The Creativity Bible - Discover the secret strategies of the greatest geniuses of history

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The Creativity Bible - PREVIEW


The Creativity Bible - PREVIEW

Discover the secret strategies of the greatest geniuses of history and bring your personal revolution to the world

Yamada Takumi, Danilo Lapegna "101 bibles" series

Index I - The Creativity Bible...................................................1 II - Looking beyond.......................................................7 Facts...................................................................11 Habits.................................................................13 Safety..................................................................18 Social acceptability..................................................20 III - Sparking the light.................................................25 Unleash your visual thinking......................................26 Stream of consciousness............................................27 Free Expression.....................................................29 The television and the sandwich..................................30 Turning reality upside down......................................32 A confidence injection..............................................34 Gold in, gold out....................................................36 The magic notebook................................................38 IV - The creation path..................................................41 V - 1001 ways to creatively analyse a problem.............47 The Phoenix Checklist.............................................50 Structure-Causality-Time..........................................53 Bottom-up, Top-down.............................................58 Colourful headgear.................................................59 Like Walt Disney....................................................61 A game of scenarios.................................................63

The nine intelligences..............................................64 The Sherlock Holmes Checklist..................................70 10 perturbations.....................................................77 VI - An ideas avalanche................................................79 The Great Council..................................................80 Helium balloons and lead cage....................................83 Storm..................................................................84 The Steve Jobs technique..........................................85 The Morphological Matrix........................................90 Winning without fighting..........................................92 Extraction............................................................93 The Osborn List.....................................................94 Creative Tao........................................................101 The ideal solution..................................................104 The AI-DaC Technique...........................................105 Anarchy on paper..................................................108 The antigravity pencil.............................................110 Six Forces...........................................................112 Killer Application..................................................116 The brute force algorithm........................................122 Restructuring.......................................................123 Analogies............................................................127 Brainstorming......................................................131 VII - When the light doesn't spark.............................135 VIII - Incubating the idea...........................................143 IX - The art of designing powerful ideas....................153

User is the king....................................................154 F-D-F-O.............................................................157 Report Cards Day.................................................164 The Creativity Bible - Conclusion..............................167 Disclaimer...................................................................172

The Creativity Bible - PREVIEW

The Creativity Bible

"The man could alter the size of this planet, control its seasons, adjust its distance from the sun, guide it on its eternal journey along any path he might choose, through the depths of the universe. He could make planets collide and produce his suns and stars, his heat and light; he could originate life in all its infinite forms. To cause at will the birth and death of matter would be man's grandest deed, which would give him the mastery of physical creation, make him fulfil his ultimate destiny." (Nikola Tesla)

Training our mind to creativity is much more than a vacuous and frivolous mental exercise with an end in itself: without that primordial urge to create as a way to refuse to accept all the common and ordinary standards defined by what already exists 1

The Creativity Bible - PREVIEW today we would indeed still live in caves, eating raw meat and having an average life expectancy of thirty years. The art of creative innovation has in fact always made every individual and organization overcome its limits, set new standards and achieve extraordinary goals, no matter how adverse or critical the social or economic circumstances were. Life-saving medicines, super-computers, human rights, ultra-fast means of transport and modern, sustainable ways to produce energy are all the result of an unavoidable collective creative process against the memory of the worst horrors of our history and, despite that sense of confusion that our society is experiencing these days, they're still the proof that there's nothing more overwhelming than that endless human desire to change, build and improve its world. So if you're looking for a priceless guide to transform your thinking into something capable to make a true difference, you're probably in the right place. Even if we look at it in a smaller way and you're “simply� a college student who wants to get the best from his studies, an artist looking for the inspiration for his final masterpiece or a professional who wants to set a new benchmark of excellence in his job, in this book you'll find a unique and extremely powerful set of universal tools that will teach you how to have a real, powerful and long-lasting impact on your world. Thanks to its simple step-to-step techniques, in fact, you will learn to understand things around you much more in depth, to overcome your basic limits, to intelligently challenge your social and mental restrictions and to act in an always effective, 2

The Creativity Bible - PREVIEW efficient and intelligent way. Philosophers, scientists, writers and great artists of the past will guide towards a great creative journey that will change you forever and from which you'll unlikely want to come back. "Whether you're a carpenter that builds a table, or a goldsmith, a jeweler, whether the farmer cultivates the wheat or the painter paints a picture, in any kind of creative work, the author and his subject become one thing: 'man is united with the world in the process of creation. " (Erich Fromm)

Time to start, then! I hope you'll enjoy your reading and I'm sure that it will help you to bring to your world that little, bright revolution it needs to be a better place. Never forget that the key, apart from creativity, lies in willpower, shrewdness, in an endless respect for other people and in the firm intention to never get used to the wrong things when they dangerously start to become ordinary. Yamada Takumi


The Creativity Bible - PREVIEW


The Creativity Bible - PREVIEW

Turning reality upside down

"If you think a thing is impossible, you'll only make it impossible" (Bruce Lee) The "turning reality upside down" exercise can also help your mind to be much more flexible and is actually very simple to perform. Just imagine something absolutely absurd, bizarre or exaggerated. A sequence of events, an impossible invention, the achievement of an unreachable goal, and then ask yourself how something like that could actually happen or exist. For example ask yourself how could you earn your yearly salary in an hour, how could you fly without an airplane, how 5

The Creativity Bible - PREVIEW could a restaurant without waiters exist, a house without floors, and so on. You can both refer these questions to real problems affecting yourself or work on something completely unrelated to your life (but of course if you start asking yourself questions about real problems, you'll be even able to start baking potentially useful ideas, so why not?). Anyhow the truly important thing here is that, while you build your answers, you keep using all of your imagination as well as you "go beyond" and consider all the details, the aspects you usually wouldn't consider, the "invisible" things, and everything beyond the apparent and obvious. Never forget that we left caves and started facing prehistoric beasts only when somebody came to the "absurd" decision that we were intended to be more than bare meat for all those bigger and stronger animals constantly hunting us. We started fighting against the absolute power of kings, tyrants and other powerful oppressors only when somebody had the "unrealistic" intuition that too much power in the hands of a few people couldn't do anything but slowing down any social progress. We started fighting for labour rights when somebody had the "impossible" idea that working 16 hours a day in precarious and unsafe conditions was unacceptable and we started sharing our knowledge through extraordinary hyper-fast networks only when a group of people “utopianly� decided that every human being had the right to get all the necessary information to be well-informed and well-aware of the world he was living in. By turning reality upside down, in fact, you won't just stimulate your creative mind at full blast, but you may also 6

The Creativity Bible - PREVIEW suddenly notice that all it needed to trigger that apparently impossible revolution, to build that apparently unattainable idea, to find a solution to that apparently unsolvable problem was a little bit more courage in imagining it. And we'll examine this specific aspect of creativity even more in depth in the next technique.


The Creativity Bible - PREVIEW


The Creativity Bible - PREVIEW

Gold in, gold out

"Garbage in, Garbage out". This phrase is quite famous among computer scientists and it basically refers to the fact that if you put garbage data as an input in any computer (imagine a cat walking on your keyboard), you'll always get junk data as an output (nothing good or useful is going to appear on the screen). This concept, however, does not need to be restricted among the walls of computer science; assuming in fact that our brain is like a computer processing tens of thousands of gigabytes of complex data per day to transform them into thoughts and actions, we can thus assume that if we leave it poisoning into some trivial routine, if we let it decay in non-stimulating activities, if we just feed it with frivolous and banal concepts, our 9

The Creativity Bible - PREVIEW "output result" in terms of thinking and choices will automatically be the equivalent of that corrupted file that you just moved to your desktop bin. So, in order to let your brain constantly "bake" a fresh, sharp and creative output of ideas, you never have to stop feeding it properly first: by reading books, magazines, newspapers, blogs and any source representing a high-quality information input. And by “high-quality� I mean anything brilliant, original, inspirational, anything stimulating love for learning and discovering, having a cultural importance and encouraging critical sensibility. But of course books and written words are not the only source of precious data out there: every single mind you share something with is a potential source of even more precious ideas, so... talk more, communicate more, listen more! Every life story can teach you something completely new. Every different point of view can represent the seed of an inspiration you could have never caught otherwise. And the more you learn to wisely deal with points of view that are very distant from yours, and the bigger will be the treasure you'll be able to take out of any social and human experience; so, for example, why not talking more often with children, with strangers and with people you usually don't agree with? Last thing worth saying about this: never forget what we said in the previous chapter and, whatever the information coming to your brain, don't stop at first impressions, but constantly be aware that's probably just the top layer of a much deeper and wider truth. This won't make only any "gold" shinier, but will give you that "Midas touch" capable to transform even the most banal, 10

The Creativity Bible - PREVIEW common and apparently irrelevant data into something really useful, motivating and mentally stimulating.


The Creativity Bible - PREVIEW


The Creativity Bible - PREVIEW

The Sherlock Holmes Checklist

As obvious it may seem we should never forget that, before launching ourselves in our great "quest for the idea", we have to clearly and precisely define a problem to solve, a goal to accomplish, or a set of constraints to respect first. Like Seneca said, after all, "There is no favourable wind for the sailor who does not know where to go". It is also obvious that the definition of our problem or goal goes hand in hand with the analysis of the situation, the circumstances and all of the factors potentially related to our idea. A good, deep and wide analysis of the involved circumstances can 13

The Creativity Bible - PREVIEW in fact help us to focus on the most influential factors, to discard what's irrelevant and to understand what's actually under our control and what's out of our reach. It allows us to sharply define where to put our effort and can give us instructions about how to get the maximum result in exchange of a minimum use of energy and resources. And this principle is fundamental basis of the art of strategy since the dawn of civilization: just think of Sun-Tzu, Chinese philosopher that 2500 years ago wrote into his very well-known "Art of War" that if we know in breadth and depth our enemy then we can defeat him even in one hundred battles, and of the fact that every great master of strategy, from Alexander The Great to Napoleon Bonaparte, followed this advice by never starting a battle against somebody they didn't know very well. Most of times, anyway, a situation can be anything but clear and our time to gather a sufficient amount of information less than enough: in this case, the "Sherlock Holmes Checklist" can represent our most precious treasure. This list in fact can seriously help us to "infer" most of the information, and possibly to take action, even when the circumstances are dark, foggy and lacking of well-defined boundaries. Exactly like the Arthur Conan Doyle character used to do: Mix and match The "Mix and match" technique is particularly useful when there are lots of concurring elements affecting a specific situation and we want to know which one is, or which ones are, the causes 14

The Creativity Bible - PREVIEW producing the effects we're interested in. For example, if we don't know which specific component in a machine is causing a malfunctioning, which factor is ruining our health or which wrong behaviour is demolishing our relationship, this is the perfect approach to use to get to the truth. It simply consists in trying to remove or replace a potential cause and checking if the effects of our interest disappear or change. If they do, we've probably found the cause and so we've something significant to work on. It may look very simple, but obviously in reality it's never that easy: such a methodology in fact should imply that one among the elements you've identified as potential causes is actually the real one, that you have the concrete possibility and enough time to make a sufficient amount of changes and that you can wisely handle even more complicated cases, like the ones in which there are multiple causes, or in which they change over time. But apart from this, it's anyway a very effective and interesting approach, which in most of situations can easily help us to reveal that unknown variable capable to change everything. Narrow the context Even if you're unable to find the information you're looking for, at least try restricting the boundaries. Like somebody attending a TV quiz, discard any nonsense, any wrong answer, any extraneous element, any irrelevant data, any illogical statement, any certainly improper action and everything will be much clearer. This won't just make your whole investigation process much easier, but could even, just by itself, allow you to 15

The Creativity Bible - PREVIEW surprisingly give shape to that hidden truth you never thought you could grasp so soon. Look at the interactions Most of times, even if the nature of something is not clear enough, you can understand much more about it simply by analysing how exactly it affects the elements, the things, the people it interacts with. When an element triggers a change in other elements, then a part of the nature, of the structure, of the characteristics of the source is inevitably instilled in the receivers of its influence, transforming the last ones into priceless information keepers. That's how the ancient Greek mathematician Eratosthenes was able to measure Earth circumference, after all: just a calculation of how the spherical shape of Earth was affecting the Sun's angle and he was able to make an extraordinarily accurate geographical measurement of that length more than 2000 years ago and without any kind of advanced instruments. But that's even how major companies gather any kind of information about us: our daily interactions with search engines and social networks produce tracks of sensitive data about our tastes, habits and preferences, which can be collected to create out-and-out virtual profiles of our person. So it may always be worth asking which kind of effects our unknown elements have on the surrounding environment, what exactly can be deduced from these effects, if making our way towards the receivers of these effects is more convenient than making 16

The Creativity Bible - PREVIEW it towards the element itself, and most of all if we can somehow create or introduce in the context new receivers, more suitable to catch information content than the ones already existing. The last thing is what happens when, for example, a space probe is sent over the atmosphere to collect new data about the radiations emitted from a specific star, or when you decide leave a hidden camera in your fridge to figure out who's stealing your food during the night: when nothing else is of some help, you can put in the situation of your interest something that interacts with the elements you want to know more about, collecting so precious information that you can use for your purposes. Look at the evolution of similar elements or situations You could probably understand something more about the entity of your interest after looking at how elements or situations that are somehow similar to it behave, evolve and have an impact on the surrounding environment. ...


The Creativity Bible - PREVIEW


The Creativity Bible - PREVIEW

Killer Application

According to Larry Downes and Chunka Mui, authors of "Unleashing the Killer App", one of the most important business books of all time, a "Killer Application" is a new product or service which establishes an entirely new category and/or dominates on it, often ending up being a benchmark for all those who try to do something similar in the future. Examples of killer applications may be the printing press, the first personal computer, the electronic transfer of funds, and the first iPad. However, "Killer App" does not necessarily have to refer to an invention, to a big social change or to something to put on the market: anything that's completely original, that stands out from the ordinary, that deeply fascinates and thus becomes a benchmark of 19

The Creativity Bible - PREVIEW beauty, functionality, success or excellence can be "killer", even if it's only a recipe you just cooked, a present for your girlfriend or a way to arrange the items on your desk. "Killer Application" is an ideal form towards which making your thoughts, your ideas, your strategies and your creations evolve, in order to make them unique and unforgettable. So what exactly are the secrets, the principles, the fundamentals to build a killer idea? Let's see them together: Go even beyond originality Very often a killer idea is not just original, but is way beyond any common practice, belief or classification. It takes just some powerful and well defined references from the pre-existing world and it brings them to a completely new level, creating something absolutely memorable and extraordinary. It looks at what everyone else did and explicitly asks to its creator all the necessary courage, willpower and strength to take one, two, three thousand steps further. So, if you want to make it “killer”, start with asking yourself the following questions: • How could I create something completely new, at least in the context of my interest? • How could I be the first one? • Can I create a completely new sector, category, type? • What do people expect from me? How can I surprise them 20

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completely? Can I take something invisible, ordinary, if not ugly, and make it memorable, perfect, surprising? How can I use it to trigger a new, strong sensation? Can I make it a model of functionality or beauty? What's a model of originality today? What can I take from it to be even more original? What's a model of functionality today? What can I learn from it to be even more functional? What innovations have revolutionised the context of my interest? In which way were they born? In which way have they established their revolution? How can I take advantage of unique elements that I own? What could I do that other people couldn't or didn't want to do? Where did the others stop? And how could I take a step further?

Create something giving the impression of being "always existed" This may look in contrast with the previous point, but like we said in the "Creative Tao" chapter, contrasts are nothing but limits of our logic, in whose overcoming lie the secrets of the greatest intuitions. A killer application in fact is completely original and revolutionary but at the same time, when it appears, it's perfectly in the right place, like it has always been there. It's the perfect and clear definition of that abstract urge nobody could 21

The Creativity Bible - PREVIEW define. It sleeps in subconscious needs, wishes and dreams, and when it appears it makes somebody scream: "That's what it was needed!" This of course needs the ability of observing people around you in depth. To look at current tendencies, schools of thoughts, and even beyond words and appearance. To understand what's clearly in the air but for some reasons still has not been thought, identified or built. So I'm sure that the following questions will guide you right towards this direction: • What could I see that other people have been unable or unwilling to notice? • Which need that was never seriously taken into account I could try to satisfy? What passion never sufficiently satisfied I could take advantage of? • How could I take advantage of the collective fears, obsession, wishes? And what about collective myths, legends and imaginary? And the most commonly well-established habits? • What's absolutely needed by my potential final users? • What's missing in the context of my interest? • What has an incredibly underestimated potential? ...


The Creativity Bible - PREVIEW

Incubating the idea

"Secret analogies tie together the remotest parts of Nature, as the atmosphere of a summer morning is filled with innumerable gossamer threads running in every direction, revealed by the beams of the rising sun." (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

Once a famous physicist said that all the great discoveries of science were born in one of the three B's: bus, bathroom, bed. And, between reality and myth, there's plenty of stories about great geniuses who had their "great enlightenment" while they were deeply relaxed or busy doing something completely different than their usual work. Archimedes was taking a bath while he found the way for calculating the volume of irregular solid objects. It's told that Newton was relaxing under an apple tree 23

The Creativity Bible - PREVIEW while he had the spark for defining the universal gravitational law. And likewise Friedrich August KekulĂŠ told that, while he was in a state of half-sleep, perceived the image of a snake biting its tail, suggesting him the idea that benzene could have had a cyclic structure. Like we said, in fact, taking a break and doing something else is a fundamental part of every creative procedure since it lets the subconscious brain "secretly" and efficiently process the data we worked on before until, "suddenly", the result of this elaboration is sent to our aware mind in form of that almost magic "intuition" that will permanently change our way to work, think and perceive things around us. But if it's something so foggy, mysterious and unpredictable how can we actually encourage the incubation process to fulfil its purpose in the best possible way? Well, I'm sure that following these hints will definitely help: Be motivated A firm conviction that your final goal must be achieved is probably the most influential factor during the incubation process. Motivate your brain to achieve your goal and your brain will be your best ally along your path, implacably continuing to subconsciously work even when you're busy doing something else. If otherwise you don't really believe in what you're trying to accomplish, if you consider it as something unnecessary or not 24

The Creativity Bible - PREVIEW really worth the effort then probably, when you stop working, your brain is just going into its “standby mode” as well. Motivation is such a wide topic that it would require a separate book to be analysed in depth. Anyway, as always, asking yourself the right questions can seriously help you to check if there's something wrong with your motivation: • Do you remember why are you trying to accomplish your goal? Is that reason still strong and valid? • Are you pursuing your ideas or somebody else's ideas? • Are you doubtful somehow about your goal? • Are you afraid of something waiting for you during the path towards your goal? • Are you discouraged by the obstacles you met, or by the errors you did, in past? • Is your motivation corrupted by the sensation that there's an easier, cheaper alternative to your goal?

Work in a creative environment We're living in the age of coworking spaces and ideal home offices: most of people finally understood that the best ideas of the new millennium cannot be generated in grey and mouldy offices, but that everyone's creativity can flourish at its best only if the work is done in locations that are expressly built to be 25

The Creativity Bible - PREVIEW comfortable and "inspiration-friendly". Shutting yourself in a drab and dreary room, in fact, will just darken your mood and kill your imagination and motivation; instead, always try to work in environment that's stimulating for your mind and your senses. Privilege nature, light, colours, fresh air, art, familiar things and whatever surrounds you with beauty, evokes pleasant sensations and can make the whole working procedure more relaxing and enjoyable. In addition, if you work or interact with other people then talk, be open and always incentivise productive exchanges of ideas. Like we said in Chapter III, other people's minds can contain the seed of the best inspiration.

Make the whole creative process... more creative! Once a software company made a curious experiment. The top management of this company sent a curious email to the other employees: "For the next 24 hours work on whatever you want, however you want and with whomever you want". The result? At the end of that day of absolute freedom and autonomy they developed ideas and solutions that never came out in all the previous years of "hard work". The lesson that can be learnt from this story is that we should never underestimate the power of redefining and improving our working procedures in an "incubation-friendly" way, as counterintuitive or counter-productive it may look like at the beginning. 26

The Creativity Bible - PREVIEW But how exactly could we do it? Well, here sure lots of different things can be tried. For example, apply the creative techniques seen so far to your usual work procedures. Reconsider the most common ways to do something. Explore means or instruments never used before. Break the rules. Try to have fun. Mix what you have to do with what you love to do. Make it a challenge against yourself or your coworkers. Take it as an occasion to constantly learn and evolve. Sure, sometimes it can be really hard to make some activities creative, funny or challenging. But very often all it needs is a little effort to challenge the habit, the common practice and the "I always did it like that". Only this, and every job can be transformed into a powerful, happy and fertile creative process.

Embrace the breaks power Breaks are probably the most powerful creative tool at our disposal: breaks can completely recharge the batteries of our mind, reduce the overall boredom, help us to better focus on our work, and let us take that fundamental "step back" we're not able to do while in the middle of our work, showing us that broader perspective on the situation we couldn't see otherwise. A technique that could give you a proper job/pause alternation rhythm is the famous "Pomodoro Technique", which took its name from a tomato-shaped kitchen timer that gave the 27

The Creativity Bible - PREVIEW first inspiration for it. In fact it consists in setting a 20-25 minutes timer and then in completely focusing on our work until the timer rings. After that, we should take a 5 minutes pause, and when the last one is finished as well, we should reset a 25 minutes "tomato", thus repeating the whole cycle until the job is done. Of course one doesn't need to be strict about the 20, 25 or 5 minutes intervals: every kind of work and every person may need a different job/pause rhythm, so take all of this just as a starting hint; I'm sure that with the right time and exercise you'll be able to find each time the rhythm to make your creative brain work at its best! Learn and apply some relaxation techniques Whether you're completely cutting off from work or taking a small break, knowing some good relaxation techniques can seriously help you to feel more refreshed, relaxed, and to make the whole incubation process even quicker and more effective. So let's take a look at a few of them: I'm sure that among the following techniques you'll be able to find (or even build through a proper mix) the one that best suits you: •

Breathing Even a simple breathing exercise by itself can easily let us get rid of the stress, release any tension and automatically launch ourselves towards an incredibly fertile "ideas 28

The Creativity Bible - PREVIEW incubation" phase. To perform this kind of exercise at best start with putting yourself in a position such that your muscles are completely relaxed. Then close your eyes and breathe in slowly for a few seconds until your lungs are completely full, stop for a couple of more seconds and then, again, slowly breathe out and relax your chest. Repeat these steps four-five times and, while you perform the exercise, try constantly to find your ideal breathing rhythm. All that anxiety, pressure, fatigue preventing your creative thinking from manifesting at full blast will vanish like the proverbial snow in summer. •

Ideal Town Relax, close your eyes, and use your imagination to build your ideal paradise. You shouldn't have any problem with this if you followed the exercises in Chapter III. Mix elements, suggestions, feelings coming from different environments, geographical locations, historical ages. Take the buildings from the city in which you've been living when you were a child, the main monuments of Moscow and place them on a distant planet at the edge of the universe, where human logic has no meaning at all. Also, don't build it just visually but fill it with smells from your childhood, tastes of your favourite foods, music nobody has composed yet. Take some minutes to define it and then just live its wonders, taste its feelings, contemplate its magnificence. Maybe your idea is right there, in that 29

The Creativity Bible - PREVIEW hidden paradise you just built in your mind. ...


The Creativity Bible - PREVIEW

The art of designing powerful ideas

"If I had five minutes to chop down a tree, I’d spend the first three sharpening my axe." (Abraham Lincoln)

"Refinement" is that "necessary", final phase of our creative process in which we take the ideas generated during the induction-incubation phases and we: • Identify strengths and weaknesses. • Select the ones having the bigger potential. • Try to apply any possible improvements. • Investigate the feasibility and the concrete opportunities for each 31

The Creativity Bible - PREVIEW of them. Well, "final phase" is probably incorrect since, like we said in Chapter III, the output result of each technique in this book can work as an input for every other technique, and so the refinement itself can work as a "new" induction phase and suggest new perspectives, new inspirations, new starting points. For example you could improve that design for a new working desk through the "Mental Trial" technique in this chapter and then re-submit it to an "Osborn List" in order to add even more and new characteristics, like a hyper-technological laptop-drawer, or a central leg working as a pen holder. So it's up to you to decide when the whole procedure is actually finished, depending on your time/resources availability or, why not, on your pure creative instinct, suddenly suggesting you that your idea is "ready to take its first step into the real world".

User is the king A fundamental concept that must be taken into account during the refinement phase is the user satisfaction. In fact a project, an idea, a specific work can be defined as "successful" only if it fulfils the needs, the desires and the expectations of at least most of the users it's aiming at. ... 32

The Creativity Bible - PREVIEW

And now ... Did you enjoy this book preview? The "Creativity bible" is the most complete book about creativity you will ever find on your library shelf. A revolutionary, fascinating volume that treasures three thousand years of human thinking to give you: •

A deep analysis of which mechanisms in your brain prevent your creative thinking from expressing at full blast and what can you do to overcome them. The most complete and masterful set of creative techniques to create new ideas, to challenge your social and mental restrictions and to learn how to make a true difference in any situation you'll have to face. The work principles of the greatest geniuses, inventors, artists, thinkers and revolutionary innovators of history like Leonardo Da Vinci, Albert Einstein, Renee Descartes, Walt Disney, Thomas Alva Edison, Salvador Dali and many others. A complete study of the alchemy behind the greatest technological revolutions of the last one hundred years, like the personal computer, the electronic fund transfer and the iPad The art of problem solving explained by the greatest 33

The Creativity Bible - PREVIEW


military strategists of all time, from Sun Tzu to Napoleon Bonaparte. ... and much, much more!

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