Outsourcing At $2 Per Hour- Is It Ethical? What is the price that you pay for good quality work? Well I say, it depends. But if you are smart enough, you can outsource your tasks at a very affordable price. People say- ‘You get what you pay for’ which is true, but if what you pay for is just what the outsourcer wanted in the first place even if it is actually peanuts from your point of view, it is a win-win situation. Sometimes, I am just amazed when fellow Internet Marketers and outsourcers complain paying $2 per hour is unethical. Consider the math below. Say you pay someone in the Philippines $2 an hour, for 40 hours that would be $80 and for a month that would be $320 (that would be about 13,760 pesos). Agreed it is not much, but there are outsourcers in Philippines (stay at home moms, college students looking for extra money and folks who just want to work from home) who are happy to work for that amount. And when outsourcers by themselves agree to work for that amount, the ethics really shouldn’t be an issue. Personally I have found tremendous success outsourcing tasks to Philippines. I was first introduced to outsourcing to Philippines by Jon Jonas. As he mentions in his blog, please do know that outsourcing to Philippines is not all rosy. You have to be prepared to spend some time and effort to get the right outsourcers. I had some outsourcers who agreed to do job but never heard back from them, I had some outsourcers who were paid in advance and never heard back from them and I had some outsourcers who did not complete the tasks on time as agreed upon. But as I worked with more and more outsourcers I was able to better spot and retain the outsourcers that I wanted to work with on a long-term basis.
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You can easily take advantage of sites like Freelancer.com, Guru.com, Odesk.com and even Fiverr.com to look at the wide variety of outsourcers that are available. Apart from looking at their hourly rate, pay close attention to the feedback they got from previous clients and take a look at their portfolio. Select a few candidates that you are interested in and invite them for an interview. I usually invite them for an online chat and explain very clearly what I am looking for in terms of project requirements, timeline of completion and the estimated number of hours. Here is the key: the more specific and detailed you can be, the better it is for both you and the outsourcer. What is great about working with freelancers via these sites is that both you and the outsourcer can work knowing that neither one of you is going to scam the other or at least the chances are minimal. When the project is completed successfully, make sure that you give more work to the freelancer and if you think you are better off hiring them fulltime, approach them with an offer. If both you and the freelancer are happy with the offer, you have a true win-win situation. You are more likely to find top quality outsourcers at about $800 a month and above from the Philippines, but if you are prepared to spend some time and effort, you may be able to find a winner for $500 or less a month. A thing to keep in mind is that there are still freelancers who charge a premium amount for their clients because they can produce such high quality work and have great relationships with their clients. So if you as a freelancer are thinking that the $2 per hour outsourcers are a threat to your business, then you need to rethink your positioning. The price that you command in the marketplace is the value that you put forth on yourself. Watch the video below and you will understand what I am talking about.
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Maybe you are underestimating what you have to offer to your clients by trying to stay competitive in terms of price. You don’t have to compete in the same playing field and the same base of clients. Rather charge a higher price for your work differentiating what you can offer to the client that other outsourcers can’t. Look at your strengths- maybe you have a unique writing style that other writers don’t quite have, maybe you are an expert in the topic and can bring a different perspective to the subject, maybe you specialize in writing ebooks and reports. Once you identify your strengths and position yourself aligning with your strengths, you can still flourish in this business and make a great income online.
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