8 Ways To Get Advertisers For Your Podcast

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8 Ways To Get Advertisers For Your Podcast? How Do I Get Advertisers for My Podcast? Once you’ve been podcasting for a while and have built a sizable audience, the natural next question is, “How do I make money from this thing?” CLICK HERE TO KNOW MORE ABOUT PODCASTING There are a multitude of ways to make money from podcasting, but one of the most obvious is through advertising. Advertisers like podcasts because they are still relatively unique in the online world (as compared to blogs, for instance), and they can reach an extremely targeted market easily. Once you’re ready to think about accepting advertising, take these steps: 1. Who sponsors the competition? If there are other podcasts in your industry, who sponsors them? What ads do you see on blogs in your niche? These advertisers are already sold on “new media,” so they’ll be more receptive to the idea of advertising on your podcast. 2. What products do you use and like? It’s much easier to promote something you already use and love, so start with your favorites. If you’re in the hairstyling industry, what shampoos, scissors, brushes, and color agents do you prefer? If you’re a financial expert, where do you perform your trades and do your research? Contact them and see if they’re interested in exposure on your podcast. 3. Who is advertising in magazines? So many companies have cut their magazine and print advertising, that anyone who’s STILL advertising in print just might have some money to burn. Check these folks out. 4. Ask your audience for referrals You never know who’s listening to or watching your podcast, so if you’re open for advertising business, let your audience know. Your listeners already know and love your podcast, and if they’re a small (or large!) business owner, they may want to get in on the ground floor. Click Here To Get Free Instant Access For 4 Traffic Generation Videos

5. Create an ad kit The scenario you want to avoid is having someone ask you how much it is to advertise and how many listeners you have, and you say, “Umm, I don’t know!” Figure out beforehand what you will charge, what the advertiser will get, and how they’ll pay. Create an ad kit (a one-sheet PDF is fine) with information on your market, your audience, and your rates, and have it available for download BEFORE you start shilling for advertisers. 6. Have a track record of growth and success No matter how big you know your podcast is going to be, advertisers (unless they’re related to you) are going to want to see some level of consistency and success. If you can tell them your audience has doubled every month for the last six months, that’s impressive. If you tell them you just started but you really, really know what you’re doing? Not so much. 7. Do product reviews Doing product reviews is an excellent way to ease yourself into the advertising space. Once you’ve started offering reviews, you can solicit free products from companies. And once you’ve established a working relationship with them, it’s an easier sell to move them from donating product to advertising (Note: Remember that your first and foremost loyalty should be to your audience. This means you don’t give good reviews to bad products, even if you’re getting paid. Period.) 8. Make it easy for them Have an easy payment process. Send potential advertisers the information they need – including a link to past podcasts and your advertising kit. Know why they’re a good fit with your market. The easier it is for them to say “Yes,” the more likely it is that they’ll advertise.

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