PINmagazine nr. 14 (dec. 2020 - ian. 2021)

Page 28

This pandemic made us all turn our freelancer-mode on As we are all approaching the end of this bizarre year, we keep experimenting what the „new“ normal means for each and everyone.

Teachers had to learn how to work with computers, with video communication software, with microphones and cameras, and how to facilitate an online class.

From the most impactful consequence, not being able to go to school or even access online-lessons for a significant part of globe’s children, to crucial ones, like not being able to gain an income and support our families at all, or not being able to see the loved ones.

Even athletes had to stick to their training routines, but not from gyms and stadiums, but by using the very facilities freelancers usually use, and start exercising on a chair, on the sofa, on the bed, on the floor, in the garden.

If we are talking strictly about the work environment and the changes that we have all been experimenting in the course of this year, we must say that the „new“ normal is in fact the „standard“ normal for a particular category of workers: the freelancers. During this year, most of us got to explore some working routines, which are not that „new“ at all for most of the freelancers worldwide:

Costina Mitrofan CEO Rungutan

At Rungutan, we know what freelancermode means. l Setup an online professional profile, portfolio or website, so that potential clients could find us and reach us faster; l Children and pets interrupting our calls, asking for food; l Working while sitting on a chair, on the sofa, on the bed, on the floor, in the garden.

After working in the corporate environment for so long, we decided to start an online company for almost 4 years now, delivering DevOps consultancy services worldwide. This helped us understand the challenges digital companies have, which made us realize that we can offer more value by bringing innovative tech products to the business world.

l Disorganized sleeping patterns; l Working from home or from coworking spaces; l Always working more than 8 hours per day, to reaching 12 or even 14 billable hours; l Sharing the office-space with the kids, with the whole family; l Conducting interregional and international business meetings from our kitchen;


Suddenly, this pandemic made us all turn our freelancer-mode on and forced us to learn more about how to conduct our business online. Restaurants who never wanted to make deliveries had to move their menus online, make deliveries available and design a whole new business model. Global fashion brands that were focusing their sales mainly on physical stores were forced to close most of them and switch to opening online shops.

Rungutan, our first launched product, is a disruptive API Performance Testing platform available as a service, offering rich technical features useful for simulating application traffic spikes, up to the point of simulating denial of service scenarios. We advocate the concept of 3-Minute Performance Testing because of Rungutan’s 100% Serverless technology and simple design, which differentiate the product among its competitors with rapidity and effectiveness, providing a Anul 5, nr. 14

Dec ’20 - Ian ‘21

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Articles inside

10 ani de United Business Center

pages 69-71

Sebastian Capotescu – Lucrezi de acasă? Iată câteva sfaturi de ergonomie care îți vor salva sănătatea

pages 65-68

4 startup-uri câștigă 5G Online Challenge și intră în acceleratorul Orange Fab

pages 72-76

Valy Greavu – Teaching from Home – My Experience

pages 63-64

Letiția Lucescu – Voința și miturile sale

pages 61-62


pages 58-60

CGM Software: Anul în care ne-am reinventat

pages 46-49

În noul context global, start-up-urile din tehnologie au nevoie de mai mult sprijin ca niciodată

pages 52-54

Anca Dumitriu – Cognizant Softvision Celebrates Important Milestones Amid Pandemic

pages 55-57

Ioana Dasca – Roboții umanoizi care lasă industrii întregi cu gura căscată

pages 44-45

French digital solutions provider to create more than 100 jobs at Iasi

pages 50-51

Oportunități și provocări pe timp de pandemie în EdTech

pages 41-43

TrackGPS, platforma lider de piață în management de flotă în România, se reinventează

page 40

Viziunea ANIS: România digitală 2025

pages 16-21


pages 28-30

Mihai Talpoș – Învățământul exclusiv online, „vlăstarul diavolului“ pentru educația viitorului. Pledoarie pentru „blended learning

pages 10-15

Robert Gherghe – Modex: In a pandemic year, we have increased our team by 60

pages 31-32

CENTRIC: Lessons Learned in Creating a Remote Company Culture

pages 33-39

Anca Teletin – WFH, WFO sau Hibrid? Cum va arăta viitorul „normal“?

pages 22-27


pages 5-9


pages 3-4
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