Parcel #1
Parcel #1
Parcel #1
Parcel #1
Parcel #1
Parcel #1
Parcel #2
Parcel #2
Parcel #2
Parcel #2
Parcel #2
Parcel #2 ‐ No ce The informa on contained within the Beacon Report for Parcel #2 is combined with the informa on on the building site that is not included. It is es mated from the Jackson County Assessor that the Parcel #1 EMV without the building site included would be approximately $705,800 and the Real Estate Taxes payable in 2013 would be approximately $3,976.00.
Parcel #2
Parcel #2 ‐ This is the building that is NOT included with Parcel #2
Parcel #1 & #2
This le informa on for both Parcel #1 & #2 is done to the best of Mr. Olson’s memory. This is for informa on purposes only and is not guaranteed, poten al buyers shall be responsible for determining for themselves as to the loca on, size, type and age of any drainage systems that maybe be located on these farms.