Urband 10 4 2

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everyone’s Always Totally Satisfied

Eats American Grill was established in the spring of 2010 and has quickly become the “Cheers” of South Tampa, the place where locals go to hang out. With its unique menu items from around the country such as the Midwest BLT, Fried Pork Chop Sandwich and award winning burgers, Eats has become a favorite destination for people from all over Tampa. Sports fans love Eats thanks to the array of large screen HDTV that adorn the walls. Not only does Eats have HDTV but each table is equipped with audio tuners to listen to a specific TV feed. What sets Eats apart from other sports bars is not only does it feature sporting events but families love Eats because on select TV’s there are kid friendly movies and shows. In the pages to come the new look and feel for Eats will be presented and will help Eats step forward as the family sporty place to get a bite to eat with a touch of edgy fun.


Table of Contents

1 . 0 Re s e a r c h 1.1 Overview

2.1 Brand Brief

1.2 Target Market

2.2 Logo Development

1.3 SWOT 1.4 Mind Mapping 1.5 Client Brief


2 . 0 Re s e a r c h

2.3 Mood Board 2.4 Tool Box

3.0 Standards

4.0 Collateral

3.1 Logo

4.1 Print

3 . 2 Pa l e t t e

4.2 Digital

3.3 Textures

4.3 Merchandise

3.4 Typography

4 . 4 We b & S o c i a l


1.1 Overview 1 . 0 Re s e a r c h 1.1 Overview 1 . 2 T a r g e t Market 1.3 SWOT 1.4 Mind Mapping 1 . 5 C l i e n t Brief

6 6

The project and purpose of this book is going to examine and explain the thesis project pertaining to Eats American Grill located in South Tampa, Florida and the need to be competitive in the ever changing restaurant environment. With a constant flow of new “mom and pop” restaurants starting up every year across the country plus the nationwide chains, it is even more important for a newer restaurant to get out quickly, create its niche and be creative with its branding assets. Eats likes to say it has a “Cheers” feel but that is a limiting statement since not everyone knows who or what Cheers is or was. The notion of the “Cheers” feel is important in appealing to the late thirty to fifties crowd, who remember the show, the feeling of community, the fellowship that was exhibited by the staff and the patrons. It is important for Eats to produce that sort of feel but equally important is to include the early twenty crowd of young sports enthusiasts that will come in late and spend hours on a weeknight watching sports and drinking beer. Eats also would like to appeal to the families with children, with a wholesome family atmosphere as well as the sports bar quality. By combining all three key components of the Eats idea, a new branding direction can be achieved. By putting together the feeling of a family friendly, community oriented, sports buddy bar, Eats can set itself up with long term success.

Eats American Grill was opened in

the spring of 2010, in South Tampa, Florida. Being that Eats is a relatively new company just going on four years old and still building up a client base, it is important that a complete re-brand be undertaken now as to set Eats up for continued success in the future. Also offering a recognizable brand identity will help to give Eats a top of mind awareness to area customers. Creating a new branding direction is crucial to the expansion and growth of the company. Currently Eats has a very basic logo and color scheme, with no real pop, no hint of what is their goal of being that community oriented, family friendly sports bar. To attract a broader range of clientele and take the next step in the evolution of marketing, it is important that Eats develop a more eye catching logo and design elements doing this is a key factor in the re-branding of Eats.

It is important for areas to have smaller locally owned establishments, they promote community, provide a fundamental location for friends to gather and provide a break from daily living. It is important that these location be preserved and flourish as to offer the community a choice. Local small businesses also give back to the community in numerous ways including jobs, fundraising opportunities and a sense of pride in the community. In an ever growing field of start up restaurants and offerings of numerous dining choices it is important to remember: The number of products that are available to potential buyers has increased dramatically in recent decades. Products are offered with a variety of features, at different levels of quality, and at various prices. With so many different options, how do buyers select which products to purchase? At the most basic level, buyers make a purchase decision based on the value they perceive a product will deliver. Buyers accomplish this by weighing the differences between the perceived costs of the product and the perceived benefits gained from owning the product. (Levens 47)

People choose which restaurant (product) they will purchase based on its perceived value to them. If they are looking of a quiet date night out without the kids they might not be looking for a place like Eats with its numerous large screen TV’s and sports enthusiast cheering on their favorite team. But if they are looking for the sport games, or the family atmosphere it is important that Eats offer a good solid way to bring itself up into the top of mind experience. Offering a recognizable identity, and presence in the community will do just that.

1.2 Target Market The target market for Eats is two fold, families with children looking for a fun place with great food at reasonable prices. And, sports nuts looking for a place to hang out with friends and have a few drinks and some great food. It is important for Eats to produce that

sort of feel but equally important is to include the early twenty crowd of young sports enthusiasts that will come in late and spend hours on a weeknight watching sports and drinking beer. Eats also would like to appeal to the families with children, with a wholesome family

atmosphere as well as the spots bar quality. By combining all three key components of the Eats idea, a new branding direction can be achieved. By putting together the feeling of a family friendly, community oriented, sports buddy bar Eats can set itself up with long term success.


1.3 SWOT Analysis

• • • •


Sports Bar Family Oriented American Cuisine Fun Atmosphere


• New and can still step up as an alternative to other locations • Re-brand to give a better more consistent feel • Establish and build a strong local following

1.4 Mind Mapping



• Poor marketing collateral • Inconsistent design feel • Relatively new


• Poor marketing collateral • Inconsistent design feel • Relatively new

1.5 Creative Brief

Campaign Objective

To re-brand Eats American Grill by developing a new brand identity and strategy, for the purpose of increasing the perceived image of Eats and ultimately increase the company’s loyal customer base.

Unique selling proposition

A family friendly sports bar/restaurant with fun for everyone and food from around the country with a bit of edgy feel.

Campaign Goal

To increase the brand awareness and identity of Eats as the family friendly sports establishment with fun for everyone.

Call to action

Get people excited about what Eats has to offer, from the TV’s with customizable speakers at each table to the amazing food from around the country.

Primary Deliverables Refreshed brand identity Marketing material Merchandise Social and Web Presence Updated brand strategy


Everyone’s Always Totally Satisfied


2.1 Brand Brief 2.0 Development 2.1 Brand Brief

Old Logo

2.2 Logo Development 2.3 Mood Board 2.4 Tool Box


Offering sports fan an array of HDTV around the walls but also with audio channels at each table to listen to what you want.


Authentic American Grill with that “Cheers� feel of a friendly local bar. Offering food from around American and customizable sports watching entertainment.


Eats offers a wide variety of traditional grill food from fried dill pickle chips to a traditional buffalo wings, but also adding in some different items like Pineapple Fritters and deep fried Oreo martini.


Offering traditional American grill food at reasonable prices since 2010.


Offering favorite food from around the country helps to bring people back in and allows for them to try dishes from across the country.


Honest good cooking of traditional American grill food and its unique add ons allows for a good family night or drinks with friends.


Eats is committed to American food…prepared in it traditional manner.


2.2 Logo Development Ro u g h Sk e t c h e s

Re f i n e d l o g o i d e a s

Ro u g h Lo g o

Ro u g h b u r g e r i n s e r t


Kathryn Best states “design opportunities can be found in the company’s name” (Best 29). Currently Eats Logo contains a beige background with EATS in red above a knife that has a black handle and blue blade with American Grill on it and to the right of these elements is a spork looking item above a star. Using the Eats American Grill name can be a key element in the new logo and brand identity for Eats, an actual idea for how to use these hasn’t come to mind yet but it will. Possibly an anagram, or a new layout with a better use of the red, white and blue color scheme used to help tie in the American part of the name. There is a possible idea of an avatar or icon that can be created to help give Eats a more recognizable identity. According to Marty Neumeier in Brand Gap “A brand icon is a name and visual symbol that communicate a market position. An avatar is an icon that can move, morph, or otherwise operate freely as the brand’s alter ego. For icon, think Shell; for avatar, think Cingular. Icons can sometimes be upgraded to avatars, as AT&T has done by animating its striped globe icon in its TV spots.” (Neumeier 87). Creating a brand logo for Eats could help to build it’s brand by narrowing it’s focus as Alina Wheeler stated “A brand becomes stronger when you narrow

the focus.” (Wheeler 16). Giving Eats an avatar that can become more recognizable like the apple from Applebees or the chili from Chili’s, Red Robins “YUM” sound has been crafted to the point that as soon as you hear “YUM” you think of Red Robin, even it isn’t one of their commercials.

The final logo for Eats uses a single white burger instead of the colorful burger. Since when the rough Eat with the use of a colorful burger on a white border tends to get lost and harder to see. The final Eats logo generates a great badge symbol that can be used small or as a stamp on a burger.

l l i r G n a c i r e m A

2.3 Mood-board



Sample Typography

Gil Sans - Title

Sample Textures

Ro c k S a l t - T a g - l i n e American Typewriter - text Na t i a u t v o l e n i s t , s u m a u t e a sitamusam fuga. At eum iusciumet vid unt facese dolum reped ea sanduntit dolorpo adis dolorep rovidunto il ipsa in ratur atiunt.

Sample Images

Sample Colors


c m y k

1 91 10 0 0

c m y k

0 36 10 0 3

c m y k

20 77 10 0 10

c m y k

40 56 72 23

c m y k

80 16 10 0 3

r g b

236 61 34

r g b

255 17 3 4

r g b

18 5 85 39

r g b

13 4 99 73

r g b

51 15 3 51


F FA D 0 4






718 C


716 C

3.0 Standards

3.1 Logo Standards

3.1 Logo For use as a social media badge the logo can be used as a single color badge. Used as black or Eats Gold only.

3 . 2 Pa l e t t e 3.3 Textures 3.4 Typography


rill G n a c meri

Black and white version of the logo, to be used on areas where a black and white logo is necessary. Such as newspaper ads.


rill G n a c meri

Final logo can be used with wood texture or on a simple black background only.

E a t s A m e r i c a n G r i l lHorizontal logo should only be used in limited applications where the E a t s A m e r i c a n G r i l lvertical badge is to big. The badge can be either Eats Gold or black


Clear Space Protecting the integrity of the new Eats brand and its feel means protecting the visual impact the new logo has and creating a clear space around it is the start. The clear space around the logo badge should be the width of the burger in the logo. And placed from the furthest points of the logo.

Burger Overlay

The burger can be removed from the logo and used as an accent piece on marketing pieces. Four versions are acceptable White, Eats Gold, Eats Brown and Eats Red. The burger can be used as full color or as an overlay or a soft light effect as an accent piece.


Logo Don’t s

The logo should not be changed to any other color than the approved colors. Nor should the logo be sized in any other manor than what is approved dimensions.

Grill n a c i Amer



rill G n a eric

Grill n a c i Amer

Gr n a c i Amer


3 . 2 C o l o r Pa l e t t e Primary Colors Gold



F FA D 0 4



348C c 0 m 36 y 10 0 k 3

718 C c 20 m 77 y 10 0 k 10

485C c 1 m 91 y 10 0 k 0

r g b

r g b

r g b

255 17 3 4

18 5 85 39

Secondary Colors







716 C

c m y k

40 56 72 23

c m y k

80 16 10 0 3

r g b

13 4 99 73

r g b

51 15 3 51

236 61 34

Color for Eats is impor tant since the name is Eats American Grill, staying with some sort of red, white and blue will be impor tant. But it is impor tant to play down the blue since it is considered an appetite suppressant “Blue food is a rare occurrence in nature. There are no leafy blue vegetables (blue lettuce?), n o b l u e m e a t s ( b l u e b u r g e r, well-done please), and aside from blueber ries and a few blue-purple potatoes from remote spots on the globe, blue just doesn’t exist in any signif icant quantity as a n a t u r a l f o o d c o l o r. ” ( C o l o r Matters, n.d.). Red is a big player in the restaurant business for making people h u n g r y, s o m e o f t h e b i g ch a i n s a l l h ave r e d i n

their logos including, Red Robin, Applebees, Chili’s, and fast food chains like McDonalds, Arbys and KFC all use red in their brand. One notable exception is Buffalo Wild Wings that uses black and gold and not red in its logo. The Cheesecake factor y doesn’t use red in its logo but do incorporate a dark red into their menu and marketing material. Sticking with a good combination of the red, white and blue theme is impor tant but possibly other combinations to help make Eats stand out more would be to use more subtle variation of the red, white and blue color scheme. Possibly a darker shade o f t h e c o l o r s , avo i d i n g a more pastel color scheme

would be impor tant since Eats does involve a sports bar theme and the pastel colors might not seem “manly” enough for the clientele that is the key target audience. A possible total switch might be to use colors such as orange and black. According to colormatters.com Orange draws children to it. (colormatters.com n.d.) A variation of orange such as a mango and a light g ray might be an option.

3.3 Primary Textures Textures for the Eats re-branding project is a mix of sporty fun backgrounds and edgy grungy types, these textures are meant to compliment each other and other back g rounds of the same sort can be used if they tie into the established criteria and based on the specific need of the project.


3.4 Typography

Headings Sub-Headings

Gil Sans - Bold Gil Sans - Semi-bold

Text - American Typewriter (bold or regular) Text Bold - American T ypewriter (bold or regular) T a g - l i n e - R o c k S a lt


E v e r y o n e ’ s A l w a y s T o t a l l y S at i s f i e d

4.0 Collateral

4.1 Print ads

4.1 Print 4.2 Merchandise 4 . 3 We b s i t e 4.4 Social Media



Billboard advertisement for Eats will be important since the restaurant is on a main boulevard that leads to and from the beach, thus attracting vacationers.

Bus stop signs

Not only will the designs for these bus stop shelters provide Eats with an additional source of brand identity but the ads can also be used in other areas such as social media campaigns. 32 32



Po s t e r I d e a s As with the bus stop and billboard signs these signs can also be used in social media campaigns as well as for cross promotional endeavors.


Cross Promotional Po s t e r s


Event Banners Eats participates in numerous local events and these banners will help to build excitement and awareness for the brand.

Event Banners 36

Event Banners Close ups


4.1 Print ads Magazine ads M a g a z i n e o r Ne w s p a p e r ads are going to be used to help spread the word of the new Eats brand as a relatively inexpensive means of marketing. The adds can also be used in social media campaigns.



4.1 Print ads

Table Cards Table tents and cards are a great way to engage the guests as they are sitting waiting to order and educate them on offerings that Eats has such as happy hour and wing specials.


Table Tents


Menu items A new look for the Eats menu is geared to pull together the new look and feel for the brand.


4.2 Merchandise

Bar ware

Barware is designed to be used at the restaurant for a consistent look and feel and a sense of professionalism.


Coffee mugs and travel cups Cof fee and travel mugs will make great give aways that can help to spread the name and image of the Eats brand.



Merchandise comprising of hats. T-shirts and polo style shirts will help to carry the Eats brand out into t h e c o m m u n i t y. T h e items can be used as a staff uniform and or for sale to the general public as well as a useful give away for promotional events.



Po l o - s h i r t s


4 . 3 We b s i t e Desktop Site


M o b i l e We b s i t e The new Eats website will consist of a completely new desktop as well as mobile site. Each will offer data about each dish as well as a way for customers to connect with Eats social media sites and contests.


4.4 Social Media

Fa c e b o o k & T w i t t e r p a g e s . Wi t h s a m p l e a d s 50

Google + Twitter and Yo u t u b e p a g e s .

The use of social media is of utmost importance to the new Eats brand. It offers a great way to get inexpensive marketing and produce a great reach to current and future customers. 51

5 . 0 Re f e r e n c e s Sc h o l a r l y Re f e r e n c e s ColorMatters.com. n.d. Retrieved January 12, 2014 from http://colormatters.com/color-and-thebody/color-and-appetite-matters ColorMatters.com. n.d. Retrieved January 12, 2014 from http://colormatters.com/orange Wheeler, Alina. Designing Brand Identity: An Essential Guide for the Whole Branding Team, 4th Edition. John Wiley & Sons P&T, 10/22/12. VitalBook file. Best, Kathryn. Design Management: Managing Design Strategy, Process and Implementation. AVA Publishing, 10/2006. VitalBook file. Best, Kathryn. Design Management: Managing Design Strategy, Process andImplementation. AVA Publishing, 10/2006. VitalBook file. Neumeier, Marty. Brand Gap, The: Revised Edition, 2/e Vitalsource eBook for Full Sail University. Pearson Learning Solutions. VitalBook file. Wheeler, Alina. Designing Brand Identity: An Essential Guide for the Whole Branding Team, 4th Edition. John Wiley & Sons P&T, 10/22/12. VitalBook file. Wheeler, Alina. Designing Brand Identity: An Essential Guide for the Whole Branding Team, 4th Edition. John Wiley & Sons P&T, 10/22/12. Wheeler, Alina. Designing Brand Identity: An Essential Guide for the Whole Branding Team, 4th Edition. John Wiley & Sons P&T, 10/22/12. VitalBook file. Levens, Michael. Marketing, 1/e Vitalsource eBook for Full Sail University. Pearson Learning Solutions. VitalBook file. 52

St y l e G u i d e Re f e r e n c e s http://www.scribd.com/doc/47339523/PIZZA-HUT-Brand-Standards-Manual-Final http://www.buffalowildwings.com/PageFiles/189/ BWW_StyleGuide_062113_Links.pdf http://www.chilis.com/EN/Pages/home.aspx http://goeldorado.com/Images/Interior/about/branding%20style%20guide.pdf http://www.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/310-0231.pdf http://www.rockbottom.com http://rtaadvertising.com/cliente/APPLEBEES/APPLEMEX/ARCHIVOS%20EDITABLES%20PROMOS/ APBLS_StyleGuide_6%2029.pdf http://www.brandingidentitydesign.com/19-minimalist-style-guides/#.U96OhlbS6n4 http://brandcenterdl.adobe.com/Corpmktg/Brandmktg/Campaign_Assets/guidelines/corporate/corporate_brand_guidelines.pdf

I m a g e Re f e r e n c e s Images of drinks retrieved from: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/42/Memorial_Day_margaritas.jpg http://hungryinhamptonroads.files.wordpress. com/2011/08/margaritas.jpg http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/9b/Shirley_Temple_%26_Cosmopolitan_ cocktails.jpg http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a2/Pink_Lady_with_a_twist_of_lime,_ in_a_cocktail_glass.jpg http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/dc/Lemon-inspired_signature_cocktail.jpg http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b1/The_perfect_martini.jpg http://pixelatedcrumb.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/pineapple_key_lime_martini-2. jpg?w=600 http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/42/Memorial_Day_margaritas.jpg

Food images retrieved from: http://eatsamericangrill.com http://hungryinhamptonroads.files.wordpress. com/2011/08/margaritas.jpg http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/2f/ Olive_Oil_Bar.jpg http://farm1.staticflickr.com/223/501659599_c55afa363f_o.jpg http://blogs.kansas.com/dining/files/2011/07/chickenwings.jpg http://www.cliplip.com/martini-up-glass/ http://www.homewetbar.com/images/prod/glass-giant-margaritaa.jpg http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/613ZMs688gL.jpg?ref=sp_dp_imgzm http://foodservice.libbey.com/var/libbey/storage/images/libbey-foodservice-home/product-repository/zstem-margarita-glass/155125-1-eng-US/Z-Stem-Margarita-Glass.jpg http://cdn-s3-0.wanelo.com/product/image/2132681/ original.jpg


M o c k - u p Re f e r e n c e s Mock-up samples retrieved from: http://originalmockups.com/bundles/infinity-bundle/ http://www.psdcovers.com/category/premium-free-psd-mockup-templates/cover/action/pro/ mugs/ http://www.psdcovers.com/category/premium-free-psd-mockup-templates/cover/action/pro/ mugs/ http://graphicburger.com/mock-ups/

I m a g e Re f e r e n c e s http://instagram.com/p/pY9YC0Sr3J/?ref=badge&modal=true http://farm1.staticflickr.com/223/501659599_ c55a fa363f_o.jpg informativo blog. (Feb. 26, 2013). photo http://inninformativo.wordpress.com/tag/trabalho/ B92.(n.d.). photo http://www.b92.net/news/ pics/2013/09/29/780588077524886c220f 0d089990927_orig.jpg FreeDigitalPhotos.net. (October 13, 2013.) Photo http://www.freedigitalphotos.net/images/family-eating-together-in-a-restaurant-photo-p208332 FreeDigitalPhotos.net. (October 13, 2013.) Photo http://www.freedigitalphotos.net/images/ family-raising-their-glasses-before-eating-photo-p208325 rackcdn.com. (n.d.) Photo http://9ad4fbf943e652b35b9f-c4a49d76d48cd1b152556e6b92003f52.r98.cf2.rackcdn.com/ img/mosaic/home1c.jpg


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