The New Agora March 2017

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Through the Gates of Change

By Fredalupe! HERE HAVE BEEN so many changes of


late that, to my seeing eye, they merge into one inexorable force, the details of which become a froth of less interest than that of the spectacle of Power itself moving, of Intent manifesting before us all, of wonder at the mystery of our shared Journey. Love is a sacred reserve of energy; it is like the blood of spiritual evolution. ~Pierre Teilhard de Chardin The World around us has taken this newly born Phoenix Year to heart. The pot is a’boil, the bread is in the oven, the game is afoot. The gates of change are swinging wide open, inviting the brave, the daring and the desperate beyond mere metaphor and into the realm of manifest destiny. And by that I mean the acceptance of our own authorship upon which we sail through the sea of awareness. We’re making up the stuff of our lives folks, and the responsibility is awesome. The infinite vibratory levels, the dimensions of interconnectedness are without end. There is nothing independent. All beings and things are residents in your awareness. ~Alex Grey

And all around little dreams come true, nightmares too, peopled by lessons clothed in relationships in a menagerie of recapitulatory excess. Petty tyrants of love abound. The All of Everything demands growth beyond the known of the past, but not without first its assimilation and digestion for therein exists the fecund fertilizer required for our own creative evolution. The roots of the word ‘anarchy’ are ‘an archos,’ ‘no leaders,’ which is not really about the kind of chaos that most people imagine when the word ‘anarchy’ is mentioned. I think that anarchy is, to the contrary, about taking personal responsibility for yourself. ~Alan Moore Practically speaking, everything we require for personal transformation is everything and everyone that comes our way; in a sense it is the way. How does the saying go…It’s not the path that is difficult, it is the difficulty that is the path. I can certainly attest to that being the case in my life thus far; even Love came to kick my ass into high gear, and none too sweetly I might add. And yet the only proper response I have worthy of the experience I was given is gratitude, of the muscular kind. Of course that took quite some work, months of it really, and I ain’t done yet

in all honesty, I work at it constantly, heavens, I’m doing it right now. Exercise for the soul I suppose. I hold it true, whate’er befall; I feel it, when I sorrow most; ‘Tis better to have loved and lost Than never to have loved at all. ~ Alfred Lord Tennyson Gratitude is an action, not necessarily a static state of being, one much akin to balancing rather than simply being balanced. Can’t complain really, although I have, of course, but it’s all part of the show, of the journey beyond one’s own limitations, shortcomings, what have you. Bit of a grindstone these experiences though, smoothing the rough, at times jagged, edges of one’s lunatic consciousness is no easy affair. As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them. ~ John F. Kennedy It is work to remain un-jaded, to dissolve the calcification of the spirit born of pain. Innocence is the key. Innocence is not naiveté. Innocence is an act of daring, of courage, of power. Innocence is welcoming

experience despite what has come before. Innocence demonstrates its incredible strength precisely in its ability to transform reality beyond what has come before, beyond judgment, beyond Time’s scarification and learned callousness. Imagine the joy, the freedom of a new now, unpolluted by the past, and pregnant with limitlessness. Imagine yourself free. I know I am. You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You’re on your own, and you know what you know. And you are the guy who’ll decide where to go. ~Dr. Seuss And so here I am, writing to you, for you, for myself as well; in thanks for your company, for your time and attention; grateful for the opportunity to grow up with you, grateful to have loved you, grateful to love you still, and forevermore. Fare thee well. Love is a canvas furnished by nature and embroidered by imagination. ~Voltaire See you in the New Now, Fredalupe!

Imagination Rises Out Of The Jaws Of Defeat By Zy Marquiez

“Imagination should be used, not to escape reality, but to create it.” — Collin Wilson “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire word, and all there ever will be to know and understand.” — Einstein


MAGINATION IS THE skeleton key to life, for it opens all the doors that allow the individual to venture through all of the possible roads of life. Having the option to venture upon the unknown to travel the roaring roads of life allows the individual not only to become more cognizant through life experience and learn from such ventures, but also to employ imagination in order to seek and attain mastery of the self. This allows the individual the ability to live life to the fullest extent. This is why it’s vital to respect the creative consciousness of the individual, because there is no path imagination won’t venture upon, there is no solution that can’t be attained by the open-minded skeptical individual who ceaselessly seeks to attain understanding through constant employing of the triumvirate that is the heart, mind, and spirit. As imagination is employed boundlessly, a more thorough understanding of life is achieved with the acquisition of experience and wisdom each new day brings forth. This serves as further impetus for the individual as they continue to seek new untapped ground to learn from while also exploring the conscious streams of life, because they realize with each new set of experiences, new possibilities arise, new solutions are to be had. Regardless of the path one takes, with each

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new obstacle that arises, the individual grows further with each new choice made. The more one grows, the more capable one feels. The more capable one feels, the more they accomplish. And the more they accomplish, the more they grow. Therefore, growth serves as a catalyst for additional growth and experience, which is all fueled by endless inspiration of being able to tackle any problem that arises with the employment of imagination. This is why imagination and creativity will continue to serve as an engine of growth by which the individual evolves, ultimately raising their quality of consciousness with each new well thought out and pondered idea that is ruminated upon deeply. This growth undoubtedly couples to the life lessons that help us persevere through life doggedly, while also serving as sparks that ignite the embers of creativity. As individuals embrace the resonant feeling of inspiration and creativity that follows the use of imagination,

and how those spawn new streams of consciousness and possibilities, they realize that imagination is the one tool in life that cannot be overlooked. Without imagination, one cannot achieve anything. And when imagination and inspiration couple, there is no end in sight to the type of accomplishments an individual may unleash. New ideas arise, old shackles melt, and imagination becomes the key to a healthy and fulfilling life. The precious and vast streams of consciousness that abound us are the canvas upon which imagination artfully creates its dreams – the individual’s dream. In fact, writer, philosopher and naturalist Henry David Thoreau once intimated saliently: “This world is but canvas to our imaginations.” Humanity is here to create, and individuals cannot create without imagination.

Imagination leads to dreams, and dreams lead individuals to change one’s life; dreams help individuals inspire others; dreams have also throughout history helped change the course of civilization. All of these dreams that are inherently woven within the core of our being, and are entwined within the web of life serve to vault the pallid, mediocre, and dull components of life into a completely different constellation of possibilities altogether. Individuals whose insights and aspirations made them employ imagination in creatively unique ways, time and time again turned seemingly unalterable tides of destiny and transformed them into something new and fresh hitherto inconceivable. Individuals such as Einstein, Steve Jobs, Michael Jordan, The Beatles, and more, all had ‘epic failures’. And yet, failure does not define them. They imagined something better, something greater. They imagined a better life for themselves, made a plan, CHANGED their paths, and each set a new rousing course the likes of which nigh nobody has followed. Promptly, the jaws of defeat were smashed shut and not allowed to feed on their dreams. Countless individuals have shown that when individual mindsets are lucid and precise, there is nothing that can stop them and their imagination. Doubt no longer exists. The insipid fades into the past Obstacles become opportunities. Setbacks become turning points. Life’s journey becomes an inspiring adventure. And the creative individual becomes ultimately free.

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