101 Affiliate Marketing Tips- Part Three Boosting Conversions You already know that you shouldn’t send your traffic directly to the product sales page. Instead, you should build a list and then pitch products. But you shouldn’t even send your list members directly to a sales page. Read on… Click Here To Read 101 Affiliate Marketing Tips- Part One Click Here To Read 101 Affiliate Marketing Tips- Part Two Tip #20: Write product reviews. One of the best ways to pre-sell a product is to write a product review. But don’t just list all the positive points. You need to list the product flaws, too. And that’s because your prospects know that the product isn’t perfect. If you try to present it as a perfect product, they won’t trust you… nor will they buy from you. Example: “This homeschooling kit offers awesome lessons plans for science, history and English. However, the math plans leave something to be desired. That’s because… {reasons}” Tip #21: Create product comparisons. If you’re reviewing two or more similar products, then you can pre-sell both of them by doing a product comparison instead. Just like the product review, you need to present both products honestly (flaws and all). You should also conclude by giving your recommendation for which product your readers should buy. If the products target those with slightly different needs, then tell your readers who should buy the product. Example: “If you’re mainly interested in learning more about the exercise plans that will help you lose weight, then get [name of product]. If you’re more interested in having a complete menu plan, then get [name of product]…” Click Here To Get Free Instant Access For 4 Traffic Generation Videos
Tip #22: Write pre-sell pitches. Sometime you may not pre-sell with a product review. Instead, you pre-sell the product using a direct pitch, which is where you highlight the main benefits of the product. That way, your subscriber is ready to buy the product before they even see the sales page. Extra Tip: A pre-sell pitch works best when you send it to your list, since they already know and trust you. If you’re pulling in traffic from other sources, then you’ll likely do better offering reviews and comparisons. Tip #23: Build pre-launch anticipation for new products. Some marketers first make mention of new products on the day those products launch. However, you can sell more products if you spend a week or two building anticipation for a product launch. Extra Tip: The good product vendors will provide pre-launch marketing materials for you to send your list. However, you can do “pre-launch” product reviews and pitches to whet your prospects’ appetites for the product. Come launch day, they’ll buy the product without even hardly reading the sales page! Tip #24: Let people peek inside the product. People who can imagine the product (and imagine themselves owning the product) are more likely to buy it. That’s why you can boost your conversion rate by providing screenshots and even video of parts of the inside of the product. Example: You might provide a screenshot of the table of contents of an ebook. Or you might present a video of you scrolling through a chapter in an ebook. Note: Get the product creator’s permission before employing this tactic. Tip #25: Provide reviews for products you don’t recommend. Earlier you learned that you can increase your conversion rate by listing a product’s flaws as well as its strong points. As long as the strengths outweighed the flaws, you probably still recommended the product. So what happens if you come across a product (especially a new one) that you wouldn’t recommend to your readers and visitors? Many affiliates simply wouldn’t bother writing a review. Click Here To Get Free Instant Access For 4 Traffic Generation Videos
But you owe it to your readers to give them the information they’re seeking… even if you don’t include a link (and thus don’t earn any commissions). No, you won’t make money from a product you don’t recommend. But you will build good will with your readers. And that translates into more sales in the long run! Quick Recap You just discovered six ways to boost profits by pre-selling products. Next up, you’ll learn how a blog can put more money in your pocket…
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