9 minute read
from Regulating Urban Surface Overflow Under Climate Change- Regenerative design of drainage system based
Figure 5.53 Low river stage in the river park
Figure 5.54 Multi-functional space
In conclusion, the project intent to regenerate urban surface to regulate overflow. The designs help to optimise drainage system and regulate water resource. It enhances the resilient and sustainability of the community. It also helps to make the public close to the water and flood, with more opportunities to touch and live with water, rather than against it. This attitude helps to improve the collective engagement between government and community.
The design protects the life below water and the ecology while facing and adapting climate changes, especially the rising sea-level and extreme weather. Reuse and inclusive the flood water into daily life is resource-efficient responsive. The functions of the infrastructures emulate from Nature that is eco-friendly strategies and locally attuned. So, I argue the project has achieved sustainable development goals and Life’s Principles to create an inclusive community.
By way of conclusion, the research aims to solve the problems of climate change impacts. Tainan and many Asian coastal cities are excepted to face flooding more often than the past. The research started analysis with the systematic method, urban design processes. The process helped to define the spatial characteristic of the problems, in short, are water flow problems. In more detail is (1) too much flow from outside (upstream), (2) original low-lying space was developed to be communities or industrial areas that decreased the detention ability, and (3) water flow quality will influence the downstream (mangrove) ecology. The strategies came from the Biomimicry thinking processes and emulated from the leave loops, Avicennia Aerial Roots, heart valve, sphagnum retort cells, and resurrection fern. The design integrated the strategies to separate flow, store flow and delay flood peak. The drainage system is optimized by more connected waterway, revived detention community, and hydrophilic river park.
Under the Anthropocene problems and the climate change impacts, the Earth’s conditions and environment have worsened. While the population and urbanization are growing, cities take much more responsibility to protect life to face the extreme environment. Significantly, the coastal Asian cities will face the impacts, sea-level rising and extreme weather. Flooding becomes the main problem for Asian cities. The thesis aims to provide the regenerative drainage system design for Tainan and other inundating cities in Asia. The designs enhance the sustainability for the community with more resilient facilities. The engagement between government and non-government stakeholders will be improved. The designs provide more opportunities for the public to close to the water. It increases the interrelated and interdependent network for the ecology and the social-ecological system. The thesis research envisions a sustainable and inclusive community for the future.
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