Dear Classmates, Since graduation, we have all done a lot of living and we would like to get some information from you so we can share your whereabouts with everyone. We hope you feel comfortable sharing the life you’ve led as we are eager to see how things turned out for everyone. The answers you provide will be used to create a memory book for our class. The questions are detailed and you need only to answer those you are comfortable with. The more information we have, the better a memory book we can create for everyone. If you have any questions, please contact me at Name (include maiden)_________________________________________ Address _________________________________________ City, State, Zip_________________________________________ Phone_________________________________________ E-‐mail Address _________________________________________ Personal Update What have you been up to since graduation? What are your hobbies? What do you end up doing in your spare time? Where do you currently live? How long have you lived there? What is your occupation? Family Update Are You Married? Spouse/Significant other’s Name? What do they do? Do You Have Children? Names/ages? Grade in school or occupation?
Do you have Grandchildren? Ages? Please share an update on your parents? Any interesting things you would like to mention about your family? School Memories You Would Like To Share What was the dumbest thing you did in high school? Favorite song in High School? What is your most vivid memory from your years at school? What was the funniest moment? Who was your favorite teacher? Is there anything you would like to share that we have not mentioned? If you are not able to attend, do you have any comments you would like to pass on to your classmates? Thank you for taking the time to fill this out. It will help to make our reunion more meaningful. I hope to see you in July! Pati Shelden Fried