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DOSSIER Quel climat pour demain ?

Plaisir Nos coups de coeur vin

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Supplément réalisé par La Tribune de Bruxelles - 28 octobre 2008

Edito . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Very European Person 4-6 Cultural Diary. . . . . . . 6-8 Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Focus . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-18 Afterwork . . . . . . . . . . 20

Avant Propos

Pleasure . . . . . . . . . 24-26 Moving . . . . . . . . . . 26-27 Dolce Vita . . . . . . . . . . 30

Cataclysme sur l'Atomium ? Bientôt va s'ouvrir le forum international de la météo à Bruxelles. La météo, ce petit rendez-vous qui égrène le temps qu'il va faire le jour même et affiche les tendances de la semaine. Un moment familier, rassurant, qui paraît tellement inoffensif ! Et pourtant, jour après jour, le climat se modifie, l'environnement subit des menaces toujours plus lourdes de conséquences. L'Europe prend en compte de manière très sérieuse le développement rural et la protection de l'environnement : 31,6% du budget 2008 de l'Union est consacré aux ressources naturelles. Life+, le programme de protection de l'environnement accorde également une attention particulière au changement climatique et 267 millions d'euros sont

consacrés au développement et à la diffusion des politiques innovatrices, à l'évaluation des incidences à la mise en oeuvre de règles pour tous et à la sensibilisation des citoyens… Nous aussi, nous y allons de notre petite pierre et après un été qui n'en fut pas vraiment un, nous avions envie de nous pencher sur cette question qui implique les générations futures… Mais environnement durable dit aussi culture harmonieuse. Culture du vin par exemple ! Notre spécialiste nous propose ses 12 coups de coeur vin (un pour chaque mois ?) et où les acheter à Bruxelles. A lire avec passion, à consommer avec raison. Retrouvez le mois prochain votre page "Contact Commune" sur Etterbeek.

Une idée, une suggestion, une réaction ? Voici une adresse mail à votre disposition :

Le Day to Day in Brussels est imprimé sur du papier recyclé. Vous aussi respectez l'environnement en glissant votre magazine dans un sac ad hoc après sa lecture ! Dossier réalisé par RGP Rue des Francs, 79 - Tél.: Fax: COORDINATRICE : Elodie Weymeels COMMERCIALISATION : Luc Bolsius, Hatim Elmajd, Michaël Cohen TEXTES : Laure d'Oultremont, Joel Barish, Elodie Weymeels EDITEUR RESPONSABLE : François le Hodey MISE EN PAGE : Daphné de Ridder / Azur Graphic IMPRESSION : Sodimco INTERNET :

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Dixie Dansercoer, to the top ! “E

xtreme experiences and living life to the full is my hobby!” Which sums up the career of this 45 year old man quite well. Dixie Dansercoer climbs the highest summits and treads the most difficult, and indeed totally unknown, paths, such as when he crossed the Antarctic with Alain Hubert in 1997. He’s not someone who seeks out comfort. On the contrary, that’s what frightens him. “By dint of seeking out extreme experiences, you discover that you have everything you need to resist the simplicity of the comfort of modern man. This comfort is dangerous. It makes intensity very vague.”

in 1987, climbed the planet’s highest peaks,

with an artistic project which aims to alert

took part in Ironman competitions (full

people to the effects of climate change.

triathlons), marathons, cycle races and so

Twelve containers will hold audiovisual

on, and it was unusual for his name not to

works produced by renowned artists, and

appear in the top three. In 1994, he

will travel across continents. “I want to

organised a cycle race through Pakistan and

show the whole world that we must

China. It goes without saying that he was

preserve our superb polar regions at all

the first to sign up.

costs. Everyone can do their bit by changing their own behaviour as a consumer. Green

Pole to pole

technologies, which are readily available in

Always on the lookout for extreme experiences, this unassuming man with an iron will and a frank appearance, turned his attention to the poles. Following several polar expeditions, in 1997 he and Alain Hubert undertook the longest crossing of Antarctica on foot. Pulling heavy sledges over the ice, containing all of their equipment and scientific samples, they

our country, play a key role. In my opinion, it is a poor decision to limit investments in preserving the environment during difficult economic times. Maintaining the “3 Es” (Environment/Ecology/Economy)



business plan is also a must. The economy cannot get back on its feet without paying special





crossed two mountain ranges, covering

3,924 kilometres in 99 days! However, this

immense challenge nearly went tragically wrong after Dixie fell and Alain got poisoning. The two explorers subsequently crossed the Arctic several times, where they

How did you come to have a passion for the poles?

were able to see the effects of global

Contrary to what you might think, it wasn’t

warming even more clearly. In fact, as they

a childhood dream, more an accumulation

crossed the ice field, they noticed that its

of experiences. By dint of being in the wild

average depth had decreased dramatically,

and experiencing physical and mental

making their crossing even more difficult.

challenges to the full, you always want to go one step further. You’re looking out for

Even as an adolescent, Dixie Dansercoer sought out this intensity, both in his relationships with people and in the projects he undertook. Following a language exchange to Moscow in the United States, where he worked with disabled people, he returned to Belgium, hoping to pursue this social direction. However, he was disappointed to see how they were integrated, and turned his attention to studying interpreting, a career he would never profess. His ambition took him elsewhere. Following his studies, he set off for two years to go round the world twice, once from East to West and once from West to East. A keen sportsman, he became the Belgian windsurfing champion

Art at the service of the environment

something even more extreme, and so you

Ever since, Dixie has been trying to raise the

of mysteries to be discovered.

alarm without, however, painting a blacker picture. This father of four formed the

come to the poles. During my first expedition in 1993, it was still a region full

What does exploration mean for you?

Circles association together with his wife,

It’s primarily about lengthy preparation.

Julie Brown. He organises conferences,

Before going to the poles, I did several small

seminars, workshops and excursions to

expeditions so that I wouldn’t find myself

raise the awareness of young people,

stressed out because of the unknown.



There’s never any depth if you are under

concerning this issue. People come to see

pressure. You have to take your time. I’m

him to hear an account which is truthful,

thinking of those expeditions in the

straightforward and direct, just like him. In

Himalayas lasting several days. Today,

addition to his books and films, Dixie has

everything can be consumed so quickly,

just launched a large-scale exhibition

even adventure. However, we forget the

project called “(Ant)Arctic matters”. This

respect we owe to nature and culture. You

time, he wants to travel all over the world

don’t get the same intensity when it’s





consumed quickly, especially at the poles. It’s not a place for man. We know that it is almost impossible for humans to live there. It’s fairly artificial, and the journey back is difficult… What is the most difficult thing when you’re at the poles? The unknown. The unknown in terms of the time it takes, the success and the human impact. I could list a lot of extreme experiences, but that’s not what matters. I try to show the beauty and the importance of the poles, which are on the brink of being destroyed. For this reason, after having been an adventurer and explorer, here you are embarking on awareness-raising initiatives with “(Ant)Arctic Matters”. Why?

much lobbying going on, which prevents sustainable solutions from being developed. There is also a lack of communication. What role can businesses play in this process? I see things positively. More and more businesses are aware of global warming. However, we need to be vigilant that we don’t slip into this wave of “green thinking” through industrial opportunism. Be that as it may, businesses would be well advised to present themselves as “green industries”, because European standards are due to come into effect soon.

It’s a logical progression. It is my belief that when you have understood something, you want to share it. Through my book and the seminars I give, I have realised one thing: people don’t yet have a proper understanding of the issue of global warming. I therefore wanted to do something different which was more striking. What message do you want to convey through this project? First of all, I want to show something which is beautiful, incredible and unknown through audiovisual works of art. Secondly, these works should move us all. I regret the fact that there is no global body, like NATO or the European Union, to manage major environmental problems. In your opinion, what are the main issues related to global warming we need to talk about? More than anything, there is a kind of uneasiness which I don’t like. Everyone has an opinion based on correct or incorrect information. It’s a fashionable topic today. Tomorrow, we’ll move on to another one, and we’ll forget it, like we did with the destruction of the Amazonian rainforest. I think that the time for talking has passed, and we need to act. In my opinion, the No. 1 problem is population growth, which uses up more and more of the Earth’s resources. In your opinion, what attitude should ordinary people adopt? A change in attitude is certainly needed, but you don’t have to be too extreme. You don’t have to be a monk and abstain from any comfort. I’m not an ayatollah for the environment. Solutions already exist. There are sports cars which emit low levels of CO2. What is lacking is a consensus. There is too

Thrust and Parry A writer: Bill Bryson A book: Siddhartha A composer: the harpist Andreas Vollenweider, and Steve Vai A hero: I have them in so many fields… In athletics, the two-time Belgian triathlon champion Wito De Mulder. In windsurfing, the American Robby Naish. In polar exploration, the Norwegian Borge Ousland. A place where you take refuge: the Belgian Ardennes Something you hate: lack of tolerance The greatest lesson you’ve learned from your expeditions: humility A Belgian expression: “Trop is te veel!” It’s an expression which unites people, in every sense of the term. (Too much is too much)




20 years of Mediterranean cinema in Brussels related to the theme of the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue, some of which will be followed by discussions or personal accounts; • A look at Youssef Chahine, the master of Egyptian cinema, who died recently and was our host 20 years ago. Also, the spotlight will be on “Women’s Looks” on the subject of women in the Mediterranean, and again on “ The Territories of the Gods”, a number of films of fiction and documentaries which are laced with the tensions arising out of the particular relationship between man and “his” God in this region, the melting pot of the three great monotheistic religions.

QUIDAM’S DREAM The new magical extravaganza from the team at the Cirque du Soleil is coming back to Brussels. Nothing better for warming up the month of November!

Quidam - Cirque du Soleil @ Brussels Kart - From 31 October 2008 - Reservations:


Oh tango...Otango


n this European Year of Intercultural Dialogue, the Mediterranean Film Festival is celebrating its 20th anniversary as well as its tenth edition. A fitting coincidence for an event which has always attached great importance to forging links with other cultures, in a sprit of openness and tolerance.

More than ever the tango is a veritable way of life, the essence of a whole people, the soul of Argentina. A marvellous love story in two acts, six scenes and more than sixty original costumes, Otango also traces the fabulous story of this music and legendary dance.

To mark the occasion and to make this anniversary accessible to everyone, the organisers have decided to set the entrance fee at €3 per seat, i.e. the same price as 20 years ago! In parallel with the cinema programme there will, of course, in line with current custom, be music, exhibitions, stories, meetings, debates, craftwork and stalls to cater for all tastes …

Established virtuosos, they carry the voices of Sebastián Holz and Claudia Pannone brilliantly, undoubtedly two of the greatest rising stars of the new Argentinean scene.

The sixty or so chosen films will be spread between the 3 festival theatres (the Orangerie, the Rotonde and the Salle de Cinema) and various sections :

In Belgium from 14 October to 1 December. And in Brussels, at the Cirque Royal, on Tuesday 18 and Wednesday 19 November. Tel. : 02 218.20.15.

• An international competition which will provide an overview of the best current cinema productions competing for help with distribution; • A Panorama which will cover the main trends in Mediterranean cinema today; • A ‘Polars du Sud’ section which will liven up various evenings of intrigue and enigmas, from Rome to the Basque Country, via Marseille; • A ‘MeDoc’ section, a range of documentary films addressing subjects


But going beyond the programme, the “Med” is also a meeting place, a welcoming atmosphere which permeates the whole of the Botanique, the greenhouses at Witloof Bar being rechristened the “Club Mediterranéo” for the occasion. Through its numerous events, the Festival collaborates with the various associations in Brussels. And every evening, the Café Bota and the Serres will vibrate to the rhythms of the music and voices which the Mediterranean has woven over the centuries: flamenco passion, ArabAndalusian sophistication, Balkan excitement ..

From 28 November to 5 December at the Botanique (3 theatres), rue Royale, 236 1210 St-Josse. Advance sales at the Botanique : from 17 November from 10 am to 6 pm. Purchase online via No telephone reservations. Full programme and extracts from films on the site from 5 November :


Things to see and do Take part in the Etoiles en Folies For the 3rd edition of its gala evening, the Make-A-Wish association has renamed its show “Les Etoiles en folie” [the stars gone mad]. It will be held at Forest National on 5 November. Unfortunately Lyane Foly, the patron of the association, will not be able to attend for personal reasons. But it doesn’t change a thing when it comes to the commitment of the Make-A-Wish team. Just some of the many stars on stage will be: I Muvrini, Alain Chamfort, Natasha St Pier, Anggun, Machiavel, Sttellla, Marka, Maureen Dor and Laurence Bibot, as well as the "Joëlle Morane" youth ballet whose corps de ballet includes some of the association’s children.

On 5 November at 8.30 pm. Forest National. Reservations : 0900 69 500 -


Let’s go for Planetattitude as well

interesting ideas for the over-50s. For 5 days, no fewer than 260 exhibitors will meet at Palais 3 and 4 at Brussels Expo. On the programme in particular: conferences, fashion shows, interactive workshops and demonstrations. This 15th edition plays host this year to a 5th: “Work and Society”. It is in this zone that you will find all the answers to topical questions such as: ‘What’s the position with work after 50?’, ‘How can you find an adequate financial balance between working and free time?’ and ‘What regulations are of benefit to the over50s in the sphere of work?’

Plus qu'actifs après 50 ans An active life after 50? No problem! From 18 to 22 November, the Zenith show 2008 will be buzzing with a thousand and one

From 18 to 22 November at Brussels Expo.

It will be the second edition of Planet Attitude which opens its doors at Tour & Taxis for 3 days of discovery about the challenges of sustainable development. Growing awareness on the part of both businesses and people is bringing us more and more economic, ecological and ethical, or in other words, sustainable products each day. Six zones explore these projects, these initiatives and this growing awareness: Consumption – Habitat and energy saving – Moving – Finding out – Solidarity - Environment. 150 exhibitors, conferences, workshops, events and a Slow Food area.

From 21 to 23 November at Tour & Taxis,


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Wind energy A bright future or a dubious prospect ? Today the environment is at the heart of our society’s concerns. Faced with global warming and dwindling oil reserves, the European Union is focusing its attention on renewable energy with the ambitious objective of reaching 20% in 2020. Wind energy seems to be one of the main contenders, but not everyone is enthusiastic. Some critics even call it an ecological hoax!


ccording to Christian KJAER, the director general of the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA), wind energy will make a major contribution to the 20% renewable energy goal. Since it contributes to the fight against global warming, cutting greenhouse gas emissions and reducing our dependence on fuel imports, it has the potential to meet the growing demand for energy by giving an essential boost to local economies. He states that today wind energy is the second most important energy in Europe in terms of job creation and economic activity in the electricity production sector, adding that if the 27 members agree to meet their national goals quickly Europe could see a massive expansion in its wind energy. The figures recently published by the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) also confirm this rapid progress with a 30% increase in power stations in the world in 2007 compared to 2006. Although the United States saw the greatest increase followed by China, Europe remains the main wind energy market. Europe’s production capacity is now at 3.7% of its electricity requirements, and in 2007 there was an 8.5GW increase, i.e. 17% more than the year before, which was mainly attributable to Spain. Wind energy has therefore become one of the main stakeholders on the world energy market with nearly 25 billion euros invested annually in the construction of new equipment. Professor Arthouros ZERVOS, chairman of GWEC, concludes: “The increase in the price of a barrel of oil combined with increasing awareness of the need for security of supply in raw materials means that wind kilowatt hours are often the best option to increase electricity production capacity, from all points of view.”


However, a growing number of associations of opponents and local communities are expressing their worries and exasperation loud and clear as wind energy expands, since the results seem to them to be “at the very least disappointing from both an economic and environmental point of view”. Using studies to support their claims, they have a long list of grievances, fueling a debate which has been widely reported in recent months, particularly in the French-speaking press with a series of cutting articles in le Monde, le Figaro magazine and Science & Vie. Of course wind energy should not be seen as the miracle solution, but rather as one of the indispensable alternatives which can diversify our energy resources. The choice of site must be carefully thought through, because although it is inexhaustible and non-polluting, this renewable energy also has its weaknesses and limits. Its productivity can be intermittent and according to some inadequate, while remaining costly. In fact its current profitability is partly due to subsidies and high sales prices. Wind energy cannot be stored and the generators only work 20 – 25% of the time, either because the wind is too weak or too strong. Heat, nuclear or water power is needed as a back-up. Moreover, its CO2 emission rate should not be estimated during the working period alone but over the entire ‘life cycle’ with a production phase which consumes concrete, steel and major amounts of energy. This paints a rather different picture, but nonetheless a figure of 9 - 25g CO2 per KW/H is still much better than many other energies. Noise pollution and stroboscopic effects are also an irritation to those in the immediate vicinity, and there is a risk to birds, although this can be minimized by avoiding migration routes.

Despite the fact wind energy generally has a good public image, many fear it will be a catastrophic blot on the landscape if it continues to invade sites of natural beauty. The windmills can be as high as 150m and are therefore visible within a radius of up to 10km. There are many impact studies commissioned by windmill constructors but certain protected areas are under threat, suggesting there are loopholes in the rules meant to ban wind plants within a defined radius around listed or protected sites. Although the renewable energy objective is a necessary one, it cannot be attained at the cost of our heritage, which is just as essential for our future, when there are plenty of other equally appropriate sites. This is a complicated debate and is far from over. All those involved agree there is a need to reduce energy consumption using the cheapest, cleanest and most efficient method. But this presupposes the development of appropriate energy saving technology and some serious thinking about our society’s lifestyle with some major sacrifices to boot. Donatienne de SEJOURNET

Info: -

Industrial Wind Energy, an ecological hoax and a financial scandal, The Sustainable Development Federation, March 2007. Industrial Wind Energy, the hidden failure in European statistics, The Sustainable Development Federation, December 2007, pg 9.

10 / S O C I E T Y

Le Monde 15 February 2008, Le Figaro Magazine, 9 February 2008, Science & Vie, March 2008.


GLOBAL WARMING : the human tide With flooding, droughts and rising water levels, global warming will have a direct impact on populations. It could cause major migration flows and generate new conflicts. © Nivi |


very day on TV, scientists, weather

Nations) has been seeing certain birds migrate

this upheaval. Today, we are trying to measure

presenters and ordinary people all

and lay their eggs sooner. Fish migration is

its impacts, to a greater extent than we were

around the world are able to measure

also earlier. The distribution of animal and

ten years ago.

climate change. “We are seeing tangible

plant species has moved towards the poles,

phenomena every day,” comments Fabienne

the number of glacial lakes is rising, and some

Amiach, the weather presenter on France 3.


“There are extreme cases in which people die,

changed. Even more closely related to man,

but closer to home, we are seeing changes in

we are seeing crops being planted earlier in

“The greatest problem we are going to face

the Spring, and a rise in heat-related mortality

will probably be that of water,” comments

in Europe.

Michel Petit, Chairman of the French

attitudes about harvests, grape harvests and crops. The way people look at these events





Water, the blue gold of tomorrow

Meteorological Society and a member of the

has changed. It’s become a real concern.”



IPCC. “We should expect less rainfall in

Recent research into global warming has

(Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change)

Southern Europe, and more flooding in the

already found all kinds of changes. For several

2007 climate change assessment report is a

North. Every country will be affected, to

years, the AEWA (African-Eurasian Waterbird

long one. This report shows the extent to

varying degrees.” Between now and 2050,

Agreement, which comes under the United

which human intervention is responsible for

the frequency of rainfall will increase in some

12 / Day to Day in Brussels






regions, according to the IPCC report, which

areas and large deltas. Developing countries

will increase the risk of flooding. In contrast,

are set to be the first ones hit by these

more and more places will be hit by drought.

migration problems. These areas are more

Overall, the IPCC report predicts that every

Water availability is set to fall by 10 to 30% in

vulnerable because their economies are often

continent will be affected, with the poles,

some dry regions, some of which are already

linked to local agriculture. We are expecting

which act as the barometers of the health of

experiencing water shortages, which would

to see a reduction in agricultural land and in

the Earth, in the front line! The depth of the

disrupt ecosystems. Approximately 20 to 30%

the length of the growing season, especially

glaciers will be further reduced and the native

of the plant and animal species looked at will

in arid areas.” The consequences of these

lifestyle profoundly altered. In Asia, the

probably be at risk of extinction. Agricultural

climate migration flows could lead to other

melting of the Himalayan glaciers is set to

yields will probably fall, which would increase

extremes. According to the United Nations

cause increased flooding and avalanches.

the risk of famine, and the human impacts will

report, “if the problem of climate change is

Furthermore, water resources will be affected.

also be significant.

not brought under control, it is liable to make

Crop yields could rise by 20% in the East and

old tensions worse and trigger new ones in

Climate migrants, a further challenge

South-West, whereas they could fall by 30%

certain parts of the world, which could sink

in Central and Southern Asia. In Australia, the

into violence, conflict and war. In other

IPCC experts’ projections refer to water

words, climate change, including extreme

supplies worsening by 2030. There too,

“I am convinced that the main danger will

meteorological events such as the impacts of

ecosystems will be affected. Just think of the

reside in migratory pressure, which will come

melting ice caps, the desiccation of major

Great Barrier Reef. In Europe, almost every

from the countries worst affected by global

forestry systems and the rise in the number of

region will be affected. The Mediterranean

warming, as a result of the reduction in

climate refugees, risks hampering the capacity

basin will undoubtedly be most vulnerable.


to govern effectively in a number of

Extreme droughts are predicted there. Inland,


we should expect there to be a risk of flash






cultivation. We call them climate refugees.”

Everyone is affected

At present, this phenomenon is still fairly rare. However, it is already a fact in some countries. The inhabitants of the Tuvalu archipelago, in the South Pacific, near to the Fiji Islands, are the first to be under threat. These islands, which are no more than three metres above sea level, are being flooded increasingly often: every month in fact, compared with once a year in the 1980s. Furthermore, they are predicted to disappear within the next 50 years. 11,000 people will have to leave their country due to rising water levels, and find a safe haven. While Tuvalu has become symbolic these days, most of the small islands in the Tropics are also under the same threat. “Such as the Maldives,” continues Professor Walter Hecq of the Centre for Economic and Social Studies on the Environment at the Free University of Brussels. “The water level is fairly high. People are





eventually, they will also have to leave these islands. Just think about Africa too, its coastal



flooding. In Latin America, the Eastern Amazonian rainforest is set to be replaced gradually by savannah, and arid vegetation will replace semi-arid soil. North America alone should experience rather more moderate climate change, albeit only for the first few decades of the century. Nevertheless, experts are anticipating major problems for crops close to hot regions. The mantle of snow is set to decrease, winter flooding to increase and flows in summer to reduce. The worst-affected will be coastal communities. Just remember the damage caused by Cyclone Katrina, which destroyed New Orleans in 2005.

Anticipate and adapt Global warming will affect everyone, some more than others. “Faced with these threats, there are several possible responses,” explains Michel Petit. “The first is to adapt to the global warming already underway. We cannot stop it overnight. We have to anticipate this climate change and ensure that it doesn’t catch us unawares. We need to look at solutions on a case by case basis, region by region.” Indeed, this capacity to adapt, a theory developed by Darwin one and a half centuries ago, has always been man’s strength and resistance. Today more than ever. “In Belgium, the Netherlands and France, extra height has been added to dykes,” comments Professor Walter Hecq. “To cope with rising water levels, people are already protecting themselves against increased flooding.” Consider, for example, the Sigma

Plan, the original blueprint for which dates back to 1977. This was designed in order to improve safety for people against flooding in the sometimes extremely agitated basin of the Maritime Scheldt.

The figures 1700m

2 is



quantity of available water, on which almost 2.3 billion people live. If current consumption continues, this number will reach 3.5 billion by 2025.







freshwater fish are under threat or already extinct.






already overexploited.




development, pollution, by-catches and climate change have seriously exhausted fish stocks and damaged marine habitats, and are threatening to leave many people without any source of dietary protein.

75 000

chemicals have


developed and introduced into the environment in the past 50 years.

14 / Day to Day in Brussels

This general adaptation to climate upheaval must be accompanied by other action. Some measures have already been taken at various levels to try to reduce the human impact of global warming. By ratifying the Kyoto Protocol, some countries have committed to reducing their greenhouse gas emissions, in order to curb global warming. More and more governments, companies and institutions are buying carbon offsets. This method enables them to offset their CO2 emissions by funding energy efficiency and renewable energy projects promoted by NGOs in countries in the Southern Hemisphere. Everyone can do their bit in the fight against global warming, but the economic crisis won’t make things any easier. “Starting now, we have to try to ensure that global warming is as low as it can be and limit CO2 emissions as far as possible,” continues Michel Petit. “If there is no worldwide agreement, then the issue won’t be resolved. It is Europe’s moral duty to show the way. It’s also an investment for the future. Countries which are prepared will be better adapted for international competition.” This will be the greatest challenge of our century.


Let’s preserve our planet on a daily basis: The simple things you can do At home Switch off the lights Leaving lights on unnecessarily in three rooms uses up as much electricity as a fridge! Don’t forget to switch off the TV, computer, washing machine and dishwasher too once you have finished with them. Leaving a TV or VCR on standby can represent as much as 70% of its total electricity consumption.

Fill it up Only operate your washing machine or dishwasher when the machine is really full or, if it isn’t, use the mini load button, which saves around 30% of the volume of water. As a rule, select a short or economy programme, because a 40° cycle uses 3 times less energy than a 90° cycle.

Reuse, recycle Think about taking your electric batteries to be recycled when you go shopping. Also, don’t pour leftover paint or solvents down the toilet or sink. Take them to the waste collection centre instead. Even low quantity emissions of toxic substances can have irreversible effects on ecosystems and present a danger to public health.

Use your heating sensibly Adjust the heating depending on the rooms in your house. Turn the heating up in the bathroom and living room and turn it down in the bedrooms during the night. You won’t feel the difference.

Take a shower instead of having a bath That way you will use between 25 and 100 litres of water rather than approximately 250. Also, don’t forget to turn off the tap when you’re brushing your teeth. Go back to using a good old tumbler. The same thing applies when you’re washing your hands or shaving!

Less water in the toilet bowl Install a twin flush toilet or simply place a bottle filled with sand or a brick in the cistern. By doing this, you will reduce your water consumption by 1 to 2 litres each time the bowl fills, and the result will be the same.

Repair any water leaks as soon as possible A dripping leak can represent 35,000 litres of water a year. Read your bill carefully to pick up on this kind of problem.

16 / Day to Day in Brussels

Defrost your fridge regularly Defrost your fridge regularly before the layer of frost reaches a thickness of 3 mm. That way, you will be saving up to 30% of its electricity consumption.

In the office

Work in natural light Position your workstation so that you make the most of the natural light. Alternatively, ask for energy-saving lightbulbs, which use 4 to 5 times less electricity than traditional incandescent lightbulbs and last 6 times longer on average.

Don’t leave it on standby Don’t leave your computer on standby, and turn the light off when you leave your office.

Recycle paper Send e-mails rather than letters, and avoid printing out all of the e-mails you receive. Reuse badly printed sheets as scrap paper.

In the car Smoothly does it Move off gently to avoid wasting expensive fuel and significant polluting emissions, and drive smoothly. This style of driving represents a saving of more than 40% in terms of petrol consumption and polluting emissions. Stick to the speed limit, which improves road safety and also reduces pollution.

Regular checks Have your car or motorbike checked regularly, particularly the air filter and the exhaust pipe. A well-tuned car means 20% less pollution and a fuel saving of 10%.

L E S P L U S G R A N D E S M A R Q U E S D E P R Ê T- À - P O RT E R M I S E S À M E S U R E P O U R V O U S














M.L.B. La référence depuis 1947

Vêtement de ville, de promenade et de loisir. Costumes, vestons, blazers, pantalons, vestes autrichiennes, smokings, jaquettes, vestes de chasse, jupes, impers, Barbours... Pour hommes et dames. smoking & jaquettes en promotion.












89, avenue de Tervueren 1040 Bruxelles Tél.: 02/734 50 95 Ouvert de 10 à 18h (sauf le dimanche) Parking devant le magasin


Climate agenda

The weather: Gain a better understanding of how it works Learn how they do a weather forecast, see how to present a weather forecast in a real TV studio, find out about the dangers of greenhouse gas emissions, learn how to save energy and all about the new energy solutions available. Oh no, the 5th International Weather Forum isn’t just for the experts! Having said that, panel discussions are being held for the two hundred or so climate specialists and more than eighty “weathermen” attending from all over the world. For three days, they will discuss the planet’s climate situation among themselves, and how to best inform the public. However, this forum is also aimed at “the man on the street”, whatever his age. Of course, the discussions will focus on climate change and its impacts, but this forum will also be an opportunity to gain awareness through interactive games, workshops with researchers, film showings and events focusing on five red-hot themes, i.e. the climate, the weather, the environment, energy and space.

5th International Weather Forum Atomium - Square de l'Atomium, B-1020 Brussels From 3 to 9 November 2008, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. - Entry to Weather Forum events is free of charge. You will need to pay for admission to the Atomium.

18 / Day to Day in Brussels

It’s our Earth!

Surviving extremes

Sustainable development is the major challenge of our century, and something which has become a matter of real urgency. In fact, recent decades have been characterised by a phenomenal acceleration in man’s use of the Earth’s resources.

Man is characterised by his great capacity to adapt, but what about plants and animals? The X-treme exhibition will take you to the most extreme places on our planet. In situations where human beings have to use a thousand tricks and ways to survive, plants and animals have made survival into a real art. These true specialists have been able to adapt to heat, cold, dryness, complete darkness and even lack of oxygen. At X-treme, you will discover who these champions are and how they have adapted to these extreme environments. You will be able to try for yourself what it means to live in these zones: touch the wall of ice, feel the refreshing effect of wind on your skin, find your way in the darkness of the cave like a bat, or scale Mount Everest like the great adventurers.

However, rather than attempting to point the finger of blame, this exhibition wants to show how vital it is to become aware of this situation and its consequences. The route through the 2,500 m2 of Tour and Taxis attempts to reconcile development and the planet’s resources, without glossing over the problems. Notably, “It’s our Earth” highlights the frightening gap between ourselves and the poorest countries, and suggests practical solutions. An exhibition which is scientific, educational and artistic all at the same time.

A fun and educational trip to discover how animals adapt to their environments. It’s our Earth! Site de Tour et Taxis 86, Avenue du Port, 1000 Brussels Until 26 April 2009 Mondays to Fridays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and until 9 p.m. on Wednesdays Weekends and bank holidays from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., and from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. during school holidays For more information and bookings, call 02/549 60 49

X-TREME survivors Belgian Natural Science Museum 29, Rue Vautier -1000 Brussels Until 30 October 2009, Tuesdays to Fridays from 9.30 a.m. to 4.45 p.m., Saturdays and Sundays from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., closed 1 January, 1 May & 25 December. School holidays: Tuesdays to Sundays from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. 02/627 42 38

Les règles internationales du savoir-vivre des hommes d’aujourd’hui. A l’heure actuelle, la communication passe essentiellement par écrans interposés d’ordinateurs, on en oublie souvent les petits détails qui font la différence lors d’un face-à-face entre hommes. A l’étranger, lors d’un entretien, il est important de ne pas oublier que les coutumes sont parfois différentes. Mais il est toujours de rigueur de faire preuve d’assurance. Petit tour d’horizon du savoirvivre dans le monde… Poignée de main, accolade ou embrassade ? Si pour se saluer les hommes se serrent généralement la main, la poignée de main n’est cependant pas donnée de la même façon dans tous les pays du monde. En Amérique, par exemple, elles sont fréquentes et fermes tandis que dans certains pays asiatiques, elles se veulent plus rares et beaucoup moins vigoureuses. N’oubliez donc pas que la fermeté ou la mollesse d’une poignée de main ne refl ète en rien la personnalité de votre interlocuteur, elle est davantage à l’image de toute une culture ! De nos jours, en Chine et au Japon, par respect pour votre culture, on préfèrera vous serrer la main au détriment de l’accolade. Par contre, au Moyen-Orient, les hommes se serrent la main et s’embrassent sur les deux joues. Les Russes, quant à eux, optent pour une étreinte chaleureuse, suivie d’une poignée de main vigoureuse. Si vous vous rendez en Thaïlande, on vous saluera les mains jointes, façon “namasté”. Une peau lisse, la clé du succès ! Dans toutes les cultures, l’apparence et la tenue vestimentaire vont de paire avec la crédibilité. Netteté et élégance sont de mise. Un rasage effi cace se révèle donc essentiel ! Tout homme d’affaires qui se respecte veillera à ne pas se présenter à une réunion le visage mal rasé ou avec une barde de trois jours. La peau irritée ou rougie serait preuve de négligence : résultat d’un rasage manuel fait à la hâte dans les toilettes d’un aéroport. Grâce au rasoir Philips Arcitec, vous éviterez ce genre d’incident, vous profi terez d’un rasage net et précis. Philips Arcitec a intégré un système d’entraînement central exclusif, gage d’une ergonomie révolutionnaire. Ses lignes très élancées et ses trois têtes pivotantes “Triple Track” sont logées au sein d’un col aminci. Grâce à son action “Flex & Pivot”, vous raserez les zones diffi ciles d’accès (courbes du cou) avec autant d’aisance et de précision que les autres endroits du visage. Une heure de charge suffi t à garantir 21 jours d’autonomie.Tout en élégance et en modernité, ce rasoir trouvera incontestablement sa place dans la trousse de toilette de chaque homme d’affaires.

Caractéristiques du produit

À l’heure de la mondialisation, il est important que les hommes gardent en tête les règles du savoir-vivre et qu’ils se sentent bien dans leur peau. Un homme qui a confi ance en lui, ça se voit !

• Têtes de rasoir “Triple Track” : pour un rasage plus rapide et plus précis


• Action “Flex & Pivot” : garantit un rasage aisé et précis du visage, y compris dans des zones difficiles (courbes du cou)

• Système “Super Lift & Cut” : élimine les poils les plus longs et les plus courts, pour un rasage de près, voire de très près, y compris dans le cou. • Tondeuse tubulaire haute précision : pour tailler avec facilité et précision la moustache et les favoris • Autonomie accrue : 1 heure de charge pour 21 jours d’autonomie • Entièrement lavable : se rince en un clin d’oeil

PHILIPS Rasoir électrique RQ1050 Le meilleur rasoir du numéro 1 mondial ! Sa tête unique est conçue pour épouser parfaitement les courbes de votre visage Parfaitement précis, même au niveau du cou.

*Voir conditions de l’offre en magasin, dans le dépliant Philips ou sur


LOUNGE Direct to the Lodge “Dine, drink & more!” – that’s the philosophy of The Lodge, which opened in Boitsfort in August, bringing back to life this location with its full past as the ex-Chalet Robinson, the ex-Brasserie Antoine and even, around 1900, the ex-little-café of the well-known Boitsfortois fishing club. The venue has been restored to its former glory - and more, because The Lodge is multi-faceted. Here we have a brasserie serving French and Italian cuisine, open from lunchtime to evening, alongside a trendy bar that creates a lively atmosphere by screening the football on match nights. Plus there’s a place for private banquets and receptions for between 30 and 40 people. And it’s an extraordinarily spacious venue - the great restaurant extends onto a veranda, with views over the lake (ducks guaranteed!), the downstairs bar is reflected in the lounge bar upstairs, which in turn opens onto a large teak terrace where smokers indulged in the past while enjoying the view over the gardens. Who do we have to thank for this classy Lodge? Two great bon viveurs … Two childhood friends who saw the location, discovered the restaurants, and enjoyed evenings ending up in the small hours! Their dream was to have their own place, and when they were in their thirties, their dream came true – they saw an opportunity to take over the “Ex-it” exrestaurant, and fell in love with it straight away. So The Lodge is the outcome of all their experience as epicureans… For The Lodge is inspired by a desire to purvey the pleasures of good food hand in hand with the pleasures of partying and evenings in an appropriate musical atmosphere in a classy setting. To get down to specifics, lunch (meatballs in rabbit sauce, mussels, kebabs, minute steak, and so on) costs ? 10. The blackboard suggests favourites old and new, such as Italian style tartare, cod steak, rack of lamb, prawn croquettes, red tuna sashimi, stir-fried chicken with crunchy vegetables, grilled scallops… for an affordable budget of between € 25 and 40 a head! Very close to Beaulieu, this is the ideal spot for a light lunch or a lengthy soirée à deux or with friends. The Lodge - Rue des Pêcheries, 2 – 1170 Brussels. Kitchens open from twelve noon to 22.00. Extensions up to midnight. Tel. 02 662 26 66.

Would you like to try out THE LODGE ?

MUSIC Listen to warmth of Cuba


E-mail us on, (subject line: the lodge)

To get into the swing of things, first warm up listening to Marka and the Sonora Cubana, who have just brought out an album full of the joys of Cuban music, successfully interpreted by Brussels singer Marka. Together, they have toured small bars this summer, bringing whole crowds to their feet to dance!

3x2 lunches to be won!


To hear it Go to Dirty Happy Birthday and Dancing ! click on the link www.havanaFirst of all – what’s hidden behind this strange name? Once upon a time there were two friends who needed something – intelligent, different dancing – and came up with an idea: to entertain all Brussels with a global concept – a thousand amps of the standard Top 50 musical standards, plus a mix of artistic trends and a lot of live acts. They arranged with the Mirano, the famous club on the Chaussée de Louvain, to create a buzz once a week with live concerts, DJs, album launches, exhibitions, shows… The atmosphere would be red hot, and all night long the DJs would create strong, brand new effects. They forwarded the details to everyone in their address books, they in turn passed them on… and for five years now crowds have been going wild to the new trends under their Brussels disco lights. And their philosophy for the years to come won’t change: “We’ll do what we’ve always done - listen to the latest musical trends without frontiers or limits. But we won’t let this openness stop us taking a critical look at what’s going on! No way are we going to rush for the latest craze. We don’t want to become part of the system”, explains Lorenzo Serra, artistic director and co-founder of these evenings with DJ Cosy Mozzy. Every Saturday from 22.59 to 04.00 in the morning at the Mirano Continental, Chaussée de Louvain, 38 – 1210 Saint-Josse.

20 / A F T E R W O R K

L’Allemagne est à portée de train ! Thalys propose aux voyageurs, depuis quelques années, d’atteindre la ville d’Aix-la-Chapelle. En ces jours de fêtes, nul doute que la ville, qui regorge de marchés de Noël, attire plusieurs milliers de visiteurs hivernaux. Une ville à découvrir, et pas seulement pour les chants et chalets de Noël…

Que la magie de Noël s’empare de vous!


os yeux pétillent à l’idée de décorer votre sapin de Noël? Les illuminations vous font rêver? La ville d’Aix-la-Chapelle est faite pour vous! La ville offre une ambiance faite de rêve et de strass lors des fêtes de Noël. En effet, du 21 novembre au 23 décembre, de 11 à 21 heures, un marché de Noël prend place aux abords de l’hôtel de ville. L'éclat des bougies, les odeurs et la musique transforment la ville en un lieu féérique. L’occasion rêvée de se laisser tenter à choisir quelques accessoires pour décorer votre intérieur. Car, dans les chalets, dans les ruelles ou sur les places, on peut tout trouver. De l’objet d’art aux snacks, friandises de toutes sortes ou encore les cadeaux les plus originaux pour vos amis. Au tour d’un verre de vin chaud, rien de tel que la dégustation des Printen aixois ou un pain d’épice. Une ambiance romantique et magique, à seulement quelques heures de chez vous!

A déguster

À visiter

Après en avoir pris plein les yeux (et les oreilles !) et avoir choisi quelques décorations de Noël, l’estomac gronde... À Aix-LaChapelle, il y a toujours un chalet qui propose des pains d’épice délicieux et la spécialité de Noël: les Printen. Légèrement chaudes, ces friandises valent le détour!

En cette période de l’avent, l’Hôtel de Ville, qui s’érige en maître de cérémonie est évidemment à admirer. En effet, de nombreux chalets prennent place autour de ce monument. Mais le monument à visiter sans tarder est la cathédrale palatine. Situé dans la ville, le palais, centre du pouvoir carolingien, est un bâtiment touristique très apprécié. Le simple fait de le voir ravit déjà les plus sceptiques. Divers musées de la Ville valent également le détour. Epinglons, entre autres:

Bars Hors des sentiers des marchés de Noël, de nombreux bars permettent aux pieds fatigués de se reposer. Les petits cafés traditionnels se situent en plein centre-ville, dans le Vieil Aix-laChapelle. Le café Léo Van Daele a séduit de nombreux amoureux de la Ville. Lieu incontournable des shoppeurs de Noël, le café propose de nombreuses spécialités locales, citons, entre autres, les Printen et les Fladen. La décoration est traditionnelle et fidèle à ses origines. Une impressionnante collection de moules à Printen y est exposée. A découvrir sans tarder!

• Le musée Couven. Ce musée présente dans ses salles un siècle d’art de vivre d’Aix-laChapelle. donne un aperçu d'un siècle d'art de vivre d'Aixla-Chapelle. • Le musée international de la Presse, unique au monde. Dans ce musée sont contenues les premières éditions, les éditions originales et les éditions finales des journaux les plus importants à un niveau international. • Le musée de l'ordinateur, plus atypique, devrait séduire les génies en herbe.


United Colors of Wine Rouge, blanc, rosé, jaune… A la manière d’un nuancier Pantone, le vin est une belle introduction à la couleur grâce à des milliers de variations chromatiques. Pas seulement, il s’agit aussi d’un joli préambule à un art de vivre qui puise ses racines dans le lien unissant les hommes à la terre. Red Pif, Belgian bulles ou jaja musclé… wizzz pour une sélection qui part dans tous les sens !

1. Vin du monde

perle aux arômes d’agrumes que même le chef

Avec qui ? Quelqu’un à séduire.

Avec « Allez Santé » pour nom, personne ne

Ferran Adria a adopté dans ses Fast Good.

Avec quoi ? Rien d’autre que de la passion.

pourrait croire que cette bouteille cache un vin

Avec qui ? Entre filles, na !

En écoutant quoi ? Les suites pour violon-

portugais. Ça doit être ça la mondialisation :

Avec quoi ? Un plateau de fruits de mer.

celle de Bach même si c’est cliché !

un vin du Douro avec une expression typique-

En écoutant quoi ? « Olala », le dernier

Vino dei Poeti rosé, Bottega, 9,14 euros.

ment bruxelloise pour slogan. L’aventure est

album d’une troisième Victoria, Victoria Abril.

Points de vente : 02/423 71 11.

née de la rencontre entre la fameuse maison

José Pariente,

Niepoort, connue pour ses portos, et Frédéric

Dos Victorias, Rueda, 2007, 10,71 euros.

Janin, dessinateur belge connu pour ses

5. Astro boys… and girls

Points de vente: 014/45 13 03.

Le Beaujolais a mauvaise réputation. Erreur,

dessins. « Allez Santé » est un assemblage produit à partir de plusieurs cépages, Tinta Amarela, Tinta Barroca et Tinta Cao. Le résultat est vin intense, aux arômes de fruits noirs et d’épices, qui reste rond et souple en bouche. Avec qui ? Lors d’un repas en famille. Avec quoi ? Une viande blanche. En écoutant quoi ? Le premier et dernier album des Bowling Balls, le groupe de Frédéric Jannin. Allez Santé, Niepoort, Douro, 2006, 8,60 euros. Points de vente: 03/450 93 11.

2. Girl power

aucune appellation ne mérite qu’on la snobe. La

3. Man Power

preuve avec ce Saint-Amour travaillé de façon

Giné Giné est un vrai concentre de fruits,

biologique… en tenant compte des cycles

trapu et droit comme un «i». Pas de passage

lunaires. Un petit bonheur de gamay avec un

en fûts de chêne pour ce nectar à la fois pur

nez de pêche et une bouche bien charpentée.

et rustique. Le propriétaire, Xavi Buil a à peine

Avec qui ? Tous les gens qu’on aime.

33 ans et a lancé son premier millésime en

Avec quoi ? Une bonne grillade au feu de

1997. C’est dire s’il y a ici de la promesse...

bois… ou de la volaille.

Avec qui ? Entre hommes, bien sûr !

En écoutant quoi ? Un truc planant, genre

Avec quoi ? De la charcuterie espagnole.

l’album que Pink Floyd a réalisé pour Zabriskie

En écoutant quoi ? Un album au hasard de

Point, le film d’Antonioni.

Men at Work.

Saint-Amour, Charles Thomas, 2005,

Giné Giné, Buil i Giné, Priorat, 2006,

9,68 euros. Points de vente: 02/423 71 11.

12,10 euros. Points de vente: 014/45 13 03.

Ce vin élaboré par deux femmes - qui portent toutes deux le prénom de Victoria - est très emblématique




Ensemble, elles ont repris un vin blanc oxydé traditionnel fait par le père de l’une d’elles. Elles l’ont totalement transfiguré dans le sens d’une grande modernité minérale. Une petite

1. 24 / P L E A S U R E


6. Sus aux conventions ! 4. La minute poétique

Gerard et Albert Jané ont relevé un véritable

Ce Vino dei Poeti rosé s’affiche comme un

challenge en décidant de faire des grands vins

prosecco délicat. Robe saumonée et bulles

en Penedès, une région injustement snobée

fines, ce nectar propose une bouche et un nez

par les Espagnols. Ils ont réussi un blanc assez

de framboise.

épicé avec un caractère méditerranéen






affirmé. Assez complexe, ce vin issu du

9. Bois, c’est du belge !

11. Le temps des cerises

cépage macabeu se garde 5 à 6 ans.

Ce n’est pas nous, c’est Eric Boschman – le

Matthieu Dumarcher livre « Séraphin », un

Avec qui ? Des amis qui sortent des sentiers

sommelier star belge – qui le dit : «la Cuvée

Côtes du Rhône grenache et syrah à l’esprit très


Ruffus est probablement le meilleur vin produit

nature. En clair, un vin pas chipoté qui exprime

Avec quoi ? Des plats mettant poivrons ou

en Belgique». Idem pour William Wouters,

le terroir avec franchise. Nez de fruits compotés,

aubergines à l’honneur.

sommelier au Comme Chez soi : «D'une robe

bouche douce avec une belle fraîcheur. Rien

En écoutant quoi ? «Décalé» de Patrick Bruel.

jaune doré aux perles fines et d'un nez fine-

que du bonheur et de l’authenticité.

Finca els Camps,

ment toasté, ce vin 100 % chardonnay,

Avec qui ? Des amis libertaires.

Jané Ventura, Penedès, 2006,

développe des goûts de pommes vertes, de

Avec quoi ? Du saucisson.

15,73 euros.

pain grillé et une fine touche minérale grâce à

En écoutant quoi ? « Never Mind The

Points de vente : 014/45 13 03.

son sol calcaire très rare chez nous. Un excel-

Bollocks » des Sex Pistols.

lent mousseux et une très bonne alternative au champagne classique. D'un très bon rapport

7. Anti-prise de tête Ce Red Pif est emblématique d’un certain courant de la viticulture française qui refuse de faire du vin un objet de culte. L’approche lorgne du côté du vin de soif, facile à boire et festif. Classé en vin table, Red Pif n’en est pas moins un élégant et très bio mélange carig-

qualité/prix». Convaincu ?

Côtes du Rhône, 2007, 11 euros. Quentin : 02/537 85 97.

Avec qui ? Des esprits libres. Avec quoi ? Rien ne doit venir perturber cette jolie bulle. En écoutant quoi ? «The Sound of Silence» de Simon & Garfunkel.

12. Long-courrier Embarquement immédiat pour le Chili. Un voyage pour une découverte étonnante : du viognier – le prestigieux cépage de l’appella-

nan – grenache qui goûte bon le soleil. Le

Cuvée Seigneur Rufus,

tout pour un vin copain plein de fruits rouges.

Vignoble des Agaises, 12, 50 euros.

Avec qui ? Une bande de rigolards.

Séraphin, Matthieu Dumarcher,

Winery : 02/345 47 17.

tion Condrieu- travaillé sur les sols de la vallée Colchagua. Ô surprise, malgré les 14,5%, cela reste frais et léger avec des notes florales. Les

Avec quoi ? Une salade de gésiers aux lar-

puristes buteront sur le bouchon à vis, les

dons ou à l’apéritif.

10. Minéral fatal

autres ne bouderont pas leur plaisir.

En écoutant quoi ? Les chansons sans pré-

La minéralité est devenue une notion clé dans

Avec qui ? Tout seul, on n’est pas obligé de

tention d’Alain Souchon.

la dégustation actuelle. Par là, on entend la

tout partager.

Red Pif, 7,50 euros. Winery : 02/345 47 17.

capacité d’un vin à fournir une fraîcheur qui

Avec quoi ? Secreto fonctionne à merveille

n’a rien à voir avec la température de service.

avec des asperges. Comme ce n’est pas la sai-

Catarina est un vin blanc sec de l’appellation

son, on le dégustera en apéritif.

Terras Do Sado qui s’avère parfait pour une

En écoutant quoi ? «Exit Music (For a Film)»

introduction à ce concept crucial. Mélange de

de Radiohead.

8. Nul sans bulles FRV 100… attention, jeu de mots, calembour. Un vin effervescent super aromatique. Une friandise 100% gamay à se laisser fondre sur la langue. Avec qui ? Des kidultes ou adulscents, ces adultes qui refusent les responsabilités. Avec quoi ? Des fraises Tagada. En écoutant quoi ? L’intégrale de Chantal Goya, de Pandi-Panda à Adieu les jolis foulards. FRV 100, 12,10 euros.

par une belle longueur en bouche. Avec qui ? Quelqu’un de bien.

Secreto, Viu Manent, Colchagua Valley, 2007, 11,70 euros. Oeno TK : 02/534 64 34.

Avec quoi ? Un bar de ligne préparé le plus simplement possible. En écoutant quoi ? « Fresh » de Kool & The Gang, le groupe qui lave plus blanc. Catarina, Terras Do Sado, 2007,

Quentin : 02/537 85 97.


Fernao Pires et de Chardonnay, il se distingue

7,90 euros. Oeno TK : 02/534 64 34.






12. P L E A S U R E / 25


Photo: Oeno TK

Quatre bonnes adresses pour acheter du vin à Bruxelles Mig’s World Wine,

Basin & Marot

Chaussée de Charleroi, 43 - 1060 Bruxelles. Tél.: 02/534 77 03.

Rue du Page, 90a - 1050 Bruxelles. Tél.: 02/347 64 66.

Australien d’origine, Miguel Saelens s’est positionné dans un créneau

Sur rendez-vous.

en plein développement : les vins du monde. En tout, 26 pays y sont

Dans le métier, Jean-François Basin est réputé pour sa bonne humeur.

représentés : Australie bien sûr, mais aussi Nouvelle-Zélande, Chili,

Pas seulement, il est aussi l’homme qui a fait découvrir à la Belgique le

Allemagne, Espagne, Etats-Unis, Maroc, Autriche… Côté évènements

« Clos de l’Oum », une petite merveille du Languedoc, et le « Domaine

sympas, certains samedis sont consacrés à de petites dégustations

de Richeaume » en Côtes-de-Provence. Son truc à lui, c’est la

gratuites favorisant la découverte.

découverte. Inlassablement il arpente les terroirs – surtout les français – pour proposer des nectars introuvables dans la grande distribution. Parmi les autres merveilles de sa gamme, impossible de ne pas parler des vins signés par Dard & Ribo, des vignerons exceptionnels qui donnent toutes leurs lettres de noblesse aux Côtes du Rhône septentrionales.

Winery Place G. Brugmann, 18 - 1050 Bruxelles. Tél.: 02/345 47 17. Winery, situé sur la place Brugmann, se présente comme un magasin de vins dans lequel il est possible de déguster les crus (droit de bouchon : 5 euros). On n’a que des éloges pour la carte des vins qui affiche plus de 250 références finement sélectionnées par Frédéric de Thibaut et son équipe.

Oeno TK Rue Africaine, 29-31 - 1060 Bruxelles. Tél. : 02/534 64 34. Aux manettes de cette adresse, Grégory Castreuil et Laurence Lardot. Ce duo propose une sélection de vins qui part tous azimuts. Le tout pour des bouteilles sans oeillères – on passe sans transition d’un vin de soif du Languedoc à un prestigieux Vega Sicilia espagnol - qui proviennent des quatre coins du monde. Bien vu : une machine à azote permet la conservation de flacons déjà ouverts, pour d’intéressantes dégustations au verre.


Reflections by Dalia T

here are very special moods to be captured in puddles of water! Dalia Nosratabadi photographs towns after rainfall, and a whole new world is mirrored in the water. She has already looked at London, Paris, New York, and Brussels through puddles of rainwater … And now she’s working on water all over the world! Her works are becoming more and more popular, and this autumn, after touring some European galleries, she is stopping at Antwerp for an exhibition somewhere between magic and poetry. None of these photos have been touched up or undergone post-production!

Until 7th November. Leonhards Gallery, 18.00 to 22.00. 45 Leopoldstraat - 2000 Antwerp - +32(0)3 226 2880.

Corsica, a land of chestnuts


eed a break? Corsica in autumn has the mildest temperatures, with unspoilt landscapes highlighted by the constantly changing tints of nature. And now’s the time for a gastronomic rendezvous with the chestnut, which for centuries has been inseparable from Corsican customs and culture. In the past, the hinterland was densely populated, and chestnuts were of vital importance, as they formed the basis of the Corsican diet. You can still see the chestnut growers working in the splendid region of Castagniccia, and wherever you stay in Corsica, you’ll come across chestnuts. For example, pulenta, a traditional dish of dried meat, is served in a chestnut sauce. The pigs wandering in the woods feed on chestnuts,

which also contribute to the renown of Corsican charcuterie, with, for example, prisuttu. In fact, it could be said that the chestnut tree is Corsica’s bread-fruit tree, for chestnut flour was, and still is, used to make traditional breads and original pastries.

Fancy trying it at home? At the on-line shop, you can buy wines, olive oil, charcuterie, chestnut biscuits, jams, honey, eaux de vie, liqueurs and even organic produce on line!

The Flavours of Belgium in Lisbon Ten Belgian head chefs and a Belgian pastry chef will soon be flying into Lisbon. Their mission: to highlight, every day of the week from 10th to 16th November, one starter and one main dish with a Belgian accent, and, last but not least, the dessert! These creations will be added to the menu at the 5-star hotel where they will be working. Around seventy people will be travelling for this event organised by the Fédération Horeca de Bruxelles, the Chambre du Commerce Belgo-Luxembourgeoise, and the Belgian Embassy in Lisbon. Among the party will be three Belgian brewers, accompanying the chefs to meet Portuguese importers and enrich the creations of the head chefs. A gala event will be held to mark the anniversary of the Lisbon Treaty, and will be attended by around 200 guests, including Belgian and Portuguese businessmen. Belgian and Portuguese politicians have also been invited. European relations meet good food!

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And the winner is... Eurostar ! Eurostar, the high speed train linking Belgium and France with Great Britain is always in the lead. In the third quarter of 2008, it recorded a rise in both passenger traffic and turnover. Its trains carried 2.37 million passengers, up 6.4% for the period. This rise was in spite of the incident that forced Eurotunnel to close the Channel Tunnel 11th and 12th September and reduced its service for the rest of the month. In addition, the turnover increased by 2.4% over the period, reaching ÂŁ152.3 million. The reliability of high speed rail travel is still far superior to that of air travel. According to the latest comparative figures, between January and July 2008 92.6% of Eurostar trains arrived on time, in contrast with 64.8% of flights on the BrusselsLondon and Paris London routes.


MMMMH! Un tout grand livre de petites recettes Mmmmh ! c’est le rendez-vous de la cuisine dans tous les sens : cours «sukothai», cucina italiana, avant-garde, sushis, terroirs, cuisine d’aujourd’hui, fusion food, brunchs, cuisine moléculaire, macarons, financiers, Caraïbes, Méditerranée...

la « cuisine moléculaire », avec le plaisir pour seul guide. Des recettes vagabondes, interprétées dans un décor et une mise en scène d’aujourd’hui, ludique, vivante, créative. Petites cocottes, cuillères, verrines et syphons, ils vous la jouent bon et beau à la fois!

Les chefs sont de véritables passionnés globetrotteurs (on compte plus de 15 nationalités dans l’équipe) du goût, avec une seule envie : partager leur savoir-faire avec le plus grand nombre.

Aux commandes de cet instrument des merveilles culinaires : « Touta » Bootawong, le thaï qui nage comme une carpe koï avec un égal bonheur dans toutes les cuisines d’Asie; Fred Marchant, le gardien du temple des terroirs de France et de Belgique, Sergio Moschini, grand ordonnateur de la molécule, docteur ès Syphons et alginate et Carlo de Pascale, l’italien aussi heureuxque dans la chanson, si tant est qu’on lui laisse tourner le risotto.

Mmmmh! s’adresse à tous et a un seul un mot d’ordre : les recettes doivent être reproductibles! Et un jour, Mmmmh rencontra Marabout. C'était parti pour une aventure « livre de recettes » à pas piquer des clius de girofle... Voici donc « Abracadabra! les must pour briller en cuisine! ». Pour ce livre, 4 chefs Mmmmh! ont lâché l’oral pour l’écrit pour faire vivre une aventure culinaire de l’Asie à l’Italie en passant par la France des terroirs... et

Un livre qui fait plaisir à avoir comme à offrir, un livre qui fait sourire, s'exclamer, qui met de bonne humeur et qui donne l'envie de filer des heures dans la cuisine, c'est un tout bon plan non !

« Abracadabra ». 100 recettes pour faire comme un chef. Recettes de Mmmmh (Photographies de grégoire Kalt. 19,90 €.

JAMAIS PLUS SANS MON VERRE Où est mon verre ?, Mais où ai-je posé mon verre ? Hé, c'est mon verre ! Retrouver son verre lors d'un cocktail, d'un walking dinner ou même d'un apéro autour d'une table basse tient de la mission impossible, tout le monde le sait. La marque Pulltex est désormais notre amie pour la vie grâce à ces marque-verres aussi discrets et jolis que pratiques ! Pulltex marque-verres. 9,90?. On les trouve chez Girbal, le soin du vin, rue Van Artevelde, 127/133 - 1000 Bruxelles. Tél. : 02 511 45 60.

UNE RECETTE MIAM PAR MMMMH... Croquembouche : « Bocconcini de veau à la sauge en marcel de pancetta » Ingrédients pour 4 personnes 300 g d'escalopes de veau ultrafines; 100 g de pancetta en tranches, 1 bouquet de sauge, 30 g de beurre, vin blanc sec, huile d'olive vierge extra. Progression 1. Découper les escalopes de veau en rectangles de 5x3 cm. Rouler les tranches de veau afin de former des cylindres et les enrouler ensuite dans les tranches de pancetta en placant une feuille de sauge entre la pancetta et la viande. Utiliser un cure-dents si nécessaire pour sceller chaque bocconcino. 2. Faire revenir les bocconcini de veau à la poêle dans un voile d'huile d'olive, d'abord à feu vif pour rendre la pancetta croustillante.

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3. Déglacer d'un trait de vin blanc, puis poursuivre la cuisson à feu doux. Réserver les bocconcini au chaud. 4. Ajouter le beure dans la poêle hors du feu. Mélanger avec le fond de cuisson, passer au chinois et servir les bocconcini légèrement nappés de sauce. Conseil de service Avec une salade de jeunes pousses et pourquoi pas une purée de pommes de terre au parmesan. Le must. Une goutte d'huile de truffes au moment de servir. En résumé. - Temps de préparation: 25 minutes; - temps de cuisson : 15 minutes. - Pour 10 bocconchini.

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