Works 2009-2013

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Dan Laster

Works 2009-2013

Automation RISD Digital Representation 2011 Instructor: Peter Dorsey Project Length: 12 Weeks Program: Gateway

Inspired by Neil Spiller and Étienne-Louis Boullée, I designed visionary architecture by aggregating complex geometry. We began by developing simple modules into field patterns. A module was designed to follow a three dimensional pattern. The program and scale of the module were considered and detailed accordingly. Carefully considering the more intriguing conditions of the work, I defined the relevant boundaries and extracted the conditions including the ground for further study. These conditions were examined for the development of a construction unit. The repeatable module was implemented as an enclosed structure within a landscape. Materials and user designations were later applied.

2D Module Interations

3D Aggregation

Module Fragment #1 Module Fragment #2

Module Fragment #3 Module Fragment #4

Masonry Exoskeleton

Module Fragment #5 Module Fragment #6

Cast-in Place Concrete Surface

Aggregated Masonry Exoskeleton

3-Axis Steel I-Beam Grid

Concrete Footing, Typical

New Echelon RISD Degree Project 2013 Primary Advisor: Thomas Gardener Secondary Advisor: Silvia Acosta Project Length: 20 weeks Site: Las Vegas, NV Program: Park, Water Reclamation Plant

While solar energy projects have provided sustainable power in the Nevada desert, vacant casinos offer uncharted opportunities. This proposed integrated a solar tower complex with the unďŹ nished casino Echelon Place, establishing a continuum of environments publicly accessible to the Strip and regionally applicable to the Mojave Desert. Water collection and reclamation was also explored. This constructed park tests if Las Vegas could feasibly transition from an economy of tourism into a self-sustaining district of energy and water independence.

Site Context



Molten Salt Tank Steam Room Spa Rooms Indoor Pool Heliostat Array

Solar Tower Project

Water ClariďŹ ers

Echelon Place Site

Elevated Pathways

Casino / Commercial Property

Water Aerators

Abandoned / Stalled Resorts Water Reclamation Plant

Stepwell (Typ.) West Water Tower Bridges South Water Tower Stardust Memorial East Water Tower

Water Collection

Convention Center Power Plant Performance Hall Parking Garage Casino Hotel Retaining Walls

Winter Solstice

Existing Structures

Crescent Dunes, Tonopah, NV

Site Plan

Experiential Renders

Spa Section Det etail et aill

Heliostat Field

Water Treatment Section

Indoor Pool at Solar Tower

Solar Tower built on Existing Elevator Shaft

Sol S So oa arr Tow Tow wer er F Fiin Fin nal al Dra Drawin Dr rawin ng

Excavated Chapel RISD Advanced Studio 2012 Instructor: Nick Winton Project Length: 12 weeks Site: Brown University, Providence RI Program: Chapel, Research Archive

A non-denominational chapel and research archive buried within the campus of Brown University shifts between landscape and architecture. A brief charrette, calling for spaces of meditation and reection, led to the conceptual idea of the chapel— physically descending into the ground as a means to displace individuals from their surrounding context. A series of watercolor perspectival sketches were drawn as a framework to approach the chapel. By considering the structure as an excavation, and interpreting the archive as a descending corridor, strategies for light and procession were considered.

Site Analysis

Charrette Proposal

Concept Development

Site Plan


Sky Room


Site Plan


Classroom Chapel




Sky Room


Staff OfďŹ ce


Floor -1

Private Study

Floor -2

Co C ourty urrty u tyar ard rd

Chap Ch ape ape ell

Arrch A rcch hiv ive

Offfi O Offi fice ce ce

Sky Room

Cou Co urrty tya arrd

En E Entr ntr tra an nce ce

Lobb Lo obby bb by

Prrivva P atte Stud Sttud S ud dyy

Sk S ky Ro Room Room om

Adaptive Row Housing UNLV Architecture Studio 2009 Instructor: Harry O. Ray, AIA Project Length: 4 Weeks Site: Downtown Las Vegas Program: Row Housing

Following a precedent study of Quinta Monroy by Elemental, a similar idea for adaptive row houses were considered in Las Vegas. The complex is purposefully unfinished to quickly fill housing for low demand, while additional units can be constructed over time to match increased demand. A community courtyard provides a car-free space for children to play while their parents can supervise from their balconies.

Louvers provide much-needed shade for the desert climate. The copper panels oxidize over time, allowing senior tenants to easily distinguish their homes. First floor car parking can evolve into retail space if demand increases, offering a live-work lifestyle in downtown Las Vegas.

2’- 0”

1’ - 8”

2’- 6”


Photovoltaic Louvers

9’- 6”

finished ceiling

Steel Framing

4’- 6”

finished floor

finished ceiling

9’- 6”

Cast-in-place Concrete Walls

2’- 0”

finished floor

finished soffit

2’- 6”

Oxidized Copper Window Panelss

6’- 4”

finished ceiling

4’- 0”

3’- 2”

Housing Options

Dual Exchange RISD Independent Study 2012 Advisor: Peter Dorsey Credit: Royce Bixby Project Length: Ongoing Site: BEB Gallery Program: Installation

How can prefabricated sheet materials When installed properly, two Microsoft enhance the qualities of interior space? Kinects, two projectors, and one laptop would be secured at the center column. Dual Exchange combine methods of Users interact by entering one of two digital fabrication, motion sensing tech- rooms where the Kinect can read bodies nology, and digital projection to create within a close proximity. When two an interior space where individuals can individuals simultaneously stand in interact with each other via light, sound each room, a feedback loop begins, and and material porosity. The installation a virtual interaction occurs. As more is constructed by assembling laser cut users enter each room, the projections sheet material. When the projectors are increase in vibrancy. This creates a off, the porosity of the walls create a memorable experience for those who either engage or observe the space. stimulating encounter.

Laser Cut Sheet Material


Spatial Opportunities

Installation Proposal

Floor Plan

Floor 2

Floor 1

House for a Ceramicist RISD Integrated Building Systems 2011 Instructor: Almin Prisc Credit: Brett Dunnam, Alyssa Saltzgaber Site: Providence, Rhode Island Project Length: 12 Weeks Program: House, Studio, Gallery

Brick was the material assigned to explore the building issues of heating, cooling, lighting, and drainage. A fictitious client, a ceramicist, led to the idea of a live-work artist studio. A private gallery was included for patrons to experience the ceramicist’s entire process from concept to completion. The windowless gallery is indirectly illuminated by a north facing top light window. The client idea also led to the design of a personally owned kiln used to heat the house. The heat released from the kiln is harnessed with a radiant heating pipeline installed prior to casting the concrete floors. The water used in the radiant heating system is collected directly from the roof and released into the street when at maximum capacity.

Public Entry

Kiln as Heat Source

Private Entry


Roofing Membrane


Structural Frame

Backer Rod Brick Wall

Window Frames (8) 3’x3’ Triple Glazed Windows

Tyvek Insulated Sheathing, Typ.

Frame Support


Guest House


Strainer, Typ.

Exhaust Chimney


Radiant Heating Pipeline


Draine Pipe

Grey Water Storage Tank

Cast-in-place Concrete Base

Cast-in-place Concrete Columns

Radiant Heating Water Storage Tank

Outdoor Entrance Ramp

Water Runoff / Retaining Wal all Water al Feature






Insulated Brick Lintel Brick Wall



Fire Brick Insulated Wall Kiln

Radiant Heating Pipeline Typ.

Aluminum Rail Typ.

Fire Brick Insulated Door

Precast Concrete Base

Cast-in-place Concrete Floor

Prefinished Metal Cap Flashing Air Gap Brick, Typ. Roofing Membrane Tyvek Insulation Sheathing Precast Concrete Roof Frame

Glass Precast Concrete Stair Window Frame, Typ. Tyvek Insulation Radiant Heating Pipeline Air Gap Prefinished Metal Flashing Cast-in-place Concrete Sidewalk Retaining Wall Gravel Cast-in-place Concrete Footer

Bedroom m

Kitchen n

Hallway w

Dan Laster 702.308.4148 3155 Paintedhills Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89120

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