Make dough. 5mins.
Make dough. 5mins.
Make a chair. 5mins.
Make a chair. 5mins.
Use Bryan Eno’s Oblique Strategies. 10mins.
Watch David Attenborough’s Living Planet. 10mins.
Watch David Attenborough’s Living Planet. 10 mins.
Discuss Allan Kaprow’s happenings. 20mins.
Choose an Oblique Strategy by throwing plate out of window. 3mins.
Oblique Strategy selected, ‘Listen to the quiet voice.’
Day trip to beach with task ‘Listen to the quiet voice.’ 1 day.
Day trip to beach with task ‘Listen to the quiet voice.’ 1 day.
Mud Office. Waste Space and Maximise Flow. A three day workshop-event in Toulon for students at Ecole Supérieure d’Art de Toulon Provence Méditerrannée (ESATPM) and Villa Arson, Nice.16-19 Jan, 2012