T he S tudy D arcy L indner //
a 1708385
L ight
Content Table S ta g e O n e :
1 - 11
S i t e P l a n
pg 1
North Elevation/
pg. 2
South Elevation E a s t E l e v a t i o n
pg. 3
3D Model Views
pg. 4
M o d e l S h a d o w s
Site Access Map
pg. 6
S i t e C u l t u r e
pg. 7
A m b i e n t L i g h t
pg. 8
Photographs L i g h t S t u d y : Luminosity
pg. 9-10
The Site
s i t e p l a n
pg 1
s o u t h e l e vat i o n
n o r t h e l e vat i o n
1:500 pg 2
The Site
e a s t e l e vat i o n
pg 3
3 D V I E W S N . T. S
pg 4
S i t e A n a ly s i s
pg 5
S i t e A cc e ss M a p
Site Access via Foot
Ve h i c l e A c c e s s
via Frome Road
Access into surrounding buildings
s i t e p l a n
1:1000 pg 6
C u lt r u a l E x p e r i e n c e The University of Adelaide is filled with students from all over Austra-
lia and all corners of the world, it embraces great diversity of cultures. The Braggs Lawn site and surrounding buildings is not only a place for learning to take occur but also for the coming together of social activities.
This site is a very popular space for doing study outside on the lawns
and benches during the nicer months in Adelaide. Not only is it a communal place for study but also for events such as O-Week, BBQ’s and
other fundraisers. In a sense, the culture of the site demonstrates the sense of ‘luminosity’ by bringing everyone together from all cultures and creating a positive and creative atmosphere.
pg 7
Ambient Light Photographs
At night time, the ambient
Throughout the day sun-
Certain buildings have ar-
man made lights installed
of light which creates am-
or objects connected to
lighting comes from the
inside the building. The
fluorescence of the light
radiates through the glass panels and reflects to the
outside, creating this illumination surrounding the building.
light is the main source
bient lighting within the
site. When the sun is directly above the Bragg’s
Lawn there are many shiny and light coloured surfaces in which the sunlight
reflects off of which creates a bright, lively and inviting place to be. pg 8
eas extruding out of them
them, which when the sun shines on the buildings,
creates a positive and negative lighting experience
between shaded areas and areas in full sunlight.
LUMINOSITY L u m i n o s i t y, t h e l u m i n o u s q u a l i t y o f l i g h t . D e f i n e d b y t h e r a d i a t i o n q u a l i t y o f n a t u r a l o r m a n m a d e l i g h t . ( D i c t i o n a r y. C o m , 2 0 1 7 ) L u m i n o s i t y i s t h e way the light beams into the atmosphere and how it reflects off different surfaces and objects to enhance the ‘glow’. The luminosity of light is a very powerful tool in creating a particular mood or atmosphere. Luminosity can be considered as the presence and vision of light. This correlates to values that go deeper than just the physical illumination of light. The radiation of light can signify a positive idea such as enlightenment and awakening. Having a bright, luminous light connected to the idea amplifies the deeper meaning of ‘awakening’ and ‘enlightenment’ suggesting ideas of success, happiness, awareness and knowledge. When something is ‘luminous’ it is usually associated with a positive idea or act, such as reaching set goals all the way to people coming t o g e t h e r a s a c o m m u n i t y. T h e s e a r e n o t p h y s i c a l l y ‘ l u m i n o u s ’ h o w e v e r t h e s e a c t s c r e a t e a n d e c h o t h a t q u a l i t y. In architecture light plays a very important role, without light there is no space or vision. The article Fluid Luminosity: The Architectural Lighting of Zaha Hadid talks about how influential luminosity lighting is and it is becoming an essential element throughout her work. (Schielke 2017) The importance’s of luminous light has not always been recognised. Zaha Hadid, over time, increasingly used this technique to further enhance fluidity between architecture and light. By involving this element of luminosity into designs, it allows the building designs to adopt a mood and create an atmosphere that is inviting and creates c u r i o s i t y.
pg 9
Zaha Hadid’s early designs started with lines and sharp corners, enhancing her buildings with windows and luminaires, often in strips. This is the first point in which lighting played a major role in her architecture. One of her first buildings to demonstrate this was the Vitra Fire Station which shows how she plays with non-parallel lines and then accentuates certain areas, such as where the ground and wall or wall and ceiling meet, with luminous lighting. (Schielke 2017) This intensifies the linear aspect of the design whilst also defusing the harshness of the sharp lines, complimenting and creating the right balance between harsh and soft. Moving through the career of Zaha Hadid, she started to look at and use l i g h t i n a d i f f e r e n t w a y. S h e m o v e d f r o m t h e i d e a o f s h a r p l i n e a n d s t r i p lighting, to then creating designs that have fluidity between the inside and out. The design of the Phaeno Science Centre was the first point in which Hadid really pushed the realms of lighting. (Schielke 2017) The building structure is elevated with large vertical voids creating a relationship between the outside daylight and the shade of the inside. Creating this contrast between the daylight from out side and the shaded area inside, really intensifies the darkness created from the elevated building. T h e t r a n s i t i o n f r o m s h a r p e d g e s t o c u r v e d a n d t h e u s e o f f l u i d l u m i n o s i t y, really creates a coherent form throughout Hadid’s designs. Another technique Hadid used to create this fluid luminosity was incorporating material that had a shiny surface such as glass. (Schielke 2017) This allows for the light to reflect off the surface and also emphasises the idea of coherent design as the reflective surface mimics the surroundings of the building, making it look like it fits well into the landscape. “Dictionary.Com - The World’s Favorite Online Dictionary!”. 2017. Dictionary.Com. http://www.dictionary.com. Schielke, Thomas. 2017. “Fluid Luminosity: The Architectural Lighting Of Zaha Hadid”. Archdaily. http://www.archdaily.com/868157/fluid-luminosity-the-architectural-lighting-of-zaha-hadid.
pg 10