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Virtual Registration for the 2022 PDI Plenary Sessions will open soon!
DANTES is excited to offer this opportunity to those who cannot attend in person. You will be able to register for virtual attendance via the DANTES website:
https://www.dantes.doded.mil/Webinars/index. html
You can also visit this webpage to watch for PDI updates: https://www.dantes.doded.mil/CounselorsReps/index.html - look under “DoD VolEd Professional Development Institute (PDI)” Be sure to download the MilEd Benefits app,
Benefits.html as we will provide all necessary information about the 2022 PDI on the app. If you do not have the ACCESS CODE, please see your PDI Service Rep.
Free CLEP Second Score Send Available
CLEP® will now offer test takers two complimentary score sends to institutions of their choice. When students reach the Score Send Information section during registration, they can either select a score recipient from the CLEP website, or if they can’t find their college or university on the website, they can manually enter the institution to receive scores. After entering information for one institution, students will be asked if they’d like to send a score to another institution. Students will have the opportunity to send two scores per exam, and they must select the institutions to receive scores prior to exam day. To send scores to more than two institutions or after taking an exam, students need to place a transcript order and pay the transcript fee.
If you are missing CCAF test scores, please send your inquiry to ccaf.edservices@us.af.mil with the information listed below. If you are missing test scores on your Joint Services Transcript (JST) or other transcription/score reporting services, please send your inquiry to DANTES_PLA@ navy.mil with the information listed below. • Full Name • CLEP or DSST Exam • Title of Exam • Date of Exam
JOIN US! DANTES is continuously looking for ways to connect with the Services’ Voluntary Education (VolEd) Professionals in an effort to help share program updates and to help you have the best information available to provide service members with the information needed to reach their education and career goals.
Join our new group on LinkedIn, called “DANTES Counselor Support Network (DCSN)” - This group was created just for you as a way to share and collaborate. Visit the DCSN Group and sign up today!
Online Academic Skills Course (OASC) Educator Training featuring My Academic Predictor (MAP) Apr 28, 2022 1 PM Central Time
Join us as Peterson’s presents an overview of the Online Academic Skills Course (OASC) Educator Training and demonstrates how counselors can review service member MAP scores. Education Counselors and other VolEd professionals will learn how to access the OASC Educator Training Course and navigate the OASC portal. In addition, you will learn how to view a service member’s MAP scores and we will discuss how this information relates to AFCT scores. Counselors will also learn where to access and order marketing materials for the OASC program to help increase service member engagement. Join us for what will surely be an informative and interactive session! Email questions related to this webinar to: dantes_

The OASC Academic Skills Training App has brought preparation for the Armed Force Classification Test (AFCT) onto the phones and devices of Soldiers and made it easier for them to prepare wherever they are located. It is uncommon in this day and age to find a Soldier without a device and having the capability to pick up your cell phone while waiting in line at the grocery store or in between sets while lifting weights and be able to use this time wisely to prepare is a great benefit offered by DANTES through the App. I believe that the My Academic Predictor Tool becoming available soon is going to be a valuable resource for both Soldiers and Counselors supporting them. The scores reported for the Pre and Post Map will not only show the Soldier a picture of where they are in the preparation but also allow the Counselor to assess if a Soldier is ready to take the AFCT or if more preparation is necessary to set them up for success. The upcoming provided training on 28 April 2022, is a welcome resource for all staff members to understand the tool in an effort to better assist Soldiers and work as a team with them in support of their goals.

Daniel Tremel, Education Services Officer Camp Zama Education Center, USAG Japan

https://www.linkedin.com/ company/10843412