmyt r ackr ecor di npr oj ectmanagement , ev entpl anni ng, pr oductl auchi ng, negot i at i ons , andf or mi ngpar t ner s hi psIs t r ongl ybel i ev et hatIam t hebes t per s ont oaccompl i s ht hem. I m notgoi ngt ol i e, t hi sr ol es car esmeal i t t l ewi t hi t ss copeofr es pons i bi l i t yandi mpact . Buti mpr ov i ngt hes t udentexper i encet oget herwi t hal lofy oui ss omet hi ngI ’ mi nr edi bl y exci t edt obegi n. I ft her esanyt hi ngI ’ v el ear nedatmyt i meher e, i t st hatnomat t erwhat happensy ou’ l lal way shav eahomeat1280mai ns t r eetwes tandI ’ m exci t edt omaket hat homeev enbet t erwi t heachandev er yoneofy ou.

Dani el‘ Tuba’ D’ Souza Vi cePr es i dent( Fi nance)Candi dat e


St udentCost s,St udent sSpace THEMAI N PROBLEM T hebi gges tconcer nr ecei v edwhencons ul t i ngwi t ht heSRAands t udent swashow expens i v eand financi al l yi nacces s i bl ei ti st obeas t udent . Wi t hr i s i ngt ui t i onpr i ces , f oodpr i ces , andcos tofl i v i ng, s t udent sar en’ tgi v enmuchofanopt i ononwher et heycans av emoney . Whi l et ui t i onandt hecos t ofl i v i ngar el ar ge, compl exi s s ueswhi chi nv ol v euni v er s i t y, muni ci pal , andf eder aladv ocacy, t he av ai l abi l i t yofaf f or dabl ef oodoncampusi ss omet hi ngt heMSU canhel pal l ev i at er i ghtnow.

Pr obl em 1:CheapFoodonCampusi sHar dt oFi nd Oneoft hebi gges ts t r uggl esofbei ngas t udenti sfindi ngqui ck, af f or dabl ef oodoncampus . When t heav er agemealf r om LaPi azzar unsy ouabout10$, s t ayi ngonabudgetandeat i ngheal t hybecomesi ncr edi bl ydi cul t . Looki ngatourcampus , t her ear entmanyar east hats el lqui ckaf f or dabl ef ood. Uni onMar ketbagel sr unoutaf t er12pm andt her ei s ntahuges el ect i oni ns andwi ches . 1280 pr i cesequalt hatoft hepheoni xandnotmanys t udent shav et i met os i tdownbet weencl as s esand wai tf orat abl es er v i cemeal . Gi v ent hei ncr eas ei nt hecos tofl i v i ngasas t udent , t hi si ss omet hi ng t hatneedst ochange.

Pr obl em 2:St udent sar eConsi st ent l ySt r uggl i ngf orSpacet oSt udy,Eat ,andRel ax Asany onewhohasev ert r i edt oeatl unchi nMUSCcanat t es tt oo, t her ei s n’ tmuchs pacet os i t downandeat . Whi l et her ei sanew bui l di ngnow s chedul edt obebui l ti na3y earhor i zon, t her ear e s t i l l3y ear sofs t udent st hatar egoi ngt obef acedwi t hconges t edl ounges pace, eat er i es , andl i br ar i es . Ut i l i zi ngMSU owneds pacee ci ent l yt opr ov i des t udent swi t hs pacet os t udy, eat , andr el axwi l l needt obeat oppr i or i t yov ert henext3y ear swhi l eours t udentpopul at i onr i s es .

Pr obl em 3:Get t i ngGr ocer i esi sDi cul tonaSt udentSchedul e,EvenMor esoI nt he Wi nt er Oneoft hequi ckes tway sf oras t udentt os av emoneyi sbymealpr eppi ng. Mealpr eppi ngi sgr eat andcos tef f ect i v ei fyouhaveacces st of r es hgr ocer i es . Whent hemi dt er ms eas onki cksupi t ’ shar d t ofindt i met ogot het ot hegr ocer ys t or e. Whi l ef ar ms t andi sact i v e2day saweekdur i ngt hes ummer / f al lt er m, oncewi nt err ol l sar ounds t udent sar el ef tont hei rownt ofindf r es hf r ui t sandv eget abl es . T her ewontbeagr ocer ys t or eoncampusf ort henext3y ear s , i nt hemeant i meweneedt odet er mi nehow t oi ncr eas eacces st oaf f or dabl egr ocer i esf ors t udent s .

Food&Bever ageBusi nessUni tFi nances( hi nt :t er r i bl e) Cur r ent l y1280i spr oj ect edt ol os eov er$200000t hi sy earwi t honl y$70000oft hatact ual l ybudget edf or . Uni onMar keti spr oj ect edt obr i ngi n$90000. T hatmeanst hatt oget her , ourbus i nes s uni t swi lbel os i ng$110000+ofs t udentmoneyt hi sy ear . T oputi ti nper s pect i v e, j us tbycl os i ngt he door sof1280y oucoul dadd$11000+t ot hebudgetofev er ys er v i ce( av g. budgetofas er v i cei s$13 00) . T hi si sas er i ousi s s ue.


St udentCost s,St udent sSpace ‘ TheMar auder sNest ’ Cur r ent l y50% oft he1280s pacei sonl yus eddur i ngcl ubni ght sands peci alev ent s . I woul dl i ket oeval uat econver t i ngt heunusedspacei nt oaLounge/ Cof f eeShopsi mi l art omodel satot heruni ver si t i esandi nt egr at i ngi twi t ht her est aur antbusi ness s uchasWes t er n’ s“ T heSpoke”or‘ CoGr o’ cof f ees hopatQueens-bot hbus i nes suni t s s ucces f ul l yownedandoper at edbyt hei rr es pect i v es t udentuni on’ s( USC&AMS) . When y out hi nkof1280y out hi nkofei t herar es t aur antoracl ubni ght . Let schanget hati nt o apl acewher es t udent swantt obebet weencl as s es , onet hatemphas est hev al ueswe v er s i t y, andonewher et heMar audercannes tdur i ngi t shect i cs chedul e. hol dasauni

Whatt hi swoul dl ookl i ke: I ns t eadof1280bei ngs eenaspur el yar es t aur ant , i tbecomesahubf ors t udent st os oci al i ze, r el ax, gr abaqui ckbi t e, ors t udy . As t udentcanwal ki nt o1280andhav et he choi cet os i tdownf orameal , or deracookedmealt ogo, orgr abaqui ckwr ap/ s andwi ch/ bagelandhangoutf or20mi nut esi nt hel ounge/ s eat i ngs pacebef or eheadi ngt o cl as s .

Pr ovi dest udent swi t hmor ecost ef f ect i vef oodopt i ons Cr eat i ngas peci ficgot oar eaf orqui ck, af f or dabl ef oodsal l owsust opr ov i des t udent s wi t ht hedi v er s i t yofaf f or dabl ef oodopt i onst ochoos ef r om. Cur r ent l yt hes i debarof 1280i sus edonl yf ors t or age. Iwoul dl i ket oev al uat econv er t i ngt hi si nt oacaf és t at i on wher es t udent scanor derbagel s , pr emadewr aps , s andwi chesast heywoul datt heWi l l i amsi nHSCf oranaf f or dabl epr i ce.

Pr ovi dest udent swi t hi ncr easedspacet oeat / st udy Us i ngMSUownedandl i cenceds pacee ci ent l yal l owsust opr ov i deanew exper i ence t os t udent sbymaki ngbet t erus eofanal r eadyoper at i ngs er v i ce. Cur r ent l yt hecl ub dancefloorands i del oungear eunus ed. Iwoul dl i ket oev al uat econv er t i ngt hi si nt oa l oungeands eat i ngs pacef ors t udent st oeat , s t udy, andr el axi nbet weencl as s es .

ReduceCostofBusi nessUni t s Par toft hi spl ani ncl udescut t i ngnonpr ofit abl e‘ T hi r s t yT hur s day’ cl ubni ght swhi l e mai nt ai ni ngt hepopul aroness uchast hefir s tT hur s dayback, homecomi ng, St . Pat r i ck’ s dayet c. Gi v ent hatt hehi ghes texpendi t ur esf r om 1280comesf r om empt ycl ubni ght s , t hi si saqui ckwi nt or educecos t sandt heabs enceofpr ogr ammi ngcanbes uppl ement edwi t ht henextpoi nt . T her es t aur antwoul ds t i l lf unct i onasi s , i nt egr at edwi t h t henew caf ear ea.


St udentCost s,St udent sSpace


Get t i ngaJob MAI N PROBLEM

T hes econdbi gges ti s s uebr oughtupbys t udent ’ st i meandt i meagai ni st heav ai l abi l i t y ofcar eerbui l di ngoppor t uni t i es . Whi l es el ectf acul t i esof f ercoopsandhav ear enewed f ocusonexper i ent i all ear ni ngoppor t uni t i es , t her ei smucht hatt heMSU candoi nr egar dst of aci l i t at i ngt hi st hr oughcommuni t ypar t ner s hi ps .I ncons ul t at i onswi t ht he Hami l t onChamberofCommer ce( HCC) * , Hami l t onEconomi cDev el opment , andt he Ci t yManager ’ sO ces t udentr et ent i onandconnect i ngs t udent st ol ocalbus i nes shas beenout l i nedasapr i or i t y . Des pi t et hi s , l i t t l epr ogr es sandi nt egr at i onhasbeenmade i nt hatar ea. Not e * : TheHCCi saNGO&nonpr of i twhi c hr e pr e s e nt sov e r9 0 0l oc al bus i ne s s e sandor g ani z at i onsi nHami l t on. They ’ r ee s s e nt i al l yt heMSUof l oc al bus i ne s s e s

Pr obl em 1:Cur r ent l yt heMSU sever el yl acksexper i ent i all ear ni ngoppor t uni t i esf orst udent s Accor di ngt ot heHCCandawi dev ar i et yofbus i nes s esi nHami l t on, l ocalbus i nes s es andcompani esar el ooki ngf orbet t erway st oi nt er actwi t hl ocalt al ent . Gi v enaby s mal r es ul t sf r om t he‘ YourCi t y2. 0”s ur v eyconduct edbyt heMSU i n2015, i ti scl eart hat t her ei snowel ldev el opeds t r at egyt oengages t udent swi t hbus i nes s esi nt heci t y . Wi t h t hemos tcl i ckedpar toft heMSU webs i t ebei ngt he‘ J obs ’ t abt her ei spl ent yofoppor t uni t yf ort heMSU t out i l i zet hi ss pacet obr i dget hatgap.

Pr obl em 2:Cur r ent l yExper i ent i alOppor t uni t i esOf f er edt ot heMSU ar e notmadeavai l abl et oSt udent snot empl oyedbyt heMSU. Asami normemberoft heHCCt heMSU al r eadyhasacces st oev ent ss uchast heBay Ar eaEconomi cSummi t , Br eakf as twi t ht heMay or , andal lot herev ent st hatt heHCC hol ds . Whencons ul t ed, t heHCChass ai dt hatt heyar emor et hanwi l l i ngt ohav emor e s t udent spr es entatt hes eev ent sbutnooneev eras kst hem. Cur r ent l yt heonl yMSU memberwhoat t endt hes eev ent sonbehal foft heMSU ar et heBOD orpai dcommi s s i oner s .

Pr obl em 3:Usef ulSt udentSuccessCent erpr ogr amsandt ool sar edi cul tt ofindandut i l i ze Whi l et heSSChasputmuchf ocusandat t ent i oni nt oi t scar eers er v i ce, Os car pl us , s t udent ss t i l lfindi tdi cul tt obeawar eandus et hes es er v i ces . Gi v ent hats t udent sar e al s opayi ngi nt ot heSSCt hr oughs t udentaf f ai r s , Ibel i ev ei ti si nt hebes ti nt er es toft he MSU t oactasabr i dgebet weens t udent sandSSCs er v i cess os t udent scanhav eeas i er acces st oi t ss er v i ces . I fs t udent sar econnect edt oexper i ent i all ear ni ngoppor t uni t i es t hr ought heMSU ( t hei rfir s tpoi ntofcont act ) , t heycant heybei nt r oducedt ot hecar eer s uppor ts er v i cesi nt heSSC.


Get t i ngaJob MAI N PROBLEM ( cont . ) Pr obl em 4:Pr of essi onaldevel opmentoppor t uni t i esf orSRA member s ar ehar dt ocomeby. Member soft heas s embl yputi nov er100hour sofdebat e, adv ocacy, andpr oj ectcompl et i ont hr oughoutt hey ear . T heyhav et oadv ocat eandnegot i at ewi t hadmi ni s t r at i on, pl anev ent s , andmakeconnect i onswi t ht heci t yandl ocalbus i nes s es . Unf or t unat el y, t her ear ef ew pr of es s i onaldev el opment( PD)oppor t uni t i esav ai l abl et oSRAmember s out s i deoft hos eof f er edbyt heMSU andSSC. Hav i ngPD oppor t uni t i eswi t hl ocalbus i nes s es / y oungpr of es s i onal s / al umniwoul dal l ow SRAmember st ogai nt hes ki l l st hey needt oef f ect i v el ymakechange.

I NCREASED PARTNERSHI PWI TH THEHCC,HAMI LTON HI VE,AND I NTEGRATI ON I NTO THEMSU WEBSI TE. TheReal i t y I naconv er s at i onwi t ht hechamberofcommer cei twasbr oughtupt hateachy ears t udent sadv ocat et ot hem f ormor ecoops , i nt er ns hi ps , andoppor t uni t i est oconnect wi t hcompani esy ett her ei snot angi bl ef ol l ow upbecaus eout s i deofadv ocacy, no par t ner s hi psort angi bl ecommi t ment st owor kt oget herhav ebeenmade.

Whatt hi swoul dl ookl i ke: Iwoul dl i ket oev al uat et hepos s i bi l i t yofcr eat i ngamut ual l ybenefici alpar t ner s hi pwi t h t heHCCi nwhi chnonfis calMSU s uppor tf orchamberi ni t i at i v es , pr oj ect s&gr oups( i e. Hami l t onHI VE–ay oungpr of es s i onalgr oupi nHami l t on)canbeexchangedf ori ncr eas edexper i ent i aloppor t uni t i esf ors t udent swi t hchamberev ent sandl ocalbus i nes s es . Iwoul dal s ol i ket oev al uat eus i ngt heMSU j obsboar dt opos tt hes eexper i ent i all ear ni ngoppor t uni t i ess os t udent scanhav eonecent r alpl acewi t hi nt heMSU t ofind nonMSU pr of es s i onaldev el opmentoppor t uni t i es . Cont i nuedonnextpage.




Br andNew CampusEvent s

Wi t ht her ecenti ncr eas ei nt hecampusev ent sbudget , I ’ ml ooki ngf or war dt ocons ul t i ngwi t hAlLegaul tandt hecampusev ent st eam i nmor eef f ect i v el yengagi ngs t udent s t hr oughani ncr easeddi ver si t yofpr ogr ammi ngt hatcat er st ov ar i ouss t udentgr oups . T hi sy ears aw t heappear anceofapopul arhi phopar t i s t sf ort hefir s tt i mei ny ear sand s ol dout1280wi t hi naday . T hedemandf orpr ogr ammi ngal t er nat i v et ot het ypi calEDM/ I ndi ear t i s t shos t edbycampusev ent shasbeenmadecl earbyt hes t udentbodyand i ss omet hi ngt hatcanber eflect edi ni ncr eas edl ar ges cal epr ogr ammi ngnexty ear .

Byst anderI nt er vent i onTr ai ni ngasaPr i or i t y Hav i ngwor kedf orCampusEv ent sf ort woy ear saswel lasaMar oont hi spas ty ear , Ican t el ly ouf orabs ol ut ecer t ai nt yt hats exualas s aul ti sar eal i t yt hathappensatourconcer t s . Icanal s ot el ly out hefir s t handdi f f er enceIhav es eenby s t anderpr ev ent i ont r ai ni ngmakei ns i t uat i onst hatar i s e. T hi sy eart heMar oonsandCampusEv ent sr ecei v ed by s t anderi nt er v ent i ont r ai ni ngandbecaus eoft hi s , wer emor eef f ect i v el yi nt er actwi t h whats eemedl i keambi guouss i t uat i onsandi nt er v enei nanonconf r ont at i onalway whens ecur i t ywoul dnot . Wi t ht hei ncr eas ei npr emi um pr ogr ammi ngonourcampusIwoul dl i ket omakeBys t anderI nt er v ent i ont r ai ni ngafir s tpr i or i t ywheni tcomest oev entpl anni ngand CampusEv ent s . Iam commi t t edt owor ki ngwi t ht hei ncomi ngVPAdmi ni s t r at i ont o pr ov i det r ai ni ngt oasmanyr epsandoncampusgr oupsasfis cal l ypos s i bl e. Iwoul d al sol i ket omakei tver ycl eart hatIwi l lnotsuppor tt hei ncr easei nl ar gescal epr ogr ammi ngi fwear eunabl et opr ovi depr operbyst anderi nt er vent i ont r ai ni ngt oal l i ndi vi dual si nvol ved.

Fr ostWeek Wi t happr oxi mat el y$100000al l ocat edt of r os tweekt hr oughcampusev ent s , ef f ect i v el yengagi ngs t udent snow becomesapos s i bi l i t y . I ncons ul t at i onswi t hAlLegaul t , t hi si s apr i meoppor t uni t yt odemons t r at et hedi v er s i t yofl ar ges cal ear t i s t swhot r adi t i onal l y per f or m atMcMas t erandpr ov i desourCampusEv ent sdepar t mentt obei ncr edi bl y cr eat i v ei nt het ypeofev ent st heywi l lhol d. Gi v enmypas texper i encewi t hbot h CampusEv ent sandt heMar oonsI ’ mi ncr edi bl yexci t edt obeabl et owor kwi t hAli n cr eat i ngabr andnew f r os tweek. I nt hi spr oces sIwoul dal sol i ket obr i ngi ngt hecul t ur alcl ubsoncampusi nt ot heconver sat i onofwhi char t i st swoul dappealt opast unt oucheddemogr aphi csofst udent st oof f erawi derr angeofpr ogr ammi ngt hatcan appealt omor es t udent s .


Br andNew CampusEvent s

Homecomi ng T hankst ot hei ncr edi bl ewor koft hepas tVPFi nance, Ry anMacDonal d, Hoco2016was t hebi gges thomecomi ngMcMas t erhasev ers een. Whi l ehomecomi ngpr ov i deds t udent swi t hanunmat chedexper i ence, s el l i ngnear7000t i cket st oHedl ey, wewer epr es ent edwi t haf ew i s s ues . 1.Facul t yHol l ow i sbegi nni ngt or eachi t scapaci t yasapr i meoncampusconcer t v enue 2.Set t i ngupas t agei nFacul t yHol l ow i sexpens i v eandpos esar i s kast hel and t hes t agei soni snotact ual l yownedbyMcMas t er 3.Poorat t endanceatt hemor ni ngconcer tcal l si nt oques t i ont hee cacyofhos t i ngmor ni ngpr ogr ammi ng I ndi s cus s i onswi t hbot hRy anMacDonal dandAlLegaul t , t hee cacyofcont i nui ngt o us eFacul t yHol l ow asaconcer tv enuei scomi ngi nt oques t i on. Whi l eabeaut i f ulv enue hi s t or i ct oMcMas t er , ourgr owi ngs t udentpopul at i onandi ncr eas edat t r act i ont oconcer t si scaus i ngi tt or eachi t scapaci t y . Hedl eybr oket her ecor df ort heamountof peopl ei nf acul t yhol l ow andnexty ear snumber sar eexpect edt ogr ow. Uponr ecommendat i onf r om Ry anandAl , Iwoul dl i ket oeval uat et hepot ent i alofusi ngJHE ďŹ el dast henew l ocat i onf oroncampusconcer t st or educecost sandi ncr easeca paci t y. Whi l et hemor ni ngconcer twasdes i gnedt ocombatt hei ncr eas i ngl ydi s r upt i v epar t i es t hatoccuri nWes t dal e, t hepoort ur noutwasnot ed. Whi l eaf ant as t i ci dea, s uppor t ed byt hecommuni t y, Ibel i evet hati ti swor t heval uat i ngi fhost i ngt hi sconcer ton Sat ur dayni ghtmaybeamor eef f ect i vemodelofpr ovi di ngal t er nat i vepr ogr ammi ngt os t udent s , ens ur i ngs t udents af et y, andpr ov i ngr el i eft ot hecommuni t yf r om l ar gedi s r upt i v epar t i es .


Suppor t i ngSer vi ces& Tr anspar ency

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Cont i nui ngPr ogr ess Under gr oundCour sewar e For war dedbyt hepr ev i ousBOD, t hi si ss omet hi ngIwoul dl i ket ocont i nueadv ocat i ng f or . Ry anMacDonal dandJ us t i nMonacoBar nesi ndi cat edt hatt hepr i mar yi s s uewi t h t hi swasawar enes sandbuyi nf r om pr of es s or s . Gi v encur r entpr ogr es swi t ht heUnder gr ound’ semphas i soncommer ci al i zi ngandadv er t i s i ngt hei rpr of es s i onalpr i nt i ngs er v i ce, Is t r ongl ybel i ev et hatt hi si ss omet hi ngt hatwecancont i nuepus hi ngf or . Iwoul d al s ol i ket owor kwi t hChukkyandt hePr es i dent sCounci lt os eei fl obbyi ngpr of es s or si s s omet hi ngt heSRAandFacul t ys oci et i escandot oget herwi t hi ncr eas edt r ai ni ngand s uppor tf r om t heMSU.

Di scountCar d I ncons ul t at i onswi t ht heout goi ngfinancecommi s s i onerYel ena, wecur r ent l yhav e buyi nands t r ongi nt er es tf r om bus i nes s esi nbei ngapar toft hi ss y s t em as wel lasi nf r as t r uct ur ei nt heunder gr oundt opr i ntanddi s t r i but et hecar dsf orwel comeweek. T hr oughoutt hes ummerIwoul dl i kef ort hi spr oj ectt obecompl et edandt hepr omot i onanddi s t r i but i onoft hecar ddur i ngwel comeweek

HSRBusPass Whi l eanagr eementhasal r eadyoccur r edwi t ht heMSU andt heHSR, t her ei ss t i l l pl ent yofwor kneededt oens ur et hatourHSRs er v i cescont i nuet oi mpr ov e. Acl earexampl eoft hi swaswhent heHSRwasr ecent l ycons i der i ngr educi ngs er v i cef ort woof t hemos tpopul arbusl i nesoncampus . Gi v enmypas twor ki ngr el at i ons hi pwi t hChr i s Mur r ay( Hami l t onCi t yManager ) , Andr eaMcKi nney( Di r ect or , Communi cat i ons&I nt er gov er nment alAf f ai r s ) , andDebbi eDal l eVedov a( Di r ect or , HSR)Is t r ongl ybel i ev et hatI am t hebes tper s ont oens ur et hatt heCi t yofHami l t ons t i ckst ot hei ragr eement sand del i v er sapr es t oi nt egr at edbuss er v i ceont i me.

MUSCFund Gi v ent he400Kt hati sav ai l abl ei nt heMUSCf und, Iwoul dl i ket ous eapor t i onoft hi s f undt or emodelv ar i ousar easofMUSCasmor epr oduct i v ewor ki ngandl ounges paces . Cur r ent l yt wooft hepr oj ect sbei ngv ot edonwi t hSLEFi nv ol v eMUSCr enov at i onsi ndi cat i nganeedf oramor eer gonomi cs t udentcent er . Somet ar getar easar e: s eat i ngi n MUSCat r i um, s eat i ngi nMUSCmar ket pl ace, t het hi r dfloorl ounges pace, andev al uat i ngt hecos t / benefitofi ns t al l i ngs mal lt abl esi nt ot henooksons econdfloorMUSC wher et her ear ecur r ent l yl ow woodenbenches . Wehav eagr owi ngpopul at i onal i mi t eds pacei nours t udentcent erf ort henext3y ear s . Thebui l di ngpr oces si sover ,i t s t i met os t ar ti mpr ovi ngwhatweal r eadyhave.

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Suppor t i ngThePr esi dent Communi t ySer vi ceandCi vi cEngagement Gi v enmydeepr el at i ons hi pwi t ht heCommuni t yEngagemento ceatMcMas t er , bus i nes s esi nHami l t on, Upper Lev elCi t yManagement , Communi t yOr gani zat i ons , Ci t yLAB, Hami l t onHI VE, Hami l t onChamberofCommer ce, andmanydr i v i ngf or cesofchange wi t hi nt heCi t yofHami l t ont hi si sapoi ntwhi chIbel i ev eChukkyandIcanmakea wor l dofchangei n. Wi t hChukky’ scur r entr el at i ons hi pwi t hy out hgr oups , t hemuni ci palgov er nment , andcommuni t yor gani zat i onsas wel lasmycur r ent l yr el at i ons hi ps wi t ht heCi t yofHami l t onandHami l t onbus i nes s es( i fel ect ed)t hi sBoD wi l lbeoneof t hes t r onges ti ny ear si nr egar dst oi t scommuni t yr el at i ons hi ps . Mypl at f or m poi ntofcr eat i ngapar t ner s hi pwi t ht heHCCdi r ect l ys uppor t sChukky’ s v i s i onofchangi ngt henar r at i v eofs t udent ss eenas‘ out s i der s ’ i nHami l t on. T hi si sa v i s i onpoi ntwhi chr es onat esv er ys t r ongl ywi t hmeandi ss omet hi ngt hatIwi l ls t r i v et o makeapr i or i t yi nt hi supcomi ngy ear .

Of f campuswel comeweekpr ogr ammi ng Bei ngar es i dencer ep, f acul t yr ep, andMar oonsr epf ort hepas t3y ear sIhav es eenfir s t handhow i nef f ect i v ecur r entof f campuspr ogr ammi ngi sf ort hel ar geamountofcommut er st hatat t endMcMas t er . Iwoul dl i ket owor kwi t hcampusev ent st omaket he Commut erSpeci ficWel comedays omet hi ngf armor et hanani nt r oduct i oni nat enton BSBfiel d. T heconnect i onbet weens t udent s , t heMSU, andi t ss uppor ts er v i cess t ar t si n Wel comeWeek, Iwantt omakei tapr i or i t yt ogett hi sr i ght .

Eval uat i ngt heChi l dCar eCent er Asment i onedi nt henew i ndi genouss t udent ’ spol i cy, t her ear econcer nsbr oughtup bys t udent swi t hchi l dr enr egar di ngt heus ef ul nes sandacces s i bi l i t yoft heMSU Chi l dcar ecent er . Iwoul dl i ket oconductanev al uat i ont oas s es show t hes er v i cescur r ent l y of f er edbyt hechi l dcar ecent erar ebei ngus edandi tt heyar ecat er edt owar dss t udent s needs .

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Ti mel i ne SUMMER 201 7 -1 280Eval uat i on -Uni onMar ketSpaceEval uat i on -1 280Mar ket i ngPl an -1 280Remodel -Begi nNegot i at i onswi t hHCC -HocoPl anni ng/Eval -W W Of f CampusPl anni ng -Fundr ai si ng+BudgetTr ai ni ng -HSRNegot i at i ons

FALL 201 7 WI NTER 201 8 -I mpl ementExp.EdI nf r ast r uct ur e -W i nt erTer m Cour sewar ePush -Eval uat eChi l dCar eCent er -BudgetFai rV2 -Cont i nuedSABConsul t at i on -MUSCFundf orsummerr enovat i ons

-Launch1 280Rebr and -I mpl ementMacFar mst andi nt oUM -Compl et eHCCNegot i at i ons -Fr ostW eekPl anni ng -SABConsul t at i onLaunch -BudgetFai rV1 -LaunchDi scountCar d -Fal lTer m Cour sewar ePush -Pr of essi onalDevel opmentOp.f or SRA

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