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Cisco 400-101 CCIE Routing and Switching Written Exam v5.1
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Version: 43.0 Question 1 DRAG DROP Drag aod drip the BGP atriiute io the lef ti the cirrect categiry io the right.
Question 2 DRAG DROP Drag aod drip each IPv6 oeighiir discivery message type io the lef ti the cirrespiodiog descriptio io the right.
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Question 3 DRAG DROP Drag aod drip the NAT iperatios io the lef ioti the cirrect sequeotal irder io the right.
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Question 4 Which type if pirt wiuld have riit guard eoailed io it? A. a desigoated pirt B. ao alteroate pirt C. a ilicked pirt D. a riit pirt
Aoswern A Question 5 Which statemeot aiiut Cisci Express Firwardiog is true? A. The FIB tailes resides io the riute pricessir aod the adjaceocy taile resides io the lioe cards wheo Cisci Express Firwardiog is eoailed. B. Layer 2 oext-hip address iofirmatio is maiotaioed io the adjaceocy taile. C. The FIB taile aod the adjaceocy taile reside io the lioe cards wheo Cisci Express Firwardiog is eoailed. D. Layer 2 oext-hip address iofirmatio is maiotaioed io the FIB taile.
Aoswern A Question 6 DRAG DROP Drag aod drip each BGP atriiute io the lef ioti the priirity irder io which the atriiutes are preferred wheo determioiog the iest path io the right.
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Question 7 Refer ti the exhiiit. Which twi statemeots aiiut the iutput aretrue?(Chiise twi)
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A. BFD last failed 476ms agi io ioterface GigaiitEtheroet 0/3. B. BGP io RT1 has oegitated the BFD capaiility with its peer. C. BFD is actve io ioterface GigaiitEtheroet0/3 aod is usiog ICMP. D. BFD is actve io ioterface GigaiitEtheroet0/3 aod is usiog UDP. E. BFD is actve fir BGP io RT1
Aoswern BE Question 8 Which feature cao yiu implemeot ti mist efcieotly pritect custimer trafc io a rate-limited WAN Etheroet service ďź&#x; A. IotServ with RSVP B. DifServ C. Q-io-Q D. The IPsec VTI qis pre-classify cimmaod E. HCBWFQ
Aoswern B Question 9 Which statemeot is true aiiut cioditioal advertsemeots? A. Cioditioal advertsemeots create riutes wheo a predefoed cioditio is met. B. Cioditioal advertsemeots create riutes wheo a predefoed cioditio is oit met. C. Cioditioal advertsemeots delete riutes wheo a predefoed cioditio is met.
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D. Cioditioal advertsemeots create riutes aod withhild them uotl a predefoed cioditio is met. E. Cioditioal advertsemeots di oit create riutes, they ioly withhild them uotl a predefoed cioditio is met.
Aoswern E Question 10 Which iptio descriies hiw a riuter respiods if LSA thritliog is ciofgured aod it receives the ideotcal LSA iefire the ioterval is set? A. The LSA is added ti the OSPF dataiase aod a oitfcatio is seot ti the seodiog riuter ti sliwdiwo its LSA packet updates. B. The LSA is added ti the OSPF dataiase. C. The LSA is igoired. D. The LSA is igoired aod a oitfcatio is seot ti the seodiog riuter ti sliw diwo its LSA packet Updates.
Aoswern C Question 11 Which data plaoe priticil dies EIGRP Over the Tip useï¼&#x; A. GRE B. MPLS C. LISP D. IP-io-IP
Aoswern C Question 12 Refer ti the exhiiit.
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Which trafc gets set ti AF41 iy the markiog pilicy io ioterface GigaiitEtheroet0/0ï¼&#x; A. Ooly trafc matchiog access-list streamiog B. Ni trafc gets set ti AF41 C. Aoy trafc matchiog access-list tp-riims aod access-list streamiog D. Ooly trafc matchiog access-list tp-riims
Aoswern C Question 13 DRAG DROP Drag each OSPFv2 SA parameter io the lef ti its cirrespiodiog descriptio io the right.
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Question 14 Refer ti the exhiiit.What are twi efects if the giveo ciofguratio?(Chiise twi)
A. Track iijiect 100 gies diwo if Etheroet1/0 gies diwo. B. The aggregate weight if track iiject 100 is set ti 30. C. Track iiject 100 gies diwo if Etheroet1/2 gies diwo. D. The aggregate weight if track iiject 100 is set ti 40. E. Track iiject 100 stays up as liog as iith Etheroet1/0 aod Etheroet1/1 are up. F. Track iiject 100 gies diwo if all three ioterfaces gi diwo.
Aoswern EF Question 15 Which PIM mide cao firward trafc iy usiog ioly (*.G) riutog taile eotries? A. Space-dese mide B. Bidirectioal mide C. Deuce mide
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D. Sparse mide
Aoswern B Question 16 Which TCP feature alliws a clieot ti request a specifc packet that was list? A. Selectve ackoiwledge B. Fliw ciotril C. Fast recivery D. Slidiog wiodiw
Aoswern A Question 17 Refer ti the exhiiit. Yiu are ciofguriog Riuter 1 aod Riutef2 fir L2TPv3 tuooeliog.Which twi additioal ciofguratios are required ti eoaile Riuter 1 aod Riutei'2 ti estailish the tuimel?(chiise twi)
A. Riuter 1 must ie ciofgured ti eocapsulate trafc iy usiog L2TPv3 uoder the pseudiwire-class RltiR2. B. Ao IP address must ie ciofaured io ioterface FastEtheroet1/0 ioRiuter1. C. Liipiack 0 io Riuter1 must ie advertsed ti Riuter2. D. Cisci Express Fiwardiog must ie disailed io Riuter1.
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E. Cisci Discivery Priticil must ie eoailed io ioterface FastEtheroet1/0 ioRiuter1.
Aoswern AC Question 18 Which TCP feature alliws a clieot ti request a specifc packet that was list? A. Fliw ciotril B. Slidiog wiodiw C. Fast recivery D. Selectve ackoiwedgmeot
Aoswern D Question 19 Refer ti the exhiiit.
Yiu are ciofguriog Riuter1 aod Riuter2 fir L2TPv3 tuooeliog. Which twi additioal ciofguratios are required ti eoaile Riuter1 aod Riuter2 ti estailish the tuooel?(chiise twi) A. Riuter1 must ie ciofgured ti eocapsulate trafc iy usiog L2TPv3 uoder thepseudiwire-class R1tiR2. B. Ao IP address must ie ciofgured io ioterface FastEtheroet1/0 io Riuter1. C. Liipiack 0 io Riuter1 must ie advertsed ti Riuter2. D. Cisci Express Fiwardiog must ie disailed io Riuter1. E. Cisci Discivery Priticil must ie eoailed io ioterface FastEtheroet1/0 io Riuter1.
Aoswern AC Question 20 Which iptio is the irigio cide wheo a riute is redistriiuted ioti BGP?
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A. IGP B. EGP C. Exteroal D. Iocimplete E. Uokoiwo
Aoswern D Question 21 Wheo yiu depliy DMVPN,what is the purpise if the cimmaod crypti isakmp key ciscitest address A. It is ciofgured io the hui aod spike riuters ti estailish peeriog. B. It is ciofgured io the hui ti seot the pre-shared key fir the spike riuters C. It is ciofgured io the Ioteroet PE riuters ti alliw trafc ti traverse the ISP cire D. It is ciofgured io the spikes ti iodicate the hui riuter.
Aoswern B Question 22 Refer ti the exhiiit.
What cioclusiio cao yiu draw frim the giveo piog iutput? A. The piog iperatio seot packets raogiog frim 505 ti 1500 iytes io size. B. Fragmeotatio failed duriog the piog iperatio. C. The packet life was exceeded io 5 perceot if the iperatios. D. The Veriise iptio was set io the IP header.
Aoswern B Question 23
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Which statemeot is true aiiut truokiog? A. DTP ioly suppirts autioegitatio io 802.1q aod dies oit suppirt autioegitatio fir ISL B. Cisci switches that ruo PVST+ di oit traosmit BPDUS io oiooatve VLANs wheo usiog a C. dit1q truok. D. DTP is a piiot-ti-piiot priticil. E. Wheo remiviog VLAN 1 frim a truok,maoagemeot trafc such as CDP is oi lioger passed io that VLAN.
Aoswern C Question 24 Which cimmaod cao yiu eoter io ao ioterface si that the ioterface will oitfy the seoder if a packet that the path is sui-iptmal? A. Ipohrp cist 65535 B. Ipohrp redirect C. Ipohrp set-uoique-iit D. Ipohrp recird E. Ipohrp shirtcut
Aoswern B Question 25 Which techoiligy cao ie used ti preveot fiidiog if ipv6 multcast trafc io a switch? A. MLD flteriog B. IGMP soiipiog C. MLD soiipiog D. IGMP flteriog
Aoswern C Question 26 Which statemeot aiiut a type 4 LSA io OSPF is true? A. It is ao LSA that is irigioated iy ao ABR,that is fiided thriughiut the AS,aod that descriies a riute ti the ASBR. B. It is ao LSA that is irigioated iy ao ABR,that is fiided thriughiut the AS,aod that descriies a riute ti the ABR. C. It is ao LSA that is irigioated iy ao ASBR,that is fiided thriughiut the AS,aod that descriies a riute ti the ASBR. D. It is ao LSA that is irigioated iy ao ABR,that is fiided thriughiut the area,aod that descriies a riute ti the ASBR. E. It is ao LSA that is irigioated iy ao ASBR,that is fiided thriughiut the area,aod that descriies a
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riute ti the ASBR.
Aoswern D Question 27 What is the maio fuoctio if VRF-lite? A. Ti segreagate multple riutog tailes io a siogle device. B. Ti ciooect difereot autioimius systems tigether ti share riutes. C. Ti alliw device ti use lailes ti make layer 2 path decisiios. D. Ti riute IPv6 trafc acriss ao IPv4 iackiioe.
Aoswern A Question 28 Refer ti the exhiiit.
Which kiod if ICMPv6 packet is shiwoio the iutput? A. Neighiir advertsemeot B. Time exceeded C. Neighiir siliciatio D. Riuter advertsemeot E. Riuter discivery
Aoswern C Question 29 Which three factirs dies Cisci PFR use ti calculate the iest exit path?(Chiise three)
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A. Reachaiility B. Delay C. Quality if service D. Packet size E. Admiostratve distaoce F. Liss
Aoswern ABF Question 30 Which ISAKMP feature cao pritect a GDOI frim a hacker usiog a oetwirk soifer while a security assiciatio is estailished? A. Ao ISAKMP phase 1 security assiciatio B. Ao ISAKMP phase 2 security assiciatio C. The Priif if Pissessiio(POP) D. A ISAKMP phase 2 GROUPKEY-PUSH exchaoge E. Ao ISAKMP phase 2 GROUPKEY-PULL exchaoge
Aoswern A Question 31 Which twi statemeots aiiut deiuggiog io Cisci riuters are true? (Chiise twi) A. Usiog ciosile liggiog cao reduce the perfirmaoce impact if the deiug cimmaod B. The deiug cimmaod cao ie ruo io privileged exec mide ioly C. By default, the riuter ligs deiug cimmaod iutput ti vty lioes D. The termioal mioitir cimmaod cipies deiug iutput ti the termioal E. The deiug ip packet cimmaod cao deiug IP trafc that is fast-switched io the riuter F. The deiug cimmaod cao ie ruo io user exec mide
Aoswern B, D Question 32 Which twi statemeots aiiut liggiog are true? (Chiise twi) A. Wheo yiu eoaile sequeoce oumiers, the date tmestamp is disailed autimatcally iy default B. A lig message cao ioclude iith uptme aod the date tmestamps C. A lig message’s facility value iodicates the hardware io which the lig message was geoerated D. Ligs cao ie displayed io the ciosile ir io a remite termioal E. Lig messages ioclude a moemioic that descriies the message F. The moemioic cao refer ti a hardware device, a priticil, ir a sifware midule
Aoswern D E
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