How To Add Your Site In Clickbank

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How To Add Your Site In Clickbank A “site” in Clickbank is defined as a website that sells any number of products. Each site can only have one marketplace listing, even if you have multiple products on that site. Here’s how to add your first Clickbank site. Step 1: Navigate to “My Site” To access the My Site menu, first click on Account Settings.

Then click on “My Site.”

You’ll be presented with the “My Site” options, which looks like this:

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Step 2: Navigate to Marketplace Information Click on “Edit� over Marketplace Information to define how your site will look to potential affiliates.

Step 3: Select Your Categories Click on the Main Category dropdown box to select your main category. Then, click on the subcategory to select your subcategory.

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Choosing the right category is very important, because affiliates in your industry will be browsing their specific categories to find your product. If it’s mislabeled, your ideal affiliates won’t see your products. If in doubt, see what categories and sub-categories related products and competitors are in and emulate their choices. Step 4: Select Your HopLink Target URL Your HopLink Target URL is where a visitor will go when they come through an affiliate link. If your site is a one-page sales letter, then the target URL is simply your main website URL. However, if your website is a multi-page website where the front page is primarily content and the sales page is embedded deeper in the site, then you may want to think a bit about where a visitor should land when they come through an affiliate.

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Generally speaking, affiliates like it better when a visitor they send lands on a sales letter rather than a content page since salesletters tend to convert better and make them more money.

Step 5: Write Your Marketplace Ad Your marketplace ad is what will pull in potential affiliates to look at your product rather than the thousands of other products on Clickbank. If you want affiliates to be a major source of traffic for you, writing a great marketplace ad is essential. Take a look at how other people, especially high gravity affiliates write their marketplace ads. Check out ads from both your industry and top gravity in Clickbank overall. Emulate ideas, but don’t copy anything word for word. Here’s what the ad editing section looks like:

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Complete your title and your description. Under the description box, the counter will automatically tell you how many characters you’ve used and how many you have left. The “Appearance in Marketplace” will give you a preview of what your marketplace ad will look like once it’s published. Step 5: Set Your Commission Rates

Finally, set what level of commissions you want to give to affiliates. Commissions can range from 25% to 75%. As a rule of thumb, you should pay commissions in the 50% to 75% range to stay competitive. Most of the top publishers pay out 75% and make their money in volume sales rather than ticket price. Once you’re finished, click “Save Changes.” Step 6: Check Your Order Form Controls Under “My Site,” in the “Order Form Controls” section, you can choose what kind of payment types to accept as well as adjust the cap on your product pricing.

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As a general rule of thumb, you should just leave your order form controls at the standard. There’s no reason to disable PayPal or ELV unless regulations say you must in specific industries or you believe it might increase conversions and you’re doing it as a test. The one option that may matter is the $50 price cap. When your account is new, you can only sell products that cost $50 or under. Once your account has more trust with Clickbank, you’ll be able to come back here and edit your price cap. If you need to start with a raised price cap right away, then contact Clickbank through the help form and make your request. Once you’ve saved your marketplace information and order form controls, then your site setup is complete! Note that you’re still not live yet, you still need to go through the approval process

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