Focus Management- Why Focus Management Is Critical To Your Success

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Focus Management- Why Focus Management Is Critical To Your Success Mindset

Manage your focus, master your life. What Focus Management Is NOT - Focus management is not some cute buzz word or trend. - Focus management is not something you can give to others. - Focus management is not a to-do item. Zoom… What Focus Management Is: - Focus management determines what you think, say or do. - Focus management determines bums from billionaires. - Focus management determines whether you achieve your dreams or not. Zoom… Focus management is MORE than: - time management - energy management - people management - money management - or just about any other kind of resource with management in front of it. It‟s about managing what determines HOW you manage those resources. It‟s about managing your most important asset of all. Your focus. Zoom…

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WHY FOCUS MANAGEMENT? In an age of technological innovation and information overload, attention is getting pretty scarce these days. If you‟re reading this in the 21st century or beyond (assuming our leaders haven‟t used the nuke option and you‟re not an alien) we live in an era that the human brain just wasn‟t equipped to handle and evolution hasn‟t had time to catch up. Millions of kids are being diagnosed with ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) and ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyper-Active Disorder). Many people even half-jokingly diagnose themselves with these conditions as they wake up in the morning to check their email, voice mail, text messages, facebook, twitter and RSS feeds. And after a long day of responding to all those interruptions its time to “unwind” and watch some TV right? And while you‟re unwinding, notice how many seconds pass between shots (usually not even a second). Or count the number of commercials in a single 20 minute show. Enough TV? Perhaps a movie night is just what you need – and for the first 15 minutes you‟re going to watch at least 5 trailers for other movies, all with the same fast paced, rapid cutting action. And oh yeah don‟t forget to count the number of billboards and radio commercials on the way to the movie theater. I think you get the picture… INTERRUPTION, INTERRUPTION, INTERRPUTION. Zoom… In the past our ancestors hunted, farmed or raised sheep and cattle. They had plenty of time to forage in forests, meander up mountains, run aside rivers, swim the seas, or handle their herds. They had plenty of time to think and not be interrupted. It‟s not that they weren‟t busy. Click Here To Get Free Instant Access For 4 Traffic Generation Videos

It‟s just that nobody was calling, texting, emailing or updating their Twitter about dinner – while they were out making it happen. Zoom … Some anthropologists believe that because early civilization mastered the ability to get dinner (go from hunting to gathering and herding) they had lots of disposable time on their hands to think. To become busy in ways that were more productive than simply meeting survival. And so – they began to experiment. And this experimentation led to what we know as science. And through science civilization began to accumulate reliable information. Combine lots of thinking time with quality information and boom – you‟ve got a winning formula for the advance of civilization. And so with the Renaissance around 500 years ago and the growing advancement of science you have unprecedented levels of productivity and human progress. More (by way of technology and information) has been created in the last 10 years than over the last 10,000 years of civilization, with no signs of slowing down. The advantage of an improved standard of living for many people around the world hasn‟t come without its disadvantages. Environmental issues like pollution, global warming, extinction of species, forest depletion and societal disconnect from tribes where everybody knows your name to large cities where you might as well not even have a name. What does all this mean? Zoom… We live in an interrupt society, one in which society is predominantly interrupted. And unless you want to withdraw to a cave (after you‟ve pulled all your hair out) or dim your awareness with meds, there‟s only one clear option: Focus Management What does it mean to manage focus? Zoom… Click Here To Get Free Instant Access For 4 Traffic Generation Videos

The Three Keys to Focus Management: #1 Unplug - Shut off your TV – in fact move it out of your house. - Power down your blackberry, iphone, computer or Mac. - Log out of instant messenger, Facebook and twitter. #2 – Zoom Out - Detach. - Relax. Clear your mind. - See the big picture. - Align your purpose, vision, values, goals and priorities. - Review and update them weekly. #3 – Zoom In - Engage. Enjoy life. - Schedule time for priorities. - Setup systems. - Create high value routines for big results. We‟ll be going into much more detail about these three keys. Zoom… Look at the wall of “how to” books in the book store – it seems that just about everyone is telling you what to do and how to do it. The reality is – we are overloaded. And it‟s becoming difficult to act on what you know because your focus is already scattered. Focus management is not a book about doing more – its about doing less, so you can concentrate on what you already intuitively know you should be doing. Zoom… Once you have purged the interruptions in your life another enemy will surface. DISTRACTION Distraction is of a different sort than interruption. Interruption invades your territory. Click Here To Get Free Instant Access For 4 Traffic Generation Videos

But with distraction – you go looking for it. Why go looking for distraction? Zoom… Because it feels good. It offers a temporary source of pleasure and escape. But distractions are always a dead end. I haven‟t had a TV for 12 years. And my friends tease me because when there is a TV around – for a second or two I become hypnotized. It‟s like all the flashing lights, music and voices becomes stimulation overload for my brain. I imagine its much like how a cave person might react if they time traveled from 10,000 years ago and saw TV for the first time. There‟s so many distractions. And it‟s so easy to allow them to take over if we‟re not conscious. How do we become more conscious? Zoom.. Guard your focus – be aware of the multitude of distractions in your environment and say to yourself like a mantra: Focus management, Focus management, focus management – remind yourself to zoom out, refocus and and zoom in on what really matters. What really matters? Zoom… Your life. Your relationships. Your lifestyle. Your fulfillment. Click Here To Get Free Instant Access For 4 Traffic Generation Videos

Your success. Your contribution. Here‟s to YOU. What’s with all this zooming anyway? Zoom… The zoom indicates a “shift” in focus. First by zooming out and then by zooming in, which I‟ll explain in a moment. One of the most powerful things about mastering focus management is your ability to shift focus at will. The big hollywood movie productions will reshoot a scene multiple times, with multiple cameras – just to get that perfect shot, the best perspective for telling the story of the film. Having more than one camera or “focus” gives the directors a great deal of freedom to choose the best perspective – at any given time. The biggest change in perspective occurs in the zoom. ZOOM OUT Witness the battle from a sweeping aerial shot as both armies clash. Or view Earth from the moon. ZOOM IN Notice the quivering smile as her kiss leaves his lips. Or the single snow flake floating gently to the ground. Zoom… The movie directors know the power of focus management to get the most out of a film. Except we aren‟t talking about a film any more. We are talking about your life. Click Here To Get Free Instant Access For 4 Traffic Generation Videos

Zoom… As director of your life you have the power to Zoom Out or Zoom In at will. Zoom out and realize we live in an interruption dominated society. Zoom in and realize that YOU have to take control of your focus or someone (or something) else will. Zoom… In this book it is my intention to help you do three things: #1 Unplug: from all the interruptions and distractions, so you have more focus. #2 Zoom Out: to see the big picture and reposition yourself, so you can make the biggest difference in your life, your business and your relationships. #3 Zoom In: focus uninterrupted blocks of time in 6 major life areas where you get the biggest pay off. Zoom… WHO THIS BOOK IS FOR: ENTREPRENEURS I wrote this book primarily for entrepreneurs. But it will serve any person that wants to regain their focus and pursue something important in their life. Why entrepreneurs? Because entrepreneurs have the power to change the world in a big way. They innovate and add value to society. They staff and organize the effort of tens, hundreds sometimes thousands of people.

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The efforts of a single entrepreneur has the power to reach tens of thousands even millions of people. Zoom… Sure there‟s a few “bad” business owners taking advantage of people but they aren‟t true entrepreneurs. A business owner that that subtracts value from the world is a parasite – even if they use a business to do it. A true entrepreneur adds value to society through their enterprise. They innovate in ways that increase the wealth for all. Entrepreneurs as a general rule are leveraged and therefore powerful influencers. If you‟re not an entrepreneur, you might want to consider being one. Zoom… I also wrote this book for entrepreneurs because I understand entrepreneurs and their need for focus. Their curiosity and excitement for new ideas drives them to take bold risks and make great sacrifices. But it‟s also curiosity and excitement that makes them lose focus and quit a gold mine before they strike gold. Zoom… Most entrepreneurs have self-diagnosed themselves with ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder). But this is not true. It‟s just that they have not learned to manage the growing distractions and interruptions around them. Entrepreneurs do not have regular job hours. Most entrepreneurs do not even work from an office. Since entrepreneurs have no real structure except that which they create for themselves, focus management is the most critical skill for an entrepreneur to master.

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WHAT THIS BOOK WILL DO FOR YOU: This book will help you focus resources in areas with the biggest payoff. Physical, Mental, Spiritual, Social, Emotional and Financial. - Physically healthy, energetic and living in a quality environment. - Mentally relaxed, efficient and productive - Spiritually aligned and connected with a higher source. - Socially confident, loved and respected. - Emotionally happy, fulfilled and centered. - Financially successful, wealthy and contributing. Zoom.. If this book is for entrepreneurs, why not just focus on money like most business books? The primary purpose of a business venture is to satisfy financial need. But an entrepreneur is not a machine (at least we hope), the needs of the entrepreneur are greater than bottom line profits. All entrepreneurs must zoom out beyond financial need and see themselves as a whole being – with needs in areas beyond just financial. A powerful morning routine + focus in high value business activites = living your full potential. Zoom.. By managing focus in ALL 6 major life areas – you not only become more balanced, but you enjoy the ride much more! Zoom… WHO THIS BOOK IS NOT FOR: ONE MARSHMELLOWERS You‟ve probably heard the marshmallow study by now. If you haven‟t look it up. One marshmellowers are the people looking for instant gratification.

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This book is not for one marshmellowers that want the quick fix now. No real entrepreneur is a one marshmellower. The life of a successful entrepreneur takes effort, persistence and time. *A study was done on a group of four year who were given the option to get one marshmallow now or wait five minutes and get two marshmallows. Both groups of kids were tracked into adulthood and the kids that chose to wait for the bigger pay off were many times more successful than the kids that wanted the instant gratification now. Proving that discipline does pay. PARASITES This book is not for parasites. The creatures that don‟t mind misleading or deceiving others about the value of what they offer. Yes what they do might be legal and they might get rich doing it, but unless its honestly adding greater value to people‟s lives (the customer) – the world is better off without them. On second thought – maybe they need this book more than anyone else. ENTREPRENEURIAL MACHINES Entrepreneurial machines work hard, pulling 16 hour days or more. But they are stressed out, micro-managing or doing most of the work themselves. They never zoom out and become aware of what they are doing or how they are doing it. They think what they lack is capital, but what they really lack is awareness. ENTREPRENEURIAL ZOMBIES Entreprenurial zombies are focused on financial results – but that‟s it. They brainlessly stagger towards their next meal (deal) with an almost blind lust, missing the richness of life along the way. Sure they might get rich, but they are already dead to the world. Zoom… BOOK OVERVIEW The rest of this this book is divided up into 19 days worth of lessons. Each lesson is short, sweet and to the point. Click Here To Get Free Instant Access For 4 Traffic Generation Videos

You will receive one lesson a day so its important to read through it and carry out the simple action steps at the end of each one so you don‟t fall behind. Day 1 – The Power of Awareness Day 2 – The Power of Identity Day 3 – The Power of Beliefs Day 4 – The Power of Vision Day 5 – The Power of Values Day 6 – The Power of Standards Day 7 – The Power of Goals Day 8 – The Power of Plans Day 9 – The Power of Commitment Day 10 – The Power of Action Day 11 – The Power of Routine Day 12 – The Power of Process Day 13 – The Power of Discipline Day 14 – The Power of Momentum Day 15 – The Power of Positive Programming Day 16 – The Power of Fun Day 17 – The Power of Discipline Day 18 – The Power of Questions Day 19 – The Power of Focus Management Go through each lesson and complete the action steps. I know in the first few days it might seem a little „out there‟ and you might ask yourself “how does this benefit me or my business?” hang with it! On Day 19 we will tie everything together so you can really master power of focus management. Zoom… Even before you finish you should start noticing dramatic improvements in your focus skills. And that means better results. Zoom… About the author: Founder of Full Potential Academy, speaker and author of Unleash Your Full Potential, James Rick started his first biz at the age of 17, currently employs more than Click Here To Get Free Instant Access For 4 Traffic Generation Videos

150 staff around the world and his businesses have generated more than $5 million in revenues over the last 36 months. Media appearances: James has appeared on Fox Business News, Oprah and the cover of National Speaker Magazine. James Rick is host of the Full Potential Show, the worldâ€&#x;s #1 non-boring source for life changing information. How can James Rick help YOU? James Rick (Mr. Full Potential) helps people create and condition powerful routines for boosting lifestyle, cutting costs and living ON purpose. Visit for more details.

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