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Universidad Veracruzana Facultad de Pedagogía

Daniela Alejandra Morales Martinez Beatriz Pereyra Cadena Lengua II Actividad: “Veracruz E-Magazine” Quinto semestre Fecha de entrega: 10/ 01/ 2021

MY HOMETOWN Term: Spring | Date: January 9, 2021

The weather is usually hot, in winter it's hardly cold. Usually the weather in spring ranges from 28 degrees Celsius to 32 degrees Celsius. In summer the weather becomes more intense than in spring, since on these dates the weather is approximately 32 to 50 degrees Celsius. In fall the weather is normally 25 to 30 degrees Celsius. Finally, in winter the weather is almost always between 14 and 27 normally, and even though in the port of Veracruz we are used to the heat, people almost always prefer this climate, since it is cooler.

Veracruz is more beautiful than CDMX. There are very beautiful beaches, but they aren´t very clean, there are many food places. In Veracruz there are food the most delicious, for example picadas, tacos, mariscos, pozole or tamales. The weather is usually hot, in winter it's hardly cold. The activities you can do: you can go to visit the Naval Museum or the San Juan de Ulua Fort. Veracruz ir more beautiful than Sinaloa, it is not more beautiful than Orizaba. It is more crowded than Orizaba, but don't have landscapes as beautiful as the ones there.

History of Veracruz‌ In 1518 the Spanish Captain Juan de Grijalva arrived at the islet that he called San Juan de Ulua. The Villa Rica de la Vera Cruz was founded by the Spanish conqueror Hernan Cortes, by Francisco de Montejo and Alonso Hernandez de Portocarrero, on April 22, 1519 on the beaches that were in front of the islet of San Juan de Ulu, called Chalchihuecan; founding the same day 16 as Villa Rica de la Vera Cruz, wich became the First City Hall in continental America and the first city founded by Europeans in al lof continental America. During the three centuries of the viceroyalty, the city of Veracruz was the scene of various events, including the attack by an-English flotilla commanded by the privateers John Hawkins and Francis Drake in 1568, after a year dedicating themselves to the assault of small sports, the trafficking of blacks and ilegal trade. The Spanish Captain Francisco Lujan fought this combat against the English, know as the Battle of San Juan de Ulua, achieving a remarkable victory.

To repel the attacks, the city was walled and series of forts and bastions were built, highlighting the Fort of San Juan de Ulua, wich was erected in 1590. Since 1607 the Port of Veracruz acquired the title of city, confirmed in 1640 by Kind Felipe IV, wich makes it one of the oldest cities in Mexico.



Francisco Arrillaga obtained a concesiรณn in 1837 to build the Railroad between Veracruz and Mexico City. In 1862, French, British and Spanish toops arrived in Veracruz in the context of the Second French intervention in Mexico with the initial intention of repairing the suspensiรณn of payments on the foreign debt decreed by Benito Juarez. The Spanish troops led by Juan Prim Will withdraw without intervening in the hostillities unleashed in the conflicto. In 1864, Archduke Miximiliano of Habsburg and his wife, Princess Carlota of Belgium, arrived in the city of Veracruz, aboard the frigate Novara, with the intention of taking the position of Emperor of Mexico promoted by Napoleon III the aforementioned Secon Intervention.

A momentous evento ocurre don January 1, 1873, with the arrival of the first train of the Mexican railroad, from Mexico City, the Jarocho train made its Maiden voyage carrying President Sebastian Lerdo de Tejada on board. On April 21, 1914, the port suffered a new and unjustified attack by the United States.

Veracruz… INEGI tells us that in 2015 in Veracruz the number of inhabitants was 8,112,505. The total área of Veracruz is 78.82 km2.

Vegetation Its vegetation is of the low deciduous forest type, consisting of tres that lose their leaves during the Winter season and there are tres such as sweetgum and ocote.

Fauna There is a great variety of wild animals, among which are mainly the heron, seagull, rabbit, oposum, squirrel, jaguar, gopher and manatees among others, as well as a great variety of insects.

Hydrography. Watered by the Medio, Grande and Tenoya streams, with good beaches and islands such as Sacrificios and Verde. Also inside the city there are numerous lagoons such as Lagartos, La Ilusion, Malibran, Real, Los Lagos, El Vergel, etc.

Geology The minerals obtained from the municipality are carved marble, lime, cement, sand and clay.

Floors The municipality´s soil types are feozem and luvisol. The former has a Surface layer rich in organic matter and nutrients, susceptible to erosión. The second accumulates clay in the subsoil, it is also susceptible to erosión, its use is distributed as follows: In the agricultural área 2766 ha, 2241 ha ek¿jidal and 525 ha small property; in the livestock área 19,379 ha, 5,921 ha ejidal and 13, 458 ha small property; in the urban área 1955 ha, wich makes a total área of 24,100 ha.

Food… Food in Veracruz is a delicacy for the palate, the seasoning that each person is different, but we can say that it is one of the best foods. Here there are various dishes that sometimes originate from another state, but without a doubt Veracruz gives it its touch. Most people from Veracruz (and mexican in general) eat too spicy, and that is one of the most characteristic features of the place.

We can also find all kinds of seafood, such as “Vuelve a la vida”, shrimp, oysters, among others.

One of the most typical foods here are the so-called “picadas” wich the dough is base don corn, with a Little sauce of different flavors, such as chipotle, sauce green, tomato, etc.

Landscapes… In Veracruz there are different very beautiful landscapes. In some of the landscapes that we can find are like waterfalls, rivers (from the source of the river, until they mix with others), sinkholes, hills, and let’s not talk about its beaches, wich, although they are not the most beautiful or the cleanest, they are a place where you can go to relax. In Veracruz you can not only go to tourist places and visit them, but you can also enjoy the beautiful crafts and even in some places they teach you to make different crafts, such as a cocoa-based chocolate.

In Veracruz we can also find places where you can spend a god day with your family. Some of the places that we can highlight are the “Aquarium”, “Baluarte de Santiago”, the “Zocalo”, “San Juan de Ulua”; among others.


Money is often given in "La rama". It's almots always given between 5 and 10 pesos and very rarely between 20 and 50 pesos. Usually, people dress in representative costumes. They also play instruments and sing different verses. Usually, people visit other people's houses and sing different verses. Almost always those who come out to sing are children accompanied by a parent.

Carnival almost always takes place before Christian Lent; traditionally it starts on a Thursday and ends on a Tuesday. It is characterized by its parades with zamba, drums, bastoneras, comparsas and groups of dancers, etc. We can also see how people dress in the typical costume of Veracruz. In the same way, we see that there are people who are crowned as King and queen of the carnaval and each one with their princesses, this is done by adults and children. On this holiday we can see that almost always what people consume is prepared beer, although they also sell snacks such as pork rinds or soft drinks.

Famous… FRANCISCO GABILONDO SOLER “CRI CRI” Francisco Gabilondo Soler was born on October 6, 1907 and died on December 14, 1990 at 84 years of age. He was a Mexican singer-songwriter of children's music, famous for presenting for many years a radio program focused on children, for which he created the character Cri-Crí, the singing grill. His songs are famous in Latin America and have been translated into different languages. He was a founding member of the Society of Authors and Composers of Mexico.

She was born in Veracruz, Mexico, on October 17, 1912, a Mexican singer of boleros and songs by Agustín Lara. On July 16, 1929 she made her debut at the cabaret "El Retiro" in that place she was known as La Peregrina, she was met by Don Emilio Azcárraga Vidaurreta who, together with Enrique Contel, baptized her as "Toña la Negra". She began to be recognized with her interpretation of the song "Enamorada" by Agustín Lara, who also produced for her songs such as "Lamento Jarocho", "Veracruz", "Noche criolla", "Oración Caribe", "Palmera", "La clave azul "and" La cumbancha ", which they presented together in a musical magazine at the Esperanza Theater in December 1932, with such success that they had to prolong their presentations for a long time. She passed away on December 16, 1982.

YURIDIA VALENZUELA CANSECO “YURI” Yuridia Valenzuela Canseco was born in Veracruz on January 6, 1964 and is artistically known as "Yuri". She began his career as a singer as a teenager in his native country. In 1978 he released his first record album. In the 1980s and early 1990s, she established herself as one of the most popular pop music singers in Mexico and Latin America with hits such as "Maldita primavera", "Cuando baja la marea", "Es ella más que yo", "Es ella más que yo ", among other. In the late 1990s, he put his musical career on hiatus, and for a few years he devoted himself to performing Christian music and preaching his testimony. In 2002 he returned to commercial music with an impact much greater than that of his first stage as a pop singer.

Religión Religión…… The religión that predominates in Veracruz is mainly Catholicism wich represents more tan 80% of the population. Altough in recent decades the number of people who have converted to this religión has increased, this because other religions have been implemented (such as Mormon and Evangelical) that constitute 28%. Altough, we can sey that Mexico does not have an oficial religión, therefore, people are free to profess any religión that seems better to them.

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