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Credit-by-Exam Remote Testing/ Prometric Remote Proctoring Update
DANTES Credit-by-Examination (CBE) Program
The Credit by Exam (CBE) program is a Prior Learning Assessment program that provides DoD with a means to evaluate, document and translate prior learning into college credit recommendations. The program helps service members earn college credit for knowledge gained through previous experience, reduces course completion time, avoids Military Tuition Assistance costs, and documents scores on the Joint Services Transcript (JST). The exams are developed, maintained, and administered by national testing agencies, Prometric (DSST exams), and the College Board (CLEP exams). The fiscal Year 2021 had 25,546 DANTES-funded candidates’ take 36,114 College Level Examination Program (CLEP) and DSST exams, earning 86,114 potential college credits.
Credit-by-Exam Remote Testing
FY21 also saw the addition of Remote Testing options for both CLEP and DSST exams. Remote Testing is a secure, computer-based testing platform providing a locked-down testing environment monitored live, in real-time, by trained and certified professionals. With a simple system validation and minimal setup requirements, students with irregular schedules, in remote geographical areas, or without an on-base NTC are able to access Creditby-Exams convenient to them. Coordination between DANTES, College Board, and Prometric verified the validity of using the remote testing through a pilot program with the U.S. Air Force, U.S. Coast Guard, and the Army National Guard. Without access to National Testing Centers (NTC), three remote areas were used as testing pilots to determine if remote testing would work for the local service members. After the conclusion of the pilots, the outcome proved successful, and three things were identified to successfully utilize remote testing: • An internet/WIFI connection • A personal, non-government Computer (No
Apple computers for CLEP exams) • A private room. For more information check out: https://www.dan-
tes.doded.mil/EducationPrograms/get-credit/ creditexam.html
Service members now can take DSST exams in-person or online at a time and location that is convenient for them. For a remotely proctored exam, testing candidates supply a computer that must have a camera, microphone, and an internet connection and be able to install a small app before the test event. The experience is supported by a readiness agent, proctor, and security agent. It’s as easy as registering to take a DSST at a National Testing Center. All service members must go to www.getcollegecredit.com and follow the instructions for registering for a remotely proctored DSST exam. The Prometric website www.prometric. com/proproctor candidate also summarizes system requirements and a quick video about what to expect on test day. Service members always need to remember to choose exams relevant to their degree path. Education counselors will help determine exam alignment with a degree and determine if the school will accept the exam for credit. It’s always important to take the time to study before the test and register for a DSST exam; free study guides are available through EBSCO learning. Currently, all DSST exams, except Public Speaking, are available remotely. Prometric conducts comparability studies to confirm that the DSST exam experience, reliability, and pass rates are consistent for in-person and remote delivery.


The Department of Defense (DoD) Voluntary Education (VolEd) Program, through the Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES), offers the Credit-by-Exam program to help service members earn college credit* for knowledge gained through previous experience, independent study, and/or training. Funded credit-by-exam tests, include:
CLEP: The College Board’s College Level Examination Program
DSST: formerly DANTES Subject Standardized Tests, but now owned and managed by Prometric
*College credit recommendations for these exams are made through the American Council on Education (ACE) and are subject to the acceptance of individual academic institutions.
Earn college credit* for prior knowledge Reduce course completion time; the average exam takes only a few hours vs. 8-15 weeks of course attendance Finish your college degree sooner by reducing time in class or online Save money; DANTES funds one attempt per exam title for eligible examinees Avoid tuition assistance costs for courses replaced by credit earned through testing Exam scores are included on a service member’s Joint Services Transcript (JST) Test prep and study materials are provided at installation libraries and education centers, online, and via mobile apps Remote Proctoring available for both CLEP and DSST exams
All active duty, National Guard and Reserve component service members, in all military Services, including the U.S. Coast Guard, are eligible for this program. U.S. Coast Guard (active and Reserve) spouses maintain eligibility through funding by the Coast Guard. Air Force DoD civilian employees (excluding contract employees) are also eligible through funding provided by the Air Force.
DANTES_PLA@navy.mil www.MyVolEd.com/CLEP www.MyVolEd.com/DSST
COUNSELOR RESOURCES: CLEP Counselor Tools: https://counselors.collegeboard.org/ Test Prep with EBSCO Learning Express: www.myvoled.com/infographics
Military Pass Rates: www.myvoled.com/infographics College Board/CLEP: