Case 3: Myanmar RESULTS SUMMARY Organisational Transformation Towards Dialogue and Inclusiveness
Author: Danmission
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Organisational Transformation Towards Dialogue and Inclusiveness
A Christian church denomination in the northern part of Myanmar changed its approach from being reluctant and distrustful of other faiths and ethnic groups to including people across faith and ethnicity in dialogue and peacebuilding activities contributing to social cohesion among religiously and ethnically diverse communities.
Faith-based institutions play a central role in people’s lives in Myanmar. The hostile political and social climate in Myanmar, where years of dictatorship, and instability have created a culture of distrust, protectionism and division between the different religious and ethnic communities also affected the church, its members and the local communities. Local communities experience social and sectarian segregation leaving them vulnerable and less resilient to mitigate internal and external conflicts.
Since 2018 Danmission has strategically worked with a particular church denomination to change attitudes towards the religious and/or the ethnic other. Danmission has contributed by targeting key influential leaders in the facilitation of dialogue education and promoting cooperation with other organisations and religious entities as well as incorporating dialogue into programme design, reflection sessions, and budget allocations Furthermore, Danmission contributed by supporting the partner and being available with thematic and programmatic capacity building.
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Danmission initiated cooperation between different faith-based organisations that otherwise did not meet due to distrust. An experienced dialogue facilitator led trust-building and planning meetings involving the partners in developing the project. Simultaneously Danmission provided capacity building of the church denomination in inter-religious and inter-ethnic dialogue approaches, providing training and seminars e.g. “how to secure inclusiveness” and “how to facilitate dialogue sessions online”. Danmission gradually stepped away, giving space for the church and the other faith-based organisations to independently initiate and manage the project. Danmission was available for sparring and guiding throughout the implementation period – and provided psycho-social support to partners when needed they needed it during Covid-19 and the coup.
Danmission learnt that the process to change attitudes and entrenched behaviour is time and resource-demanding in the initial phase of such projects where trust and confidence need to be built. Before results can be harvested ample time should be allocated to relationand trust-building involving all parties. Another lesson learned is the importance of partners having ownership of the development and therefore the importance of an open and transparent involvement of partners at all stages. Danmission learnt that it was only once relationships and trust were built that Danmission could leave the leadership of the project to the partners. An important lesson learned in this specific context is that changing attitudes and relations (among segregated actors or actors in enmity) is difficult but can be mitigated with a neutral moderating partner who is trusted by all parties and who is persistent.
Evidence of change is identified by the church’s new strategy where dialogue and inclusiveness are cross-cutting. Further evidence is that the church has taken the initiative to do a common community needs assessment which involved all community members across faith and ethnicity. Another piece of evidence is some churches are now involved in the antidrug movement across religious and ethnic barriers. The church has as such also a stronger universalistic approach to humanitarian engagements and IDP resettlement programmes.
Development strategy priorities:
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Changes in the lives of people facing poverty, marginalisation or vulnerability
Changes in laws, policies and practices that affect people’s rights
Changes in the capacity of organisations and communities to support rights
Changes in partnerships and collaborations that support people’s rights
Changes in participation of groups facing poverty, marginalisation or vulnerability
Changes in local leadership of development and humanitarian work