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Issue Plan
from Regulating Urban Surface Overflow Under Climate Change- Regenerative design of drainage system based
Issue Plan
Here are the significant issues. I am mainly talking about water flow.
· Flow – there is too much water from outside or upstream, and the site also lacks waterway
· Detention – Original low-lying detention become communities or newly developing areas that break the original function, so the site lack water storage
· Detention – Original detention become industrial area – It causes the community nearby to endure flooding easily during heavy rain.
· Mangrove ecology – Water quality influence the downstream ecology system. Furthermore, as the sea level rising, there is an opportunity for mangrove to extend into the city.
Design Strategies
With the analysis, the problem concluded, too much outside water flow, and broken detention. I reckon that the site needs to optimise the waterway system to regulate extra run-off from upstream. Furthermore, it also necessary to store water at the damaged detention space while developing new community here. The design intent to protect the life below water and the ecology while facing climate changes.