Lecture Project
Table of contents
See The Lexicon
Response To Reading
Witness A Discussion
Personal Introspection
Photo essays
See The Lexicon
Dynamic poise The balance of “following rule for standardization” and “reducing difference for harmony”. It is a middle condition of structure and material.
Dynamic poise Fineness Similarity Resilience Variance Baseline Repetition Pristine Scale Ecology
Identical material, placed in vertical and horizontal way. The overlapping area shows darker color. That effect is from material and structure themselves.
Fineness Fineness defines the relationship between individuals and entirety. The degree of fineness is determined by the space between individuals.
An art work which is made out of a bunch of brushes. They are placing by following certain rule, while there is corlor difference between individual. The overall effect is coming from its dynamic poise.
Different size of rectangles creating different distance between any two individua squares.
Similarity Similarity is the shared character from different objects. Similarity can happen at different level in different forms.
A tree with both Fine and corse structure.
Diagram from Project four. The similarity between two drawings will be : curve linear, enclosure, using tree as elements.
Resilience Resilience is the system’s ability to stay its character, even though it is facing changes and disturbances.
Similarity can happen between two totally different thing. The boulder and wave share the same character in terms of form.
The forest has the ability to recover. Within certain range, they are able to maintain certain number of tree.
Variance Variance is the system of codification within certain range instead of determinants. Code is functioning as an invisible limit, variance happens within that limited range.
The foot print on the beach can be considered as a disturbance to the beach. However, the beach are always stay the same because of every wave. Range gives more freedom and it is more flexible.
Baseline Baseline is the starting point before any negative change take place. Baseline can be varied depends on different focus. It is a state that usually used as reference.
the limit is defined by dege, which is a range. We can stiil see through it and observe the cloud change.
Base line can be any line, it depends on the situation it is dealing with.
Repetition Repetition is the process that deriving quality from quantity. Repetition can happen from either “simple unit but variable way” or “variable unit but simple way”. It creates complexity from similarity.
For future study, anything observed now can be the baseline.
simple unit repetition
Pristine The condition of nature which has not changed by human being. Any change is happening without human influence. Pristine is the state of no human occupied.
Pristine is the state people has not touched yet. Surface of the Broad Museum
Scale Scale is based on reference. We can not say scale without reference. the same object can look totally different size if it is with different object. We are used to judge the size of thing by finding reference.
It is a little creek in the back of a bunch of palm tree. There is no path get through there, in a small scale, this can be pristine. Scale can change the whole meaning of drawing. Top one is like a scary book while bottom one looks relaxing and playful.
Pattern Pattern usually is defined by shape. Pattern usually forms by repeating identical or various shape. Pattern can be another form of figure and ground.
Repeted pattern Looking at sky itself is always scaleless if there is nothing to be reference. Because the size of cloud can be varied.
Response to Reading Rambunctious Garden _ Emma Marris Atlas of Novel Tectonics _ Jesse Reiser Projective Ecologies _ Chris Reed, Nina-Marie Lister Field Conditions _ Stan Allen Islands & Atolls _ Luis Callejas Pamphlet Architecture 28 _ Smout Allen
Model done by SCI Student. The interesting surface is created by pattern.
Rambunctious Garden-Weeding the Jungle
Nowadays, nature is treated as a dreamland. It seems like something far away from human being and full of wonderful imagination. We tend to relate nature with non-human district. It is influenced by the stereotype of “Pristine Wilderness�. In fact, there is no pristine wilderness anymore. Human is changing the world in both direct and indirect way. Nature is always changing, even though there is no human influence. It will never go back to what it used to be. However, scientists always do their study by taking a baseline-a zero point before any negative change. It is supposed to be a reference, or a comparison. Scientists gradually made the baseline as a perfect condition, which should be achieved as a goal.
Zoo is a good example of how people see nature. On the one side, people think zoo is something artificial and non-nature. We are trying to control and do whatever we think is right. However, it is deniable that a lot of animals are rescued because of human help. The relationship between people and animal is complicated. Setting a baseline can absolutely help species conservation. But Setting a baseline and make it as a goal is not realistic. Some of the baseline will not be able to achieve, unless we put a huge amount of money and time. There is nothing wrong with setting a baseline, but it should just be a scientific approach, not a goal. It is not right to deny our influence on nature process, but pristine wilderness is more like a conscious setting and cultural construction.
Atlas of Novel Tectonics
In Atlas of Novel Tectonics, there are a lot of interesting topics are revealed to reader. What is interesting to me is that the chapter of Geometry. Geometry is not only about shape, it is also related to material, structure, force, arrangement, relationship and balance. A lot of people will think Los Angeles is suburban. Most people live here are depending on car. In that scale, the fineness of city is coarse. However, if we define the fineness of the city by its population, it is a pretty fine city. It has the second largest population in the country, dense population makes it fine. Los Angeles is modeled for a suburban look, but it is a dense city because of its population. The fineness is based on the scale we are looking at.
Form is another important factor in terms of Geometry. The Tongva Park in Santa Monica is appealing the beauty of form. Complexity doesn’t need to come from complicated form. Simple curve form can also create unexpected experience for people. It is easy to notice the curve shape can be seen anywhere in Tongva Park, and the repetition of that shape creates its own complexity and coherence. It is a balance of material and structure. Urban Light in front of LACMA reveals the power of field condition. The repetition of street lamp is a form of field. It combines both precise details and general composition. People can explore the material geometry while experience the sense of structure.
Projective Ecologies The earth is an ecological system. However, ecological system can happen at any scale. From Projective Ecologies, the rumen of a moose can be an ecological system. The rumen provides living condition for all the bacterial that are necessary for the moose. Anaerobes is the most important bacteria, which live only in an oxygenless atmosphere. The relationship between anaerobic bacteria and the moose is symbiotic. The moose provides living condition for anaerobic bacteria for growing and reproducing. At the same time, moose will need anaerobic bacteria to digest its food. They are relying on each other. A rumen is good enough to be an ecological system. However, usually we won’t realize it.
On the other hand, there is no pure good and bad. Oxygen is considered as an indispensable element in general. But in this case, oxygen becomes something unwanted. It reminds me the invasive plants in California. Invasive plants are considered as bad plants in landscape because they take all the resource and nutrition from other plants. Nowadays, people in nursery are trying to convey the idea that not using invasive plant. However, any plant has its own value. It might not be a good choice to have them in a landscape, we should still look at them objectively. It is not about the right or wrong of the plant itself, but the right place we put it. Invasive plants might be an important factor in other ecological system. As landscape architecture, we can change its function based on design.
Field Conditions
Eco system
Eco system
Eco system
Eco system
Complexity is never coming from a single object. Quantity can also create quality. The difference between figure and filed will be different quantity. The similarity between figure and field will be the identical individuals. In another words, field condition is the development of a singular figure. When there is a figure, people will only pay attention to the form and structure of it. However, when there is a field, people will be attracted by the spatial effect of this field condition. It is not only the form of thing, but the form between things. Connection is the most important factor that affects people’s perception. Field condition can be static or dynamic, it depends on the arrangement of all the elements.
We did topo model last year, it is the first time we start dealing with topo line. What makes the model stand out is the dense layer of lines. Different density of lines create different situation. The relationship of lines defines the site. We are not just looking at the line as individual one, but the collective effect. Even interval makes it static, while uneven interval makes it dynamic. It is easy to change perception by just changing the spatial arrangement of individuals. Moire is a developed type of field condition. It is composed of two regular fields. Complexity comes from simple rule with layers of repetition. Therefore, unexpected effects become phenomenon change. Force, illusion and movement can also be extracted from Moire effect.
Islands & Atolls
This book contained a lot of projects that dealing with water. Water can be seen, touched and felt by people. However, it is more than that. Water also provides survival condition for animals, plants and people. One of the projects is called Lake Park. It is made up with 6 stages along the run way. They all have individual theme, but they all making important role in the whole park system. Through the movement of water, everything starts to connect and get related to each other. They are not individual components any more. Instead, six stages are working as a whole. It reminds me our studio. Complexity is made up with simple elements. Finding the way to make each individual component talk together is important. We can achieve it through form, function, or any other way. From Lake Park Project, water is functioning different in different stages. It is also a way to explore the characteristic of water.
The Lake Park becomes an active hydrological park. On the one hand, it provides people the opportunity of enjoying leisure; on the other hand, it is acting like a completely smaller scale aquatic ecosystem. Landscape architecture is about the combination of aesthetic aspect and functional aspect. Another project mentioned in the book is WeatherField Project. It is another example of functional landscape. Instead of water, it is more focus on energy produced by sun, wind and moisture. We can actually utilize natural resource as a tool to generate energy through design.
Pamphlet Architecture 28
The world has become a multi-layer place with the development of society. Globalization is happening at any level. The basic understanding of globalization is changing. Everything is changing based on time. Flow is always the term to define change. When things physically move from one place to another place, it is called flow. Flow of people, animals, geography, viruses and so on. Even though it seems like a free movement, flow can also be limited. It is moving within certain boundaries. Furthermore, stability can also include change. Instead of denying nothing is change, stability is more like changing within limit, it is a rhythmic change. In landscape architecture, we always do time study. Time study can be based on seconds, minutes, hours, days and even years. The short term and long term change give us the opportunity to have different perception. Let the place be itself, instead of manually change it.
As for changing within limit, it reminds me the rules we come up with when we are doing Project 3, the design of reservoir edge has to follow certain rule. The rule is guiding all the topo change and elements. The landscape on are the move all around people, unexpected perception is varied by people, time and space. All we need to do is just providing the dynamic landscape setting, and let it change by itself.
All kinds of program and opportunities can happen at each specific zone.
Witness A Discussion RULE
Roxi Thoren
Woodbury University
Roxi Thoren
Nature can be divided into three types— first nature, second nature and third nature. First nature is about wilderness, while third nature is about garden. Roxi Thoren emphasized the second nature, which is about agriculture and industry. It is a productive nature. Second nature includes both function and aesthetic aspects. One example she mentioned during lecture is the Middleton in Charleston, South Carolina. The site consists of all three types of nature. Rice field provides productivity while the garden itself is acting like a reservoir. She also comes up with three design process: Poiesis, Praxis and Theoria. Based on the observation, she developed her studio through a lot of practice. Instead of thinking about the result, they just kept doing model and let the design revealed by itself. By collaboration with experts, time and artistic rendering, she is more prefer working forward a productive landscape.
Los Angeles River is a good example of this topic. Back to that time, people did not care of the productivity of a landscape. Los Angeles River becomes an engineering look project. However, we can also reveal the power of productivity through design. For example, wind power and plants power both can be the design approach. We can make invisible system visible through landscape. As a designer, we should be around second nature. Landscape should be both functional and aesthetical. With its productive properties, landscape will be more valuable and effective.
Woodbury University
Reveal all the energy from landscape and plants, show it to the public.
The Bowtie Project is located along the LA River in Northeast Los Angeles. It was formerly the site of a Southern Pacific Railroad train yard. Nowadays, through the collaboration between California State Park and Clockshop, it is more like an open art exhibition for the public. They are all located along the banks of the channelized LA River. The Unfinished is one of the art installation, it is done by an artist Michael Parker in 2014. What makes it interesting is all the plants that live in the excavation. There is a lot of Mexican Feather Grass, The invasive plants grow almost everywhere. But all of them become part of the site. The site is occupied by not just human being, but also wildlife and plants. It is amazing to see a lot of things going on at this abandoned-look-site.
At the end of the exhibition, we saw an art installation done by Woodbury University. The idea is about the frame of a camera. They created a frame to show the best view of Los Angeles River. It is made of recycling steel, the project looks cool at the site. However, the idea of fixed view is against what we have learned from Christophe Girot. What he emphasized is that the way we look at things is really important. The experience of standing at one point is totally different than the experience of keep changing view. LA River is such a dynamic place. It would be better if they address the beauty of LA River through a non-fixed view.
Personal Introspection
Back and Forth in design
The understanding of landscape architecture
Back and Forth in design
Through two years study, we did a lot of design for different studio. There are a lot of drawings and models we made during these two years. Model can be both physical model and digital model. However, what I found interesting is that there is not always a routine for design. In another words, there is no order. At the beginning of this program, I am always confused by the order. The conclusion will be –We always have to go back and forth between drawing and model. When we are making a model, it is not always following our original design. Sometimes mistakes happen. Mistake doesn’t mean that it is wrong. It is just something that we are not expected. Nonetheless, it provides us the chance to have a different perspective. It encourages us to explore more opportunities. Going back and forth in drawing and model will be a more flexible way to design.
Photo Essays
Back and Forth in design
The understanding of landscape architecture The understanding of landscape architecture
We learned the definition of landscape architecture at the first quarter of this program. But I think it will take the whole four years to understand it. I have different understanding about landscape architecture at different stage. Landscape architecture is not just about making comfortable place for people by using plants. It is about the experience for people who will occupy that specific space. As a landscape architect, we are not designing a space by how we want people to occupy. It is not about controlling the people. Conversely, we are supposed to provide a chance that people could experience by themselves, explore it by actually moving through it. Time, phenomenon, scale and perception are all got involved into the site. Landscape architecture is about the relationship between people and space. It is not fixed setting, but a dynamic space changes through time.
Nature and Change
From the reading “The yellow stone model”, Emma Marris is talking about how a national park is managed to keep its original state. People misunderstood the essence of nature is its flexibility and change. Everything is changing over time. Without people’s intervention , nature is changing by itself. As landscape architect, we should leave space for change. That is also the beauty of the place. People are willing to see change over time. Human, plants, wildlife, water and even wind can be the factor that shape a place. Nature can happen anywhere, far away from city, on the street, or in someone’s backyard. The little yard in front of building 7 is used to be planted with California native plants. But all of them were took away not long ago. However, we can still see some birds jump around that area.
Trivial familiar
Things can be different if we look at them in a different way. For project 2 we took photo for trivial familiar. In another words, we have to look at things from an angle that we don’t usually do. The picture comes out unclear. Most of people will not figure out what it is if they are not the people who took the photo. Instead of taking photo from a distance, we took it really closed. Texture becomes space when we crop the overall shape of the object. It is related to the fineness and scale in the book we read. By playing with scale, we could actually receive totally different perception. Furthermore, like the video of Up & Up from Coldplay, the unusual scale makes a brand new relationship between usual objects. Trivial familiar is a way to explore space itself and relationship between space.