Danish Crown Group Animal Welfare Policy

Page 16

Reporting on Performance

As well as performance measurement, targets are also an important tool in welfare development, and Danish Crown plans to introduce a range of targets across the group before the end of 2020 These measures, whether on farm, transport or slaughterhouse can include requirements from EU and national legislation, sector quality assurance programmes, client specification standards and company programmes, and many are independently audited. As reported in its CSR Report 2019/20, Danish Crown has set out priorities for animal welfare for the next five years. Planned initiatives include: • I ntroduce a certification programme for Danish cooperative members › A communications programme was developed to inform farmers of plans and requirements. This included briefings at regional and national member meetings, and via field personnel › A target of 90% to be certified by the end of 2019 › The target was achieved. › Within this, 100% of farmers delivering into the Danish UK Welfare programme are now within the Danish Crown ‘Climate Track’ programme (see information box)

• Grow the number of pigs raised without antibiotics › It is only two and a half years since Danish Crown started its first trial with pigs bred without antibiotics, and growth has been encouraging. The target is for 1.5 million pigs to be bred within the scheme by 2021 • S tart use of local anaesthetic for piglets prior to castration (Denmark) › Training was required for all farms, to be completed by January 2019. Compliance was verified via independent audits • D evelop new training programme in animal welfare at all abattoirs › An Animal Welfare training course was developed that all workers in the lairage must attend every 3 years and to date more than 300 workers have participated. An update to the course will be completed before the end of 2020, for implementation in 2021. Currently the course is focused on our Danish pig interests and consideration is being given to extending this as part of Best Practice proposals being developed. • New animal welfare targets will be defined before the end of 2020 In our Danish pig supply chain for example, a range of welfare metrics from slips at unloading, lameness and effectiveness of stun, to piglet mortality and antibiotic usage are measured every day.

Sample Welfare Outcome measures: Danish Crown UK Welfare pigs 2018/2019/H1 2020 Plant

Falls at unloading %

Lameness %

Killed at reception %

Overnight lairage %

Effectiveness of stun %

























Danish Crown Group Animal Welfare Policy

While there may be differences in scope and detail between our various markets, across all of our supply chains, a range of health and welfare indicators are measured at each link in the chain. In addition to supporting our aim to seek continuous improvement in animal health and welfare, performance measurement is also a prerequisite to delivering business sustainability through the supply chains in which we operate.


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