How To Do Keyword Research- Tips, Tricks & Strategies To Consider

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How To Do Keyword Research- Tips, Tricks & Strategies To Consider Knowing how to do keyword research is the key foundation of attracting a lot of visitors to your website. In this article, let’s explore exactly what this foundation is how to lay this foundation. Why Keyword Research Will Make or Break Your Business In real estate and retail, what makes or breaks your business is “location, location, location.” Your keywords are your online equivalent. Just like how your location is what enables people to find you in a retail store, your keywords are what allow your online visitors to find you. If you choose your keywords poorly, as most do, you’ll be doomed to a website with little traffic, often competing in markets and keyword pools where competition is much too fierce. On the other hand, choosing a great keyword is like choosing a great location: A lot of people around who want what you’re selling and not a whole lot of competition. If you can consistently find keywords like that and build your business around it, you can be sure that you’ll get traffic to your websites. What Makes a Great Keyword? A great keyword is one that has a good volume of search traffic, has few enough competition that you can reasonably expect to rank and finally has traffic that wants what you’re looking to sell. If you can find a handful of keywords that matches this description, then your chances of succeeding are far, far higher than the many thousands of websites that get started every single day. Most people spend less than 20 minutes on keyword research. Yet search engine experts consistently spend hours if not days on keyword research.

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Is it a coincidence that those who are consistently successful are also the ones that consistently spend the most time on keyword research? Most likely not. Are There Great Keywords Left? People often think that the internet is over saturated already, especially in competitive fields. Are there really any good keywords left to find? Especially in markets like health, making money, dating and so on – Can someone really compete? The answer is yes. As large as the competition may be, the user base is growing as well. As more people come into the market, that means more opportunity. Established sites will be able to capture a lot of the traffic, but a lot of the traffic is up for grabs as well. No matter what industry you’re looking at jumping into, there are always undiscovered keywords that you can use to get an edge. Selecting Keywords for Instant Google Rankings Keyword selection is so powerful, that if you select the right keywords you can actually have a very good shot of landing a #1 to #5 position in Google within just a couple of weeks. It’s not going to be for super-competitive search terms, but make no mistake: You will get targeted traffic. How? Read on. What Kind of Terms Can You Rank Instantly For? Now, most of the highly competitive terms are very difficult to rank for. It’ll take you months, potentially years to rank in the top #1 to #5 position. However, there is another method of targeting keywords that’s far more efficient and effective. Instead of trying to rank for broad keywords, you’re targeting specific longtail keywords with low competition and low traffic. Each article will only pull a bit of traffic, but over time this can add up very quickly. Click Here To Get Free Instant Access For 4 Traffic Generation Videos

These are your “instant ranking” keywords. It’s no exaggeration to say that you can get your page ranked within just a couple weeks. Why? Most Pages Rank By Accident! If the search term is competitive, you can bet that there are dozens if not hundreds of marketers targeting and competing for that term. On the other hand, longtail search terms often have little to no competition targeting those terms specifically. A search term like “Tips for first time French kissing” will be far easier to rank for than “French kissing,” for example. Most competing websites that rank for these terms are actually targeting another term, often a more general term and accidentally get the ranking. If you on the other hand discover this keyword, find that the competition is low enough that you think you can rank for it, then you’ll have a very good chance of ranking well for that page – Relatively quickly to boot. The Two Ways to Target Keywords There are two ways to target keywords. The first is to select a main or even a sub keyword and try to rank for that keyword. Unfortunately, high competition makes this method difficult to rank for. On the other hand, you can select very specific keywords and laser in on ranking for those keywords right out the get go. What’s great is that these two methods are not mutually exclusive. You can laser in on specific keywords for instant rankings while simultaneously building your rankings towards a higher traffic keyword. This process involves doing very deliberate keyword research. The importance of selecting your keywords properly when you begin the process of marketing your website cannot be stressed enough.

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The difference between selecting good keywords and poor keywords is quite literally the difference between ranking well in the search engines and potentially not ranking at all. Smash Your Competition With Great Keyword Research You’ve experienced firsthand how difficult getting traffic can be. One area that most people tend to just give a cursory glance when they really should be putting laser-sharp attention is keyword research. Proper keyword research can increase both the amount of traffic you’re getting and the quality of the traffic itself. Here’s how. How Most People Do Keyword Research Most people think of a market they want to get into, type it into Google Keyword Tool to see if they’re going to get much traffic and if the answer is yes they generally just get going right then and there. That is far too little time spent on the most important aspect of an online business. Your keyword research is like your foundation. Did you know that to build a building ten stories high, you generally have a foundation about ten stories deep as well? The same should apply to your keyword research. Your keyword research is what everything else in your business is built on. If you select a poor base keyword, chances are you won’t get much traffic at all. Even if you do get traffic, you may not make any money. This is a decision that affects everything else in your business. The amount of time, effort and precision you put into keyword research should reflect that.

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How Great Keyword Research Can Help You Dominate Your Competition Picture these two examples. Example 1: Bob decides to by and large skip the careful keyword research that I’m recommending here. Instead, he plunges straight ahead into building his website. Unfortunately, the keywords he was hoping to rank for is so competitive that he soon loses steam and never makes any money from this project. Example 2: On the other hand, Elsie goes through the process of carefully doing her homework. She’s in a relatively competitive market, but begins to build her business by targeting well selected keywords with far less competition. She begins getting traffic from these keywords and making a little bit of money right away. Backed by the encouragement and money she’s making from her initial traffic, she continues to build her website and her traffic. Over time, she works her way up to targeting higher and higher traffic keywords, pulling in traffic most website owners can only dream of. Both of these examples are very common. It’s no exaggeration to say that keyword research can make or break your business. How much time or attention should you put into selecting the right keywords? The answer is as much as it takes. Two Techniques for Finding Little Known Keywords Surface level keywords are teeming with competition. In order to compete online, finding little-known keywords with good traffic is a crucial skill. It’s not a no brainer, but it’s not rocket science either; and you can bet that learning this skill will pay off. Here are two techniques to find these little known keywords. Stealing Keywords Chances are, your competitors have spent a lot of time and money researching what keywords work and what keywords don’t. Click Here To Get Free Instant Access For 4 Traffic Generation Videos

They’ll have just a few keywords that really work for them out of the hundreds or even thousands of keywords they might have tried. Wouldn’t you like to be able to just … steal these keywords? You can. There are many tools online like Compete and Keyword spy that allow you to just that, even for free. One great way to find little known keywords is to look through your competitors and similar websites and lookup what keywords they’re getting their traffic from. Compile a list of these keywords then do your research on each of these keywords. What’s the search volume and search competition? Chances are you’ll be able to find a handful of keywords that you would have never thought of or found any other way. Thinking “Sideways” Another great way to find little known keywords is through sideway thinking. In other words, “what else might this type of person type in?” Most internet marketers take the lazy route of only typing in their top level keyword and researching more keywords based on those results. Unfortunately, everyone’s doing that, resulting in a lot of competition. If you go one step beyond, it’ll very likely pay off for you. Put yourself in the shoes of your customer. If you’re selling an eBook on teaching men how to get a girlfriend, your most basic keyword might be “how to get a girlfriend.” But what else might you try to rank for? These are just a few as an example … “Where to meet girls” “I’m lonely” “Geek dating” “Get a Date” So on and so forth. This applies no matter what industry you’re in.

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There are so many potential keywords that don’t have your base keyword in it; you’d be missing out on so much traffic if you just used keyword tools and a couple base keywords to do your research. If you combine these two techniques – Stealing from competitors and sideways thinking – Then you’ll surely be able to find a couple handfuls of great keywords that others haven’t yet found. Utilize these low competition little known keywords to boost your traffic and your business to where you want it to be. Think outside the box when it comes to keywords. The more you’re trying to do what everyone else is doing, the harder it will be for you to succeed. The more you think outside the box and do what everyone else doesn’t know how to or isn’t willing to do, the more money you’ll make. From Small Traffic to Big Traffic: Using Keywords as a Launching Pad So you’ve done a bit of keyword research and you’re getting a little bit of traffic. How do you take it to the next level? How do you take your existing small successes and turn it into big successes? Here’s how. The First Step The first step is to install a great analytics software on your server. Place it on every page, every article on your site. Google Analytics is one such software that works great. This will allow you to monitor what kind of keywords people are coming from. You’ll be able to see not just the keywords people are coming from, but the exact phrase they typed into the search engines to end up on your website. For example, you may have been trying to rank for the word “Travel Agency.” But you may find that many of your clients end up coming from a variation of the keyword “Travel Agency Rental Savings.” This may have been a keyword that you never consciously targeted. Click Here To Get Free Instant Access For 4 Traffic Generation Videos

You just happened to mention how to save money on rentals a few times on your page and a couple people linked to you. Yet you somehow ended up in the top five and are getting a decent amount of traffic from it. There may be many instances of things like that happening. You’ll often get traffic from sources and type-ins that you least expect. It’s important for you to monitor what people are typing in to get to your website, as this is an absolute treasure trove. Expanding on Your Success Once you’ve figured out which keywords are bringing in the most sales or traffic for you, the next step is to amp it up. If you’re ranked well already, try going for the #1 spot. Instead of accidentally getting the traffic you’re getting, you’re now in a position to shoot for the top. Increase your efforts around those specific keywords. Make sure your on-page optimization is done well. Save copies of your web pages before you make any edits, just in case you accidentally reduce your rankings when you change something. Then, make sure your keyword is in your title and H1 tags. This should increase your rankings. Get more backlinks. This should again increase your rankings. In short, once you’re getting a bit of traffic, monitor where people actually come from instead of where you might theoretically think they’ll come from. This is data that many entrepreneurs simply ignore at their own expense. Building a successful web business isn’t about being an overnight success. Instead, it’s about building your business step by surefire step. Once you’ve achieve a small success online, build on that success.

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One step at a time, you’ll begin to rank higher and higher and get more and more traffic as long as you keep expanding on your success. Will They Buy? The Art of Keyword Selection There are many factors that go into selecting keywords. The quantity and the quality of the traffic you get will largely depend on the keywords you select. What is it that makes such a big impact and how can you make sure you select keywords that will actually put money in your pocket? Read on to find out. Remember Where Keywords Come From In the technicalities of selecting keywords, marketers often forget a very essential yet very basic fact. A keyword is what another human being is typing into a search engine. The word they’re typing in reflects a state of mind. The state of mind can be very different for very similar search terms. The trick isn’t to just understand SEO and keyword optimization technically, but to really get into your user’s heads. What would your ideal customer be thinking and feeling? How will they think about their problems? What might they type into a search engine? An Example If you’re selling software that teaches people how to type faster in game form for example, instead of just optimizing for “typing game,” what else might you optimize for? If you can really get into your customer’s heads, some words that might come up might include: “How to Type Faster” “Learn DVORAK” “Words Per Minute” (Who would type this in unless they were concerned about their words per minute?) “Slow typing” So on and so forth. The possibilities are endless. Click Here To Get Free Instant Access For 4 Traffic Generation Videos

There are dozens of keywords you could target that you won’t find by typing into the Google Keyword Tool or any other keyword tool for that matter. You find these keywords by getting into your customer’s heads, diving into the problems they want to solve and seeing what words come up. What might you type in if you were trying to solve this problem? The Importance of Buying Keywords Another thing to look at is how likely are they to buy based on the keywords you select. It’s entirely possible to select low competition keywords and get yourself a great ranking and even get good traffic – Only to discover that you’re attracting people who just aren’t buyers. Again, this involves getting into your customer’s heads. The question you should be asking yourself is: “What type of keywords would someone who’s willing to pull out their credit cards type into the search engines?” See – Buying keywords and “just looking” keywords are very different. For example, “ring sizing guide” might be a much better keyword for a diamond ring jeweler than “diamond ring.” Someone typing in diamond ring could be searching for anything. It’s far too broad to be targeted. Someone who’s looking for a ring sizing guide however is almost definitely looking to buy a ring – And the competition is probably a lot less as well. In short, keyword selection is both an art and a science. Knowing how to do keyword research is important, but getting into your customer’s mind is critical as well and it is critical for you to also take into consideration keyword intent apart from the volume of searches. After all what’s the use of having a lot of visitors when you can’t convert them into prospects and customers.

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