New Product Launch- A Step-By-Step Guide To Launch Your New Product

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New Product Launch- A Step-By-Step Guide To Launch Your New Product New Product Launch Too often in internet marketing, the emphasis is so high on creating your own information products that the next step is often forgotten. That is product launch. It’s great that you have your own information product, but then how are you going to get sales? You can have the greatest product in the world, but when no one knows about your product, you are always going to struggle to make sales. This is why product launch is a critical step in the marketing process, especially when it is a new product launch. Launching a new product can help you accomplish a number of business building goals. Apart from increasing your profits, you can also generate awareness for your business and increase your exposure. You can build your opt in list and increate your website traffic. Product launches are an exceptional way to grow your business and increase your visibility. A well thought out product launch plan will help you make the most of your launch. Here are a few tips on how to launch a new product. #1 Document Your Goals What do you want to accomplish with your product launch? What’s your primary goal? One goal many marketers have for product launches is to generate profits. You can do that through front-end and back-end sales. Other goals to consider include: * Increasing traffic * Increasing awareness and exposure * Building your opt-in list Consider what goals best fit your needs. Write them down and make sure they’re SMART: simple, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely.

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#2 Create A Plan To Achieve Your Goals For each goal, and it’s okay to have several, you want to create a detailed plan on how you’re going to achieve it. You’ll likely include a number of marketing tactics in this plan. For example, if your goal is to generate $5000 in sales in 60 days with your product launch you might decide you’re going to use affiliate marketing and PPC to generate awareness. For each marketing tactic you’ll also create goals and a plan. For example, you might decide that you want at least 2/3 of your sales to come from affiliates. You’ll create a special promotion and marketing materials for your affiliates to launch and promote your new product. Be sure to integrate your tactics to optimize them. For example, if you have a Facebook fan page you will be sure to also promote your product launch and affiliate program on your page. #3 Break your launch into stages The three most common product launch stages are Prelaunch, launch and post launch. Your prelaunch is the stage where you build hype and buzz about your new product. Create goals and plans for each stage of your launch. Your post launch is where you’ll begin wrapping things up. You’ll give one final promotional push before the product increases in price, runs out or is removed from your catalog. Launching a new product is an exciting time. Make sure it delivers everything you wnt by carefully planning each stage, tactic and goal. You can then use this plan for each new future product launch. Now let’s look at some of the mistakes to avoid during your new product launch. Product Launch Mistakes (and how to avoid them) Your product launch is a big deal. It can help increase your website traffic, exposure, credibility and of course your profits. You’re most certainly going to be planning and paying attention to all of the finer details, right? Well even the best marketers make mistakes during their product launch. Here are the most common, and potentially costly, mistakes made and how you can avoid them.

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Mistake #1 Not Planning Okay, so you probably won’t make this mistake but it happens. Product launches take careful planning. You want to create goals for every step of the process from building your email list to following up with customers. You also want to plan how you’re going to market, sell, test, and fulfill your product. In fact, the planning part of a product launch may be the most important phase. Failing to plan can be costly. Mistake #2 Announcing Your Product Too Early A pre-launch is an important step in a successful launch. However, imagine how you’d feel if a company announced that they were going to launch a new wonderful product and then one month goes by and nothing – except maybe more messages about this amazing product they’re going to launch. Two months go by and nothing. Three months, four months. Eventually, probably much sooner than you’d think, you give up. You don’t’ even want that product anymore because you’ve moved on. Additionally, if you announce too early you risk letting your competition gain the advantage. If it takes you too long they can create a competitive promotion or, gasp, a better product. Mistake #3 Not Marketing to Your Subscribers Your email list, aka opt in list or subscriber list, are prequalified prospects. Prequalified! They’re likely going to provide you with the most profits and highest conversion rate. Why on earth wouldn’t you market to them? Crazy, right? Well it happens. People get very caught up on gaining new customers and prospects and they forget the assets they have. Even if you have a small list – market to them. Mistake #4 Not Announcing Early Enough You want to make sure there’s enough time to build interest. A few weeks, at the most, should be sufficient to make sure your viral marketing efforts, promotions and advertisements have done their job.

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Mistake #5 Not Following Up Once you launch the promotion isn’t over. Make sure you follow up with your list and with those customers who have made a purchase. This is a perfect time to upsell and create a new promotion. Everyone makes mistakes and there are sure to be a few stumbles with any product launch. Make sure they’re minor stumbles by planning properly and avoiding the above mistakes at all costs! Now that we have looked at the mistakes to avoid during a new product launch, let’s take a look at the importance of pre-launch. What’s In a Pre-Launch? One of the best strategies to launch a product is to use what’s called a pre-launch. This tactic can help build a buzz about your pending product launch. It can also help your existing customers and subscribers gain an advantage – which is sure to be appreciated. What is a Pre-Launch? A pre-launch is essentially a planned phase before you launch a product. It generally lasts anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. Take care to not drag it on too long because you can then turn people off and lose prospects. During your pre-launch phase you can: Market to your email list – this is actually the first pre-launch tactic you want to consider because these people have already expressed an interest in buying your products or services. And many probably already have. It’s a pre-qualified list. Consider giving them not only advanced information about your new product but also a discount or the ability to buy your new product before it’s available to the general public. And many experts will tell you to spend a few weeks or months actually working on building your opt in list. That way you’ll have more people to market to when prelaunch and launch time comes around. Market to your social networking friends and followers – you can actually use your social networking connections to build your list. You can also follow a similar approach with your social networking connections as you do with your subscribers.

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Give them inside information and consider offering all your Facebook Fans, for example, a coupon. Publish the coupon on your Fan page and include a link to your site. They enter the code and receive a discount. Content marketing – go the extra mile and publish more content than you normally do. Use article marketing sites, your own blog and website and also consider being a guest writer and blogger. Make sure each piece of content you publish somehow supports your pending product launch. For example, if you’re launching a home study course on how to build a coaching business you might publish 20 articles that all support your prospective customers. You might offer an article on how to decide if coaching is right for you. You might write an article on how to set up a coaching business online and so on. Each article will provide valuable information but not tell the whole story. Go viral – release a video, special report or other product that has the potential to go viral. Don’t require an opt in to access it. Just send it to your list, promote it online and make it available to anyone. Include in the freebie a link to your website sales page or a short promotion. The pre-launch phase can be as important to your sales success as the actual launch. Spend some time planning your strategy. Enjoy the success of your launch with a successful pre-launch. In the next section, we will look into timing your new product launch. Timing Your Product Launch You’ve no doubt heard the cliché’ timing is everything. We’ll it’s a cliché for a reason. And it can make a difference in the success of your product launch. Why Timing Matters People have different mindsets during different times of the year, month and even week. For example, many people find that their email messages fall flat when they are sent out on Friday afternoons. On the other hand Monday and Tuesday mornings seem to be a high response time. When you time your product launch to catch your audience at the perfect moment you can multiply your profits. Catch them at the wrong time and your sales might fall flat. Seasons and Holidays

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One of the most profitable ways to make your product launch successful is to tie it onto a season or a holiday. For example, summer is a great time to promote fun products or information. Spring and early summer are also exceptional times to promote health and fitness products as everyone is trying to get their beach body. Winter is a good time to promote learning and personal development. People are inside more often and they often turn inward. The fall, back to school time, is also a wonderful time to release home study programs as everyone is thinking about learning, school and the changing weather. New Years is of course an ideal time to launch many different types of products because everyone is thinking about what they want to accomplish, improve and learn in the upcoming year. Other holidays work well too. Think about how many sales you see on television for Memorial Day, Labor Day, Groundhog’s Day and so on. If you can tie a product promotion into one of those holidays consider it. And don’t forget your own birthday. Tie your age or the celebration into a product launch and gather more attention than you might otherwise. Time of the Day, Week and Month Also consider when during the day, week and month you’re going to launch your product. Look to your email marketing results for indicators. For example, have you noticed that end of the month messages are better received than those sent at the beginning of the month? What about day of the week and time of day? Before you choose a launch date look at the calendar and at your own general response rates. They’ll help you choose the best launch date possible. Creating Systems To Support A Successful Launch One of the benefits of selling digital products is that you can essentially automate the entire process. From autoresponders to shopping cart software once the product is created there’s very little for you to do.

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However it is important to have all your systems established and tested before you launch. It will ensure a seamless system, customer satisfaction and peace of mind for you. Consider: - Double checking all of your links in your sales copy, autoresponders and advertisements. Anything that links to your sales page should be double, triple, checked. - Does your shopping cart system operate seamlessly? Give your shopping cart a test run. Is it easy to use? - Does your autoresponder deliver the right message in the right order? Do all the links work? Give your autoresponder a test run. Do your prospects and customers receive the intended messages? - Are you using affiliates to promote your products? If so, make sure your affiliate payment terms and systems are ready and working. - Double check your product sales page and autoresponder messages. Is your pricing policy and return policy established and accessible for all new customers? Make sure your payment policies and procedures are also easy to access and understand. For example, if you offer a payment plan, is that clear and easy to understand? - Within the product itself if you have links make sure they all work. Do you have contact information in your content and a call to action? What do you want customers to do once they’ve read, viewed, used, or listened to your product? - Test the download speed of your products. Make sure they’re quick and easy to download. - Do you have a customer support system? Autoresponders, FAQs and a ticket system are all great ideas. And make sure you have an easy system for helping customers who are having download difficulties. You can outsource the customer service portion if you choose to.

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- On the payments and profits side of things make sure you have an easy way to track profits, and to issue returns. Real time sales reports, analytics and testing and tracking systems will help you stay on top of what efforts and tactics generate sales and which ones do not. When it comes to product launches there’s a lot to plan for and implement. Making sure your systems are all up and running effectively will help ensure a successful launch. How To Identify Key People To Help Launch Your Product Partnerships can be extremely useful when you are launching a new product. In fact, a quality partnership can double your sales. The key is finding those influential and potentially profitable partnerships. Once you know who to contact then you can begin to prepare your pitch. Let’s take a look at a few ways you can identify key people to help launch your product. #1 Look for the movers and shakers in your industry Besides you, who are the people in your industry who have the most notability? Who are the movers, shakers and networkers? You may even want to look to public figures and celebrities. An endorsement from a celebrity can generate more profits and sales than you can imagine. Look for your industry experts in magazines, on social networking sites and ask around. #2 Seek Complimentary Businesses One way to forge a profitable partnership is to identify a business that compliments yours. For example, if you have a website about coffee you might partner with someone who has a website about coffee makers. Ideally this business will also have a large subscriber list and they’ll be willing to promote your product to their list – for a commission of course. #3 Open Your Rolodex You’d be surprised who you know and how they can help you. Open up that rolodex of yours, or examine your social networking connections. Investigate who you know and how you might be able to partner with them.

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Remember you’re looking ideally for people who can: - Promote your product to their business - Have a large opt-in list - Can provide a testimonial or endorsement that will carry weight with your prospects Before you contact any potential partner make sure you have a pitch. Your pitch will include: - What your product is - What it does and how it will benefit people - A sample of your product - How you are ready to compensate a potential partner - How you’re marketing the product - How you plan to use their testimonial or endorsement - What your background or experience is – credibility - How they can contact you - And any previous successes you have including other testimonials and sales results. People want to partner with success. It makes them look good and it helps them grow their business too. Partnerships can be a critical component of your product launch. Consider using them for pre-launch and the actual launch of your product. Explore all potential partnerships and make sure you have a fool proof pitch before you approach them. Approaching Potential Partners For Your Product Launch Partnerships can be a fantastic business building tool. They’re often particularly useful if you’re launching a product. You can partner with someone to build your pre-launch opt in list. You can partner with them to promote your product to their list as well. And you can find people whose testimonial or endorsement can help add credibility to your product. There are actually three steps to finding a potential partner. The first step is to identify a potential partner. You’ll want to look for people who have complimentary business models or niches. You can also look for people who have tremendous clout and credibility in your niche. A celebrity endorsement doesn’t have to be niche specific. If Oprah endorsed anything it would sell like hotcakes. Click Here To Get Free Instant Access For 4 Traffic Generation Videos

Once you’ve identified your potential partner your next step is to prepare a pitch. Your pitch is your short presentation about: - What your product is, - Who you are, - Who your market is, - What problem your product solves – the benefit(s) - What your proposal is – for example will they promote the product to their list? - And what is in it for them – for example, will you pay them a nice commission? Up until this point this is all preparation and research. Your next step is to actually contact the potential partner. This is when many people change their minds. It can be intimidating and uncomfortable contacting total strangers or people you admire and asking them to work with you. Here are a few tips to help you out: #1 Prepare your pitch. Whether you’re contacting them via email or telephone make sure you know what you’re going to say and how you’re going to say it. #2 Know your audience and industry. There is a very real chance you’re potential partner is going to have some questions. Be ready to answer them. #3 Know your potential partner’s audience. This is particularly important if you’re contacting a fellow business owner. #4 Make it worth their while. This is essential. Anyone you contact, while they may be motivated to help you out of the kindness of their heart, is going to want to gain something for their efforts. Now you cannot pay for endorsements or testimonials – that’s illegal. So you’ll want to find a way to compensate your expert or celebrity another way. How can you make it worth their while? Most business owners are interested in anything that will: a – generate income or b – help them grow their business. If you have a proposal make sure you know enough about your potential partner that you can offer them a benefit from the partnership. #5 Be Confident. You have a great product, right? You’re proud of it and you’re a savvy business owner. Be confident when you contact your potential partner. Email and social networking messages are often a great way to initiate a conversation. However, you may want to finalize the discussion over the phone or face to face if possible. Click Here To Get Free Instant Access For 4 Traffic Generation Videos

That way you and your partner can make sure you have the potential to work well and communicate well together. Building Your Pre-Launch Opt In List An opt-in list is a list of pre-qualified prospects. Each name on your opt-in list is someone who has likely downloaded information from you and visited your website on many occasions. They have expressed a specific interest in receiving information from you. This makes your opt in list, aka your email or subscriber list, a very valuable asset. Many marketing experts actually spend a bit of time growing their opt-in lit before they launch a product. The larger their list, the more potential for profits – the more targeted prospects you can market your product to. So how do you build your list pre-launch? #1 Create a unique giveaway Instead of using the same giveaway you’ve been using to build your list create a new one. Make sure it is relevant to the product you’re going to launch. Otherwise you run the risk of building a list of people who won’t be interested in your product. For example, if you’re launching a diet book you might release a free report on detoxification. The detox process can get a person ready for a diet and most people detox with the intention to lose weight. Note: you will also want to make sure your existing opt in list has access to this free report. You can create a separate autoresponder that delivers it to them. #2 Market your new opt-in offer Partnering with a person who has a large opt in list and a complimentary business, meaning their prospects will be interested in your product offer, is a great way to double your list. You can also take advantage of social networking and PPC to grow your opt in list. #3 Craft your message As you’re building your pre-launch opt in list make sure to craft a message that gets them excited for your product launch. Offer regular autoresponder messages with valuable information.

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Don’t drag this process out too long. Your prospects are going to tire of your product promise if you are slow to launch and deliver it. #4 Give them an offer they cannot refuse It’s often a good idea to give your email list, new members and old ones, a special offer. You might offer them a discount. You can open the doors to buy your product to them first –this is particularly effective if you only have a limited number of products. You might also give them more bonus products. Make sure your email list feels appreciated by giving them something extra – something you don’t offer to the general public. Give yourself plenty of time to plan and strategize how you’re going to build your prelaunch opt in list. Tie your giveaway into your product. Create a plan to connect with these people before you launch and follow through. Marketing Your Product to Your Email List Your list is your golden ticket to product launch success. If you don’t market your new product to your email list you’re missing out on substantial profits. In fact, many internet marketers often spend a few months building their list before they launch a new product. Here are some ideas and success strategies to help you use your email list to market your product. #1 Give them the inside scoop Your email list will appreciate advance notice on any product or service you launch. Additionally, you can use your autoresponder to share inside information – for example an excerpt from your new book if you’re launching an ebook or information product. You can also use your email list to send them coupons, discounts and other incentives that is exclusive to them. Make your email list feel special – because they are. #2 Get personal One of the advantages of an email marketing list is the ability to connect with them personally. Autoresponder content is generally more effective when your reader can feel connected to the content. Use personal examples, stories and even challenges and mistakes to help connect with your subscribers. Click Here To Get Free Instant Access For 4 Traffic Generation Videos

#3 Consider adding video If you normally don’t market with video consider adding a video message in your ezine. It might be a short video tip or you can share a personal experience and how you solved it. You can also test to see how a full scale video how to message works for your audience. #4 Don’t promote too much Your subscribers do expect some promotional material but they don’t want a hard sell. Instead offer valuable information. Consider using the teaser approach. Offer valuable information and then tell them how they can get more information. #5 Always have a goal for your content It doesn’t have to be to sell your product. You might simply want people to forward the ezine to their friends and family. You might want them to download a free worksheet or click through to watch a video message. Make sure you have a goal in your content. #6 In addition to a goal you want to give your subscribers a call to action Tell them what you want them to do next. Include a link or some form of action so you can track the results. This is important for two reasons. One, you can test and track the various response rates. Additionally, if you get your subscribers in the habit of taking action before you launch your product, they’re consistently saying yes, they’re more likely to say yes when it’s time to actually promote your product. Also consider testing and tracking when your response rates are highest. What time of day, week and month do you get the most open rates? What headlines motivate your readers to open your email? What calls to action get the most results? You can use this information to help craft your message on launch day. Generating Buzz – Tips and Strategies

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Generating buzz helps a lot in generating more sales, especially if you are selling a high priced product. What is Buzz? Buzz is an excitement for your product. It’s when people mark their calendars, talk with others about your pending launch and even spread the word about you and your business. Buzz is anticipation. Why Buzz? Buzz actually helps you sell a product before you even launch it. It can generate an emotional response, and we buy based on our emotions. If people are experiencing an emotional response before you even launch your product you can be sure your conversion rates are going to be higher than normal. Let’s explore some product launch ideas for generating buzz in the marketplace. Here Are A Few Tips to Help You Create Buzz for Your Product Launch #1 Embrace Video If you don’t normally use video consider creating a video to help generate excitement. Videos also have a tendency to go viral. Make sure your video offers value, entertains or us attention grabbing – you want people to remember it and share it. #2 Give Something Away We just mentioned videos and they’re a great thing to give away. However, video isn’t the only tool you have to create a buzz for your pending product. You can give away: - A free book, - A free report, - A free service - A free workshop, seminar or online course - An electronic device – how many kindles and iPads have you seen given away over the past few months? Make sure your giveaway is related to the product you’ll be launching. This is important you want to make sure you’re generating excitement with the right crowd.

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And consider simply giving away the material – don’t ask for an opt-in. Of course you want to make sure to promote your product in the giveaway. You also want people to share the giveaway. If it’s a downloadable product like a free report then they can easily share it. #3 Publish Blog posts, articles, ezine content and social networking content can all be used to generate buzz. Make sure your content is easy to share. If people can easily link to your video, download your reports and forward your content, then they’re not going to. It also needs to download quickly. Embrace social media as a way to chat about all the interest, changes, and activity around your product. Share any publishes content, giveaways and viral content on your social networking site of choice. Generating buzz a great way to help create a successful product launch. In fact, many people find that their pre-launch campaign and buzz campaign is the single most important aspect of any new product launch. Plan your buzz campaign and enjoy the success. Using social networking to generate buzz Social networking has become one of the biggest business building tools for businesses of all sizes. Whether your business employs hundreds, or only one, you can use social networking to accomplish a number of business building goals. One common, and often quite successful goal, is to use social networking to generate buzz for a new product. Buzz is defined as excitement. It embraces the concepts of viral and word of mouth marketing. People get excited about your product, or pending product, launch and they tell each other about it. While buzz marketing can work for a number of goals, generally it’s much easier to build buzz if you’re doing something new – like launching a product. Here are just a few ways you can use social networking to generate buzz: Get them Talking

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You can initiate discussions about your pending product launch or about the problem your product solves. For example, if you’re marketing a diet book you might ask friends and followers what their biggest dieting challenge is. Promote It You can of course also post promotional messages about your new product or service. Make sure when doing this that you’re promoting the benefit of the product and not the product itself. People can be touchy on social networking sites, and rightfully so. They don’t want to be blatantly marketed to. However, a “learn how to lose 10 pounds this week, and another 10, 20 or 30 over the next 30 days” type of message can work to promote your product. Of course don’t forget to include a link. Make them Feel Appreciated You can also use social networking to offer special coupons or discount offers. In fact, you can make your social networking friends and fans feel appreciated by making them an offer that other people don’t have access to. For example, “all fans get 10% off.” You may likely also increase your Facebook fans too. Publish Videos and Content Publish content related to your product. Continuing with the diet book you might publish an article or a how to video that demonstrates the effectiveness or the value of your product. Videos are particularly good at creating buzz. Use social networking to pre-launch your product with viral content too. Give away a free report. Don’t ask anyone to opt-in but give it away and motivate others to give it away too. There are a lot of ways you can use social networking to create buzz. Make sure that any tactics you implement are followed up on. For example, if you’re using social networking to drive traffic to a pre-launch opt in page make sure you actually send those people an email when you launch. Like any marketing strategy, establish goals, create a plan to achieve them, and then get to work making it happen. Online Advertising to Promote Your New Product Click Here To Get Free Instant Access For 4 Traffic Generation Videos

Online advertising is a useful and effective tool when it’s done correctly. When it isn’t, it can be an unfortunate waste of your time and money. If you’re launching a new product you may be considering using online advertising to promote it. With a few simple steps you can make sure you get maximum return on your investment and great results. What Are Online Ads? Online advertisements can actually be any number of things. They can be text ads, PPC ads and banner ads. You can also place classified ads on sites like Craigslist. Advertising, when done correctly, can help increase awareness about your new product, and your business. It can also generate traffic to your website and build your visitors and prospect base. Before you create your online ad there are a few considerations:? #1 What are your goals for your online ads? What do you want them to achieve? For example, do you want them to send people to your product’s landing page or will you use the ad to build your opt-in list and then market your product to your list? #2 What tools or advertising tactics will you use? PPC? Text? Banner? #3 If you’re using a PPC campaign, you’ll need to set up your account with your chosen PPC service. Google AdWords is an example but other services like Facebook also offer PPC. Have you defined your parameters, chosen your keywords written your ad and set your budget? #4 Are you using banner ads? If you are you’ll need to have them designed. You’ll also need to purchase space for these ads on relevant and quality websites. Make sure your copy is compelling and it includes a call to action. How will you test the success of your banner ads? You might use Google Analytics to track traffic sources.

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#5 Are you using text advertisements? If so, where will you place them? You’ll need to write the copy and again include a call to action and a system to test and track success. Finally, what about classified ads? They’re free and can be effective at driving traffic and making sales. Write a few and test them on classified ad sites. The key to successful advertising it making sure you have a goal for each ad, that your ad promotes benefits and includes a call to action and that you have a system in place to test and track results. Try different headlines, calls to action and keywords in your ad copy to see what works best for your audience – what generates the most product sales. In the next section, let’s look into another method of getting traffic to your product launch- press release How To Create A Product Launch Press Release A press release can help you build awareness for a product or service. It can also help you create awareness for your business. They’re particularly effective if you’re launching a new product. And with so many easy to use Press Release submission sites there’s no reason to forego this useful marketing tool. Press releases are fairly straight forward to write, really. Here’s how. Step One – Your Headline Like an article your press release has a headline. However rather than grabbing attention with a promise or a benefit you’ll want to grab attention by making an announcement, claim or by making news. For example, “New book by millionaire marketer helps small business owners achieve their profit goals.” Step Two – Your first paragraph Your first sentence needs to concisely state what the press release is about. For example, “Millionaire Marketer Joe Smith, renowned expert on internet marketing and a coach to several successful business owners has helped thousands of entrepreneurs reach the million dollar mark. Click Here To Get Free Instant Access For 4 Traffic Generation Videos

His new book breaks his process down step by step so anyone can achieve it.” The remaining sentences in your first paragraph will lead into the body of your release. Step Three – The Body of Your Release The body of your release is where you’ll provide the bulk of your information. The information should demonstrate the newsworthiness of the product launch. What benefit does it offer? Why is it newsworthy? You’ll address the five W’s. They’re the Who, What, Where, When, and Why. - Who is the story about? - What is the actual news? - Where and When is the product being launched? - Why is this news? It’s also helpful to use data, quotes and relevant information to help readers and the media discover the importance of the release. For example, “I know what it’s like to struggle as an entrepreneur. That’s why I’m so excited to share this million dollar process. It’s proven and it’s repeatable,” says Joe Smith, Millionaire Marketer. Step Four – The Spit and Polish, Formatting There is a basic structure a press release should follow. This formal structure includes: - For immediate release posted at the top left hand corner of the page. - Starting your first paragraph with the date and city in which the press release originates. For example, June 1st, 2011 Austin, Texas. - Include information about your company and don’t forget a website link and contact information at the end of the release. - Identify the end of the release with this symbol, ### placed in the center of the page and a few spaces below the final sentence. It let’s journalists know they have the complete information. Writing a press release is simple once you know the structure.

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Make sure it’s newsworthy and then support the headline with a few short paragraphs that provide the reader and the media with enough information for them to decide whether to click through or zip you an email. You might be surprised who picks up your release and wants to know more. Using Content to Promote Your Launch Content is one of an internet marketer’s biggest assets. It can be used to generate traffic, profits, and increase your credibility and community. It can also be an extremely useful tool to help you launch a new product. Here are a few tried and true tactics to use content and promote your launch. #1 Article Marketing Submit articles to article directories. Be sure to include links and a call to action in your author/bio box. You can use this tactic both during pre-launch and launch phase. As a pre-launch you might motivate readers to click through and sign up for your opt in list or send them to a new opt-in message that gives them something for free and lets them know when your product has been launched.. That way you can connect with them when you launch. During the launch phase you can simply send readers to a sales page. #2 Blog Blogging about your upcoming launch and offering valuable tidbits of information related to the launch can be an exceptional way to generate buzz for your pending launch. #3 Network online Social networking is a great way to drive traffic to your website and sales page. Become active on sites like Twitter and Facebook and participate in industry forums and blogs. Also use your networking efforts to promote your other product launch content and marketing efforts. For example, if you publish a new blog post then also link to it from your social networking page. #4 Press Releases Issue a press release announcing the launch of your new information product or service. Focus on what makes it news, how does it benefit your audience.

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#5 Guest Blog Guest blog or write articles for other relevant industry magazines and ezines. Many blogs are looking for quality content. Make sure you can link back to your sales page or website. You might also look for complimentary ezines that are seeking writers. Again, make sure you can link to your own sales page. #6 Ezine Content Issue a few additional autoresponders. Send your email list an extra article or two. Let them know that you have a product available and tell them what benefit it offers, what problem it solves. #7 Affiliate Content Also consider creating an affiliate program and writing content specifically for your affiliates to use. You can also offer a free giveaway, a viral report or create videos. Whatever content you use, make sure it is the best you have to offer. The better your content, the more valuable and useful it is, the more likely your readers are to purchase your product when it launches. Brainstorming Your Next Product Launch One essential key to a successful product launch is a successful product. Your product must fill a need. It must provide value and offer benefits. Your audience’s needs aren’t always apparent. Sometimes brainstorming and research are required. Here are a few steps and ideas to help you brainstorm your next product launch. Step One: Use Your Resources You already have a lot of information at your disposal. Take a look at: - The articles and content you’ve published – what generated the most response or is read/viewed most often? - What questions do your visitors and customers ask time and time again? - What problems is your audience struggling with? You can also explore: Click Here To Get Free Instant Access For 4 Traffic Generation Videos

- Trends - Your competitions products - Bestselling titles at bookstores - Keywords Consider mind mapping potential ideas. This free form tool can help you get creative with your potential product ideas. Step Two: Research Options Once you have a few ideas it’s time to research them for interest and profitability. - Ask customers what their most pressing problems are or ask them which type of product they’d benefit from the most. - Research your competition – make sure they don’t already have a book or product you’re thinking of creating. - Use keyword research to analyze demand. - Consider also creating a flycatcher’s page and using PPC and social networking to drive traffic to it. A flycatcher’s page or ASK page is simply a page that evaluates interest in a potential product or topic. You might simply ask visitors if they’re interested in a book on … - You can also sweeten the deal by creating an opt in form. Give them something for free that relates to the potential product topic. If people download the giveaway they’re expressing their interest. If not, they’re not interested and it’s likely not a good potential product. Step Three: Choose At this point you have the information you need to make a decisions. Remember to also trust your gut instincts. You know your niche, your audience and what they’re struggling with. Trust that knowledge. Decide: - What topic your product will be about - What format will you use to create your product? For example will you create a video, ebook, home study course, etc? - The purpose or goal of the product - What problem does it solve? Click Here To Get Free Instant Access For 4 Traffic Generation Videos

You’re now ready to start creating the product. Then you can plan the launch and prelaunch and start making profits. The above strategies will work whether you are preparing for a new product launch or if you have already launched products before. To your great success!

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