Algorithmic Sketchbook Daniel Polbrat 636094 Design Studio Air Tutors - Has & Brad 2014
Week 1: Lofting Curves
Lofted Surface, created from 3 curves.
Playing with the control points of each curve, to produce different impressions of the same lofted curve.
Week 1: Lofting Curves & Baking
Anothert skill learnt this week is Baking. Here I experimented with the different options available when baking. Baking is a good source for saving progress.
Some of the Loft options I utilized included, Straight, loose and developmental.
Week 2: Data Set Task - PPG. of NBA Players
Each Circle defines a score between: -25-30 -20-24 -15-19 The control points define how many players are within that particular scoring category,
Combining the Data Set, with Curve options and another component discovered, Shift List.
Week 2: Curve Menu
Combining basic curves with the Arc Tool and the Geodesic Curve Tool. This allows for Parameters to be further modified taking the basic curves into a much more complex shape. The Surface is then Lofted
Week 3: Grid Shell Task
After creating three continous curves, the division command created a number of control points, which can be adjusted by a slider which would ultimately determine how many arcs would occur.
The most interesting tool I found through this task was the Shift tool. The way it manipulates the control points to create a “shift� is an integral feature for future algorithms.
Week 3: Grid Shell Task
After producing a shell form that I was happy with, I reused the Bake tool to produce a solid form. I intentionally left the grid lines to see how the form is informed by the grid lines.
This is a manipulated gridshell, here I was playing with different sliders that controlled the amount of arcs created within the shell aswell as the directional shift of the control points.
Week 4: Site Experimentation
Using the Fractel Tetrahedra techniques learnt from the videos, I generated a tetrahedra from a single polygon. I then used a number of tools on rhino such as mirror and orient to populate the LAGI site.
PART B. Reverse Engineering Voussior Cloud
The Voussior Cloud definition required the use of the Grasshopper plugin Kangaroo. The kangaroo plugin is a physics parameter that generates movements within the interations. Combining the physics system with point charge intergers created a series of different iterations from a single defnition.
For this task we were required to push the boundaries of the definition, so to further push the boundaries we added in the point charge parameters to the definition.
This exercise was a fundamental elarning curve in terms of Grasshopper as it allowed us to manipulate a definition and see its potential. It also gave us the knowledge we needed to construct are own definitions and was a significant starting point.
PART B. Technique Development ExOtique
To reverse engineer the EXOtique definition we wwent through two grasshopper definitions that combined the two. The first definition was used to create the hexagonal grid panel. After we created the panels we would apply this panel to a surface.
The second half of the definition encompasses applying the panel to the lofted surface. Then we tried applying point chargers to create holes within the surface to recreate the definition as close as possible to the original.
PART B. Technique Development ExOtique
To futher develop the definition and essentially create our design we continued to try differrent panelling methods and combined them with different surfaces.
With the help of another Grasshopper plugin Lunchbox, we were able to generate different panelling methods such as triangular fucnctions and offest hexagons. With the help of number sliders we were able to change the density of the panels and the amount of triangulations.
PART B. Technique Development ExOtique
As we started to explore and push the boundaries of our definition we applied parameters we previously learnt from tutorial videos to enhance the definition. In this particular definiton we utulized the offset parameter and combined it with piping. Thus using the panelling parameters from Lunchbox in combination with piping it produces a design with depth and materiality rather than just a flat surface.
In these iterations we played again with number sliders to change the number of triangulations that occur.
PART B. Technique Development ExOtique
In these iterations we played again with number sliders to change the number of triangulations that occur. I then decided to render these iterations to get an indicaiton of the materiality.
Tasks - Experimentation
These were interesting models produced whilst learning how to incorporate images within a Grasshopper definition. This is an image sample combined with a grid formation.
Circular and Triangular Grid Expressions
I created this definition in order to experiment how I could panel surfaces.
Lofted the curves to generate a suface
Rather than using a panel parameter to generate panels on the surface, I created a simple script that could be applied to the surface. The script generated points on the surface.
I also added sliders, to adjsut the number of points on the surface. Additonally I added colour to the iteration to display the panels in a different manner.