Art Restoration – Restore an Oil Painting Santa Barbara, Ventura, Thousand Oaks Areas
Click to see short video of interesting projects and capabilities Fine Art Conservation Laboratories specializes in the preservation and restoration of paintings on canvas and board, on murals and we do limited art conservation work with art on paper. For particular problems with your paintings, see the links at the end of this article... Scott M. Haskins has been working professionally as a painting conservator since 1975. Having trained and worked in Italy for years, he returned to the US (Rocky Mountains) in 1979 to head up the art conservation laboratory at Brigham Young University. In 1984, he moved back to his native Southern California and settled in Santa Barbara, thankful to leave a very harsh winter! Clients willingly associate with FACL, Inc. on a long distance basis, and so the lab provides professional painting conservation services over a wide geographical region. Click here for Testimonials. Three art restorers work together as a team to ensure good problem solving, quality control and a good turn around schedule. All professional art conservators are members of the American Institute for Art Conservation and embrace the