UVA Darden Investors Report

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Mission & Values

Darden aspires to be unparalleled in all it does, and generous donors play the pivotal role of unleashing the School’s power to inspire purpose-driven leaders. You unlock the full potential of the Darden mission. In 2019, the School updated its mission to reflect our shared ambition and to make a bold statement that, together, we can and will offer an experience unparalleled in business education. 1


The Darden School improves the world by inspiring responsible leaders through unparalleled transformational learning experiences. VA L U E S A N D P R I N C I P L E S

Innovative and rigorous education that develops discerning judgment and the ability to act decisively

Insightful research that advances knowledge and impacts practice

Inclusive community, united by honor, that enables its global and diverse members to collaborate and excel

Enduring relationships that support individual and organizational growth

Table of Contents

The 2019 University of Virginia Darden School of Business Investors Report

03 Letter From the Dean 04 Letter From the Chair 06 Financials 08 Powered by Purpose 10 Fundraising Highlights 28 Honor Roll


58 School Leadership and Alumni Volunteers








Annual Fund

14 Professorships

18 Scholarships

22 UVA Darden DC Metro

25 Areas of Designation

14 New Faculty

18 Class Profile

23 Inn and Conference Center

26 Results

15 Research Initiatives

19 Curricular Innovation

23 Arboretum

27 GivingToHoosDay

15 Rankings

19 Global Courses

23 C. Ray Smith Alumni Hall

Letter From the Dean

An Unparalleled Experience AT ITS CORE, Darden is a deeply human institution.

It’s about faculty, whose spontaneous yet deliberate classroom experiences promote deep learning and engagement and inspire tomorrow’s leaders. It’s about students, who thrive in a culture of mutual respect and positive intent and learn right away that collaboration is a competitive advantage. It’s about Darden graduates, whose meaningful work around the globe channels their purpose transforming business and society. And it’s about the energetic flywheel of this community built on trust and honor. A community that serves the world and its organizations by driving the discovery of new ideas and generous giving through service. It’s this combination of people — gathered at this extraordinary place, the University of Virginia, now entering its third century — that makes the Darden experience unparalleled. Unmatched by any other school in the world. Our momentum is exhilarating. Unparalleled: The 2019 Investors Report tells the story of the best fundraising year in Darden history — made possible through investments by you, Darden’s incredibly generous donors — and progress advancing the School’s mission. The fiscal year ending 30 June 2019 brought: More than $100 million in new commitments The largest single gift in Darden history: $68 million from Frank M. Sands Sr. (MBA ’63) 17 new scholarships and 17 new professorships

“Our momentum is exhilarating. Unparalleled: The 2019 Investors Report tells the story of the best fundraising year in Darden history — made possi­ble through investments by you, Darden’s incredibly generous donors — and progress toward fulfilling the School’s mission.”

The year also brought purpose, passion and the determination to inspire the Darden community to participate in the Powered by Purpose campaign, whether through time, talent or treasure. To respect Darden’s past and to honor and secure its future, we publicly launched in October 2019 this unprecedented $400 million campaign in support of UVA’s $5 billion Honor the Future campaign. Together, we can show the world that Darden values create value and that purpose drives progress. Together, we will ensure that the Darden experience remains unparalleled for decades to come. With gratitude,

Scott C. Beardsley Dean and Charles C. Abbott Professor of Business Administration


Letter From the Chair

Unparalleled Leadership “The unprecedented fundraising results of the 2019 fiscal year tell me that Darden graduates realize that their investment in this incredible edu­cation experience pays dividends — both personal and professional — and deserves to be paid for­ward for future generations.”


F OR MA N Y YEA RS, I came back to Darden as an alumnus to participate in Professor John Colley’s class “General Managers Taking Action.” At the end of his class, students would often ask, “What would you like to have known when you were here at Darden that you now know?” Over time, I realized that there is no easy answer to that question because life is a journey, and learning is meant to be lifelong. However, what I have learned, now just a few months into the role as chair of the Darden School Foundation Board of Trustees, is that Darden general managers do take action. The unprecedented fundraising results of the 2019 fiscal year tell me that Darden graduates realize that their investment in this incredible education experience pays dividends — both personal and professional — and deserves to be paid forward for future generations. As I settle into my role as chair of the Darden School Foundation, which exists to support the

Darden School and its academic mission, I am incredibly impressed by the School’s leadership, our board members and alumni volunteer leaders who, working with the full alumni base, collectively and energetically drive progress for the School. Underpinning our Powered by Purpose campaign is an ambitious strategy for Darden that is setting a quick pace for innovation in multiple areas, from the opening of UVA Darden DC Metro at the Sands Family Grounds to the introduction of new degree programs and the refresh of existing ones. And the world is noticing, as Darden landed this year two Top 10 global rankings for its fulltime MBA and numerous accolades for the quality of its teaching and faculty. I am grateful to all of the donors listed in this book who took action and to the donors and general managers who will do so next year. Thank you for your leadership as we power Darden’s purpose. Sincerely,

Bob Hugin (MBA ’85) Chair, Darden School Foundation Board of Trustees

Unparalleled Moments


Top row: Virginia men’s basketball coach Tony Bennett cuts down the net; First Year students compete in a classic challenge; Professor Bob Landel retired after 50 years at Darden. Middle row: Professor Ed Freeman works with youth in Washington, D.C.; the Darden School at sunset; an archived picture of Professor Sherwood Frey in the classroom. Bottom row: First Years show off their section spirit; Reddit Founder Alexis Ohanian speaks at Darden; Darden Worldwide courses covered the globe, including India.


In fiscal year 2019, Darden’s financial results show a $1 million, or 1 percent, operating surplus. This amount was achieved through a combination of revenue generation and cost management. It will be used to make future investments to strengthen Darden’s place in the business school landscape and fulfill the School’s mission. SOURCES OF FUNDS 4%








20% 8%



Tuition and Fees: Full-time MBA, Executive MBA, MSBA and Ph.D. programs R estricted Endowment Draws and Current-Use Gifts: Endowment and current-use restricted gifts from alumni, corporations, foundations and friends E xecutive Education and Hospitality: Non-degree offerings, the Inn at Darden and Darden’s dining facilities A uxiliary Businesses and Other: Darden Business Publishing, Darden Course Materials Management, Darden Solutions, massive open online courses and conferences Darden Annual Fund


46% 2%


19% 12%


6% 7%



$138M 19%

7% 46%


5% 3% 2%

tudent Experience: Faculty, degree programs, scholarships, career services, S admissions, student affairs, technology, financial aid and the registrar E xecutive Education and Hospitality: Non-degree offerings, the Inn at Darden and Darden’s dining facilities R esearch: Centers of Excellence (Batten Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Center for Global Initiatives, Institute for Business in Society, Olsson Center for Applied Ethics and Richard A. Mayo Center for Asset Management) and general faculty research support B uilding and Grounds: Utilities and maintenance related to the Darden Grounds E xternal Relations: Outreach and partnerships with Darden’s global alumni network, donors, media, corporations and other important stakeholders that advance the mission of the Darden School University Assessment: Funds provided by Darden to the University of Virginia to support University-wide overhead costs Administration: The dean’s office, finance, human resources and compliance Auxiliary Businesses and Other: Darden Business Publishing, Darden Course Materials Management, Darden Solutions, massive open online courses, University funding and conferences



34% 33%

20% 13%

S cholarship endowments provide financial aid for students in Darden’s degree programs. C enters of Excellence endowments support the Batten Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Center for Global Initiatives, Institute for Business in Society, Olsson Center for Applied Ethics and Richard A. Mayo Center for Asset Management. E ndowed Professorships provide direct faculty support to the School. O ther endowments include those for other purposes, including unrestricted funds to support the dean’s highest priorities, faculty excellence and the Armstrong Center for Alumni Career Services.

13% 34% 20%


$550M 33%

“As UVA enters its third century, we have a vital responsibility to provide excellent stewardship of University and foundation financial resources.” — R obert Durden, CEO and Chief Investment Officer University of Virginia Investment Management Co. (UVIMCO) UVIMCO provides investment management services to the University of Virginia and its associated organizations, including the Darden School Foundation. Together, the University and its associated organizations determine how best to use unrestricted contributions to support the student and faculty experience.


Powered by Purpose

An Unparalleled Campaign




From left to right: Lynch, Cooper, Goodwin, Coogan

In addition to an unparalleled year of giving, the impending launch of Darden’s Powered by Purpose campaign — a $400 million initiative in support of the University of Virginia’s Honor the Future campaign — drove momentum in support of the Darden community’s vision for the School.

ON T H E C U SP of the campaign’s launch, Darden defined the pathways for alumni and donors to power future generations of purpose-driven leaders, outlining the key campaign priorities:

Faculty, thought leadership and curricular innovation Scholarships, financial aid and student experience Darden Grounds Master Plan, technology and innovation Darden Annual Fund

To drive engagement and support of these priorities, Darden assembled an incredible team of ambassadors, announcing in April Jim Cooper (MBA ’84) as chair of the campaign, and Bill Coogan (MBA ’82), Kirsti Goodwin (MBA ’02) and Liz Lynch (MBA ’84) as vice chairs. These leaders bring to the campaign experience from the Darden School Foundation Board of Trustees, philanthropic support across areas of the School that aligns with the campaign priorities, and a dedication to both the future of Darden and the preservation of the elements that make it special.


An Unparalleled Gift Darden announced the largest gift in its 64-year history as Frank M. Sands Sr. (MBA ’63) committed $68 million to move the School forward across several key areas. Combined with University of Virginia matching funds, Sands’ gift delivers $82 million in total impact and creates momentum for both success within the campaign and transforming Darden through philanthropy. At a celebratory announcement event on Darden Grounds in Charlottesville, UVA President Jim Ryan, Dean Scott C. Beardsley and members of the Darden School Foundation Board of Trustees gathered with Sands. Discussing his gift, Sands identified himself as an embodiment of the American dream; an intensely curious person; a man who honors his late wife, an educator, a lifelong learner; and the beneficiary of a 58year relationship with Darden, for which he is grateful. “I’m the fortunate one here, and I thank you very much,” Sands said at the event.



•A $20 million endowment for the Sands Institute for Lifelong Learning will determine best practices for teaching lifelong learners and working executives in both degree and non-degree programs, whether face-to-face in the classroom, online or through novel delivery methods. A resource for the UVA community and beyond, the Sands Institute will empower the School’s faculty to redesign and innovate courses, curricula and programs — designed to meet leaders at all stages of their careers. • T he $35 million Sands Professorship Fund, which comprises a $21 million donation from Sands plus $14 million in matching funds from UVA’s Bicentennial Professors Fund, will support 12 new faculty chairs that will enable Darden to recruit and develop top faculty and spur innovation in new degree and non-degree programs. This includes four distinguished professorship chairs named in honor of Professors Bob Bruner, John Forbes, Bob Landel and Yiorgos Allayannis. •A $20 million fund for the construction of a new inn and conference center for lifelong learning in Charlottesville will jump-start the estimated $90 million project, which the School announced in April. Upon completion and pending UVA Board of Visitors approval, the inn will be named the Frank M. Sands Sr. (MBA ’63) UVA Inn at Darden and Conference Center for Lifelong Learning.

With Darden Dean Scott C. Beardsley, left, and UVA President Jim Ryan, right, at his side, Frank M. Sands Sr. (MBA ’63), center, said during an event celebrating his incredible generosity that his gift honored his late wife, Marjorie, an educator and lifelong learner.

•A $7 million gift earmarked as a matching gift will enable the renovation of C. Ray Smith Alumni Hall, which is adjacent to today’s Inn at Darden and named in honor of Dean Emeritus C. Ray Smith (MBA ’58), who mentored Sands.


Fundraising Highlights




The 2019 fiscal year marked the third year in a row that Darden donors delivered record-breaking fundraising results, highlighting the positive trajectory and momentum toward achieving the School’s philanthropic priorities. With $102.9 million in new commitments and $20.1 million in matching funds from UVA’s Bicentennial Scholars Fund and Bicentennial Professors Fund, the total impact of philanthropy to the School for the fiscal year that ended 30 June is $123 million. The extraordinary results were led by a transformational gift from Frank M. Sands Sr. (MBA ’63) announced in May 2019. Read more about Sands Sr.’s transformational generosity on Page 9.


BEST F UNDRAISIN G YEAR EVER Record Planned Giving DARDEN SET A NE W BAR in the area of planned gifts. Donors made 20 new planned gifts totaling $10.7 million — the most planned gifts documented and dollars raised in the history of the School. This sets the stage for planned giving to be an important contributor to success in the Powered by Purpose campaign through additional support from areas such as estate plans, complex assets and real property.

Tahijas Support Natural Space for Collaboration, Reflection A generous gift of $5 million from George Tahija (MBA ’86) and his wife, Laurel, will bring to fruition Darden’s vision for an inspiring arboretum. The arboretum serves as the keystone of a planned five-acre green space designed to create outdoor collaboration and study areas for the Darden community. The presence of carefully selected trees will elevate the educational experience for students, faculty and the entire community by promoting wellness and offering contemplative spaces for mindfulness.


Bicentennial Fund Matches GI FT S TO DA RDE N generated an additional $20.1 million from UVA’s matching funds. The UVA Bicentennial Professors Fund has created immense opportunities for donors to maximize their support of Darden faculty. Professorships supported by the Bicentennial Professors Fund include:

Frank M. Sands Sr. (MBA ’63) Professorship (supports eight professorships) John D. Forbes Distinguished Professorship Robert D. Landel Distinguished Professorship Robert F. Bruner Distinguished Professorship Yiorgos Allayannis Distinguished Professorship Coogan Family Distinguished Professorship Donald and Lauren Morel Professorship Altec/Styslinger Foundation Bicentennial Professorship Bodily Bicentennial Professorship in Analytics Jung Family Professorship Lynch Family Professorship Peter M. Grant II Bicentennial Professorship Shannon G. Smith Bicentennial Professorship The Bicentennial Scholars Fund also powered new scholarships for talented students from all walks of life. These scholarships — made possible through philanthropy — exponentially broaden the scope of student support. Coogan Family Bicentennial Scholarship Stephen E. Bachand Scholarship Class of 1989 Scholarship Class of 1994 Michael D. Traina Scholarship Professor Derek A. Newton Scholarship A. Hazen and Sarah M. Burnet Military Scholarship Class of 1986 Peter J. Niehaus Memorial Bicentennial Scholarship Darren A. Fultz Bicentennial Scholarship Banyard Family Scholarship Catherine J. Friedman and Duane Family Bicentennial Scholarship Hicks Family Scholarship L. Paul Nelson II and Family Scholarship T. Scott Coleman and Yasmine Zyne Coleman Scholarship


Coogan Gift Powers Faculty and Students BILL COOGAN (MBA ’82) ,

vice chair of the Powered by Purpose campaign, took advantage of both UVA bicentennial funds to create the Coogan Family Distinguished Professorship Fund and the Coogan Family Bicentennial Scholars Fund. The funds were created through $4 million in philanthropic support from Coogan, plus an additional $2.5 million matched from the Bicentennial Professors Fund and Bicentennial Scholars Fund.


The More Things Change


Far left: Professor Leslie Grayson was among many founding faculty members who created Darden’s tradition of teaching excellence. Left: Darden Professor Tami Kim is among a wave of new faculty members leading the next generation of teachers at the School.


The More Things Stay the Same

The Darden faculty is changing: a wave of retirements, 32 new professors hired in five years, new programs and research institutes to support. Yet the more things change, the more they stay the same: New star professors join with faculty legends to enable the Darden School to continue its incredible tradition of teaching excellence and advancing thought leadership. Darden was built on the shoulders of its faculty, and that isn’t changing anytime soon.


The Power of New Professorships


To expand the faculty to meet new program demands, Darden must endow new permanent faculty chairs to sustain and improve its greatest competitive advantage — our transformational learning experience. The School stated its case, and Darden’s supporters answered the bell. In the 2019 fiscal year, generous donors powered the creation of 17 new professorships, which will enable the School to retain the greatest difference-makers on Grounds today and recruit established and emerging scholars from around the world to join Darden’s ranks.

The Passion of New Faculty Members

• Michael Albert (Quantitative Analysis) — With a Ph.D. plus postdoctoral and research experience at Duke, Albert is an expert in using data and algorithms to automate the design of markets.


• Shane Dikolli (Accounting) — A ninetime teacher of the year award winner at Duke’s Fuqua School of Business, Dikolli arrived on Grounds as a teaching legend.

to thrive as a member of the Darden faculty. Here, professors want to teach the most talented, driven students. They want to tap into the resources of a growing research infrastructure, from labs and postdocs to Darden Centers of Excellence. They want direct connections to business practice to improve it for society’s benefit. Meet the professors who joined Darden in fiscal year 2019 and made an incredible impact in their first year at the School.

• Kinda Hachem (Global Economies and Markets) — The former economics professor at Chicago Booth School of Business has won awards for policy-relevant scholarship. • Anton Korinek (Global Economics and Markets) — Joining Darden from the economics department at Johns Hopkins, Korinek’s research reveals uncomfortable

truths about how technology will impact the future of work. • Sean Martin (Leadership and Organizational Behavior) — An expert on topics including leadership and ethical decision-making, Martin taught everyone from undergrads to executives at Boston College’s Carroll School of Management. • Roshni Raveendhran (Leadership and Organizational Behavior) — With a Ph.D. from the University of Southern California, Raveendhran is unearthing new revelations about the psychology of technology. • Sasa Zorc (Quantitative Analysis) — A leader in decision analysis, the former professional poker player with a Ph.D. from INSEAD is advancing knowledge on game theory, behavioral economics and search theory.


Left: Professor Sean Martin joined the Darden faculty in fiscal year 2019. Below: Professor Luca Cian was named one of Poets & Quants’ Best 40 Under 40 Professors in 2019.

The Potential of New Research Initiatives DARDEN WILL SETTLE for nothing short of defining the modern leader and redefining the future of leadership education. The School’s determination to advance responsible leadership connected with the philanthropic passion of donors this year to establish the foundation for two new leadership-focused research Centers of Excellence:

Through a $20 million endowment from

Frank M. Sands Sr. (MBA ’63), the Sands Institute for Lifelong Learning will determine best practices for teaching lifelong learners and working executives in both degree and non-degree programs. It will empower the Darden faculty to redesign and innovate learning courses, curricula and programs.

Powered by startup funding provided through

generous philanthropy from Shannon Smith (MBA ’90) and the Rainbow Foundation, the Initiative for Transformational Leadership and Learning — under the leadership of Professors Jim Detert and Bobby Parmar — is working to develop and implement a scientifically verified curriculum and learning laboratory devoted to leading-edge leadership development.


Darden’s faculty isn’t the best in business education because we say so. Or because rankings say so. But if you’re wondering what the rankings say: No. 1 for Best Professors The Princeton Review, 2017–19

Most Inspiring Professors Bloomberg Businessweek, 2018

Best MBA Faculty Poets & Quants, 2019

“The reality of true human development of the type we are talking — social, emotional, interpersonal development — is it is very personalized. Philanthropy allows us to have the resources required for individual development. However, our goal is not just to create these kinds of transformational experiences here at Darden, but also to be seen as thought leaders around the world for this kind of work.” —H enry E. McWane Professor of Business Administration Jim Detert


Students and Scholarships

Finding Purpose 16


Chinaecherem Omenyinma (MBA ’18) benefited from a scholarship during his time at Darden and is now working at Videojet, a Danaher company.


Putting It to

Some students arrive at Darden’s front steps with their purpose known — needing only the tools, network and mindset as keys to unlock a lifetime of meaningful work. Many more arrive seeking their “why,” and Darden’s transformational learning serves as a guide they use to discover their path to purpose and professional reward. For those driven by purpose or searching for it, Darden is the means to go from anywhere to anywhere.


Students and Scholarships

Scholarship (noun) 1. a grant-in-aid to a student (as by a college or foundation) 2. a maker of dreams, ensuring talented students from all walks of life, from anywhere, can achieve their full potential as responsible leaders who improve the world

Class (noun) 1. a set or category of things having some property or attribute in common and differentiated from others by kind, type, or quality 2. a record-setting collection of students set to join the dynamic Darden alumni network in 2021, powered toward purpose by the world’s best education experience



336 40

“Being a recipient of this scholarship has helped me take full advantage of the Darden experience. It is astounding how much I have grown as an individual and leader. I have found my worldview expanded both in and outside the classroom in just a brief time. I know that I would not be able to experience this without being a scholarship recipient.” — J acqui Snell (MBA ’19), recipient of the Innovation in Education Reform Scholarship. Snell now works at Google in San Francisco after serving on the Graduate Women in Business club, working with the Girls Education Initiative of Ghana, and taking a Darden Worldwide Course in Uganda focused on education and health care innovation while at Darden.

students percent women, the highest percentage of women in Darden history


percent international citizens, representing 38 countries


percent identify as domestic racial or ethnic minorities


average GMAT and 3.5 average GPA


Forté Fellows and 33 Consortium Fellows



students, a new record and the fifth consecutive year of enrollment growth

27 24

percent women percent identify as domestic racial or ethnic minorities


industries in which students currently work


cohort based primarily at UVA Darden DC Metro


Analytics (noun) 1. the information resulting from the systematic analysis of data or statistics 2. the required skill to future-ready one’s career in an era of rapid change and constant technological disruption

Python. R. Tableau. These are the data analytics-based tools that the future generation of business leaders must possess to thrive in a rapidly changing world. In fiscal year 2019, UVA’s Darden School of Business and McIntire School of Commerce launched the University’s first degree program offered jointly by two schools: the Master of Science in business analytics (MSBA), launching in August from UVA Darden DC Metro with more than 40 students. Just 12 months later, the cohort convened on Darden Grounds in Charlottesville as the program’s first graduates, prepared to lead a data-driven world from the front. The new degree program follows on the heels of the MBA/Master of Science in data science (MSDS) dual degree, which saw its inaugural cohort of seven students graduate in the Class of 2019, and several new MBA courses emphasizing data skills. These offerings allow all students to use analytics to inform business strategy, drive value and advance their careers. The MSBA, MBA/ MSDS dual degree and new analytics-based curriculum were all born thanks to generous financial support for innovative ideas that are reshaping the future of business education.

Global (adjective) 1. relating to the whole world; worldwide 2. the level of impact Darden students will have as future leaders with a global mindset and global preparation

B U S I N E S S I S G L O B A L , and so Darden students must be prepared for the global stage on the global stage. While Darden’s cases and curriculum increasingly embrace business perspectives from around the world, some types of transformational learning can only occur outside the classroom. That is why Darden taps support from the $30 million Batten Foundation Darden Worldwide Scholarship program and the Darden Annual Fund to ensure students experience one of the School’s global courses, rated No. 1 in the world (The Economist).

Darden Worldwide Courses Darden delivered a record number of global courses in the 2018–19 academic year to 50-plus locations in 25 countries. By May, 85 percent of the graduating full-time MBA Class of 2019 participated in a global course during its time in the program. Darden Connect Darden’s Batten Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation launched the Darden Connect program this year to help students tap into the famously exclusive venture capital field. Cohorts of students traveled to the

San Francisco Bay Area and to Austin, Texas, for unique venture-immersion experiences. The inaugural program helped drive a record number of First Years into venture capital- and startup-based summer internships. Job Treks Darden Job Treks have become a critical ingredient in the School’s recipe for delivering great career outcomes, and more than 100 students took part in treks to Boston, Charlotte, Hong Kong, New York, San Francisco and Seattle to make key connections in and learn about fields from investment banking to tech to asset management.



Place 20

People power purpose. It’s true. But the places where Darden faculty and alumni shape generations of future leaders are not just a series of ceilings and walls. They are places designed for students and professors to live and learn from one another. Places enabling them to develop skills and ideas. Places that inspire collaboration, unlock innovation and shape ideals. They are learning team rooms, Monroe Hall, Sponsors Hall, PepsiCo Forum, Flagler Court, W.L. Lyons Brown III Innovation Lab, Sands Family Grounds, Goodwin Family Grounds. They are Darden.


Powers Purpose Left: Columned walkways on either side of Flagler Court connect the core academic facilities for the faculty and students while serving as an outdoor enclave for events from reunion to graduation. Below: The steps leading to Saunders Hall form an inspiring entrance to Darden and the world’s best education experience.



Below: Frank Sands (MBA ’94) speaks at the Sands Family Grounds in the Washington, D.C., area. Center: An artist’s rendering envisions the future UVA Inn at Darden and Conference Center for Lifelong Learning. Right: The C. Ray Smith Alumni Hall will be a welcoming space for alumni.


Expanding in DC It’s not the University of Charlottesville. It’s the University of Virginia.

It was this idea that inspired the incredible philanthropy that has now yielded UVA Darden DC Metro at the Sands Family Grounds, home base to: • An Executive MBA program

with booming enrollment since launching a D.C.-area cohort • A Master of Science in business analytics program launching Darden into a new era of degree programs • Dozens of executive education and alumni events • A flagpole for Darden in the global gateway of Washington, D.C., with the UVA Darden sign visible in the national capital from across the banks of the Potomac River Darden dedicated the facility in February with many from the Sands family in attendance.

Frank M. Sands Sr. (MBA ’63) and Frank Sands (MBA ’94) provided the generous support to make possible the dynamic space housed on the top two floors of a LEED-EB Gold certified 31-story building in the Rosslyn district of Arlington, Virginia. “The Sands family is absolutely thrilled to be in a position to help bring Darden here to northern Virginia and the Washington, D.C., area,” said Sands. “We believe it will be and has been already transformational for Darden and massively beneficial for this region. And I think we’re just getting started.”


Welcoming Spaces Darden’s C. Ray Smith Alumni Hall is named in honor of one of the School’s great early leaders — the Class of 1958 graduate and professor emeritus who served as dean and a mentor to thousands of students, including a young Frank M. Sands Sr. To enhance the space into one as innovative and impactful as its namesake, Sands Sr. dedicated $7.2 million of his record philanthropy as a challenge match gift that will fund a full renovation. Contact Kara Mullins at MullinsK@darden. virginia.edu for information on the match challenge. When the renovation is complete, the building that is currently a wing of the existing Inn at Darden will be transformed with dramatically improved program, administrative and office space.

Learning for a Lifetime In April, Darden announced plans for a new Inn at Darden and conference center to enhance its world-renowned education experience and advance its impact in executive education and lifelong learning. Barely a month later, Frank M. Sands Sr. (MBA ’63) stepped forward to pledge $20 million of his record $68 million gift toward construction of the project. Pending final approvals and financing, construction of the facility will begin in summer 2020 and be complete in 2022, launching a new era for Darden to become a world leader delivering lifelong learning. When complete, the Frank M. Sands Sr. (MBA ’63) UVA Inn at Darden and Conference Center for Lifelong Learning will feature 199 hotel rooms, up to 12,000 square feet of meeting and learning space, a destination restaurant, a lounge and a café.

Connecting Grounds In conjunction with the new inn and conference center, Darden announced plans for a new, five-acre outdoor arboretum taking advantage of the natural forested beauty of Darden Grounds and the surrounding area. Connecting the Darden School, the UVA Law School, and the new inn and conference center, the arboretum will feature outdoor classrooms, specimen trees, natural green spaces, walking trails and a water feature to encourage mindfulness and new ideas. Enabling creation of an arboretum that will be nothing short of a vision living up to the University’s high Jeffersonian standard is a $5 million gift from George Tahija (MBA ’86). Not only does Tahija’s gift jump-start construction of the space, its power will be felt as long as the trees are left to grow and inspire future generations of leaders.


Annual Fund




Far left: Students collaborate in the renovated South Lounge. Left: Professor Lili Powell is the new head of the Communication area. Below: Tomiwa Afolabi is a member of the Class of 2021.


It takes all of us to help the Darden School of Business deliver its mission to inspire responsible leaders through unparalleled transformational learning experiences. The annual fund isn’t just how Darden powers purpose. It’s how 97 percent of all Darden alumni have supported the School at some point. It’s how, together, we can redefine Darden’s unparalleled transformational learning experiences in four areas: Area of Greatest Need, Scholarships, Faculty Excellence and Global Impact.

Annual Fund

Design Your Impact In the third year of the Darden Annual Fund’s Design Your Impact campaign, which offers four areas to designate gifts to the School, generous alumni delivered incredible support to provide the means for Darden to innovate and stand the test of these rapidly changing times. 26

$5.6 million

raised in fiscal year 2019 with 37 P ERCENT alumni participation


donors supported the School at the Darden Society level, a 2 P ERCENT increase


donors continued their loyal support as members of the HICKORY CLUB


of full-time MBA and Executive MBA Class of 2019 members made a P LED GE to the annual fund

“This gift means so much to Darden, and the Class of 2019 has set the bar high for future classes.” — Dean Scott C. Beardsley


Left: Professor Luann Lynch defines the faculty excellence the annual fund seeks to support. Center: Supporting students through curricular innovations and scholarships is one of the core purposes of the Darden Annual Fund. Right: Professor Martin Davidson is driving the School’s commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion as Darden’s chief diversity officer.





GivingToHoosDay is a new tradition celebrating and supporting the University of Virginia, and after three years of the annual day of giving, it’s safe to say it’s also a tradition of showing the power of the Darden network. For the third straight year, Darden supporters raised the most funds of any school at the University — more than $1 million. What’s even more impressive, the number of donors supporting Darden jumped 53 percent from the previous year to 1,530, leading all schools and units at the University for the first time in the event’s history. The record day of donors helped Darden unlock $250,000 in challenge matching funds.

Honor Roll

Honor 28


Roll The generosity of Darden donors makes the transformational education experience possible — from enabling the School to attract top students and faculty to powering cuttingedge facilities and programs.


Culture of Philanthropy

Culture of Philanthropy The Darden community has benefitted from a strong culture of philanthropy for more than six decades. At the onset of the Powered by Purpose campaign, the culture is rich and deep, with all corners of the community stepping forward. 30

Students This year, student participation in the Darden Annual Fund continued to contribute to the remarkable fundraising year for Darden. 9 percent of the 9 full-time MBA Class of 2019 pledged gifts to the School. 92 percent of the Executive MBA Class of 2019 pledged gifts to the School. Students across all MBA formats raised a total of more than $190,000.


4,258 alumni supported Darden with donations.

Highest number of donors in a fiscal year in the School’s history 2 percent increase over the previous fiscal year More than $5.6 million in gifts to the Darden Annual Fund

Alumni (including two faculty members) also supported philanthropy through their outreach. Professor Jacquie Doyle (MBA ’89), Professor Greg Fairchild (MBA ’92), Martina Hund-Mejean (MBA ’88), Nicole Lindsay (MBA ’99/JD ’00), Carolyn Miles (MBA ’88), Joao Rotta (MBA ’04) and John Strangfeld (MBA ’77), pictured above, joined together to share their advice for future leaders and discuss the importance of giving back. Watch the video with their inspiring advice at giving.darden.virginia.edu.

Students also enhanced Darden’s exciting and vital donor appreciation experiences. Students participating in Darden Worldwide courses captured video footage of their experiences and shared the footage to create a thank you video for the Batten Foundation. The foundation’s $15 million gift in the previous fiscal year helps cover the cost of a global academic experience for all full-time MBA students.


Parents & Family More than 275 attendees came to Darden Parent and Family Weekend in October to enjoy a fall weekend on Grounds and to witness firsthand the Darden experience and how it is fueled by philanthropy. Thanks to a reception at Dean Scott C. Beardsley’s Pavilion I home on the UVA Lawn, case discussions in the classroom and additional activities, Darden parents and family members were introduced to Grounds and the School’s purpose-driven leaders, faculty and students.

Board of Trustees

Faculty An unparalleled fundraising year would not be complete without the participation of Darden’s unparalleled faculty. Faculty members supported the Darden Annual Fund and joined in many outreach activities to engage, acknowledge and celebrate philanthropy for the School. Several professors helped commemorate the opening of the UVA Darden Sands Family Grounds in the Washington, D.C., area, shared stories from within the classroom with inquiring donors, presented at alumni events on Grounds and across the world, and attended the historic $68 million Sands gift announcement in May.

The Darden School Foundation Board of Trustees provided a stellar example of Darden’s culture of philanthropy and continued to set the stage for campaign success. Once again, 100 percent of trustees supported Darden priorities, such as the Darden Annual Fund, faculty chairs, scholarships and Grounds enhancements. Trustees also served as hosts and attendees for events held in cities nationwide and internationally in preparation for the Powered by Purpose campaign launch.


Principal Donors Society

Principal Donors Society


From its founding in 2003 to the end of fiscal year 2019, the Principal Donors Society has welcomed 85 members who support Darden at the highest level of lifetime giving. Through philanthropic support of $1 million or more, Principal Donors have truly established themselves as the School’s most loyal stewards. Darden honors this extraordinary philanthropy on the entablature frieze of the Rosenblum Foyer and PepsiCo Forum and donor recognition walls in the South Lounge and the UVA Darden Sands Family Grounds.

Principal Donor Lem Lewis (MBA ’72), left, with inaugural Lemuel E. Lewis Bicentennial Award for Global Leadership recipient Meti Aberra (Class of 2020), center, and Professor Martin Davidson, right

Jefferson Level: $25M & Above Anonymous ◊ Frank Batten Sr. + ◊ Frank M. Sands Sr. ’63 & Marjorie R. Sands + David C. Walentas ’64 & Jane Walentas Madison Level: $10M–24.9M Anonymous The Batten Foundation George A. L. David ’67 ◊ Richard A. Mayo ’68 & Sara Page Mayo ◊ Monroe Level: $5M–9.9M H. William Coogan Jr. ’82 & Theresa M. Riddle (McIntire ’87) James A. Cooper ’84 & Stacy Cooper Frank E. Genovese ’74 & Susan L. Genovese ◊ W. Hunter Goodwin III ’95 & Crystal H. Goodwin Kirsti W. Goodwin ’02 & Matthew T. Goodwin Robert D. Hardie ’95, ’99 & Molly G. Hardie Robert J. Hugin ’85 & Kathleen Hugin Thomas A. Saunders III ’67 & Mary Jordan Saunders ◊ Rotunda Level: $2.5M–4.9M In Honor of the Class of 1957 W.L. Lyons Brown III ’87 & Susanna S. Brown Terrence D. Daniels ’70 & Courtnay S. Daniels ◊ Colgate W. Darden Jr. + & Constance Darden +◊ U. Bertram Ellis Jr. ’79 Martina Hund-Mejean ’88 & Bruno J. Mejean Gary T. Jones ’74 & Elizabeth Rhett Jones ◊ Doug Lebda ’14 & Megan Lebda Lemuel E. Lewis ’72 & Sandra Lewis H. Eugene Lockhart Jr. ’74 & Terry J. Lockhart ◊ John G. Macfarlane III ’79 & Dudley W. Macfarlane ◊ Michael E. O’Neill ’74 & Patricia J. O’Neill Frank M. Sands Jr. ’94 John R. Strangfeld Jr. ’77 James W. Todd ’64 & Sharon K. Todd ◊ Donald M. Wilkinson ’66 & Lucinda P. Wilkinson +◊ Colonnade Level: $1M–2.4M Anonymous (2) Kirby Clarke Adams ’79 Altec/Styslinger Foundation Beverley W. Armstrong ’66 +◊ & Carol C. Armstrong


Stephen E. Bachand ’63 & Phyllis Bachand Thomas J. Baltimore Jr. ’91 & Hillary D. Baltimore Dorothy Neal Batten ’90 ◊ Frank Batten Jr. ’84 & Aimee C. Batten ◊ E. Thayer Bigelow Jr. ’67 ◊ William D. Cannon Jr. ’68 & Nancy Cannon David Cheek ’79 & Kathy Cheek James S. Cheng ’87 & Jeanette Wang Cheng Charles G. Duffy III ’87 ◊ Louis G. Elson ’90 Lawton W. Fitt ’79 & James I. McLaren ◊ John D. Fowler Jr. ’84 & Corey P. Fowler Peter M. Grant II ’86 & Colleen Grant Thomas V. Inglesby ’84 & Joan W. Inglesby Peter D. Kiernan ’79 & Eaddo H. Kiernan Martin L. Killgallon II ’72 & Deborah Killgallon ◊ William C. Killgallon ’76 & Susan Killgallon ◊ Mark J. Kington ’88 & Ann Kington Philip W. Knisely ’78 & Patricia Knisely Robert E. Lamb II ’70 & Charlotte Lamb Bruce R. Lauritzen ’67 Lawrence Lewis Jr. + & Janet P. Lewis +◊ Elizabeth H. Lynch ’84 & Daniel S. Lynch ’84 Thomas C. MacAvoy + & Margaret M. MacAvoy J. Huston McCollough II ’75 & Joan S. McCollough ◊

Barclay McFadden III ’76 & Jane Perry McFadden Melville Foundation Donald E. Morel Jr. (TEP ’97) & Lauren Morel Albert N. “Bubba” Morgan Jr. ’72 & Carla Morgan Marshall N. Morton ’72 & Caroline Morton Paul A. Murphy + G. Ruffner Page Jr. ’86 & Virginia W. Page Zhiyuan “Jerry” Peng ’03 & Ying Hu Harry T. Rein ’73 & Susan D. Rein Douglas A. Scovanner ’79 & Mary M. Scovanner John T. Siegel ’67 + & Alice H. Siegel ◊ Henry F. Skelsey ’84 & Susan W. Skelsey Robert W. Smith ’87 & Teresa Smith Shannon G. Smith ’90 Wallace Stettinius ’59 & Mary Gray Stettinius Henri A.M. Termeer ’73 + & Belinda Herrera-Termeer Bruce R. Thompson ’90 Warren M. Thompson ’83 William P. Utt ’84 & Carolyn S. Utt Steven C. Voorhees ’80 & Celia Voorhees Thomas R. Watjen ’81 & Nanette A. Watjen David N. Webb ’77 & Nancy Shepherd Webb ’77 Thomas E. Worrell Jr. ’71 ◊ ◊ Founding member + Deceased

Unparalleled Contribution

“Still today, I encounter things in business that hearken back to classes and cases I had before. For me, it was truly transformational and it truly made a difference in my life.” — Michael O’Neill (MBA ’74)

MI C H AE L O ’ N E I L L ( MB A ’ 74) was honored in April with the Charles C. Abbott Award during his 45th reunion celebration at Darden. The award, considered the highest alumni honor presented by the School, recognizes a graduate who demonstrates an exceptional contribution of time, energy and talent to Darden. O’Neill, a longtime leader in the financial services industry who recently retired as chairman of Citigroup, is a member of the Principal Donors Society at the Rotunda Level and a longstanding member of the Darden School Foundation Board of Trustees. His philanthropy established the O’Neill Marine Scholarship Fund for Darden, which provides scholarships to First Year students who are members or veterans of the U.S. Marine Corps or Marine Corps Reserves.


Principal Donors Society

Welcoming Five New Principal Donors This fiscal year, Darden welcomed five new Principal Donor households into the society. These newest members represent three graduates from the full-time MBA program, a parent and the society’s first The Executive Program (TEP) graduate.


Stephen E. Bachand (MBA ’63) & Phyllis Bachand

Elizabeth H. Lynch (MBA ’84) & Daniel S. Lynch (MBA ’84)

Stephen E. Bachand spent his career in the retail industry, with a second career as a corporate director serving on the boards of eight public companies. As a first-generation college graduate, Bachand is passionate about supporting other first-generation students and has endowed Darden’s inaugural firstgeneration scholarship.

Elizabeth H. Lynch is a senior managing director at Evercore, following 22 years at Morgan Stanley. Lynch serves on the Darden School Foundation Board of Trustees and as vice chair of the Powered by Purpose campaign. Her philanthropy includes establishing the Lynch Family Professorship Fund in support of Darden faculty and the Elizabeth H. and Daniel S. Lynch Fellowship Fund in support of the School’s students.

Donald E. Morel Jr. (TEP ’97) & Lauren Morel Donald E. Morel Jr. is the first graduate of The Executive Program to become a Principal Donor. He recently retired from West Pharmaceutical Services Inc., having served as chairman, CEO, and director of research and development. Morel’s philanthropic support of Darden includes a principal gift to establish the Donald and Lauren Morel Professorship in Business Administration, which supports an emerging scholar at Darden in the area of Leadership and Organizational Behavior.

Albert N. “Bubba” Morgan Jr. (MBA ’72) & Carla Morgan Albert N. “Bubba” Morgan Jr. is the founder and president of 2nds in Building Materials Inc., a building materials and home furnishings retailer. Since graduating from Darden, he has been a lifelong supporter of both the Darden Annual Fund and the Class of 1972 Scholarship, which helps attract top students to Darden.

Altec/Styslinger Foundation Mark Joseph Styslinger is the senior vice president of Altec Inc. He currently serves on the Darden School Foundation Board of Trustees, and his philanthropic support of Darden includes establishment of the Altec/Styslinger Foundation Bicentennial Professorship Fund, which supports a faculty member with expertise in online learning, technology-enabled learning and lifelong learning.



Kindness creates the culture that we want to have.” PROFESSOR JACQUIE DOYLE (MBA ’89)

Doyle, an alumna and assistant professor who teaches “Corporate Strategy” at Darden, offered advice and called her fellow alumni to action in a Darden video filmed last year. Watch “Advice for Future Leaders” at giving.darden.virginia.edu.

Principal and Major Gifts

Principal and Major Gifts


A second campus. An innovative experiential leadership lab. A global academic experience. Professors old and new. Fresh courses and cases. Students from all forms of personal and professional backgrounds. Dual-degree opportunities. Entrepreneurs. Veterans. Immigrants. Dream jobs.

These are just some of the incredible elements that, together, define the unparalleled Darden experience and showcase the positive impact of philanthropy. As Darden innovates in a rapidly changing and intensely competitive landscape, principal and major gift donors move the needle for the things that matter most to the Darden experience: faculty support, research and curricular innovation; scholarships and student experiences; Grounds; and emerging strategic priorities of the School. This list recognizes donors who made cumulative commitments of $100,000 or more between 1 July 2018 and 30 June 2019.

$50M and Above Frank M. Sands Sr. ’63 $5M–$9.9M Anonymous $2.5M–$4.9M H. William Coogan Jr. ’82 & Theresa M. Riddle Richard A. Mayo ’68 & Sara Page Mayo $1M–$2.4M Stephen E. Bachand ’63 Frank E. Genovese ’74 & Susan L. Genovese John B. Jung Jr. ’84 & Connie B. Jung Elizabeth H. Lynch ’84 & Daniel S. Lynch ’84 Donald E. Morel Jr. ’97 & Lauren Morel T. Kent Smith ’84 & Mary L. Smith Jennifer O. Styslinger & Mark J. Styslinger


$500,000–$999,999 Samuel M. Chappell III ’82 & Nancy B. Chappell R. Scott Creighton ’82 Mark C. Lamarre ’90 & Victoria K. Lamarre $250,000–$499,999 Anonymous Richard E. Berry ’94 & Ana Maria Hernandez Berry Samuel E. Bodily & Jolene H. Bodily William D. Cannon Jr. ’68 & Nancy Cannon Garth Monroe ’05 Douglas A. Scovanner ’79 & Mary M. Scovanner $100,000–$249,999 Anonymous (2) L. Bradford Armstrong ’74 R. David Banyard Jr. ’04 & Diane Banyard A. Hazen Burnet ’69 & Sarah M. Burnet T. Scott Coleman ’79 & Yasmine Z. Coleman Susan Christian Coogan ’82 Terrence D. Daniels ’70 & Courtnay S. Daniels “Darden would not be the Franklin S. Edmonds Jr. ’95 & Pamela F. Edmonds special place it is today Estate of Steven D. Hale without the generosity of Catherine J. Friedman ’86 & Jon R. Duane leadership donors who Darren A. Fultz ’06 support its mission. As Barbara A. Glynn & John W. Glynn Jr. David W. Goodrich ’73 & Julie Houk Goodrich Darden expands its offerings Kirsti W. Goodwin ’02 & Matthew T. Goodwin and enhances its educational Gregory B. Graves ’89 experience, these donors Naren K. Gursahaney ’89 will help fuel the aspirations Margaret M. Jacobsen ’87 & Richard C. Jacobsen Jr. ’89 of Darden to support Mark J. Kington ’88 & Ann A. Kington groundbreaking research, James C. Magill Jr. ’79 launch impactful new William G. McGowan Charitable Fund programs, empower students Joseph Niehaus and truly move graduate Shannon G. Smith ’90 business education forward at Thomas D. Tichenor ’11 the University of Virginia.” Lilo Simmons Ukrop ’89 & R. Scott Ukrop ’89 William P. Utt ’84 & Carolyn S. Utt — Peter M. Grant II (MBA ’86) Chair, University of Virginia Honor the Future campaign


Cornerstone Society

Cornerstone Society


The Cornerstone Society celebrates those who follow in the footsteps of Presidents James Monroe, James Madison and Thomas Jefferson in leaving a legacy through a planned gift to the University of Virginia. Through designations to Darden in wills, living trusts, retirement plans, gifts of life insurance, charitable gift annuities and charitable remainder trusts, members of the Cornerstone Society secure the success of Darden for future generations of purpose-driven leaders. This year, 20 new members joined the Cornerstone Society following a record number of planned gifts to Darden. These generous donors ensure their legacy, powering future leaders who will improve the world.

Anonymous (4) Kathryn A. Alsegaf ’93 & Hadi Alsegaf ’93 Rose Rita Barry David A. Beach ’69 & Carolyn H. Beach Melvin D. Beale ’76 & Ann J. Beale Stephen D. Benson ’71 Dorothy Jo Bewley & Richard S. Bewley H. Lee Boatwright III ’60 + & Joyce J. Boatwright + Samuel E. Bodily & Jolene H. Bodily C. Clinton Bolte ’72 & Mary T. Bolte Lawrence Brett III ’79 & Robbin A. Brett Mary Buckle Searle ’86 & Stewart A. Searle III David P. Campbell Jr. ’95 William D. Cannon Jr. ’68 & Nancy Cannon Robert H. Carlile ’66 Kristin R. Carlock ’93 & Ronald C. Carlock Jr. ’93 Thomas Y. Catlett ’86 Nancy B. Chappell & Samuel M. Chappell III G. David Cheek ’79 & Katherine P. Cheek J. Gordon Clayton ’69

Charles W. Coker Jr. ’85 Susan Christian Coogan ’82 Richard D. Crawford ’74 & Barbara J. Crawford R. Scott Creighton ’82 Richard P. Dahling ’87 & Nancy L. Sanborn James R.V. Daniel III ’59 & Colleen H. Daniel Norwood H. Davis Jr. ’75 William A. Dawson ’67 Basil M. Duncan III ’90 Karen K. Edwards ’84 Kelly W. Eldridge ’02 U. Bertram Ellis Jr. ’79 & Deborah H. Ellis Teresa A. Epperson ’95 & Donald C. Epperson Jr. ’95 Camilla S. Fair & Robert R. Fair + Charles H. Foster Jr. ’67 Paul L. Fowler Jr. ’81 & Sandra J. McDiarmid John P. Frye Jr. ’71 & Jerrie S. Frye Robert L. Gaines ’63 Palmer P. Garson ’83 & Douglas D. Garson Frank E. Genovese ’74 & Susan L. Genovese Kenneth M. Good Jr. ’93 David W. Goodrich ’73 & Julie Houk Goodrich Mark R. Gordon ’76 & E. Leigh Gordon Conrad M. Hall ’70 Brenton S. Halsey & Lindsay G. Halsey Stephen A. Hansel ’71 & Dana Hansel Eugene W. Hansen ’76 Edward H. Hawfield ’75 & Nancy S. Hawfield Mary Metzler Hoobler ’88 William Irvin Huyett ’82 & Lauren M. Huyett Claire C. Hyde ’80 & William L. Hyde Jr. Burdett L. Ives ’67 & Elinor B. Ives + Robert C. Jordan ’63 Michael Kender ’87 & Lucretia Harris Kender John B. Kishman ’82 Ryan P. Knauss ’00 & Christina M. Knauss Mark C. Lamarre ’90 & Victoria K. Lamarre Wei Li & Jean Yuan Donald A. Lucchesi ’79 & Elizabeth Lucchesi Douglas S. Luke ’66 James C. Magill Jr. ’79 Herbert R. Martens Jr. ’78 Barclay McFadden III ’76 & Jane Perry McFadden Mrs. Raleigh C. Minor Emma W. Hill ’78 & Michael K. Minter ’78


Garth Monroe ’05 Clifford D. Moore III ’81 Matthew Corbett Moore ’00 Lewis F. Payne Jr. ’73 & Susan K. Payne Jeremy D. Phelan ’74 Jerome C. Philpott ’88 & Ann Searle Philpott Dianne J. Prust ’92 Ryan D. Rayborn ’10 & Jessica Rayborn Robert E. Reeve ’85 Harry T. Rein ’73 & Susan D. Rein Katherine Rines, in memory of John R. Rines ’77 Dean B. Roberson ’86 & Debra Mullins Roberson Joyce E. Rothenberg ’85 & Mace Rothenberg James L. Rumsey ’57 Michael L. Santoro Jr. ’74 & Martha C. Santoro Thomas A. Saunders III ’67 & Mary Jordan Saunders F. Blair Schmidt-Fellner ’85 Martha A. Shenkenberg ’88 Susan L. Sink ’83 Robert M. Smith ’77 & Karen E. Connolly T. Kent Smith ’84 & Mary L. Smith Michael J. Steep ’80 Sue Strauss & Gerald R. Strauss + Heidi L. Stump ’13 & David J. Dube ’11 Claire M. Terry ’80 & Theodore L. Terry II ’80 Warren M. Thompson ’83 Thomas D. Tichenor ’11 James W. Todd ’64 & Sharon K. Todd Ronald E. Trzcinski ’71 & Patricia Trzcinski Nicholas P. Valdrighi ’65 & Margaret P. Valdrighi + John Calvin Vernon III ’91 & Jennie A. Vernon Thomas B. Whelan II ’77 & Claire F. Whelan Emilye H. Whisenant & Stephen H. Whisenant R. Van Whisnand ’68 & Campbell B. Whisnand Mack R. Wilcox ’75 & Judith Hansen Wilcox Gary R. Wilhite ’84 Howard P. Wilkinson Jr. ’73 & Carolyn N. Wilkinson Wade M. Wilks ’79 Charles T. Wingo ’69 Robert C. Woodworth ’73 & Joyce Woodworth Douglas C. Young ’80 & Cynthia H. Young

+ Deceased


I can enjoy the benefits of being a Cornerstone Society member in my lifetime. I also know that, one day, I will be providing an opportunity to a student who normally would not be able to attend Darden.” — Tom Tichenor (EMBA ’11) on joining the Cornerstone Society at this point in his life

Darden Society

Darden Society


The Darden Society is a group of annual supporters who demonstrate a commitment to the School through leadership-level annual support. Gifts at the Darden Society level of $2,500 per year (or $1,000 per year for Darden’s four most recent graduating classes) provide funding for the School’s most immediate priorities. As a benefit of membership, all Darden Society members receive the exclusive rosette pin, a symbol of Darden pride that has been in production and distribution for members since the society’s founding. Members also receive invitations to Darden events and gatherings. Highlights from fiscal year 2019 include a tailgate at Pavilion I in October prior to a University of Virginia home football game. Pavilion I also played host during Darden Reunion Weekend in April to a reception for members of the Darden Society and Cornerstone Society to gather with faculty and School leaders.

Executive Circle: $100,000 & Above Anonymous (3) In Honor of the Class of 1957 L. Bradford Armstrong ’74 Stephen E. Bachand ’63 Jane Parke Batten Stacy H. Bolduc ’90 & John P. Bolduc ’90 John M. Camp III ’79 & Caren Camp William D. Cannon Jr. ’68 & Nancy Cannon H. William Coogan Jr. ’82 & Theresa M. Riddle James A. Cooper ’84 & Stacy L. Cooper Terrence D. Daniels ’70 & Courtnay S. Daniels Franklin S. Edmonds Jr. ’95 & Pamela F. Edmonds John D. Fowler Jr. ’84 & Corey Phillips Fowler Barbara A. Glynn & John W. Glynn Jr. David W. Goodrich ’73 & Julie Houk Goodrich Kirsti W. Goodwin ’02 & Matthew T. Goodwin Peter M. Grant ’86 & Colleen J. Grant

Elizabeth M. Hagood ’89 & D. Maybank Hagood ’89 John B. Jung Jr. ’84 & Connie B. Jung Mark J. Kington ’88 & Ann A. Kington Douglas R. Lebda ’14 & Megan Lebda Richard A. Mayo ’68 & Sara Page Mayo Donald E. Morel Jr. ’97 & Lauren Morel Albert N. Morgan Jr. ’72 & Carla H. Morgan Joseph Niehaus G. Ruffner Page Jr. ’86 & Virginia White Page Zhiyuan “Jerry” Peng ’03 & Ying Hu Frank M. Sands Sr. ’63 Douglas A. Scovanner ’79 & Mary M. Scovanner Shannon G. Smith ’90 John Robert Strangfeld ’77 Jennifer O. Styslinger & Mark J. Styslinger Bruce R. Thompson ’90 James W. Todd ’64 & Sharon K. Todd Jianwei J. Yao ’01 & Wenjing Mao


Sponsors’ Circle: $50,000–99,999 Joseph P. Balog ’88 & Cheryl S. Balog Samuel E. Bodily & Jolene H. Bodily W.L. Lyons Brown III ’87 & Susanna S. Brown J. Andrew Bugas ’86 & Maryann Horgan Bugas A. Hazen Burnet ’69 & Sarah M. Burnet Gordon Crawford ’71 & Dona Crawford Louis G. Elson ’90 Robert J. Hugin ’85 & Kathleen Hugin Margaret M. Jacobsen ’87 & Richard C. Jacobsen Jr. ’89 David B. Kelso ’82 & Sara E. Kelso E. Morgan Massey William B. Massey Jr. & Randee Massey William E. Massey Jr. & Rebecca C. Massey Barclay McFadden III ’76 & Jane Perry McFadden Christopher J. Niehaus Michael E. O’Neill ’74 & Patricia J. O’Neill Henry F. Skelsey ’84 & Susan W. Skelsey Allan W. Staats ’62 & Barbara G. Staats Steven C. Voorhees ’80 & Celia Voorhees

Founders’ Circle: $25,000–49,999 Keith F. Bachman ’89 R. David Banyard Jr. ’04 & Diane Banyard Claire Dufournet Beardsley & Scott C. Beardsley John R. Belk ’86 & Kimberly D. Belk Donald R. Benson ’89 & Christine Benson T. Scott Coleman ’79 & Yasmine Z. Coleman Hugh M. Comer II ’91 & Debora R. Comer George L. Cornell Jr. ’76 + James R.V. Daniel III ’59 & Colleen H. Daniel Michael A. DeCola ’77 & Lee F. DeCola Thomas W. Dickson ’80 Allison Cryor DiNardo ’88 & Robert B. DiNardo Lawton W. Fitt ’79 & James I. McLaren Frederic H. Garner IV ’90 & Katherine Dudley Garner Frank E. Genovese ’74 & Susan L. Genovese Andrea P. Goodman ’84 & Donald W. Goodman ’84 Naren K. Gursahaney ’89 Edgar B. Hamilton Jr. ’88 William A. Hawkins III ’82 & Sharon Doyle Hawkins Peter J. Hicks ’74 & Kathryn V. Hicks Bret W. Holden ’88 & Jeanne Marie Z. Holden Edward H. Hutchison ’69 & Margaret B. Hutchison

William Irvin Huyett ’82 & Lauren M. Huyett Huntington A. James ’94 & Molly K. James Philip W. Knisely ’78 & Patricia Knisely Robert E. Lamb II ’70 Reginald W. Lathan ’87 George W. Logan ’71 & Helen B. Logan Elizabeth H. Lynch ’84 & Daniel S. Lynch ’84 Marshall N. Morton ’72 & Caroline Morton J. Byrne Murphy ’86 & Pamela Breslin Murphy N. R. Narayana Murthy Robert H. Niehaus G. Patrick Phillips ’73 & Deborah Phillips Jerome C. Philpott ’88 & Ann Searle Philpott John A. Powell ’82 Scott A. Price ’90 & Shizuko M. Price Frank M. Sands ’94 Naomi E. Tam ’93 & Thomas R. Klenke ’94 Lilo Simmons Ukrop ’89 and R. Scott Ukrop ’89 William P. Utt ’84 & Carolyn S. Utt Peggy Watts Gup ’79 Roger L. Werner Jr. ’77 Elizabeth Kirk Weymouth ’94 & Philip B. Weymouth III ’93

Leaders: $10,000–24,999 Anonymous Jenifer G. Andrasko ’10 & Joseph R. Andrasko ’11 Michael Simon Augins ’99 Thomas J. Baltimore Jr. ’91 & Hillary D. Baltimore Frank Batten Jr. ’84 & Aimee C. Batten Edward J. Bell ’89 & Jennifer Cirenza Bell Hollie Bendewald ’79 + Richard E. Berry ’94 & Ana Maria Hernandez Berry T. Mitchell Bland ’83 Ari D. Blum ’02 Mary Buckle Searle ’86 & Stewart A. Searle III Paul J. Cavicchi ’83 G. David Cheek ’79 & Katherine P. Cheek James S. Cheng ’87 & Jeanette Wang Cheng Marjorie Webb Childress ’09 & Ryan W. Childress ’09 Kevin M. Cox ’79 & Charlotte J. Cox R. Scott Creighton ’82 Guillaume M. Cuvelier ’91 William K. Daniel II ’91 & Robin W. Daniel George A. L. David ’67


Darden Society


Mariano A. Diaz-Bonilla ’04 & Rebecca M. Diaz-Bonilla Robert G. Doumar Jr. ’88 & Noelle C. Doumar John O. Downing ’82 James K. Dunton ’62 & Nancy Hilton Dunton Richard C. Edmunds III ’92 & Kathy Edmunds Karen K. Edwards ’84 Warren F. Estey ’98 & Linda E. Estey Clifford H. Farrah ’94 & Kimberley M. Farrah Kelsey C. Ferguson ’18 Luke E. Fichthorn IV ’98 & Katherine B. Fichthorn Sarah J. Finlayson ’79 & Rev. Lindley G. DeGarmo Catherine J. Friedman ’86 & Jon R. Duane Thomas J. Friedmann ’90 & Amy D. Anderson Christine A. Fruehwirth ’96 & John M. Fruehwirth ’96 Darren A. Fultz ’06 Martha L. Gangemi ’87 & Michael Gangemi ’86 Peter U. Gavin ’13 & Andrea M. Gavin William H. Goodwin Jr. ’66 & Alice T. Goodwin William H. Goodwin III ’95 & Crystal H. Goodwin Gordon Grand III ’75 Patrick C. Graney III ’81 & Jessica S. Graney Gregory B. Graves ’89 Ira H. Green Jr. ’90 & Susan M. Green John W. Guinee III ’82 & Michelle K. Guinee Carrie Coker Haley ’87 & John R. Haley ’87 Robert D. Hardie ’95, ’99 & Molly G. Hardie W. Barnes Hauptfuhrer ’81 & Camilla R. Hauptfuhrer Anne G. Hennessy ’91 & Peter R. Hennessy ’86 Freya S. Hooper ’94 & Ned Hooper ’94 Robert L. Huffines ’92 & Lisa G. Huffines Martina Hund-Mejean ’88 & Bruno Jean-Marie Mejean Claire C. Hyde ’80 & William L. Hyde Jr. Thomas V. Inglesby ’84 & Joan Weaver Inglesby Frederick E. Jenney ’81 Karen Juul-Nielsen ’78 & Richard L. Garnett ’75 John P. Kanan ’06 Richard I. Kellogg ’72 Rosemary B. King ’91 & Martin G. King ’91 James E. Kluttz ’74 & Dorothy Lewis Kluttz Robert P. Kyle ’82 & Patricia K. Kyle Linwood A. Lacy Jr. ’69 & Constance C. Lacy Michael B. Lanahan ’74 & Leslie H. Lanahan Bruce R. Lauritzen ’67 & Geraldine Morrow Lauritzen Paige G. Lauster ’92 & Steffen M. Lauster ’92 Jane R. Lundquist ’80

Brian N. McDonald ’87 & Margaret McDonald Benjamin M. McGrath ’85 & Linda Berres McGrath Emmett E. McLean ’84 Mark C. Mead ’90 Peter C. Meisel ’86 & Susan Meisel Curtis J. Miller ’02 David L. Miller ’72 & Helen Miller E. Benjamin Mix III ’86 Kenneth D. Morgan ’68 E. Mitchell Norville ’84 & Carla S. Norville Linda B. Ogden ’92 & William S. Ogden Jr. ’92 Lee S. Owen ’72 & Jenny Owen John W. Parsons ’89 & Ellen T. Parsons Mark R. Patterson ’87 & Thea J. Patterson Carl E. Peoples ’94 Dominic M. Pomponi ’05 & Kimberly Pomponi Theodore W. Price ’68 & Carol B. Price Steven S Reinemund ’78 & Gail Timbers Reinemund Matthias D. Renner ’86 & Linda G. Renner Thomas E. Robinson ’73 Reynaldo Roche ’07 Nicholas P. Sargen F. Blair Schmidt-Fellner ’85 Francine N. Shanfield ’87 & Robert J. Shanfield ’87 Kenneth Shea ’87 & Carolyn Shea Lauren Shepard Taylor A. Shepard ’20 Laurie A. Sherman ’89 Katrina F. Sherrerd ’87 & David G. Smith Allison P. Shipley ’89 Ricardo B. Silva ’86 & Amelia W. Silva James Howard Small ’18 & Anayansie Perez Small Shirley Small & Albert H. Small Robert W. Smith ’87 & Teresa Smith Jane Bassett Spilman & Robert H. Spilman Sr. + Beth C. Spilman ’88 & Vance H. Spilman ’88 Wallace Stettinius ’59 & Mary Gray Stettinius Leslie L. Tarkington ’69 & Marcus M. Tarkington ’69 Ann H. Taylor ’85 & Peter R. Taylor Warren M. Thompson ’83 Timothy P. Treadway ’79 Ronald E. Trzcinski ’71 & Patricia Trzcinski Robert S. Ukrop ’72 & Jayne B. Ukrop Edward W. Valentine ’93 & Laura Valentine Allan J. Vartelas ’85


Sarasa Subramony & Sankaran Venkataraman Bradley J. Waitzer ’87 & Terry Waitzer Kevin P. Watters ’94 Nancy S. Webb ’77 & David N. Webb ’77 Michelle J. Weiss ’85 Alexander R. Westra ’12 Donald M. Wilkinson III ’92 & Lauren D. Wilkinson Charles H. Witmer ’83 & Meryl B. Witmer James Matthew Wood III ’82 Keith Woodard ’75 & Patricia B. Woodard Robert C. Woodworth ’73 & Joyce Woodworth John O. Wynne Jr. ’04 Richard S. Youngman ’76 Jose Maria Zertuche ’00 & Virginia Valcarcel Zertuche Alfonso M. Zulueta ’87

Fellows: $5,000–9,999 Anonymous (4) Kirby C. Adams ’79 R. Stanley Allen ’84 & Susan O. Allen James C. Allison ’82 & Tracy Allison Richard E. Anthony ’71 & Virginia Anthony Eileen O. Auen ’89 & Jeffrey G. Auen John Michael Balay ’89 Sherrill P. Bandlow ’85 & Joseph L. Bandlow Jr. ’85 George E. L. Barbee ’67 & Molly J. Barbee Leonardo Basola ’14 Dorothy Neal Batten ’90 David A. Beach ’69 & Carolyn H. Beach Brian C. Bednar ’97 & Rebecca B. Bednar Stephanie Tharpe Bennett ’09 & Adam D. Bennett ’09 Jack M. Benson ’97 Edwin I. Berkowitz ’97 & Maryann Berkowitz Robert E. Blanchard ’59 & Clare N. Blanchard David L. Bonenfant ’10 & Jennifer L. Bonenfant Soledad H. Boyle ’01 & Blair P. Boyle ’01 Michael D. Bradley ’99 & Elisabeth Stewart Bradley Edward P. Brickley ’98 & Colleen Brickley Kyle Holman Brodie ’17 Stevan H. Brodie Barbara M. Bruner ’90 & Robert F. Bruner Randall Bufford William H. Carter ’99 & Erica Lynn Carter Edward J. Casey Jr. ’84 & Holly M. Casey

Christopher J. Chapman ’73 Samuel M. Chappell III ’82 & Nancy B. Chappell Mark A. Christian ’86 & Melissa V. Christian Steven R. Colton ’88 & Jeri Cash Colton Susan Christian Coogan ’82 Preston S. Copenhaver III ’86 & Sarah Copenhaver Charles R. Cory ’82 & Kimberlee S. Cory Robert C. Courain Jr. ’67 & Ruth Courain Jesse V. Crews ’77 & Vanessa Crews John E. Cunningham IV ’83 Martin J. Curran ’84 & Susan Sager Curran Ravenel B. Curry III ’67 Nena E. Dahling + Richard P. Dahling ’87 & Nancy L. Sanborn Herbert A. Dollahite ’81 & Elizabeth Dollahite Basil M. Duncan III ’90 James C. Dunstan ’73 & Julia Spies Dunstan Joyce J. Ernst ’87 & Michael A. Ernst ’86 John H. Faulk ’02 & Suzanne C. Faulk David P. Feinbloom ’90 James A. Ferency ’84 & Alise L. Ferency Alyssa M. Franklin ’05 Stuart M. Frantz ’84 Mary Frediani & David R. Frediani Eric Freeman ’68 Jill Frey & Sherwood Frey Jr. Thomas M. Fulcher Jr. ’86 Robert A. Gary IV ’77 Virginia S. Genereux ’92 John M. Geraghty ’72 John A. Godbold ’98 Lawrence L. Gray ’92 & Freddie Gray R. Allen Haight ’89 & Franziska Haight Danica H. Harrahy ’96 & Thomas Harrahy W. Gibson Harris II ’68 & Pam Harris W. Randolph Harrison ’86 & Paula B. Harrison Katherine L. Acuff & Edward D. Hess G. Scott Hetzer ’84 & Katherine W. Hetzer Daniel B. Hirschhorn ’88 John P. Hodgson ’87 & Malia Blythe Jeffers Suzanne R. Hoglund ’86 & Robert N. Hoglund ’86 Marcien B. Jenckes ’98 & Sabrina A. Cellarosi Gary T. Jones ’74 & Elizabeth Jones Carolyn A. Keating ’92 Michael Kern ’74


Darden Society


Robert F. Kibble ’72 Jennifer M. Kilpela ’07 & Jason M. Kilpela ’07 Seonghun Kim ’18 Gabrielle King ’71 Kenneth F. King ’93 Peter S. Kirby ’91 & Kyoko O. Kirby John R. Kirk ’64 & Joanne L. Kirk Lowell D. Kirkman Jr. ’94 Melynda M. Klausner ’91 & Mark R. Klausner ’91 Allison Spencer Kuehn ’81 & Ronald L. Kuehn Frances Armstrong Ladd Jr. & E. Bradford Ladd Jr. Timothy M. Laseter ’84 & Jody S. Laseter Harry Atkins Lawton III ’00 John G. Lert Jr. ’73 Richard S. Lindahl ’91 Michael J. Lipsey ’08 Christian M. Lown ’01 Amanda Lozano ’09 William B. Luckert ’04 & Sara K. Luckert C. H. Randolph Lyon ’67 & Evelyn H. Lyon Elie W. Maalouf ’89 & Kathleen T. Maalouf John D. Malgieri ’07 Kristina F. Mangelsdorf ’94 Peter G. Mann ’64 & Margaret Thomson Mann Jonathan D. Mariner Paul J. McAuliffe ’83 & Jill P. McAuliffe Elizabeth Quin McCann ’08 & John R. McCann Jr. ’08 W. Wallace McDowell Jr. ’63 & Anne McDowell Scott F. Meadows ’15 & Sarah Nalls Meadows Fernando Z. Merce ’98 & Kelly C. Buckley Merce Carolyn S. Miles ’88 & Brendan T. Miles ’88 John M. Millar ’72 & Mary Hinson Millar Lewis N. Miller Jr. ’72 & Elizabeth P. Miller Cooper N. Mills Jr. ’81 & Cynthia W. Mills G. Gilmer Minor III ’66 & Charlotte M. Minor Melissa M. Monk ’08 Christine L. Moon ’92 & Sunil K. Ghatnekar ’92 Roy J. Moore ’86 Peter J. Morelli II ’82 & Sandra S. Morelli Peter G. Morgan ’16 & Sarah Kish Morgan Edmond N. Moriarty III ’87 R. Clayton Mulford ’81 John D. Munford III ’87 & Elizabeth H. Munford Blake T. Myers ’93 L. Paul Nelson II ’77 & Lee Nelson

Dana Leff Niedzielska ’97 Lisa T. Nyberg ’89 & Matthew M. Nyberg ’89 Mark R. O’Malley ’89 & Elizabeth O’Malley Talmadge O. O’Neill ’95 & Renata O’Neill Peyton H. Owen Jr. ’84 & Susan Lee Owen Michael Thomas Paradis ’16 & Deana Paradis Richard M. Paschal ’89 & Lura Paschal Peter D. Prowitt ’81 & Nancy G. Prowitt J. Marvin Quin II ’72 Robert E. Reeve ’85 Matthew J. Reintjes ’04 & Janine Bernasek Reintjes Brian Rhodes ’09 Mark S. Richardson ’87 Sally Genster Robling ’82 & John Stevens Robling Jr. Joyce E. Rothenberg ’85 & Mace Rothenberg James P. Ruggles ’07 & Brooke Ruggles Kevin W. Schuyler ’97 Arpan R. Sheth ’96 George F. Shipp ’82 Joseph J. Shropshire ’03 Erik A. Slingerland ’84 Townsend C. Smith ’87 & Eileen P. Smith David E. Smoley ’89 & Kathy Smoley Karen S. Smythe ’87 & John L. Smythe Frederick Stow Sr. ’58 Christopher Ryan Stringer ’01 Edward C. Swindler ’84 & Barbara P. Swindler Harry F. Swope III ’69 David L. Tayman ’97 & Alice Tayman Mark B. Templeton ’78 & Yvonne Shuler-Templeton James E. Thompson Jr. ’86 & Cynthia T. Thompson Christopher G. Turner ’91 & Karen A. Turner Zachary G. Upcheshaw ’15 Nicholas P. Valdrighi ’65 & Margaret P. Valdrighi + Paige H. Van Buskirk ’10 & Brett L. Van Buskirk ’10 Curtis W. Voges ’88 C. S. Vosmik ’89 Susan P. Webb ’84 & Jean-Francois Dreyfus Robert M. Weber ’91 Wei Liu ’03 & Jianzhong Wei ’02 R. Van Whisnand ’68 & Campbell B. Whisnand John P. White ’01 Alexander D. Whittemore III ’00 Mary Reaves Wimbish ’97 Gary R. Wolfe ’92 & Teresa L. Wolfe Chris A. Howe ’94 & Joseph M. Zuber IV ’94


Dean’s Roundtable: $2,500–4,999 Anonymous (7) J. Scott Adams ’92 & Monique S. Adams Stephen B. Altizer ’93 & Anne B. Altizer Eric B. Anderson ’01 Stuart C. Bachelder ’06 Michael N. Bailey ’10 & Amelia P. Bailey Christine P. Barth ’94 Matthew R. Barton ’12 Lucien L. Bass III ’65 & Mary B. Bass Scott F. Bass ’97 & JoEllyn Bass Randolph H. Batten ’12 George B. Beam ’81 & Betsy Beam Kelly Becker ’08 Thomas J. Benjamin ’08 Thomas C. Bennert ’93 Henry W. Berinstein JoAnn Nolen Bertges ’83 & Jack Bertges Thomas E. Bettcher ’75 & Barbara C. Bettcher Graeme Ross Birrell ’17 David J. Blair ’82 Donald S. Blair ’94 & Laura G. Blair Christopher B. Boggs ’98 & Caroline Boggs Alexander Ashe Bonnyman ’85 & Jean S. Bonnyman Cary G. Booth ’84 & Jane M. Booth Susan Perkins Botsford & Alan C. Botsford Jr. Helen M. Boudreau ’93 Toni N. Bowden ’96 & A. Bruce Bowden ’96 Mark S. Bower ’02 & Maria Bower Abney S. Boxley III ’83 & Julia M. Boxley Christine B. Boyd ’09 & Peter E. Boyd ’10 Turner A. M. Bredrup ’94 & Catherine Bredrup Mark W. Bridgers ’97 Jennifer Souers Briggs ’14 Mark C. Bronfman ’84 & Lisa Bronfman Stephen G. Brooks ’09 & Chandra Brooks Elizabeth H. Brower ’11 James A. Brown III ’92 & Diana A. Brown C. Russell Bryan ’88 Tawana Murphy Burnett ’04 & Blaine Burnett Wesley G. Bush L. H. Caldwell III ’79 & Kitty Caldwell Claire M. Cappio Anthony Capra ’18 & Stacy L. Capra Cameron S. Cardozo ’99

Kent D. Carstater ’96 Gregory W. Cashman ’93 & Margaret Neal John L. Castleman ’93 & Elizabeth P. Castleman Cummins Catherwood Jr. ’67 & Susan Catherwood Susan J. Chaplinsky Audrey Chen ’97 Phillip C. Chen ’87 Esmond Y. Chia ’01 John M. Childress II ’83 Thomas J. Childress IV ’12 Umang S. Choudhary ’08 Nicolas M. Choumenkovitch ’92 Shravani Bagchi Chowdhury ’99 & Aman Chowdhury ’98 John L. Chrosniak ’96 & Jaclyn Chrosniak Robert E. Cockburn ’97 Roy M. Cockburn ’67 & Nancy C. Cockburn William S. Cohen ’07 & Jessica Cohen Robert E. Collier ’10 Kyle P. Collins ’18 Jorge Conde-Berrocal ’11 & Jennifer F. Conde Jerome E. Connolly Jr. ’88 & Vanessa P. Connolly Halsey M. Cook Jr. ’91 David A. Cooper ’97 & Charis San Antonio Cooper Thomas L. Cordle Jr. ’65 Clayton C. Cosby ’97 & Christine C. Cosby John D. Cote ’13 Olen Crane ’11 & Julie D. Trevey Catherine Babcock Cranor ’80 Donna Lynnette Crowder ’10 Andrew G. Crowley ’11 James S. H. Cruice Jr. ’81 & Valerie S. Cruice Jana H. Crutchfield ’79 Jennifer A. Crutchfield ’11 Edward A. d’Agostino Jr. ’85 J. Randolph V. Daniel IV ’86 & Heather H. Daniel Christine H. Davies ’09 Cory M. Davis ’07 & Shannon L. Davis Paige T. Davis Jr. ’09 Ryan M. Davis ’07 Reginald de Villiers ’99 Dorothy R. Decarlo ’13 & Thomas E. DeCarlo ’12 Peter V. Del Presto ’85 & Nancy B. Del Presto Kelly C. Denner ’18 & Michael A. Denner ’18 Eugene Terry Dennis III Teresa R. DiMarco ’81


Darden Society


Edward G. Dinwiddie ’58 & Elizabeth D. Dinwiddie Jill B. Dixon ’99 & Jeffrey S. Dixon ’99 John L. Dodge ’59 & Anne Dodge Perry E. Doermann ’71 & Mary H. Doermann Margaret W. Doherty ’84 & James J. Doherty ’83 Gail Dufek & Robert Dufek Charles G. Duffy III ’87 Katherine S. Duncan ’18 George T. Eastment III ’72 Barry L. Edwards ’72 James J. Edwards Jr. ’93 & Laura S. Edwards Richard W. Elder II ’94 Thomas Q. Elgar ’67 & Martha Elgar Frank R. Ellett ’93 & Heather L. Ellett Frank T. Ellett ’65 & Lucy R. Ellett Jesse Thompson Ellington III ’90 & Sally V. Ellington Peter J. Emerson ’64 & Linda A. Emerson Jonathan D. England ’06 Arnold B. Evans ’97 & Joyce H. Evans J. Kyle Evans ’14 Albert Hugh Ewing III ’71 & Susan Ewing George J. Fenn ’93 Karen Marie Field & John A. Field Jennifer McEnery Finn ’00 Joseph B. Folds III ’91 & Lynn S. Folds Arthur E. Foster ’63 Tracy O. Foster ’92 Kathryn M. Fox ’18 Theresa O. Frankiewicz ’87 Christopher E. French ’84 & Rhonda H. French Elisabeth J. Frost ’05 John P. Frye Jr. ’71 & Jerrie S. Frye Howard S. Furman ’85 & Jacquelyn Sachs Furman Palmer P. Garson ’83 & Douglas D. Garson Sinclair Ellett Gillespie ’95 Jacqueline M. Glynn ’93 Brian S. Goldberg ’02 Gerald C. Gonzenbach ’85 Kenneth M. Good Jr. ’93 Roxane I. Googin ’85 & Kent Winterholler John K. Graham ’87 Diana R. Gray ’79 & William Gray ’78 Edward B. Grimball ’69 Stephen K. Grimm ’83 James R. Groch ’85 & Mignon Groch

C. Jeffrey Grogan ’87 Brandon P. Guichard ’14 & Caitlin M. Guichard Susan Voigt Gummeson & U. Peter C. Gummeson Maureen E. Harrell ’08 Tiffany D. Harrison ’09 William B. Harrison Jr. William J. Harvey ’77 William D. Hawfield Jr. ’69 Jennifer S. Hayes ’01 & Brandon C. Hayes ’01 Robert C. Hays ’97 Scott M. Headd ’12 & Nicole Morgan Keats Headd Kristin B. Herendeen ’89 & Paul S. Herendeen ’83 Craig M. Herron ’92 & Georgey Herron J. Cameron Hoggan Jr. ’68 & Dixie Epes Hoggan Harriet T. Holderness ’76 & James Luebchow Richard R. Hollington III ’91 & Sarah Hollington Andrew C. Holzwarth ’09 & Michelle Holzwarth Michelle B. Horn ’95 & John A. Horn J. Carter Houghton ’99 & Ingrid K. Houghton Sonia LaRosa Hounsell ’99 & Patrick John Hounsell ’99 Hayes Humphreys ’11 Kristen S. Huntley ’87 C. Peabody Hutton ’75 & Mary M. Hutton Edward P. Imbrogno ’85 & Annette M. Imbrogno Kumar S. Iyer ’99 Kendall Jennings ’12 W. Cleveland Johnson II ’93 Thomas E. Johnstone ’88 & Cindy Johnstone Bruce D. Jolly ’67 & Anne Rist Jolly Lisa O. Jones ’85 T. Reginald Jones ’11 Bradley J. Jordan ’98 Matthew A. Kaness ’02 & Theresa Kaness Arnon Katz ’09 & Mor Katz Michael Kender ’87 & Lucretia Harris Kender Brian H. Kennedy ’80 & Barbara T. Kennedy Michael J. Kennedy ’90 & Robin A. Kennedy Charles P. H. Kernan ’92 David M. Khtikian ’05 Mark Kieffer ’11 & Karlyn Kieffer Mari A. Kilroy ’82 & John V. Moorhead Andrew P. Kingman ’84 Daniel J. Kipp ’86 & Suzanne Kipp Karl Martin Kirkeby ’07 & Kindra L. Kirkeby Kevin A. Klau ’02 & Erin Klau


Ryan P. Knauss ’00 & Christina M. Knauss Lorin S. Knell ’01 Noah D. Knippa ’08 Kevin M. Kosefeski ’08 Anne H. Krieg ’87 Markus A. Kritzler ’04 Naresh Kumra ’99 & Jaya Sinha John E. Ladany ’84 Lyn C. Lansdale ’84 & J. Page Lansdale ’84 Charles E. Larkin ’90 Howard C. Lawrence ’62 T. Gaylon Layfield III ’75 & Melissa H. Layfield Paul M. Leggett ’04 Tyler H. Leinbach ’88 Larry J. Lenhart ’90 Buddy LeTourneau ’73 Harry N. Lewis ’57 & Dearing Ward Johns Lemuel E. Lewis ’72 & Sandra W. Lewis Geir Lie ’88 & Carol Hodge Lie Nicole McKinney Lindsay ’99 & Josiah S. Lindsay, Esq. ’02 Allison Linney ’01 Kai Lu ’05 & Tze-Liang Chiam ’04 Donald A. Lucchesi ’79 & Elizabeth Lucchesi William H. Lyon ’00 Charles S. Macfarlane ’80 John G. Macfarlane III ’79 & Dudley W. Macfarlane James B. Mackey ’98 & Heidi B. Mackey Richard T. Maclean ’95 Tracie P. MacMahon ’87 James C. Magill Jr. ’79 Daniel P. Mahoney ’08 & Tucker B. Mahoney Armen J. Malikian ’71 William A. Maner IV ’90 David B. Manley ’75 Todd R. Marin ’89 & Fiona Kotur Marin Celia V. Martin ’85 Daniel S. Martin ’98 Irenee D. May Jr. ’84 Brian S. McAlpine ’89 & Sharon R. McAlpine Mark E. McCall ’91 Willard L. McCloud III ’04 Michael P. McDermott ’16 Jay M. McDonald ’71 R. Wheatley McDowell ’87 & Barrie J. McDowell Sandra N. McGlynn ’87 & John P. McGlynn

Harold W. McGraw IV ’07 John G. McLean Jr. ’85 & Susan A. McLean Tyler S. McMullen ’95 & Stephanie McMullen Lea Varelas Medow ’94 Rajan J. Mehra ’93 & Karuna Mehra James K. Meneely III ’97 Mark A. Mercurio ’04 & Sara E. Mercurio Christopher I. Meyer ’09 & Megan Meyer Taylor Henry Meyer ’13 & Bradley Meyer J. Clifford Miller III ’68 Scott S. Miller ’75 & Connie C. Miller Eugene T. Millsap IV ’12 Michele C. Minton ’96 & Paul A. Minton ’96 Elizabeth D. Moffett ’88 & Dean Matthew Powell Margaret A. Montague ’01 Ennio Montinaro ’93 & Elizabeth P. Montinaro Conor Comfort Murphy ’08 & Anne Cornelison Murphy Zell Murphy II ’92 Julie G. Murray ’96 & Philip W. Murray ’96 J. Terence Neate ’75 Thomas M. Neir ’88 & Sally Otten Charlene D. Newton ’78 Lukasz J. Niedzielski W. Olin Nisbet ’92 Benjamin K. Noland ’11 Walker J. Noland ’03 & Mary-Margaret Bivens Noland Nels Peter Nordquist ’99 & Jennifer Nordquist Patricia Obermaier Anderson ’92 & Jeffrey A. Anderson R. Timothy O’Donnell ’81 & Michelle Kane O’Donnell James H. Oldershaw ’02 Patrick A. O’Shea ’86 & Maria Medaris O’Shea Lilla M. Oxaal ’83 & David M. Hillman ’82 Martha M. Page ’14 Timothy E. Parker ’01 Richard J. Parsons ’80 & Yvette Parsons Atul Pasricha ’89 Daniel Thomas Pate ’17 Lewis F. Payne Jr. ’73 & Susan K. Payne Matthew D. Pedersen ’11 Antonio U. Periquet Jr. ’90 & Martha I. Periquet Laura M. Pettus ’18 Karen K. Phillips ’82 Alex R. Picou ’89 & Deirdra Picou Kathryn Adams Pittman ’10 & Mark Alan Pittman Terry A. Plath ’99 & Maren Plath


Darden Society


Thomas S. Poole ’99 & Lori Ann C. Poole Timothy J. Portland ’90 & Elizabeth L. Portland Luke M. Pototschnik ’04 Thomas C. Praktish ’83 & Sheryl H. Praktish Matthew L. Priest ’14 Christopher J. Privon ’83 & Keron Chew Privon Larry J. Puglia ’90 & Sandra Marie Puglia Marc A. Puntereri ’77 David Xingran Qu ’08 & Angela Qu Christopher C. Quarles III ’90 Candice E. Radloff ’18 Vincent M. Rague ’84 Thomas W. Reedy Jr. ’91 & Jennifer Byrd Reedy Shelley S. Reese ’08 Thomas D. Rein ’11 Dustin T. Renn ’07 Albert L. Richey III ’74 Todd W. Riggs ’02 & Jennifer Riggs Katherine L. Rios ’11 & Luis G. Rios Murrieta ’11 Mark A. Riser ’94 & Harriet Brown Hanlon Riser Kathryn J. Roberts Dineen ’12 & Brian P. Dinneen ’11 Brett M. Robertson ’08 & Heidi Bennett Robertson Christopher H. Rodriguez ’13 & Rachel P. Rodriguez Elvis Rodriguez ’10 Harold J. Rodriguez Jr. ’98 & Jacquelyn F. Rodriguez Gwen E. Romans ’13 & Phillip G. Romans ’13 James G. Rose Jr. ’85 & Margaret W. Rose T. Christopher Roth ’76 & Mary K. Roth Jeffrey P. Rudnicki ’11 & Emily C. Dowling Marc L. Ruggiano ’96 & Shelly Ruggiano Abby A. Ruiz de Gamboa ’04 & Alberto Ruiz de Gamboa Susan H. Ruth ’77 Smita Sahatpure ’04 Kleber R. Santos ’01 Elizabeth H. Schad ’79 Nina F. Scherago ’86 Robert C. Schletter ’79 Robert G. Schoenvogel ’06 & Thames T. Schoenvogel Allison C. Schroeder ’14 & Herman F. Schroeder ’14 Wilrich H. Schroeder ’85 William H. Schwarzschild IV ’08 Randolph Scott Seibert ’09 & Aimee Perron Seibert Thomas F. Shannon ’92 Daniel T. Shively ’12 & Emily Shively Conor F. Sibley ’06

David A. Simon ’03 & Julia Lockhart Simon Manoj Sinha ’09 Jessica Pohl Sinnarajah ’07 & Jason Sinnarajah ’07 Anthony W. Smith ’87 & Elizabeth Roberts Smith C. Ray Smith ’58 & Phyllis J. Smith Emily Follin Smith ’85 Russell P. Smith ’86 & Louann J. Smith Rosamond P. Smythe ’84 & Daniel T. Smythe ’84 Steven A. Sonnenberg ’79 & Karen S. Sonnenberg Frank S. Sowinski ’81 Gordon L. Spaugh Jr. ’04 & Christie Spaugh James M. Spencer ’98 & Carolyn Spencer Matthew Christopher Steere ’99 & Erin G. Steere Scott A. Stemberger ’04 & Renee Stemberger Marc D. Stern ’88 & Kim Yellin Bernard Student ’92 Benjamin J. Sullivan Jr. ’82 & Charlotte M. Sullivan Bradley J. Sullivan ’07 & Laura H. Sullivan Connee B. Sullivan ’82 & Kent C. Sullivan Jenelle Hammes Sullivan ’99 & Daniel P. Sullivan ’99 William R. Sullivan ’75 Ichiro Suzuki ’84 Robert L. Swain ’96 & Jill Swain Stephen C. Sweeney ’07 Yuji Takeda ’05 Reverend Samuel V. Tallman Jr. ’71 Christopher P. Tanco ’92 Thomas K. Tattersall ’04 & Kelly E. Tattersall O. Lee Tawes III ’72 Peter F. Ten Eyck ’89 Gerardus Teunissen ’67 & Maggie Teunissen Deborah B. Thomas ’89 Gregory S. Thompson ’75 Kelly M. Thomson ’99 Michael K. Tierney ’96 & Janet P. Tierney David Reid Townsend ’00 Kenneth B. Trippe ’87 Helen M. Troy ’81 John Tye ’00 Alok Vaish ’97 Meredith M. Valentine ’10 Patricia D. Van Belle ’94 & David G. Shanahan ’87 Jodi L. Thrasher ’05 & Santhosh G. Varughese ’05 Bradley M. Vaughn ’08 Stacy Brown Vermylen ’75 & David B. Vermylen


Christian Brant Walkenhorst ’00 Brandt H. Walker ’18 Gerrud Wallaert ’18 S. Pierce Walmsley V ’92 & Veronika P. Walmsley Paul V. Walsh ’92 & Jennifer S. Walsh Guilford D. Ware Jr. ’91 & Elizabeth E. Ware Seth E. Webber ’99 Carol C. Weber & R. Jack Weber Donald S. Wheeler ’74 & Julia K. Wheeler Thomas B. Whelan II ’77 & Claire F. Whelan Martha C. White ’94 Gary R. Wilhite ’84 Howard P. Wilkinson Jr. ’73 & Carolyn N. Wilkinson Robert E. Willen ’95 & Cynthia E. Siedman-Willen Joy S. Willey ’97 & David M. Willey ’89 Matthew D. Williamson ’18 Christin G. Willis ’13 & Jeffrey M. Willis ’13 Charles H. Wilson IV ’89 Rebecca M. Wilson ’96 James W. Wininger ’04 & Heather Wininger Christopher John DiBiagio Wood ’12 & Leslie N. Wood Adrienne Woodard & Keith O. Woodard John H. Woodfin Jr. ’95 & Charlotte B. Woodfin Kurt W. Woolley ’06 & Heather Woolley David F. Woynerowski ’02 & Elisabeth Woynerowski Landon R. Wyatt III ’82 & Edith H. Wyatt Clifford M. Yonce ’97 & Susan Yonce John A. Young ’92 & Rebecca A. Young Ery R. Zaidir ’18 & Hanni Rinaldi P. Rhoads Zimmerman ’69 & Marcella Zimmerman Sallye C. Zink ’77

Abbott Associates: $1,000–2,499 Whitney A. Abraham ’18 Maria Luisa Abreu ’17 Brian Christopher Alas ’16 Firas J. Al-Barzinji ’15 Alan Deleon Alegado ’16 Michael T. Anderson ’16 Katherine Atchison ’18 Kellen Ball ’18 Christopher J. Barchet ’18 Blair Charlotte Belling ’17 Alexander Bertles ’18

Prasenjit Bhattacharjee ’18 Christopher Eugene Blankenship ’17 William M. Bond Jr. ’15 Alan C. Botsford III ’18 Adam C. Branham ’17 Margot R. Bunn ’17 Jennifer J. Burns ’17 Kristine K. Campbell ’18 Samuel G. Campbell ’18 Roger Dale Carlile ’16 & Rita L. Carlile Jessica Alvarez Casey ’14 & Edward J. Casey III ’15 Eric Crawford Cash ’16 Elyse Chen ’16 Antoine E. Cobb ’18 Sara R. Conner ’18 Sarah R. Coogan ’16 & Henry William Coogan III ’16 Jo’Andrew Derond Cousins ’16 Parks Hewitt Daniel ’18 Brian Dibella ’15 Michelle DiGruttolo ’16 Christopher C. Donahue ’15 Courtney Elizabeth Doyle ’18 & Adam S. Doyle ’18 Tomas L. Ducaud ’16 I.S. Mitchell Dunklin ’17 H. Joseph Easter IV ’17 Neil Ian Fanaroff ’17 Angelica Febrillet ’17 Michael F. Flanagan ’18 Michael G. Fox ’17 Kathryn A. Gaffin ’18 Lily Hou George ’17 & Matthew R. George ’13 Janeth G. Gomez Gualdron ’17 Marjorie E. Greenhalgh ’18 David A. Haddock ’16 Jennifer G. Harris ’15 & Carter Keleher Harris ’15 Thomas E. Hastain ’16 Brian T. Havey ’16 Thomas A. Holz ’17 Griffin Hammill Humphreys ’16 Abdul-Azeez O. Isiaq ’18 Gen A. Izutsu ’15 Jonathan R. Jones ’16 Erika S. Kain ’16 Christine A. Kasper ’18 Maureen E. Keegan ’17


Darden Society


Sean Michael Kelley ’16 Elizabeth A. Kidder ’15 Tyler D. Kirchoff ’18 Jennifer L. Dresback ’03 & Brian S. Kohler ’18 Craig M. Kreinbihl ’18 Robert M. Lane ’15 Reid A. Lathan ’18 Hongju Lee ’18 Wei Liao ’16 Edward B. Lipes Jr. ’15 Christopher D. Lundin ’17 Yudai Luo ’16 Omri Margalit ’18 Philip Bernt Marsel ’17 Casey A. McCarthy ’18 Michael A. McLain Jr. ’18 Alexandra N. Moharam ’18 Jason L. Mollengarden ’15 Manuel F. Morales Leon ’18 Juan A. Morales ’18 James Davis Morris Jr. ’17 Aaron T. Myers ’15 Lewis L. Nelson ’17 Christopher David Newman ’16 Philip K. O’Bannon ’15 Chinaecherem Omenyinma ’18 Konrad R. Osa ’18 Samidh Pareek ’18 John Tucker Petroff ’17 James J. Reardon ’18 & Kate Reardon Christopher T. Rehberger ’15 & Michelle P. Rehberger Robert C. Rosenblatt ’18 Michael T. Rudolph ’18 Michael Day Sargent Jr. ’17 Alyssa Heilman Scheiman ’15 & Jordan P. Scheiman ’16 Christopher M. Schenkkan ’18 & Susan A. Schenkkan Linden E. S. Schult ’17 Matthew C. Sculnick ’15 Heather D. Seamans ’18 David A. Semo Scharfman ’16 Nikhil S. Shetty ’18 Randy J. Sinclair ’15 Chiara Dos Passos Singleton ’17 Susan O’Neill Skelsey ’15 & Henry F. Skelsey Jr. ’15 Molly Paxton Duncan ’17 & Bingley Barker Squire ’17

Vidhur Srinivasan Chari ’18 Jessica M. Streufert ’17 Gregory Stephen Suellentrop ’16 Robert A. Sukhwani ’15 Raphael Patrick Swann ’16 Yao Tang ’16 Elliot P. Tinnes ’15 Jeffrey Todd ’18 James A. Turbeville ’18 Thomas Boushall Valentine Jr. ’15 Joseph C. Vanzant III ’15 Brian Vogel ’18 David Lawson Waldman ’15 & Marian Leitner-Waldman Yin Wang ’16 Karl E. Wingenbach ’18 Adele Elizabeth Young ’17 + Deceased



A whole lot of people doing something can produce the right result. That’s the best thing about the Darden Annual Fund. It can be successful with lots of smaller donations and allow everyone to invest in the campaign.” JIM COOPER (MBA ’84) Chair, Powered by Purpose campaign

Corporate Partners Program

Corporate Partners Program


As a business school dedicated to purpose-driven leadership, it is only fitting that Darden partners frequently and extensively with businesses seeking to improve society. Darden has maintained strong relationships within the corporate world since its founding, with initial resources coming from a small group of Virginia business leaders who provided both financial support and advisory expertise to the School. This fiscal year, corporate support continued to amplify the Darden mission, especially through the corporate partners program. Darden’s corporate partners are committed to the success and future of the School and its faculty and students. We proudly recognize these companies and their dedicated Darden alumni for unwavering generosity and leadership.

Gold Level: $100,000 Capital One Silver Level: $50,000 Fortive Bronze Level: $25,000 Corning Inc. Danaher Corp. WestRock Co.

Orange Level: $10,000 Accenture Strategy Deloitte Harris Williams & Co. Johnson & Johnson JPMorgan Chase & Co. Piper Jaffray PwC Navy Level: $5,000 Bain & Co. Barclays Chevron Goldman Sachs Houlihan Lokey Wells Fargo Securities

Hickory Club

Hickory Club The Hickory Club recognizes Darden alumni who have given consistently each year to the School for a minimum of three years. Founded in 2005 as a way to recognize loyal donors, the Hickory Club was named for Dean Charles C. Abbott’s ever-loyal black Labrador retriever, Hickory. The club is a symbol of the dedication Darden alumni express for the School through consecutive giving. In fiscal year 2019, the Hickory Club reached an impressive 2,810 members. More than 2,000 have given consistently for a decade and 755 have given for 25 years or more.

Ed Dinwiddie (MBA ’58), left, with Darden School Foundation President Michael J. Woodfolk (TEP ’05)



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755 Unparalleled Loyalty Edward Dinwiddie (MBA ’58) received the 2018 Harry N. Lewis Distinguished Service Award. This high honor is bestowed to an alumni volunteer leader who demonstrates exceptional, longtime volunteer service to the School; passionate and creative commitment to increasing alumni engagement; and loyal philanthropic support of Darden. Over six decades of service to Darden and his classmates, Dinwiddie has served as a class agent and class secretary and on his class reunion committees. Dinwiddie, who celebrated his 60th reunion in 2018, is a Darden Society member at the Fellows Level and has been a Hickory Club member 52 years. IN OCTOBER,


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For a complete listing of Hickory Club members by Darden class year, please visit www.darden.virginia.edu/2019contributorslist


Annual Fund

Leading Supporters of the 2019 Darden Annual Fund


Founders’ Circle: $25,000–49,999

James A. Cooper ’84 & Stacy L. Cooper Bruce R. Thompson ’90

Keith F. Bachman ’89 Jane Parke Batten Claire Dufournet Beardsley & Scott C. Beardsley Hugh M. Comer II ’91 & Debora R. Comer George L. Cornell Jr. ’76 + Gordon Crawford ’71 & Dona Crawford James R.V. Daniel III ’59 & Colleen H. Daniel Terrence D. Daniels ’70 & Courtnay S. Daniels Lawton W. Fitt ’79 & James I. McLaren John D. Fowler Jr. ’84 & Corey Phillips Fowler Frederic H. Garner IV ’90 & Katherine Dudley Garner Frank E. Genovese ’74 & Susan L. Genovese Carson Q. Gleberman ’86 & Joseph Gleberman Andrea P. Goodman ’84 & Donald W. Goodman ’84 Peter M. Grant ’86 & Colleen J. Grant R. Allen Haight ’89 & Franziska Haight William A. Hawkins III ’82 & Sharon Doyle Hawkins Bret W. Holden ’88 & Jeanne Marie Z. Holden Edward H. Hutchison ’69 & Margaret B. Hutchison Philip W. Knisely ’78 & Patricia Knisely N. R. Narayana Murthy Michael E. O’Neill ’74 & Patricia J. O’Neill Jerome C. Philpott ’88 & Ann Searle Philpott Henry F. Skelsey ’84 & Susan W. Skelsey James W. Todd ’64 & Sharon K. Todd Peggy Watts Gup ’79 Roger L. Werner Jr. ’77 Elizabeth Kirk Weymouth ’94 & Philip B. Weymouth III ’93

Sponsors’ Circle: $50,000–99,999

Leaders: $10,000–24,999

Anonymous Stacy H. Bolduc ’90 & John P. Bolduc ’90 Robert J. Hugin ’85 & Kathleen Hugin Elizabeth H. Lynch ’84 & Daniel S. Lynch ’84 E. Morgan Massey William B. Massey Jr. & Randee Massey William E. Massey Jr. & Rebecca C. Massey Donald E. Morel Jr. ’97 & Lauren Morel Albert N. Morgan Jr. ’72 & Carla H. Morgan Frank M. Sands Sr. ’63 Douglas A. Scovanner ’79 & Mary M. Scovanner Steven C. Voorhees ’80 & Celia Voorhees

Anonymous Jenifer G. Andrasko ’10 & Joseph R. Andrasko ’11 Michael Simon Augins ’99 Joseph P. Balog ’88 & Cheryl S. Balog Thomas J. Baltimore Jr. ’91 & Hillary D. Baltimore Frank Batten Jr. ’84 & Aimee C. Batten John R. Belk ’86 & Kimberly D. Belk Richard E. Berry ’94 & Ana Maria Hernandez Berry T. Mitchell Bland ’83 Ari D. Blum ’02 W.L. Lyons Brown III ’87 & Susanna S. Brown Mary Buckle Searle ’86 & Stewart A. Searle III

Through the Darden Annual Fund, everyone has the ability to shape Darden at this momentous time. This fiscal year, leading supporters of the Darden Annual Fund designated gifts to support innovation, recruit and retain world-class faculty and staff, provide scholarships for deserving students from all walks of life, and enhance Darden’s impact and stature around the globe. This generosity and loyalty allows Darden to continually invest in the School’s unparalleled educational experience. It also paves the way for success in the Powered by Purpose campaign, bringing together Darden alumni, students, faculty, staff, parents and friends to power the purposeful through support of the Darden Annual Fund.

Executive Circle: $100,000 & Above


J. Andrew Bugas ’86 & Maryann Horgan Bugas Paul J. Cavicchi ’83 G. David Cheek ’79 & Katherine P. Cheek Marjorie Webb Childress ’09 & Ryan W. Childress ’09 Kevin M. Cox ’79 & Charlotte J. Cox Guillaume M. Cuvelier ’91 William K. Daniel II ’91 & Robin W. Daniel George A. L. David ’67 Mariano A. Diaz-Bonilla ’04 & Rebecca M. Diaz-Bonilla Robert G. Doumar Jr. ’88 & Noelle C. Doumar John O. Downing ’82 James K. Dunton ’62 & Nancy Hilton Dunton Clifford H. Farrah ’94 & Kimberley M. Farrah Kelsey C. Ferguson ’18 Luke E. Fichthorn IV ’98 & Katherine B. Fichthorn Thomas J. Friedmann ’90 & Amy D. Anderson Christine A. Fruehwirth ’96 & John M. Fruehwirth ’96 Peter U. Gavin ’13 & Andrea M. Gavin Kirsti W. Goodwin ’02 & Matthew T. Goodwin William H. Goodwin III ’95 & Crystal H. Goodwin William H. Goodwin Jr. ’66 & Alice T. Goodwin Gregory B. Graves ’89 Ira H. Green Jr. ’90 & Susan M. Green Naren K. Gursahaney ’89 Edgar B. Hamilton Jr. ’88 Robert D. Hardie ’95, ’99 & Molly G. Hardie Peter J. Hicks ’74 & Kathryn V. Hicks Freya S. Hooper ’94 & Ned Hooper ’94 Martina Hund-Mejean ’88 & Bruno Jean-Marie Mejean William Irvin Huyett ’82 & Lauren M. Huyett Huntington A. James ’94 & Molly K. James John P. Kanan ’06 David B. Kelso ’82 & Sara E. Kelso Rosemary B. King ’91 & Martin G. King ’91 Mark J. Kington ’88 & Ann A. Kington Linwood A. Lacy Jr. ’69 & Constance C. Lacy Robert E. Lamb II ’70 Bruce R. Lauritzen ’67 & Geraldine Morrow Lauritzen Jane R. Lundquist ’80 Brian N. McDonald ’87 & Margaret McDonald Benjamin M. McGrath ’85 & Linda Berres McGrath Emmett E. McLean ’84 Mark C. Mead ’90 Peter C. Meisel ’86 & Susan Meisel Curtis J. Miller ’02

David L. Miller ’72 & Helen Miller E. Benjamin Mix III ’86 J. Byrne Murphy ’86 & Pamela Breslin Murphy E. Mitchell Norville ’84 & Carla S. Norville Dominic M. Pomponi ’05 & Kimberly Pomponi John A. Powell ’82 Scott A. Price ’90 & Shizuko M. Price Theodore W. Price ’68 & Carol B. Price Steven S Reinemund ’78 & Gail Timbers Reinemund Matthias D. Renner ’86 & Linda G. Renner Thomas E. Robinson ’73 F. Blair Schmidt-Fellner ’85 Kenneth Shea ’87 & Carolyn Shea Lauren Shepard Taylor A. Shepard ’20 Katrina F. Sherrerd ’87 & David G. Smith Allison P. Shipley ’89 James Howard Small ’18 & Anayansie Perez Small Robert W. Smith ’87 & Teresa Smith Shannon G. Smith ’90 Beth C. Spilman ’88 & Vance H. Spilman ’88 Wallace Stettinius ’59 & Mary Gray Stettinius Jennifer O. Styslinger & Mark J. Styslinger Ann H. Taylor ’85 & Peter R. Taylor Warren M. Thompson ’83 Timothy P. Treadway ’79 Ronald E. Trzcinski ’71 & Patricia Trzcinski Robert S. Ukrop ’72 & Jayne B. Ukrop William P. Utt ’84 & Carolyn S. Utt Edward W. Valentine ’93 & Laura Valentine Sarasa Subramony & Sankaran Venkataraman Bradley J. Waitzer ’87 & Terry Waitzer Michelle J. Weiss ’85 Alexander R. Westra ’12 Donald M. Wilkinson III ’92 & Lauren D. Wilkinson Charles H. Witmer ’83 & Meryl B. Witmer James Matthew Wood III ’82 Robert C. Woodworth ’73 & Joyce Woodworth John O. Wynne Jr. ’04 Richard S. Youngman ’76 Jose Maria Zertuche ’00 & Virginia Valcarcel Zertuche + Deceased


Reunion Giving

Reunion Giving “We, as Darden alumni, have a strategic approach to not just business, but any problem, which impacts society in a positive way. This is what makes the Darden education we are supporting through scholarships so valuable — that it makes the world a better place.”

Reunion Giving inspires classes to unite through philanthropy to impact the future of the School. Giving to the School by reunion-year alumni broke the all-time record in fiscal year 2019, totaling $16.2 million — an increase of 59 percent over the previous record year in 2018. Three classes leveraged the UVA Bicentennial Scholars Fund to bolster support for class scholarships through matching gift opportunities. 56

• The Class of 1994 honored its classmate by endowing the Class of 1994 Michael D. Traina Scholarship to provide a half-tuition, needbased scholarship in perpetuity. • The Class of 1989 established the Class of 1989 Bicentennial Scholars Fund to support a permanent half-tuition, need-based scholarship. • The Class of 1974 chose to honor a faculty member by establishing the Professor Derek A. Newton Bicentennial Scholars Fund.

Reunion Class Participation

— John Parsons (MBA ’89)


Reunion Giving Total

Class Participation

1959 1964 1969 1974 1979 1984 1989 1994 1999 2004 2009 2009 EMBA 2014 2014 EMBA 2014 GEMBA 2018 2018 EMBA Total

$52,225 83% $323,989 36% $300,000 62% $7,441,267 40% $903,140 51% $4,109,115 57% $1,080,002 55% $697,480 46% $163,788 34% $276,597 37% $171,076 46% $15,240 50% $173,413 43% $324,457 38% $2,784 23% $79,018 64% $46,255 61% $16,159,847 48%

Reunion Weekend Attendance

55% 13% 27% 30% 27% 26% 34% 34% 31% 23% 44% 45% 48% 47% 48% 34% 46% 35%

Foundation Giving

Foundation Giving Joining Darden in its mission to improve the world by inspiring responsible leaders, foundations focused on moving the world forward are well aligned to partner with the Darden School. The School has a strong history of collaborating with foundations, which support the School across the areas of scholarships, thought leadership, programmatic offerings, student experience and research.

Le Michael Song (Class of 2020) is a Stamps Fellow. 57

Stamps Family Charitable Foundation

McGowan Fellows Program D U E IN PAR T to its longtime commitment to ethics and leadership, Darden was invited this year to become a partner school of the William G. McGowan Charitable Fund’s McGowan Fellows Program. Through the program, a rising Second Year full-time MBA student at Darden will be selected as a McGowan Fellow and receive a full-tuition scholarship, in addition to a host of experiential leadership development opportunities. The Darden McGowan Fellow will join a cohort of fellows from nine other top business schools, receive training from the renowned Center for Creative Leadership, engage with McGowan alumni coaches, participate in a collective social impact project, learn from experts in business leadership and ethics, and network with peers at a series of retreats and an annual symposium.

E. Roe Stamps and his late wife, Penny, have helped change the lives of countless undergraduate and graduate students, including many at the Darden School. Their generosity through the Stamps Family Charitable Foundation established the Stamps Scholars Program at Darden, which remains the only graduate school supported by the program. Up to five fellowship recipients each year are awarded full-tuition scholarships — funded 50 percent by the Stamps Foundation and 50 percent by Darden — in addition to an educational enrichment fund. To date, there have been 25 Stamps Fellows who have walked through Darden’s doors because of the Stamps’ philanthropy.

School Leadership and Alumni Volunteers


School Leadership

and Alumni Volunteers



Left: Tom Steenburgh holds the Richard S. Reynolds Professorship in Business Administration. He serves as Darden’s senior associate dean for faculty development and the full-time MBA program, and he is a member of both the Enterprise Team and the Corporate Advisory Board.

School Leadership and Alumni Volunteers

Darden School Leadership

R. Marc Johnson Senior Executive Director for Global Affairs and Enterprise Initiatives

Dean Krehmeyer Chief of Staff

Michael J. Lenox Scott C. Beardsley Dean and Charles C. Abbott Professor of Business Administration 60

Michael J. Woodfolk President, Darden School Foundation

Tayloe Murphy Professor of Business Administration, Senior Associate Dean and Chief Strategy Officer

Jeanne M. Liedtka United Technologies Corporation Professor of Business Administration and Senior Associate Dean for Degree Programs

Jeff McNish Assistant Dean, Career Development Center

Kara Ramirez Mullins Vice President for Advancement

Enterprise Team Kirby Armentrout

Larry Murphy

Assistant Dean of Finance and Financial Aid

President, Custom Solutions, Darden Executive Education and Lifelong Learning

Dawna Clarke

Thomas J. Steenburgh

Executive Director of Admissions

Chief Marketing and Communications Officer

Richard S. Reynolds Professor of Business Administration, Senior Associate Dean for Faculty Development and Associate Dean Full-Time MBA Program

Martin N. Davidson

Sankaran “Venkat” Venkataraman

Johnson and Higgins Professor of Business Administration, Senior Associate Dean and Chief Diversity Officer

Mastercard Professor of Business Administration and Senior Associate Dean for Faculty and Research

James “Jim” R. Detert

Executive Director, Faculty Advancement

Juliet Daum

Henry E. McWane Professor of Business Administration and Associate Dean of Executive Degree Programs and Leadership Initiatives

Gregory B. Fairchild Isidore Horween Research Associate Professor of Business Administration, Associate Dean for Washington, D.C., Area Initiatives and Academic Director of Public Policy and Entrepreneurship

Maureen Wellen Ronald T. Wilcox NewMarket Corporation Professor of Business Administration and Academic Director, Master of Science in Business Analytics

Ashley Williams CEO and Chief Learning Officer, Executive Education and Lifelong Learning


Darden School Foundation Board of Trustees

Warren F. Estey (MBA ’98) Deutsche Bank

Arnold B. Evans (MBA/JD ’97) SunTrust Bank

John D. Fowler Jr. (MBA/JD ’84) The mission of the Darden School Foundation is to support the School by promoting philanthropic support from individuals and corporations, managing endowment funds for the School’s exclusive benefit, and operating Darden’s Executive Education program and hospitality services. The board oversees the Foundation’s strategies and gives time, financial support and advice, providing an important link between the academic and business communities.

Wells Fargo Securities

Catherine J. Friedman (MBA ’86) Independent Consultant

John W. Glynn Jr. Glynn Capital Management


Kirsti W. Goodwin (MBA ’02) Tower 3 Investments

Gordon Grand III (MBA ’75)** Retired, Russell Reynolds Associates Inc.

Chair Robert J. Hugin (MBA ’85) Retired, Celgene

Vice Chair Martina T. Hund-Mejean (MBA ’88)

Wesley G. Bush*

Peter M. Grant II (MBA ’86)

Northrop Grumman Corp.

Anchormarck Holdings LLC

Susan J. Chaplinsky

Yael Grushka-Cockayne



University of Virginia Darden School of Business

University of Virginia Darden School of Business

H. William Coogan Jr. (MBA ’82)

Michelle B. Horn (MBA ’95)

Retired, Firstmark Corp.

Softbank Group

James A. Cooper (MBA ’84)

Robert L. Huffines (MBA ’92)

Thompson Street Capital Partners

JPMorgan Chase & Co.

Charles R. Cory (MBA/JD ’82)

John C. Jeffries Jr.

Retired, Morgan Stanley & Co. Inc.

University of Virginia

Robert G. Doumar Jr. (MBA/JD ’88)

David B. Kelso (MBA ’82)

Park Square Capital LLP

Retired, Aetna Life Insurance

University of Virginia Darden School of Business

Franklin S. Edmonds Jr. (MBA/JD ’95)

Rosemary B. King (MBA ’91)

Panning Capital Management LP

K&B Fund

W.L. Lyons Brown III (MBA ’87)

Richard C. Edmunds (MBA ’92)

Mark J. Kington (MBA ’88)

Altamar Brands LLC

Strategy&, PwC

Kington Management LLC

J. Andrew Bugas (MBA ’86)

Karen K. Edwards (MBA ’84)

Radar Partners

Boyden Global Executive Search

Retired, Mastercard

Immediate Past Chair Elizabeth K. Weymouth (MBA ’94) Grafine Partners

Kirby C. Adams (MBA ’79) Retired, Tata Steel Europe

J. Michael Balay (MBA ’89)


Wiswell Advisors LLC

Scott C. Beardsley


School Leadership and Alumni Volunteers


Naresh Kumra (MBA ’99)

James E. Ryan


University of Virginia

Lemuel E. Lewis (MBA ’72)

Frank M. Sands (MBA ’94)

IvMedia LLC

Sands Capital Management

Jeanne M. Liedtka

Frank M. Sands Sr. (MBA ’63)

University of Virginia Darden School of Business

Sands Capital Management

Nicole McKinney Lindsay (MBA ’99/JD ’00)

3QU Media LLC

Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth

Erik A. Slingerland (MBA ’84)

Henry F. Skelsey (MBA ’84)

Elizabeth H. Lynch (MBA ’84)

Robert W. Smith (MBA ’87)


Jonathan D. Mariner TaxDay LLC

Richard A. Mayo (MBA ’68)

EAS International SA


Game Creek Capital

Sachin J. Mehra (MBA ’96)* Mastercard

Carolyn S. Miles (MBA ’88) Save the Children

J. Byrne Murphy (MBA ’86) DigiPlex Group Cos.

Michael E. O’Neill (MBA ’74) Retired, Citigroup

Patrick A. O’Shea (MBA ’86) ICmed LLC

Emeritus Trustee Cabinet Chair Elizabeth K. Weymouth (MBA ’94) Grafine Partners

James S. Cheng (MBA ’87) CAV Angels

Louis G. Elson (MBA ’90) Palamon Capital Partners LLP

Palmer P. Garson (MBA ’83) Silvercrest Asset Management Group

Retired, T. Rowe Price Co.

Frank E. Genovese (MBA ’74)

Shannon G. Smith (MBA ’90)

William A. Hawkins III (MBA ’82)


Mark J. Styslinger* Altec Inc.

Bruce R. Thompson (MBA ’90) Bank of America Corp.

Lilo Simmons Ukrop (MBA ’89)* University of Virginia Darden School of Business

William P. Utt (MBA ’84)

Gary T. Jones (MBA ’74) Georgia Institute of Technology

Philip W. Knisely (MBA ’78) Clayton, Dubilier & Rice LLC

Reginald W. Lathan (MBA ’87) ChemTrans

Warren M. Thompson (MBA ’83) Thompson Hospitality Corporation

Retired, KBR Inc.

Thomas R. Watjen (MBA ’81)

Steven C. Voorhees (MBA ’80)*

Roger L. Werner Jr. (MBA ’77)

WestRock Co.

RLW Holdings Ltd.

Donald M. Wilkinson (MBA ’66)

G. Ruffner Page Jr. (MBA ’86)* McWane Inc.

Zhiyuan “Jerry” Peng (MBA ’03) Sands Capital Management

Alex R. Picou (MBA ’89) JPMorgan Chase & Co.

ex-officio member

* new board member for FY 2020 ** completed service in FY 2019


Alumni Association Board of Directors

Sandhya Chhabra (EMBA ’17)

Douglas T. Moore (MBA ’80)

Albemarle Endocrinology PLC


Jerome E. Connolly Jr. (MBA ’88)

Betsy M. Moszeter (EMBA ’11)

Carolina Financial Securities

Green Alpha Advisors LLC

Andrew G. Crowley (MBA ’11)

Nikhil Nath (MBA ’00)**

Markel Corp.

NSQ Advisory

Richard P. Dahling (MBA ’87)

Richard J. Parsons (MBA ’80)

Fidelity Investments


Christian Duffus (MBA ’00)

Elvis Rodriguez (MBA ’10)

Fonbnk Inc.

Bank of America Securities Inc.

Michael J. Ganey (MBA ’78)

Nancy Chotiner Schretter (MBA ’79)


The Beacon Group

Thomas N. Gonzalez (MBA ’19)**

Mary Buckle Searle (MBA ’86)

Darden Student Association

Strategic Thought Partners

Ira H. Green Jr. (MBA ’90)

David A. Simon (MBA ’03)

Simmons & Energy

SRS Capital Advisors Inc.

Owen D. Griffin Jr. (MBA ’99)

Jason Sinnarajah (MBA ’07)


Ziff Davis Media

Evan A. Inra (EMBA ’08) Amazon Web Services

Henry F. Skelsey Jr. (MBA ’15) F.E. Spirits Co.

Kendall Jennings (MBA ’12)

David L. Tayman (MBA/JD ’97)


TLC Law Firm-Tayman Lane Chaverri LLP


Bruce D. Jolly (MBA ’67)

Lilo Simmons Ukrop (MBA ’89)**

Kristina M. Alimard (MBA ’03)

Harry N. Lewis (MBA ’57)

University of Virginia Investment Management Co.

Retired, Lewis Insurance Agency Inc.

University of Virginia Darden School of Business

Yiorgos S. Allayannis

Darden Student Association

The mission of the Alumni Association Board of Directors is to improve the professional quality, reputation, and leadership of the School and its alumni, and to develop, strengthen and utilize the bonds of interest, influence and affection existing between the School, its alumni, its faculty and the business community.

Chair Warren F. Estey (MBA ’98) Deutsche Bank Securities Inc.

President Patrick A. O’Shea (MBA ’86)

University of Virginia Darden School of Business

Keith F. Bachman (MBA ’89) Bank of Montreal

Christine P. Barth (MBA ’94) Harren Equity Partners LLC

Max P. Linden (Class of 2020)*

Shaojian Zhang (MBA ’99) Haier IEP Business

Kristina F. Mangelsdorf (MBA ’94) Visa Inc.

Taylor Meyer (MBA ’13) Goldman Sachs

* new board member for FY 2020 ** completed service in FY 2019


School Leadership and Alumni Volunteers

Corporate Advisory Board

Mazen G. Baroudi

S. Caribou Honig (MBA/JD ’96)

Ernst & Young International

3rd Act Ventures LLC

Kelly Becker (MBA ’08)

Kecia E. Howson (MBA ’99)**

Schneider Electric North America

SunTrust Robinson Humphrey

Helen M. Boudreau (MBA ’93)** Mark S. Bower (MBA ’02)


The mission of the Corporate Advisory Board is to advise and assist the University of Virginia Darden School of Business in developing partnerships with global corporations, government institutions, foundations and other appropriate organizations. These partnerships address the full range of support for Darden’s mission, including recruiting, executive education and financial contributions.

Bain & Co.

Kevin C. Clark (MBA ’01) Ergobaby

William S. Cohen (MBA ’07) Bank of America Private Bank

Robert E. Collier (MBA ’10) McCrometer

Sean M. Corrigan (MBA ’05)* The Walt Disney Co.

Donna Lynnette Crowder (EMBA ’10) WestRock Co.

Paul H. Donovan (MBA ’95)** Microsoft Corp.

Chair Richard C. Edmunds III (MBA ’92) Strategy&, PwC

Daniel A. Dougherty (MBA ’94) Barclays

Sarita T. Finnie (MBA ’01)

Vice Chair Michelle B. Horn (MBA ’95)

Bayer HealthCare Pharmaceuticals Inc.

SoftBank Group

Joseph B. Folds III (MBA ’91)

Danielle Eesley Amfahr 3M

Stuart C. Bachelder (MBA ’06) DaVita Inc.

J. Michael Balay (MBA ’89) Wiswell Advisors LLC

Joseph P. Balog (MBA ’88) PwC

Campbell Soup Co.

Theresa O. Frankiewicz (MBA ’87)

Marcien B. Jenckes (MBA ’98) Comcast Corp.

John B. Jung Jr. (MBA ’84) BB&T Capital Markets

Harry A. Lawton III (MBA ’00) Macy’s Inc.

Jason P. Lund (MBA ’06) Gilbarco Veeder-Root, Fortive

Bonnie K. Matosich (MBA ’92)** Submittable

Harold W. McGraw IV (MBA ’07) S&P Global Market Intelligence

Fernando Z. Mercé (MBA ’98) Nestlé Waters North America

L. Michael Meyer (MBA ’92) Middlegame Ventures

Diem H.D. Nguyen, Ph.D. (MBA ’01) Pharmaceutical Product Development LLC

Ann H. S. Nicholson (MBA ’01) Corning Inc.

Abby A. Ruiz de Gamboa (MBA ’04) Deloitte Consulting LLP

Kleber R. Santos (MBA ’01)**

CC Industries Inc. and Crown Community Development

Capital One

Ivy L. Ghatan (MBA ’09)

Joseph V. Schwan (EMBA ’13)*


Baxter International Inc.

Sunil K. Ghatnekar (MBA ’92)

Colin P. Smyth (MBA ’04)

Prescient Co. Inc.

MetLife Inc.


Thomas J. Steenburgh University of Virginia Darden School of Business

Scott A. Stemberger (MBA ’04) The Boston Consulting Group Inc.

Katherine Vega Stultz** Celgene

Eric M. Swanson (MBA ’08) Amazon.com

Edward W. Valentine (MBA ’93)


Harris Williams & Co.

Gerrud Wallaert (TEP ’18) E.On Climate and Renewables

Steven D. Williams (MBA ’06) Delta Air Lines Inc.

Gary R. Wolfe (MBA ’92) Wells Fargo Securities

* new board member for FY 2020 ** completed service in FY 2019

Corporate Advisory Board member Jason Lund (MBA ’06) returned to the Charlottesville Grounds to speak with students.

School Leadership and Alumni Volunteers

Dean’s Diversity Advisory Council

Octavia G. Matthews (MBA ’89) Aramark Uniform Services

Willard L. McCloud III (MBA ’04) Pfizer Inc.

Michael A. Peters (MBA ’09) Comcast Corp.

Reynaldo Roche (MBA ’07)


The mission of the Dean’s Diversity Advisory Council is to create and sustain a world-class business school culture in which all members take responsibility for and value an inclusive and diverse environment.

Delta Air Lines Inc.

William B. Sanders (MBA ’06) Rhonda M. Smith (MBA ’88) Integrative Medicine for the Underserved

Deborah Thomas (MBA ’89)* Somos Inc.

Chair Alex R. Picou (MBA ’89) JP Morgan Private Bank

Vice Chair Nicole McKinney Lindsay (MBA ’99/JD ’00)

Jeffrey W. Toromoreno (MBA ’06) Citigroup

Daniele M. Wilson (MBA ’11) Google

Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth

Nicola J. Allen (MBA ’10) Danaher Corp.

Tawana Murphy Burnett (MBA ’04) Facebook

Paige T. Davis Jr. (MBA ’09) T. Rowe Price Associates Inc.

Teresa A. Epperson (MBA ’95) A.T. Kearney Inc.

Ray R. Hernandez (MBA ’08) Asurion

Andrew C. Holzwarth (EMBA ’09) Stanley Martin Cos.

* new board member for FY 2020


Global Advisory Council The mission of the Global Advisory Council is to help the Darden School of Business deliver on the following goals: to build a critical mass of leaders, executives and managers within established, growing and emerging economies; to strengthen Darden’s influence on business and society worldwide; and to grow the recognition of the Darden brand in key regions of the world.

Louis G. Elson (MBA ’90)**

Hagen Radowski (MBA ’91)

Palamon Capital Partners LLP

Porsche Consulting Inc.

David R. Frediani

Vincent M. Rague (MBA ’84)**

Ironshore Inc.

Catalyst Principal Partners

Janeth G. Gomez Gualdron (GEMBA ’17)*

Yudhono Rawis (GEMBA ’16)*

Capital One


Anthony J. Hobson (MBA ’74)**

Mayra Alexandra Rocha (GEMBA ’16)*

James Dyson Group Ltd.

Project M Media

C. Peabody Hutton (MBA/JD ’75)**

Fiona Roche (MBA ’84)**

Orion Partners Holdings LLC

Estates Development Co.

Wei Jin (MBA ’99)*

Arpan R. Sheth (MBA ’96)

Prudential Financial Corp.

Bain & Co.

Xiang Liu (MBA ’05)*

Nishal Sodha (GEMBA ’17)

Shanghai Cura Investment & Management Co. Ltd

Global Hardware Limited

Richard K. Loh (MBA ’96)

Retired, Nomura Asset Management

Chair Rosemary B. King (MBA ’91)

Ploh Group Pte. Ltd.

K&B Fund

Elie W. Maalouf (MBA ’89)

Vice Chair Naresh Kumra (MBA ’99)

67 *

Ichiro Suzuki (MBA ’84) George S. Tahija (MBA ’86)**


P.T. Austindo Nusantara Jaya

InterContinental Hotels Group

Joaquin Rodriguez Torres (MBA ’01)*

Todd R. Marin (MBA ’89)

Princeville Global


Blue Ox Ventures Ltd.

Marcos P. Arruda (MBA ’02)

Lois M. McEntyre (MBA ’95)


General Motors Corp.

James S. Cheng (MBA ’87)**

Rajan J. Mehra (MBA ’93)*

CAV Angels

Nirvana Venture Advisors

Jennifer E. Chick (MBA ’08)*

Agustin Otero Monsegur (MBA ’06)

Hilton Worldwide Inc.

OM Invest

VN Dalmia (MBA ’84)**

Pascal Monteiro de Barros (MBA ’91)

Dalmia Continental Pvt. Ltd.

Stirling Square Capital Partners

Christine H. Davies (MBA ’09)*

Nikhil Nath (MBA ’00)*

Poligage Inc.

NSQ Advisory

Murray R. Deal**

Antonio U. Periquet Jr. (MBA ’90)


Campden Hill Advisors Inc.

Alok Vaish (MBA ’97)* *

Yatra Online Private Ltd.

Jing Vivatrat Golden Gate Capital

Baocheng Yang (MBA ’04) Huanghe Science and Technology College

Jianwei “Jeffery” J. Yao (MBA ’01) Profision Shipping Capital Management Ltd.

Hai Ye (MBA ’04)* McKinsey & Co.

* new board member for FY 2020

** completed service in FY 2019



Your generosity has made the 2019 fiscal year like none other. Your commitment ensures the Darden School of Business will remain the world’s best education experience taught by the best faculty in business education. Your generosity powers purpose. It is transformational. It is unparalleled. For more information on philanthropy at Darden, contact Vice President for Advancement Kara Ramirez Mullins at +1-434-243-0834 or MullinsK@darden.virginia.edu.


Mailing Address P.O. Box 7726 Charlottesville, Virginia 22906-7726 USA Physical Address 100 Darden Boulevard Charlottesville, Virginia 22903 USA +1-434-297-6371 darden.virginia.edu

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