Common Problems Facing Gasoline Users

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==== ==== Gas Prices Rising! Are You Feeling The Pinch? Then Check This Out: ==== ====

BELL PERFORMANCE FUEL ISSUES SERIES EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Gasoline is a cleaner fuel which does not face the same storage issues that diesel fuel does. What are the biggest problems/complaints that consumers have about their gasoline fuel? • Recent gas mileage drops • Poor performance, rough vehicle operation or loss of power compared to the past • A forced switch to ethanol blends Gasoline is required to be additized before point of sale, but the effective level of additization has decreased by 50% since 1996. Many consumers may benefit from use of aftermarket fuel treatments to negate some or all of these issues. GASOLINE VS. DIESEL To be clear, gasoline-related problems aren't nearly as severe or widely reported as problems with diesel, biodiesel or the universally-reviled ethanol blend. This could due to a number of relevant factors. Gasoline is a "cleaner" fuel than diesel, in the sense that gasoline, during the distillation process at the refinery, is the lighter fuel that comes off first. Lighter means it has shorter molecules (because shorter molecules are lighter-weight) and it boils or burns at a lower temperature than heavier fuels like diesel. The lighter-weight gasoline's smaller molecules burn more cleanly than diesel and have the volatility and lower auto-ignition temperatures need to power today's sophisticated sparkignition engines. Gasoline supplies tend to be used at a faster rate than diesel, which is stored for longer period of times and is therefore more apt to be subject to problems caused by quality breakdown in storage, oxidation, microbial contamination and water contamination. GASOLINE OF TODAY COMPARED TO THE PAST But that's not to say everything is as it should be with gasoline and the vehicles that use it. The quality of gasoline isn't quite what it used to be. What we mean by this is the gasolines of today don't burn as cleanly or provide the same level of vehicle performance as they did in the past. Some of the performance drop has been masked by substantial improvements in engine

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