High res version available for download: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1CEZK3m0DhaRda7DJ-bXTmsGBgZL4zRo9
Deep Space Field is an evolving artwork that maps imaginary and digital space through the distribution of 100 generative artworks. These artworks are inspired by Freeman Dyson’s hypothesised Dyson Trees - genetically engineered plants capable of growing on a comet. These trees would grow out from the comets nucleus and produce breathable air and energy allowing humanity to populate areas of the outer solar system such as the Oort Cloud.
The generative system creates individual works called Space Gardens, created by populating three dimensional space with a series of nodes. These nodes connect to each other through weaving tendrils of colour. As the piece progresses colour and form become more vibrant and complex with the system eventually spreading petal like objects into space like a cosmic pollinator.