How To Set Up Your Clickbank Merchant Page

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How To Set Up Your Clickbank Merchant Page Getting Ready to Submit Your Site to Clickbank There are four pages you need to setup before submitting your site to Clickbank: Your sales letter Your thank you page Your affiliate page Your Terms of Service / Privacy Policy In this article, you’ll learn exactly what you need to have on each of your various pages to get approved by Clickbank Step 1: Sales Page Pricing Policies One thing Clickbank is quite strict on is clarity of pricing and billing. If you have a one-time billing product, make sure your price is displayed prominently on the website. People should be able to easily find out how much a product costs. If the product is a recurring billing product, the recurring billing conditions must be clearly displayed. Don’t say a product is “free” if they’ll be billed $40 in 2 weeks. Example:

Step 2: Display Clickbank’s Refund Policy A lot of marketers want to have their own return policy. For example, they might want to do things like … 1 Year money back guarantee. Return it for an exchange. No refunds. Satisfaction guaranteed or I’ll pay you $100.

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There are great reasons to have each of these various kinds of refund policies. However, all Clickbank products must follow one refund policy: A 60 day unconditional refund policy.

Step 3: Setting Up Your Order Buttons Your order buttons need to be hyperlinked to Clickbank’s payment processing page. To do so, use Clickbank’s formula: Typically, if you only have one product, your item number is 1. So for your first product, if your account name is Alex, your order link would be: This link should take you to your payment processing page, once you’ve created your sites and products. Step 4: Setting Up Your “Thank You” Page Your thank you page is where users will be directed to after they’ve paid for the product. It’s where they will actually download the product. There are a few things that Clickbank requires be on your thank you page: A way for customers to reach you. A support email address should be prominently displayed and easy for customers to find on the thank you page. Let the customers know that their card will be charged from Clickbank or CLKBANK*COM. This is especially important, because customers will often know who you are but not who Clickbank is. Click Here To Get Free Instant Access For 4 Traffic Generation Videos

If they aren’t reminded, they may dispute the credit card charge later. Make sure this notification is on your thank you page as well. Make sure the download is easily accessible. If any software is required to use the product (special video players for videos, etc) make sure the download links for those are on the thank you page as well. Test all your downloads before launching.

Step 5: Setting Up Your Affiliate Page Although an affiliate page is not technically required by Clickbank, it’s highly recommended if you want to promote your products via affiliate sales. An affiliate page will tell your affiliates about your affiliate program, why they should promote your product, how to generate their links and what they’ll get paid.

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It should also provide tools and resources like banner ads, graphics, buttons, sample emails to send out, etc for people who want to promote your products. Finally, a great affiliate page may even go above and beyond by walking newer affiliates through the process of setting up a Clickbank account. Step 6: Adding a Terms of Service and Privacy Policy Page While Clickbank doesn’t technically require this, this is required to use Google AdWords and is also recommended for SEO. Not having TOS and privacy policy can prevent other affiliates from directing AdWords traffic to your site. A Terms of Service will clearly spell out how your site works and protects you from liability. This is always a good idea when taking a credit card number of any kind online. The privacy policy will tell your users how their data is being used or captured. This is particularly important if you’re capturing email addresses or using analytics software. Both of these can simply be placed as the bottom of your page, in the footer.

Once you have a good sales letter that’s Clickbank-compliant, a thank you page that’s Clickbank compliant, a thank you page and your TOS / Privacy policy setup, then you’re ready to move on to the next step of setting up your products in the Clickbank system.

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